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What is a best friend like?

thank u all for answering, i had a best friend before, we were best friends over 9 years and the right before shoolending she threw me away like i were nothing usefull anymoye. i even started crying but she didnt care cuz she got new friends
Lulu_Kururugi posted over a year ago
 Lulu_Kururugi posted over a year ago
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Immortal42 said:
I think it's different for everyone.
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posted over a year ago 
yeah i think so 2
dainel56 posted over a year ago
so true:)
elmo123456789 posted over a year ago
TwinsTwin said:
A bitch.
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posted over a year ago 
u need both a a life and a DICTIONARY!
shadowlover3000 posted over a year ago
@shadowlover3000, That's nice. *sarcasm* But yea, I agree friends can be bitchy..@TwinsTwin
wolfgirl985 posted over a year ago
Its true, best friends arent always the best...
CrazyForKT posted over a year ago
Chewfjkd said:
Why do you ask ? To me well all of mine hav been backstabbers
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posted over a year ago 
Johnny1982 posted over a year ago
Sandfire_Paiger said:
Tell everything too. Who will stick with you no matter what. Who understands almost everything. Who wont try to change you. Knows what to say. Is one of the most random people I know!
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posted over a year ago 
alismouha said:
No fuckin' clue.
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posted over a year ago 
watchamaging said:
My best friend is caring, never treats me bad, is always on my side, supports me, and sometimes annoying in a good way
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posted over a year ago 
ur lucky that u have a best fried
Lulu_Kururugi posted over a year ago
:( sad face u
watchamaging posted over a year ago
my best friend threw me away like i was trash and nothing else
Lulu_Kururugi posted over a year ago
shadowlover3000 said:
a best friend is some1 who is always at ur side, morne u at ur death, trustworthy and treats u like a brother/sister, and some1 u can trust and always no, dead or not, that they r there rite by ur side til the very end
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a best friend is some1 who is always at ur side, morne u at ur death, trustworthy and treats u like a brother/sister, and some1 u can trust and always no, dead or not, that they r there rite by ur side til the very end
posted over a year ago 
wolfgirl985 said:
:( They're all memories now....But to answer your question..

My best friend, Zach, was like a brother to me. He worried, and cared about me. When I cried, he'd listen to what was wrong and try calming me down. He was there for me, like I was to him. If someone messed with him, I backed him up, like he did the same for me..
But since I moved last year, (In August), he threw me outta his life. He don't wanna hear or talk to me. I wish I could've gone to school the week I was packing, but I didn't. I regret it... x'(
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posted over a year ago 
XxEmolovexX said:
<- has no friends irl becuz they all ditched me when i went homescool : \
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posted over a year ago 
KateKicksAss said:
Someone who would politely tell you how ridiculous this question is, therefore saving you from embarrassment.
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posted over a year ago 
PaisleyPark said:
Best friends don't exist.

No matter what anyone promises you, no one is ALWAYS going to be there.
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posted over a year ago 
thats just your opinion, if theres no one for you, that doesnt mean theres not gonna be someone for another person
laura071197 posted over a year ago
Have fun learning that lesson the hard way.
PaisleyPark posted over a year ago
POPclogger216 said:
It's pretty much impossible to describe what a best friend is like. They're different for everyone. They may be someone who always make you laugh, someone you can go to in need of advice, or the little Golden Labrador Puppy waiting at the front door for you when you get home.
Whoever or whatever they are, no matter what's happening, whether it's a divorce in the family to waiting for the new book release, they'll be there for you. And you'll be there for them. No matter what.
That's my thought on what a best friend is like. There isn't a true-for-all definition of one.
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posted over a year ago 
NomyCake said:
A best friend is someone who you can trust and rely on, and someone who doesn't put you down. But yet someone that you can banter around with without getting hurt.
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posted over a year ago 
Johnny1982 said:
Unfortunately They're like oil and water
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posted over a year ago 
someone_save_me said:
No idea.
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posted over a year ago 
ros59 said:
A best friend is someone who can understand if you are mad,sad or happy by just looking at you.They can comfort you in ways your other friends can't.They know the song that plays in your heart,and sing it back to you word by word,without getting a single word wrong.They know everything about you.They don't focus on you flaws,they focus on the person behind those flaws,that others can't see.They know how to cheer you up.They know how to make you laugh.They encourage you.But mostly,their always by your side and will always stand up for you.
The fallowing are my BFFL's in real life,and are all the above,these are their usernames on here:
You all rule!!!^^^^
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posted over a year ago 
LUV_4_BIEBER said:
A friend would help you up after you tripped.

A best friend would laugh and call you a dumbass.
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posted over a year ago 
candlefairy_13 said:
A best friend. I think everyone else here has their way of defining what a best friend is. All I know is it's a person that we are talking about right now.
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posted over a year ago 
yukikiyruu said:
a best friend is like a friend a person who cares about you....and i don,t have a list that how is my best friend is just best friend for me
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posted over a year ago 
zomeister said:
Mine is all the opposite of me. He completes me.
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posted over a year ago 
tinaloo said:
a best freind is like your brother and sisster wichever gender it is but you will have your momments
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posted over a year ago 
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