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You are in the shower,You hear noises of what seems to be the typical distinctive sound of a serial killer,What is your move?

 alismouha posted over a year ago
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AaaaaGirlygirl said:
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posted over a year ago 
zutaradragon posted over a year ago
Lol, best!
xoPixie-Popxo posted over a year ago
best answer ...i was gonna write that xD except for the 'unless u r hot' thingie lol
jamahl17 posted over a year ago
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someone_save_me said:
Pull the curtain rod out of the fucking wall and scream "I'VE GOT A WEAPON AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!" and of course swing it around wildly whilst screaming like a mad woman.
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posted over a year ago 
lolllll I don't know how I'm going to beat that! XD
MelBelle2 posted over a year ago
madening_mahem posted over a year ago
RobinFan360 said:
pull out my justin beiber(then he would SURELY run away crying!)
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pull out my justin beiber(then he would SURELY run away crying!)
posted over a year ago 
was it really bcs of dentist?? XD
jamahl17 posted over a year ago
POPclogger216 said:
I would either:

1. Grab eiter the shampoo or something I can easily squirt in their eyes, then grab their weapon and use it against them.
2. Walk off the movie screen and freak out all the people who went to a movie that wasn't 3D (Mwuahahahaha!).
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posted over a year ago 
madening_mahem posted over a year ago
Goldilottes said:
I really don't know what I'd do in that situation because it involves too many life-or-death decisions to make instantly.

..Like whether I should take the empty seat or one of the occupied ones.
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I really don't know what I'd do in that situation because it involves too many life-or-death decisions to make instantly.

..Like whether I should take the empty seat or one of the occupied ones.
posted over a year ago 
lol nice pic
Angelus_Mortis posted over a year ago
CornChips said:
Put on my robe, grab some roach spray, and go crazy on the jerk.
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posted over a year ago 
ros59 posted over a year ago
watchamaging said:
I would grab a towel then the thing on top of the toilet and hit him until he's dead
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posted over a year ago 
ros59 posted over a year ago
im a very violent kid and thats wat i like about me
watchamaging posted over a year ago
coolie said:
I would say, "Are u gay or somethin? Why are u sneaking up on me in the shower! *mumbles to myself* Pervert...
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posted over a year ago 
madening_mahem said:
Easy, grab a phone, jump out a window and call the police. AND if you have none of these things, well then I guess your screwed unless you have a neighbor but then again he could come after them.

but I don't care 'cuz I got SHINee fever!
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posted over a year ago 
what does shinee have to do with this? Unless u r gonna borrow those wings lol
jamahl17 posted over a year ago
MelBelle2 said:
I honestly don't know what I would do, I'd probably be thinking, "girl you've been watching way too much Criminal Minds" XD
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posted over a year ago 
you watch that too?!
madening_mahem posted over a year ago
Yep LOVE that show. XD
MelBelle2 posted over a year ago
Lolly4me2 said:
Attempt to drown myself, fail because I realize I'm in the shower, then sit curled up at the bottom of the tub and weep.
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posted over a year ago 
madening_mahem posted over a year ago
I'd rather die by inhaling excessive amounts of water than being brutally torn to shreds, shot in the mouth, or beaten senseless with a fucking steel pipe, thats why.
Lolly4me2 posted over a year ago
there is a shotgun my dad haz u could borrow
shadowcharmer posted over a year ago
xD Thank you.
Lolly4me2 posted over a year ago
justleeelee said:
yell "I AIN'T AFRAID OF NO GHOST!" because that's automatically what i would assume it would be.
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posted over a year ago 
ros59 posted over a year ago
SHYBOY88 said:
this is not hard to solve i can use some self defense i learned from a few youtube videos so most likely i would probably disarm his weapon and use it against him or i can disarm his weapon and knock him out by hitting one of his nerves.
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posted over a year ago 
i am not really a fighter but in this case i have no choice.
SHYBOY88 posted over a year ago
adultswimperson said:
Pull the mirror off the wall and swing it like a maniac.
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posted over a year ago 
ros59 posted over a year ago
@rose59, I know right? I'd be scared and excited at the same time facing a killer.
adultswimperson posted over a year ago
i'd get my dad's shotgun >:)
shadowcharmer posted over a year ago
Princess_Vivi said:
If the serial killer was hot I'll distract him!! I really dont know!!
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posted over a year ago 
narlyvamp1234 said:
well, if you see a figure through the shower curtain, let me know and i will go grab my pepper spray.
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posted over a year ago 
zutaradragon said:
run out with an ax and say in a deep, devil voice...
"I've been waitting 4 u, where have u been!?" with a creepy face as i watch him slowly walk back 2 the door and leave.
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posted over a year ago 
nymph_tonks said:
LYSOL!!!!!!!!!!!! its almost as good as pepper spray.
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posted over a year ago 
ros59 said:
I turn off the water,wrap myself in a towel lock the door,and turn off the light and fan,grab the nail polish remover,my moms razor,and my body wash,then hide.
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posted over a year ago 
MrOrange16 said:
Tell the director how cliche that is.
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posted over a year ago 
That's the answer I was looking for.
alismouha posted over a year ago
You win
GoldnSnitch_96 posted over a year ago
lolibarbie said:
Take the scissors I keep in my bathroom and ATTACK! >:D
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posted over a year ago 
give him a hairecut of DOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shadowcharmer posted over a year ago
@shadowcharmer: that would be badass lol
jamahl17 posted over a year ago
flanery said:
say "alright who let sam's bro in while i was in the shower- no who let him in here at all? we dont like him."
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posted over a year ago 
Angelus_Mortis said:
Grab a gun, hold it sideways and go all GANGSTA on him. lolz jk idk what i would do...
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posted over a year ago 
GANGSTA!!!!!!!!!! >:D
shadowcharmer posted over a year ago
froslass101 said:
i would say hey shmexy you look like you need a hug come in here and take a bath with me

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posted over a year ago 
shadowcharmer posted over a year ago
TDIlover226 said:
That actually describes pretty much every shower that I've ever taken.
I'd do what I always do when I'm scared in the shower.
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posted over a year ago 
Sandfire_Paiger said:
Grab the body soap and put it on a wash cloth. Put the shower curtain up in front of the door. Grab my dads electric razor. Hide in the dryer. Wait. o_O
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posted over a year ago 
Honestly though, I'd be parilized with fear. I can't make split-second disicions like that.
Sandfire_Paiger posted over a year ago
my dad has a gun in his room u could borrow
shadowcharmer posted over a year ago
Lovehinagurl44 said:
Put a towel on,spray the psycho with pepper spray,break a mirror on his face,smash his face in with a hammer,then when he's knocked out throw him near a wild animal...XD
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posted over a year ago 
O_O....*slowly backs away*
GoldnSnitch_96 posted over a year ago
Lol I know it's a very crazy answer,but I wasn't serious.
Lovehinagurl44 posted over a year ago
<3 pepper spray
shadowcharmer posted over a year ago
o_OULookWeird said:
Nothing. And after i'm done "Hi wanna be best friends!? :D" (Killer shoots me)
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posted over a year ago 
redshortee said:
I,ll get out of the shower, put on my towel/robe thing heading to my room. Sit on my spinning chair and wait for him to come in.I'll turn around while petting my stuffed cow (yes, stuffed cow) and say, "I've been expecting you"!!
But heck! im just a girl XD what do i know about serial killers??
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posted over a year ago 
darkkhorn19 said:
Grab my dick and say "I'VE GOT A SMALL WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION!" like I do every time that happens to me.
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posted over a year ago 
Schnusch said:
Either: scream for my fiancé equipping myself with something that looks weaponish enough, waiting for the intruder to come in and throw it at him realizing afterwards I knocked my fiancé out.


Just freeze and die.
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posted over a year ago 
GoldnSnitch_96 said:
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posted over a year ago 
Lunalovely said:
Put on my robe,throw the febreeze spray can at the mirror to break it,grab a shard to use as a weapon, grab the scissors from the cabinet and stab whatever i see that moves
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posted over a year ago 
dustfinger said:
Put on clothes. I don't want the killer to kill me naked.
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posted over a year ago 
Chaann94 said:
"MOM! I'm in the shower! I'll call you when the bathroom is free! >:C"
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posted over a year ago 
shadowcharmer said:
get out, get dressed, get a missile launcher, and the go KABOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or: get out, get dressed, gets a flametrower, and they r dead naow ^_^
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get out, get dressed, get a missile launcher, and the go KABOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or: get out, get dressed, gets a flametrower, and they r dead naow ^_^
posted over a year ago 
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