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If you don't believe in god than who created us???

I think about this everyday:/ and I wanna know.
god did other answer
hahahahahahaha posted over a year ago
there is a god
siory posted over a year ago
God did no other answer fits better!
suzyisbrute posted over a year ago
god did. Evolution and the big bang theory are BS in my opinion
thejokercard posted over a year ago
 AlexMaxBand posted over a year ago
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IHWTA said:
We were all manufactured in China.
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posted over a year ago 
This just made my day....
LostGhost posted over a year ago
hahahaha best answer :D
Cantwait4book5 posted over a year ago
Wolfdreamer9 posted over a year ago
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r-pattz said:

Big Bang --> planets, stars, gases etc. --> little one celled organisms
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posted over a year ago 
Pretty much this.
VampiresRevenge posted over a year ago
Hiding 86 comments...
@mylittlemeoldy: And creationism (which is also just a theory) is less ridiculous? Making something out of nothing (which absolutely defies the laws of nature) is plausible, but moving mass that is already there is not? Also, this has nothing to do with happiness, silly girl. @haha...: Fail much? @MrOrange: Thanks.
r-pattz posted over a year ago
rpattz is right. science has proven evolution! GO SCIENCE!
Claudia4599 posted over a year ago
iamagagamonster said:
My parents created me
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
then their parents created them
and so on until the big bang stuff happens
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posted over a year ago 
r-pattz posted over a year ago
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
hahaha go go go!
courtster769 posted over a year ago
taismo723 said:
Your mom.
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posted over a year ago 
thats rude......
teamalecdemetri posted over a year ago
No I mean who created the first human being ?
AlexMaxBand posted over a year ago
Jacoblackswife posted over a year ago
@ teamalec wow thats all u worry about.. is it being rude. anyways... v.b.a PWNED!
iamagagamonster posted over a year ago
thetacoman said:
Well, "Scientists" say that a small speck in the middle of the Universe went 'splodey, and created "matter" that made "minerals" and stuff, and from those LIFELESS things called "matter", a tiny....thingy was formed and started to live and stuff. THEN somehow, the tiny thingy turned into a tiny fish, which turned into a tiny reptile, which turned into a CHIMP which became a "neanderthal" which turned into a "man". Also, apparently, religious people are just optimists that have to have a happy thought (eg Heaven) to deal with life. Soon, however, the sun is gonna go 'splodey and we're all gonna die. You know, "Scientist" is just another name for "Know-it-all" Except they very obviously DO NOT know everything.
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posted over a year ago 
Well yes, that's why they're THEORIES, not knowledge.
r-pattz posted over a year ago
Ah, yes. Theroies. Or just wild guesses. It depends how you look at it.
thetacoman posted over a year ago
What the fuck? Are you trying to describe the evolution of some weird bashing way? Not cool. -.-
Darkshine posted over a year ago
goodfeelings777 said:
Everyone thinks different things my friend...
My cousin thinks that a big purple unicorn created her..
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posted over a year ago 
Wow. Fantasy World Much?
MasterRed posted over a year ago
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
I wanna live in her fantasy world.
BeautysOverated posted over a year ago
xxXsk8trXxx said:
Evolution. We were monkeys, remember?
I was even taught this by my (not so)religious parents...
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posted over a year ago 
And who did create those monkeys who we were?!
ShiningsTar542 posted over a year ago
We were aomebas, and those aombeas evolved in to larger creatures.
xxXsk8trXxx posted over a year ago
I know that. We were strange hairy monkey-like things. I still like to call it monkeys.
xxXsk8trXxx posted over a year ago
Hidden said:
Some strange, unknown source, anything is possible, perhaps aliens did or something out in our vast, endless universe...anything. I don't believe in the "God created us theory" I don't believe in religion or any of that bullshit, I'm atheist.
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posted over a year ago 
lloonny said:
i belive in GOD and he created us
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posted over a year ago 
I believe in LEPRECHAUNS. But there's no way leprechauns created us.
Darkshine posted over a year ago
Darkshine: WIN
mylittlemelody posted over a year ago
hahahahahahaha posted over a year ago
Insane4ever said:
Pssst il tell you but keep it a secret.......I DID!!!!!!.....damn this weed is good
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posted over a year ago 
Tamar20 posted over a year ago
Cantwait4book5 posted over a year ago
ChocolatyPuff said:
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posted over a year ago 
New_Moon_Master posted over a year ago
sarabeara said:
LMAO. Do you really think any human being knows the meaning of life and/or how the world started? Really?
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah I quess you're right ,people will know that only when they die:)
AlexMaxBand posted over a year ago
Very true :) Let's just hope there is something that exists after death.
sarabeara posted over a year ago
People are stupid. Everyone thinks they know everything. For example, I believe that I know the answer is God, because that's the only thing that makes sense, but other people...I don't really know how they got to that conclusion actually...--.--
New_Moon_Master posted over a year ago
Well said New Moon!
mylittlemelody posted over a year ago
MasterOfFear said:
Prometheus, Odin, Ra, Brahma, Izanagi, Ulgan, Changing woman, Raven, Itzamna, Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, it could be anyone.
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posted over a year ago 
demonthief said:
fyi, i don't know what i believe in but if i did know, i would say...
we began with all the gases making the big bang theory, then dinosaurs got struck by a meteor which started an ice age, then people may have came from... idk maybe monkeys after the ice age. learning 2 walk on 2 feet and talk, etc.
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posted over a year ago 
nymph_tonks said:
your face.
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posted over a year ago 
My face?!
AlexMaxBand posted over a year ago
No, I think she was referring to my face actually. Sorry AlexMaxBand. lol
New_Moon_Master posted over a year ago
No, I was referring to your mom.
nymph_tonks posted over a year ago
tellymaster said:
God did create us, actually. If you don't believe this, than the answer you're looking for is evolution.
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posted over a year ago 
YES! That is the truth!
thetacoman posted over a year ago
*What you believe to be the truth.
r-pattz posted over a year ago
People can have different opinions all they want. There is no 'different truth for everybody' like new-agers think. The truth will be the truth whether you believe it or not.
New_Moon_Master posted over a year ago
KateKicksAss said:
It's called evolution. Not to mention the Big Bang.

There has never been any proof as to the existence of any god, or of heaven or hell.
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posted over a year ago 
Claudia4599 posted over a year ago
NomyCake said:
They all came from Jason Leeks. He's God. (The logic of the universe has sprung a Leek.)
Lawl, inside joke.

But in all unfortunate seriousness.
Humans don't know. We may never know. There are so many different ideas out there that not a single one can be true on it's own. I don't really think we should spend so much time pondering it when we can spend our lives with something more... productive. Though it would be interesting to know and would help us better understand everything and anything, I don't think it's possible TO know. I personally think that it's something either really smart and tricky that we'll never know or it's something really simple and stupid that we should be able to guess but can't because it's too dumb and obvious.... If any of what I said makes any sense... and if anything I said really answers this question...
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posted over a year ago 
LostGhost said:
Tom Cruise created us.
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posted over a year ago 
lol i thought it was ozzy ousborne
demonthief posted over a year ago
What? D:
RoohWinchester posted over a year ago
ssolanki said:
my mom dad create me
or may be according to science cells create me
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posted over a year ago 
Manana2 said:

That one is easy.

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posted over a year ago 
Darkshine said:
Read this, for freaking sake:
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posted over a year ago 
greatfanofdemi said:
i believe that god created us
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posted over a year ago 
me to!
suzyisbrute posted over a year ago
Sheetal1256 said:
Well i totally believe in god!and our parents created us!this is cycle!hehehe!:p
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posted over a year ago 
GigglesLugo said:
i will always believe in god no matter what
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posted over a year ago 
me to!
suzyisbrute posted over a year ago
sweetangel222 said:
do you think that nature created us!!!?
so why do we die and we can't live again and why don't we know when we die? what about Jesus and his mother who created them?
I believe in and love god and proud of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Jesus is the creator. He, being God, allowed himself to be born as a child of Mary.
dreamfields posted over a year ago
sorry according to me Jesus is A prophet and I respect that!!!
sweetangel222 posted over a year ago
I was taught Jesus was God's son, born of Mary. But yet I still find it hard to believe there is a God. (just my beliefs don't judge)
1-2vampire posted over a year ago
dreamfields said:
By scanning through the answers, it seems to boil down to two sides.
The big bang and evoltion lead to life as we know it. That would assume that some kind of matter as always existed.
The other is that God created us.
I would think it would take more faith to believe that matter existed by itself and then without an outside influence evolved into the big bang, planets and life. Life from lifelessness. Order from chaos?
I put my faith that my eternal God chose to create everything. There is order to the universe that does not seem feasable to result from pure chance. Beyond that I believe that God is the one and only God of the Bible.
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posted over a year ago 
laura44 said:
The Goddess made us all and eventually we will return to her :)
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posted over a year ago 
Monsterosity101 said:
This is my opinion, you may not believe it, but it doesn't matter, all religions and people think diffrent. First of all, i dont believe the Big Bang Theory, I believe the universe was created in 7 days, not 7 seconds. And the monkeys, Yes, they are alike to us, and Yes, we did find bones that are alike to us today. But God needed a plan to make humans, I guess he used the ablities of Aps and Monkeys to create us. And the bones, they were porbably his first creation of us. And it changed over the years....not very sure on that one. But, no one has real PROOF the sientist have all this evience, but the dont know the REAL truth. The only thing that acutally tells Christianity people the past is the Holy Bible, it was writted by Jesus's followers, they are also known for starting Christianity. And Heaven and Hell, some people dont think it exsist, but have you ever died before? Well, people have, and some have even seen Heaven, and I doubt ALL of them are lying to us. Anyways, it doesn't matter what you think, all religions around the world have diffrent thoughts on how we were created. But I believe our Father in Heaven did, and I dont care what you think. We all think diffrent. And no human knows the excact truth, you will find the answer after you die proably.
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posted over a year ago 
mylittlemelody posted over a year ago
God rules...literally!
suzyisbrute posted over a year ago
yes, yes he does.
Monsterosity101 posted over a year ago
agreed my friend
thejokercard posted over a year ago
cleo-mermaid said:
NO DETAILS! mom and dad
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posted over a year ago 
MissKnowItAll said:
There doesn't need to be order, or reason or method in the Universe. One of the reasons religion is so popular is because people are afraid to look at themselves and the world and have to realise that there is no reason.

The way I see it, we came from chaos, we live in chaos and after we die, there will be no heaven or hell, just more chaos.

As for who created us? Well, dumb luck I guess. It's like when you're faced with a choice, and years later you look back and say 'what if...?' The Universe is made of random coices spiralling outwards, and we like to think we can know and predict, but we never really will.
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posted over a year ago 
Tamar20 said:
God did, just deal with it :)
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posted over a year ago 
oh yeah!
suzyisbrute posted over a year ago
suzyisbrute said:
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posted over a year ago 
Then where did God come from?
MrOrange16 posted over a year ago
He was always there easy!
suzyisbrute posted over a year ago
swiddlewiddle said:
I'd tell ya but I don't want to ruin your childhood!
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posted over a year ago 
invaderlin123 said:
WERE ALL A BUNCH OF ROBOTS MADE BY JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!! 0_0 freaky huh?
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posted over a year ago 
Claudia4599 said:
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posted over a year ago 
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