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In your opinion...

With drawing and writing, which is harder and which is more fun?

My sister (once a writer) and i used to get into arguments over it. She says that writing is more difficult, but i disagreed.

I think they both have their difficulties and can both be fun, but i still think that drawing might be harder and more fun.
Art is more reliant on visual opinion. You can't just look at writing and tell it's awful. And if a book is baldy written, it can still be popular, but the same can't be said for a drawing.
yeah, that's true.
15blondCurtis posted over a year ago
 MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
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Diasasis said:
For me personally writting is harder and more fun. I've been interested, and good at, both but writing I think can prove to be more time consuming because of all the ideas that go into it. With drawing there is a picture in your head that you transfer to paper, and while sometimes trying you can usually walk away from it and come back later. With writing this is less the case because often if you don't put your words just so, they can take on a new meaning or lose power. It also is the process of transfering an image in your mind onto paper but you have to describe in detail that image and a series of other images in a way that they flow together seemlessly. That's just the way I see it anyway.
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posted over a year ago 
Transferring an image to paper usuing pencils and colors can be very difficult, but i see your point.
MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
ya, they both can be difficult, I just find writing to be more so, though that might just mean I'm a better artist than I am a writer
Diasasis posted over a year ago
soffi said:
Actually I think they are both equally difficult but more than "difficult" they have a level of difficulty u know.....but it depends it like..for someone that can write, painting may be just as..for someone than can paint, writting a story may be really depends on which is your habilityit not like .. yeha painting is easier or writting is more difficult, it can change for every person
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posted over a year ago 
samuraibond005 said:
I find both to be fun.
Drawing takes some working at.
Coming up with stories comes naturally to me, though putting it in words is a little harder.
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posted over a year ago 
galindafied said:
I find writing more fun, drawing is more difficult, it depends what I'm writing or drawing :)
Basically everything is art, but people have different ideas on what art is
For me I can never get drawings the way I want them, and that's why it's difficult (my friends say I'm good but i disagree)
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posted over a year ago 
Drawing is hard. You sort of make me wish i had some writing ability.
MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
Blackbirdy said:
I think that it really depends on the person.
You can't exactly determine what's hard and what's not because everyone has something different to say about that.

I think drawing is harder but that's because I suck at it and that writing is super easy for me.
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posted over a year ago 
coolkatstar said:
I love to write perhaps drawing is difficult :)
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posted over a year ago 
LinaHarrow said:
Both are certainly difficult and enjoyable.

As for me though, I think that drawing is definitely harder. It looks so simple, you see an object and think Oh, well all I need to do is draw a curved line here and here and here, and a straight line there and there and there, and this shape here and that shape there. but when I go to make those shapes and lines, it doesn't turn out so hot. I love to draw, but I think it isn't as fun as writing.

Writing, I find (lol), is easier. I don't know if it's because I think in book language, like to use adjectives, or read so much, but for some reason I think writing is both easier and more fun to do.
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posted over a year ago 
storylover said:
look at what you tending to everything is hard if you don't walk any step to it
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posted over a year ago 
yeah, preach it!
15blondCurtis posted over a year ago
15blondCurtis said:
i've never been to art class nor writting class, no-one has ever taught me (i learned and started drawing at 6)... but to me? drawing is easier AND more fun. when i write, the words all go up. (epic fail)... BUT here's a picture of me... i drawed it (of course). sorry bad quality, (blame my yellow room light and dsi). but what do you think? good? bad? okay? what?

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i've never been to art class nor writting class, no-one has ever taught me (i learned and started drawing at 6)... but to me? drawing is easier AND more fun. when i write, the words all go up. (epic fail)... BUT here's a picture of me... i drawed it (of course). sorry bad quality, (blame my yellow room light and dsi). but what do you think? good? bad? okay? what?

posted over a year ago 
I've been drawing all my life too, and i think drawing is more fun, but harder. You ever hear the saying "Anyone can write a novel"?
MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
ssolanki said:
i am good in both writing and painting i won two 0r three competetions in school
it is easy for me to say that both are easy(please don,t think that i am prasing myself)
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posted over a year ago 
Which would you say is more fun to do?
MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
demonthief said:
drawing is a little harder but fun. u visualize what u c in the book and then u could draw it. but u could come up with hundreds, maybe even thousands of diffrent versions. while the writer had 1 version in their mind. (srry if it doesn't make sense)
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posted over a year ago 
I know! Drawing a correct image of a book character is probably harder than writing and normal drawing!
MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
ikr? i've came up with THOUSANDS of diffrent versions of ppl
demonthief posted over a year ago
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