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What was your WORST experience with your nemesis (or just someone who makes you mad)?

I have one.....but I am afraid of sharing it because I think he's on here.
so what if he is? he doesnt know its u.
demonthief posted over a year ago
No. I (stupidly) told everyone at my table my username
thetacoman posted over a year ago
And he calls me weak (he's like 89 pounds) that he can beat me up (I beat him in wrestling in like 2 mins)
thetacoman posted over a year ago
 thetacoman posted over a year ago
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demonthief said:
when she pushed me down the stairs... lets just say after i was done with her, she needed A LOT of bandages.
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posted over a year ago 
O-0 that's a lot worse than mine
thetacoman posted over a year ago
XxEmolovexX said:
which ones?
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posted over a year ago 
annasebastian said:
she always call me ugly and now she have very ugly face bcoz she had an accident...
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posted over a year ago 
I hates those people.
thetacoman posted over a year ago
abbie_lelouch said:
after i slapped her face she just cried and cried
because people think that she's an angel they got angry at me and i was sent to detention XD.. (it happened in school)
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posted over a year ago 
I WISH I could break the rules like that...
thetacoman posted over a year ago
i_love_music said:
When she gave me a mop in the head.And that was with sand and grass.
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posted over a year ago 
I would slap her. If MY nemesis did that....
thetacoman posted over a year ago
No, is my mortal enemy...I have no brothers and sisters..
i_love_music posted over a year ago
A nemesis IS a mortal enemy
thetacoman posted over a year ago
JStewartFan said:
I don't have a nemesis now but when i was little there was a kid in my class that hated me,maybe because i was shy and awkward? who cares
well in one occasion this kid comes to me and he just stares at me and then he said in a very serius tone "I feel sorry for you,you're a freak" and i was like what? he made me feel like nothing,just the way he look at me,like a piece of crap.To this day i have no idea why he hated me so much
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posted over a year ago 
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