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I startes cuting myself....

I don't know what i should do i feel like i have to and sometimes i just wish i could just kill myself
plz help :'(
 invadercalliope posted over a year ago
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thespikedturtle said:
There's nothing we can do for you. You don't need that blade, all it's going to do is hurt you, and hurt everybody else. It's perfectly normal to get a bit suicidal every once in a while, I've even cut myself before. But trust me, that is a road you do not want to go down.

As a side note, you need a friend to talk about this too. Otherwise you're just going to keep this to yourself, and it's not going to go anywhere. If you want me to, I'll be here for you :)
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posted over a year ago 
*Best answer*
CourtneyFan17 posted over a year ago
:O Bad Spiky!!!
RapQueen111 posted over a year ago
Wow, greatest answer ever.. Your an awesome person thespikedturtle..
Farrahfanatical posted over a year ago
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Velvin said:
Don't cut yourself. I've cut myself before, and I do admit it releases the pain. It's still not worth it. Skin is beautiful, and there's no need to just ruin it with cutting.

Killing yourself won't solve anything. There's no turn around. Once you kill yourself, it's done, over with.

As my psychiatrist told me, if at all, kill yourself tomorrow, because tomorrow will be today, there'll never be a tomorrow.

Please don't tell anyone you are worthless, useless, or a terrible person to this world. Everyone is worth something to this world. Trust me. I have a friend I met a little while ago and she told me she thinks she's worthless, but... she saved my life, so she's there for something.

I used to think like you, but I realized, I'm here for my mother and my father and for my writing skills. Just think about what you're here for, and what pain you'd put your family into.

Please don't kill yourself, honey. :(

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posted over a year ago 
Great answer!
thespikedturtle posted over a year ago
Very nice answer.
Mongoose09 posted over a year ago
Great answer.
x-menobsessed26 posted over a year ago
HeyItsMe8137 said:
Well most people who cut themselves use it as a method to cope with a obstacle or problem that they think is impossible to solve. First, try to figure out what motivates you to cut yourself like overwelming emotions etc. Second, you should really talk to someone that can help you sort out your emotions.(If you ever need anyone to talk online, I am avalible) Always have hope and don't give up on yourself. I'm sure your family cares about you a lot and doesn't want any harm to come to you.
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posted over a year ago 
JadeEyes said:
you need to call 911 next time you get the urge to cut or kill yourself, because something is clearly wrong with you, im not being mean. i was going through the same thing myself a few months ago, and i found out that there was something much more than depression causing me to feel so bad. even if youre scared of spending time in the hospital for this, you need to tell someone about this!
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posted over a year ago 
Sometimes it is just depression. It is nothing to go to the hospital for, all you truly need are some friends.
thespikedturtle posted over a year ago
If it gets bad enough, there does need to be a hospital involved.
Velvin posted over a year ago
Exactly. Depression is NOTHING that needs to be ignored or taken lightly. Depression is a SERIOUS thing and needs to be treated.
jussmile247 posted over a year ago
zombiestars said:
Plz don't I hate when ppl say that it scares me too death. Find something else that gets u distracted like music or knitting or reading. Do something plz for ur family for u it future plz:(
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posted over a year ago 
Tell ur parents if not tell one of ur friends or someone u can trust
zombiestars posted over a year ago
CourtneyFan17 said:
Tell a family member. Preferably a mom or dad or brother or sister or...well you get the point. Cutting is a sad sight to see (in my opinion). People have died from losing too much blood and it leaves scars. It's not good to do. I hope you can get some help :\
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posted over a year ago 
adultswimperson said:
If your cutting yourself it means you attempt to commit suicide.
you should see a therapist to help solve your problems and it will help.
if your family and friends found out about this you can be put in a mental institution for attemted suicide, they would probably think your insane, no offense.
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posted over a year ago 
RandomOne said:
I used to, but bitin my finger gets the same results ;)
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posted over a year ago 
xXSweeneyXx said:
Maybe you should replace that habit with something more beneficial like proper spelling and grammar.
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posted over a year ago 
That could help too! Our society needs it! =D
x-menobsessed26 posted over a year ago
Mhm! (:
xXSweeneyXx posted over a year ago
x-menobsessed26 said:
The best answer I can give is to find another release. If you're so into cutting like someone else I used to know, that usually constitues passion for the cutting. Find something else you have an interest in, and put your heart and soul into that. I found a love for writing. I used to try and kill myself all the time, but now I got into writing and my passion for knowledge of certain things (like the X-men). There's got to be something for you. Do you like music, literature, painting, drawing? Try all kinds of things to find what works best for you, but there's always another alternative to wasting what you have in the present. Like it says in Kung Fu Panda "Yesterday is history, and tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it is called the present." Good luck.
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posted over a year ago 
GigglesLugo said:
watch MMD videos to take your mind off it :p

~the king of AWESOME™
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posted over a year ago 
at least thats what i do when i'm down in da dumps
GigglesLugo posted over a year ago
her voice sounds like a fat person from the '80s
RandomOne posted over a year ago
its not her voice it is sum1 elses lol
GigglesLugo posted over a year ago
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