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Why do you hate Justin Bieber so much?

Let's get this straight-I'm not a fan of JB either,BUT I don't hate him.And I don't understand why do some people hate him so much,that they would like to kill him(see this,read the best answer):
How can you hate someone that you don't even know,you've never seen him(in person),or talked to him,he didn't do anything to you.
You think his music is crap.OK,but is that enough to HATE him? You think he's gay.He's not gay(see the picture below),and even if he was,so what,do you hate every person who is gay?
So,tell me your reasons to hate Justin Bieber.

Why do you hate Justin Bieber so much?
I'm with u on this, Idont like him but Idont hate him either.
I_DONT-KNOW posted over a year ago
I think the same way as you I'm not a fan either, but this hate towards him is simply ridiculous. -_-
User20392 posted over a year ago
 Adriana777 posted over a year ago
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HunnyBunni93 said:
I don't hate him,but neither do I love him. I'm neutral to the whole Justin Bieber fad and if I meant him I'd treat him the same as every other human being! I do admit I have some of his songs on my I-pod,but when it comes to cute/hot/sexyness he's not the definition for me. As I stated earlier, I am neither a hater or a lover,but I do like SOME of his music
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posted over a year ago 
HunnyBunni93 posted over a year ago
Adriana777 posted over a year ago
same here
fillassunshine posted over a year ago
Hot_n_cold said:
I don;t hate him just most of his fans.
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posted over a year ago 
Hot_n_cold posted over a year ago
Hey what bout
cupcake102 posted over a year ago
No! Of course not! Just the really retarded crazed ones.
Hot_n_cold posted over a year ago
RobinFan360 said:
ohhh so many reasons...
1: she's so fugly
2: sounds like a girl
3: he got a girl pregnant
and sooo much more -_-
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ohhh so many reasons...
1: she's so fugly
2: sounds like a girl
3: he got a girl pregnant
and sooo much more -_-
posted over a year ago 
sweet_mistake said:
I don't hate him either .. But he's annoying ;dd
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posted over a year ago 
16falloutboy said:
Well, I do know him, all I know is, he's a bad person, you have to look in someone's eyes to see if they are a good person or a bad person, my mom told me that and she said there's badness is Justin's eyes. And he's the most ugliest guy I had ever seen and he sings like a girl.........RANDOM PIC!!!
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Well, I do know him, all I know is, he's a bad person, you have to look in someone's eyes to see if they are a good person or a bad person, my mom told me that and she said there's badness is Justin's eyes. And he's the most ugliest guy I had ever seen and he sings like a girl.........RANDOM PIC!!!
posted over a year ago 
Wait, you claim to know him just because you've seen his eyes? Prejudice much?
MrOrange16 posted over a year ago
Megan Fox is a slut u should see that movie she came out with and meat coats are bad!!! -_-
16falloutboy posted over a year ago
WOAAAAH BACK UP LADY. Miley Cyrus is bad person? Wtf? How is she a bad person?! She smokes, wears slutty clothes but she didn't bomb America, she didn't organize a rape club, how is she a bad person? i'd like you to explain that :/
iluvllllll posted over a year ago
amymcgourty said:
love him!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
iluvdamo said:
i guess its just because everyone makes such a big deal about him and im just kinda tired of hearing about him
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posted over a year ago 
shyboy77 said:
i don't hate him but i am also not an fan but people probably hate him cause they think he's an bad singer but man he's not that much of an bad singer i mean trust me i heard worse like this song i still don't get it i mean wtf?! lol
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posted over a year ago 
Winxlove said:
I don't hate him.As I said in a comment of a pick for Justin Bieber(everyone who readed it) we don't have a reason to hate him because we don't know him!
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posted over a year ago 
and his voice is not ugly!
Winxlove posted over a year ago
yeah i agree with you
lloonny posted over a year ago
faleminderit :)
Winxlove posted over a year ago
grahamgirl2 said:
I don't hate him; I dislike him. I don't get why so many people love him, he's just an average guy who's dream is to be famous.

My Final Answer: He doesn't have much talent.
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posted over a year ago 
He is famous, you know. Dream achieved.
r-pattz posted over a year ago
grahamgirl2 posted over a year ago
r-pattz posted over a year ago
Right, and that's reason to hate someone? I'm sure you have friends who aren't particularly talented, and do you hate them. He's happy, leave him be. Plus, I personally think that he is talented,
EmzLovesCheryl posted over a year ago
hellomia said:
I hate him!Yeah i said it!
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posted over a year ago 
The question was "why."
r-pattz posted over a year ago
r-pattz you're legendary :D
Adriana777 posted over a year ago
Wow. Going back to the part were you said you hate him because he's ugly. *about to explode* Have people ever thought about the INSIDE!!! God! Why the fuck are people hating and judging people because of how they look?! Thats just stupid! I'm sick of asking people why do looks matter. :| Iv'e probably asked that question about a million times in my life.
Hot_n_cold posted over a year ago
Lol_Cat101 said:
He dumped his GirlFriend ova the phone!
Now thats just slack!
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posted over a year ago 
And may i ask how you found that out? Don't believe everything you read.
EmzLovesCheryl posted over a year ago
Radio, it was in an interview he did
Lol_Cat101 posted over a year ago
its true trust me
Lol_Cat101 posted over a year ago
larouxbestfan said:
People SERIOUSLY need to get over him just because you hate him doesn't mean he's gonna leave! I mean i don't like him but you guys REALLY need to stop it! it really hurts him and i dont have to meet him to know that he is and forever will be genuinely hurt by so many AWFUL comments that SO MANY people have said about him. try to see how it would be like to walk in his shoes you would be genuinely hurt forever too! and think of his fans! Think of how bad they feel seeing someone they ADORE being insulted and treated like crap for the way he sounds or looks!
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posted over a year ago 
EmzLovesCheryl said:
I agree with you.

I think the reason people hate him is because people think he's over-rated, and people get annoyed by his obsessed fans. But still, it's not his fault, he just appeals to teenage girls.

I'm not a big fan of his at all, but I do actually like the guy. I think he comes across as very cocky at times, but I do think that he's a sweet guy, plus a great singer. I like his music!

I just wish people wouldn't threaten celebrities in general. Yes, you're allowed to not like someone, but you've never met them, and you shouldn't wish death upon ANYONE anyway, even if that person has made your life a misery.

I just wish that poeple would leave Justin alone. He hasn't done anything to harm anyone, and he's happy, so can't you just let him live his dream? He seems to be a nice guy, so just leave him in peace and don't spend your time hating on people you've never met.
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posted over a year ago 
That's right!
Adriana777 posted over a year ago
sapherequeen said:
Because people are extremely superficial (I say that in the kindest way).
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posted over a year ago 
Snugglebum said:
cuz in every video ive seen of him in "reality" hes behaved like a spoiled brat.but then again, my feelings for him parallel my feelings toward humanity as a whole, so fans needn't feel offended.
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posted over a year ago 
ellie_bellie135 said:
I've finally figured out that I don't hate him. I thin his tunes are catchy and I think he is a tool, but what REEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAALLY gets up my goat is all the fangirls. And just as bad as that are the haters. And Haters: I know your reading this now so here - GET OVER YOURSELF! I'm on your side but your not making any difference by bitching about him all the time. You are just as annoying if not worse than the fangirls. He's just one crappy little teeny-weeny and while ever you keep winjing about him your just pissing everyone off and making him more famous. So if you hate him so much...SHHHHHH!!!!!
So the thing that annoys me is about The Beaver is all the people that won't shut up about him.
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posted over a year ago 
Also, GET A LIFE, I mean REALLY!
ellie_bellie135 posted over a year ago
Mallory101 said:
I wouldn't say hate...I'd just say strongly dislike.

And maybe because I'm not 5 and I don't enjoy his music which in a way, Sucks.
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posted over a year ago 
cmrm said:
And now I ask, Who cares?
Can't you people stop asking things about him?
We got it, you aren't a fan. You don't like him, but you don't hate him neither. Like you, there are many people in the world that say this every day.
What are you trying to prove than? This was 'discussed' many times before, so there's no reason to bring it up again.
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posted over a year ago 
ellie_bellie135 posted over a year ago
My point was:If you hate someone so much that you would like to kill him,just because you don't like his music and you think he's gay,what kind of person are you?
Adriana777 posted over a year ago
The thing is people only say that because of what others think. Put it like this, imagine a 'macho man'. He would more easily say that he hates him, other than he likes him, because he cares about what other people think about him.´
cmrm posted over a year ago
Jeffersonian said:
It's the obsessive fangirls' fault, if we could just have a happy medium where they accept that not everybody likes him, then we wouldn't feel the need to lash out.
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posted over a year ago 
cupcake102 said:
u mean y do i luv him sooooooo much??? cuz he is talented, and sexy!!! <333333
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posted over a year ago 
People like you are the source of my hate. -_-"
meow_girl posted over a year ago
100% snob and btw people like u r the source of my hate!!!!
cupcake102 posted over a year ago
meow_girl said:
Because people never stop talking about him! Honestly, why must his crazy obsessive fangirls constantly talk about how "Amazing" he is?! I'm so friggin sick of seeing something about him on EVERY website I go to. And hearing his crappy music all over the radio! And few people hate him because he's "gay". They say that to insult him. And before anyone starts trolling my answer with things like, "How is gay an insult?", let me get one thing straight. It isn't! People just use it as an insult, and not all of them are prejudice. And can you really blame someone for getting sick of hearing dumb fangirls drone on and on about someone with no talent? Of course it will lead people to hate him! Even if they don't know him personally! And honestly, this question itself is making me hate him more! I hate seeing his name everywhere I go. Love him if you want, hate him if you want or just be neutral on him. But don't try forcing your opinion on to other people! Oh and by the way, the picture grosses me out. I think I'm gonna need some mind soap.

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posted over a year ago 
So your saying you hate JB?
ros59 posted over a year ago
Wow some1 is not loved in life!!!
cupcake102 posted over a year ago
Hey. Justin doesn't control his fans you know? And what goes on the internet.
Hot_n_cold posted over a year ago
Oh. I should have relized that if I awnsered a Beiber related questin people would troll me.
meow_girl posted over a year ago
Jamie38459 said:
I don't hate him, I just don't like his music(I don't get why he always sings poppy lovey slowish songs though), and I don't get why people hate him cause he has bad songs either(And I think people say that he's gay because he looks gay, just saying :S)...
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posted over a year ago 
GrenadeGirl337 said:
1. people won't shut up about him. 2. his voice is too high pitched for 16-17. 3. he sings about the same topic(s) over and over again (love, girls, breakups.) it's annoying! 4. he has a major crush on Kim Kardashian. she recommended Khloe to him (to date) and he said "I think i should date you." 5. the rumors, if theyre true are not, still get annoying. "JB dating Jasmine V," "Justin Bieber hooking up with an ex," Justin this, justin that, THE WHOLE WORLD ISNT ABOUT JUSTIN BIEBER!!! 6. i am sooo glad i got that out lol
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posted over a year ago 
Uhm those Kim Kardashian and stuff happened ages ago, and you're still not over it yet? Wow.
iluvllllll posted over a year ago
iluvllllll said:
I don't hate him, I just don't like the way how he thinks he's everything. Its getting on my nerves lately :/
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posted over a year ago 
cloudstrifefan said:
I just don't like him.
He's the bane of my existence.
But you know,there is always some person on this Earth you won't like.I just hope he doesn't think he'll ever be better than Michael Jackson,or Lady Gaga.But that's just my opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
U think he is worse than micheal Jackson?????!!!! Wow u need to grow up I mean micheal has a girl voice "thatz cuz he us young" don't say that he is dead!!!!
cupcake102 posted over a year ago
I meant Michael Jackson is a lot better than him.Don't go telling random people over the internet they need to grow up.
cloudstrifefan posted over a year ago
Babee0492 said:
He's annoying to hear about. There's more talented people out there than him. I just don't get the fuss. His fans are even worse, there a bunch of mad cunts.
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posted over a year ago 
tdlovr1234 said:
Went to jail
faggot(I could go on with this)...

Wait, this isnt Dr.Phil!
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posted over a year ago 
tellymaster said:
I just don't like his music, that's all. I have absolutely nothing against him as a person. I've seen his Facebook, Twitter and Youtube and he seems like a really nice person.
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posted over a year ago 
LunaShay said:
Some people try to get best answer on here by saying that,it's kind of stupid ._.'...

I don't hate him,I just don't like his singing.I bet other people dislikes other peoples singing...

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posted over a year ago 
TriggerMachine said:
cause he is dumb and he can't sing he sounds like a girl
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posted over a year ago 
I don't see the point of you answering this 9 months after...
paloma97ppb posted over a year ago
SheWolf11 said:
It was born with the wrong sex organ
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posted over a year ago 
iluvPrinceMJ213 said:
I don't hate him, but I'm not obsessed I didn't like him till my mom started making fun of him recently and now I'm really starting to like him. :\ don't know if I'm happy about that or not but I'm never going to live it down in my family if they knew because I used to make fun of him all the time. So sadly I'll never be able to go to a Bieber concert :( and all or buy his music for my ipod :( or even listen to it without head phones. But I can't stand Baby I can't take that song every other song I like :)
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posted over a year ago 
adultswimperson said:
Because he sucks balls and his music is 10x worse, it's like hearing a bad tone in a violin.
I wish he'd drop dead, he doesn't deserve to be famous by having tons of girly fans causing a controversy on websites like this by having fights every now and then, wait.....I take that back, it happens ALL the fucking time on here.-_-
There are tons bands that have better music than that fucktard, like this song for instance is far beyond better and worth listening to.
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posted over a year ago 
Immortal42 said:
I don't hate him. I agree with you 100%. It's utterly stupid to hate him.
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posted over a year ago 
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