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Does anyone know how to write a paragrapgh about getting into a car crash?

I'm writing a story, and in this paragraph I want my character to be in a car with their parents on a stormy night. Then we crash. Somehow. But i dont know hwo to write about a car crashing. After the crash I find myself in the hospital and I find that both my parents died.

I need help. I have never writen about a car crash, and I have never been in a car crash or any crash for that matter. This is my paragraph I have so far...

"All I remember happening was going on a car ride with my parents. It was an 'ok' ride, but it all went wrong when we were crossing a bridge. It was a really stormy night and I was staring out one of the back windows watching raindrops roll down teh window pane..."

It may not be the best paragraph so far, but I need help finishing it going into a crash.

If you have any ideas, or would like to help, please tell me. EVERY idea will help me to become closer to finishing my paragraph.

Thank you everyone.
I will love to hear everyones ideas! :) <3
nikki5516 posted over a year ago
i will try to help u
teashaC posted over a year ago
 nikki5516 posted over a year ago
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KishuandIchigo said:
It was a dark night, the only trace of light was the lightning flashing in the sky. I looked out the window. I watched as the raindrops fell onto the window, and rolled down. It was raining so hard, it was hard to keep track of the raindrops, as they were sliding down so fast. I looked at [whoevers driving] face. S/he looked furious, it must have been hard driving in these conditions. It was pitch black, and raining so hard and fast that the windshield wipers couldn't keep up. The fact that we were going 60 miles per hour didn't help, either. I looked back at the window.

Suddenly, I heard a screech. I looked at [whoevers driving] face, and saw his/her look of shock. I looked out the front window, and saw we were rapidly sliding across the bridge. [The driver] tried to control the steering wheel, but alas, no avail. I closed my eyes and hoped I was just seeing things, but when I opened them, we were hurdeling towrds a car. I closed my eyes again, to aviod the image of the crash. I heard a smash, felt like I was being punched in the face (the airbag) and it all went black.
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you for the idea :)
nikki5516 posted over a year ago
heyitssmarsx3 said:
well you could describe what happens,like this for instance; the raindrop were pounding on the windsheild of the car,while the whipers furiously wiped them away. then suddenly the car swerved onto the side of the road colliding with a large tree which then plumetted onto our lovely vehicle knocking me unconscious... lol thts all i got
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you for helping. :)
nikki5516 posted over a year ago
invaderzimemo said:
well i think you good do even better on your own but let me see why dont you make it a manga i love manga and its awsome lol or is this based on a true story if it is think out side the box meaning if it is make action like maybe some murder person was after you and thats how you got in the car crash or it could be like a thousand ways to die you can make up ways how that person dies in every chapter.
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you
nikki5516 posted over a year ago
addi123456 said:
ok i was in a car crash. you could say.... as i looked out my window, and watched the rain pour heavly on the car. as i started 2 close my eyes, i awoke with a bam! and the front window shaddered. the car was spinning in crcles, i didnt kno wht 2 do! i was about 2 reach for something 2 grabe onto, but i got hit in the head with a peace of glass.thats all i remeber from this tragic car crash. next thing i new i was in a hosspital bed with stiches in my head. i dont remeber anything after tht. ......... thts wht happend 2 me, soo idk. lol
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you Addie (:
nikki5516 posted over a year ago
j-bfan7 said:
ok so heres what u should write-i was in the car with my parents driving on a stormy night ...blahblah blah...ok heres the crash part:whoa i cant see anything it was relly pouring down i wish we were home... oh gosh those lights are bright.....ahhhhhhhh!-CRASH!
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posted over a year ago 
nikki5516 posted over a year ago
Jake111 said:
So i was goin down old hwy 22 at about 90 mph. Some idiot comes outa nowhere and just does me one over. i got out of it alive but im not so sure about this guy his car was a little...totalled. he woke up from acoma 2 years later.
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you Jake! :)
nikki5516 posted over a year ago
teashaC said:
um if u never been in a car accident before just write what would happen to u like was soemone goin to fast or was someone drunk or somethin like that
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posted over a year ago 
Ok, Thank you Teasha! :)
nikki5516 posted over a year ago
courtster769 said:
You could pretend some lightning struck the car or mybe the thunder distracted the driver and they fell in a ditch.OR you could write that some craazy man/woman in a driving-test crashed into them by acadent.
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posted over a year ago 
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