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does anyone else hav this problem?

ok so there is this gir at my school named katelyn and she acts like she is all that and she yells at me for getting in her business when im not. she asked the question in general so i answered. and she keeps stealing my friends. she told kaylee i didnt think she was a good friend and i have been friends with kaylee for 5 years! And now she is flirting with my guy!!! im getting really pissed. and she said she was hanging with you and riley first when i was already! >:(

and she flirts with the guy i like and takes my friends. she will hang with my friends then say " i was hanging with them first! you caa leave now! " and i turned around to talk to one of my friends and she was like " is your name austin? i didnt think so turn around " then she pushed me to make me turn around. and she asked a question in general and i answered and she was like " am i talking to you? " then i will try to talk to one of my friends and she is like " stop getting in our conversation! " and today she was talking about me behind my back when i could hear her. and she is being really rude my friend tripped and fell and touched her leg and she is like " get off me! " she is blonde and she is dying her hair just like im about to get mine! she is a fucking copier! i need advice!
there is this girl* sorry plz excuse my spellin im really mad right now
CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
 CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
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Random Answers

starxdreamerxo said:
you need to tell it to her straight and not take her crap. maybe talk to kaylee about it too. and true freidns will stay on your side. and claim your man. she is acting like a child and is probably jealous of you becasue you have the friends, your hair, the guy? like she is intemediated and wants to be like you and be popluar yet rude at the same time. she wouldn't last a day in my school. not that me and my friends are mean but personally i would not take this crap.
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posted over a year ago 
CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
if it was me,id just slap her silly and go to jail.
cloudstrifefan posted over a year ago
CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
Good answer.
springely posted over a year ago
redshortee said:
Ok, I'm not in high school yet but I uderstand wat ur going through. Just dont put up w/ her bitchy attitude & don't be afraid 2 stand up 4 urself. Remember those kind of people only do that cuz they r haters of you & ur life.
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posted over a year ago 
today she she threatened to kill me! :'(
CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
springely said:
You commented on redshortee's response, saying that she threatened to kill you.

If that's real, I highly suggest you talk to a trusted adult.
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posted over a year ago 
i did my mom called my teacher but i dont want to be a snitch! what if it gets worse?
CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
Is she really going to kill you? Or is she just trying to get you scared?
springely posted over a year ago
thnx my tacher said she would deal with it
CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
madisonsavanna said:
If she really did threaten to kill you, and was serious, you need to tell an adult, because that's a serious issue. This girl sounds like she's jealous of you, it's obvious she needs to get a life, so just ignore her (other than the death threat) Hope I helped :)
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posted over a year ago 
ty :)
CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
I agree
redshortee posted over a year ago
cloudstrifefan said:
id just do my best to ignore her.or tell an adult.cause shes just jealous of all your friends and stuff.if that doesnt work,explain everything to your mom (if you havent already) and just BE a doesnt matter.and if THAT doesnt work id just beat her up.screw your perfect good girl rep.
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id just do my best to ignore her.or tell an adult.cause shes just jealous of all your friends and stuff.if that doesnt work,explain everything to your mom (if you havent already) and just BE a doesnt matter.and if THAT doesnt work id just beat her up.screw your perfect good girl rep.
posted over a year ago 
lol. :)
CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
that doesnt mean i have a serious side.:)
cloudstrifefan posted over a year ago
i love all these answers! lol but i diffently think that all i went threw made me strong (: and thats a good thing since no one talk to me like this anymore
starxdreamerxo posted over a year ago
softballqueen said:
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posted over a year ago 
I would go full on da "kick her azz" Thing but that would make da promblem even worse
redshortee posted over a year ago
CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
sapherequeen said:
At that point, I'd smack the bitch.

But that's me.

If I were you, I'd tell her to stfu and keep out of YOUR business. :)
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posted over a year ago 
CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
No problem.
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
ShiningsTar542 said:
well i wasnt havin this problem before in my school..
but my bff was.and she faced the person who was hurtin her as she so sensitive and anything could hurt her easliy..
but what u shoud to do is not ignoring her cz she will not stop annoyin u ..u should face her and help ur self by ur self and if u couldnt, go to ur teacher and tell her what is happenin with u from this girl and dont think that is weak or something to ask a help from ur teacher..and its oki when she coping u she just doesnt like her style and she likes urs more which mean u should pride by ur self..and keep stealin ur friends and ur guy which mean she is jealous at u and u really need to stop her and dont make it a big problem its natural hun,cz its happenin alot with alot of ppl.
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posted over a year ago 
hope that could help u hun :)
ShiningsTar542 posted over a year ago
CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
ShiningsTar542 posted over a year ago
zutaradragon said:
theres a mean girl at my school with the same name and attitude! how odd is that! anywho, i don't have that problem cus she don't like my friends and i don't have a boy friend...*sigh* anyhow, since because of that, i can ignore her quite ez. (really almost everyone in my school is like that tward me, but i really don't care much)
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posted over a year ago 
CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
it probably didn't help much but when u have an attitude of "i am what ever u say i am, and i don't care what u say 'bout me" well, nothing matters much.
zutaradragon posted over a year ago
u r awesome :))
CassandraLopez posted over a year ago
well, after so long u become numb 2 the words stupid people say about u.
zutaradragon posted over a year ago
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