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do u think the person who cries is a weak?

 ShiningsTar542 posted over a year ago
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ipukerainbows said:
Nope. Ever since birth, it's been a sign you're alive.
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posted over a year ago 
Voted best.
r-pattz posted over a year ago
thanks :)
ipukerainbows posted over a year ago
Best. Definitely.
lolibarbie posted over a year ago
great answer
jedigal1990 posted over a year ago
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RnBStar13 said:
No it's actually quite the opposite.
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posted over a year ago 
That's rubbish. I don't cry much but that doesn't make me weak.
HaleyDewit posted over a year ago
^ I think she just meant that she thinks people who cry are strong, not necessarily that people who don't are weak.
r-pattz posted over a year ago
i hope so
HaleyDewit posted over a year ago
RachelXD2010 said:
No. I don't understand why guys get this type of rep..that when you cry you're weak. I actually think it's more attractive when people cry. It shows that you aren't afraid to show your real feelings.

Crying doesn't make you weak at all. I respect people for being so open about their feelings.
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posted over a year ago 
I think there's also the matter of ugly crying faces that people want to hide XD jk
DJ_Squeaky posted over a year ago
Lol. XD
RachelXD2010 posted over a year ago
right on rachel!
ryofangirl posted over a year ago
katana64 said:
no, a person who cries is stronger because they aren't afraid to show sadness.

im a swordsman, a martial artist and considered to be wise by some of my friends and and i cry when i am sad and i cry when i feel sorry for another person, if crying makes you weak than i wouldn't call myself a swordsman
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posted over a year ago 
People who don't cry aren't necessarily weak, you know.
HaleyDewit posted over a year ago
Bond_Of_Fury said:
This could sound crude, but if he/she cries all the time, yes.

[EDIT] To make it a bit more clear, I'm saying that even if you've been through something traumatizing, of course it's okay to cry now and then. Like a guy from my class. He didn't come to school one day because his grandpa died 9 years ago. Now that's a pretty big thing, but to just keep on crying after all that time... yes, that is pretty weak.
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posted over a year ago 
totally agree
HaleyDewit posted over a year ago
Spi_Kat_Penguin said:
No, i cry sometimes over silly stuff, I'm tough....but some peoples are weaker than others

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posted over a year ago 
DJ_Squeaky said:
I don't think so...Well I hope not cuz I cry A LOT! XD
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posted over a year ago 
lol sometimes teenage cries without reasons
ShiningsTar542 posted over a year ago
Yeah, I do do that...but I also cry when I'm really angry, nervous, happy or sad....XD
DJ_Squeaky posted over a year ago
the exactly same here
ShiningsTar542 posted over a year ago
xSannanas said:
No, I don't..
It's nice to cry sometimes, even when you haven't a reason. ;D

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posted over a year ago 
agree with that
ShiningsTar542 posted over a year ago
heyitssmarsx3 said:
no not at all, in fact its showing ur strong and ur showing emotion
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posted over a year ago 
huddy_ said:
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posted over a year ago 
zanesaaomgfan said:
Time for the spell and grammar check!

do u think the person who cries is a weak?


Do you think the people who cry are weak?

And NO.
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posted over a year ago 
English might not be their first language...Just sayin' :P
RachelXD2010 posted over a year ago
It may not but I got cousins who can spell better and English is their third language.
zanesaaomgfan posted over a year ago
really this is not an english class so why does it matter how people talk or type i mean you knew what they were saying and it wasn't intetnional so whats wrong don't you have anything better to do then worry about how they type
jedigal1990 posted over a year ago
LunaShay said:
Everyone has to cry once in awhile.Everyone needs a good cry every once in awhile ;)
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posted over a year ago 
exactly. everyone needs a good cy
ryofangirl posted over a year ago
NomyCake said:
Other people? No.
But I feel weak when I cry, which is part of the reason why I never do.
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posted over a year ago 
i know what u mean.
ryofangirl posted over a year ago
cmrm said:
No. That makes them human.

But I never let other people see me cry.
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posted over a year ago 
dragonrider said:
I use to think so but now I don't think that anymore.
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posted over a year ago 
Wolfdreamer9 said:
Depends why their crying.
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posted over a year ago 
Dwolf247 said:
I'm crying right now! Waaa! Waaaaa. X^O But really no of course not. I've had my fair share of crying.
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posted over a year ago 
shmowjow1029 said:
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posted over a year ago 
madisonsavanna said:
No, it's what makes us human. I'd rather go out with a guy who cries a lot over a robot with no feelings xD
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posted over a year ago 
KnougeChick said:
I think that when you cry, you are the complete opposite of weak. It takes a strong man/woman to cry. When you cry it shows you have emotions, and you're not afraid to show it. Someone who doesn't cry is weak, because they don't want to be thought of as weak, when actually if they cry they'll be thought of as strong.
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posted over a year ago 
I also cry very easily. The second time I read HP through, I was bawling about the fact that Dumbledore died. He's a book character and I cried... Lol I'm not afraid to admit it either. I just admitted it to the whole viewing world.
KnougeChick posted over a year ago
People who don't cry are not weak, jeez.
HaleyDewit posted over a year ago
xshams said:
No, I don't. It's ok if people cry. It's an emotion.
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posted over a year ago 
HunnyBunni93 said:
Is a person who cries weak?! I cry when I feel sad,lonely or etc so I must be really weak! lol but I think if a person shows their feelings then they are brave,but when a guy shows their feelings it's really rare (I have only seen my dad cry once lol) and that's cool.
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Is a person who cries weak?! I cry when I feel sad,lonely or etc so I must be really weak! lol but I think if a person shows their feelings then they are brave,but when a guy shows their feelings it's really rare (I have only seen my dad cry once lol) and that's cool.
posted over a year ago 
Penguinangel said:
No! It's the complete opposite. The stronger people are the ones who cry, and vice versa.
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posted over a year ago 
dustfinger said:
Me crying: Yes

Anyone else crying: No
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posted over a year ago 
Wow. How's that?
Bond_Of_Fury posted over a year ago
Brandey said:
Depends on that for what he or she cries for..
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posted over a year ago 
Lawli-gagger said:
At some point, for whatever reason, everyone cries.
I don't care how 'tough' you play to be.

So, no. Crying doesn't make you weak.
It make you human.
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posted over a year ago 
HaleyDewit said:
No, off course not. But some people cry for a very silly reason.It all depends how much you've been through.

Also: people who don't cry are not necessarily weak! But some people have been through so much that tears won't help. I don't cry alot, but that doesn't make me weak. No one has the right to say that. You can't judge anyone without knowing all the facts. Is it really so much better to hang on the phone for hours and crying for something you caused than to try to fix things and pick up your life? If I to cry by every thing that happens to me I wouldn't be able to stop. Sometimes people don't hide their feelings to spare other feelings. Do you think it would've helped if I cried in front of my sister 'cause she did a suicide attempt? No,I pulled myself together and I've tried to help her. And I don't cry when I'm physically hurt. You learn to take some pain when you have a sister who has had over 20 surgeries. Saying people who cry are strong and the opposite is weak is both shallow and rubbish and it proves none of you knows anything about life. You can't judge people by tear amount of tears.

Sorry for the rant but I felt the need to defend people like me.
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posted over a year ago 
it would be ok to cry if your sister did a suicide attempt because you almost lost her! so i agree & don't at the same time :)
larouxbestfan posted over a year ago
I did cry, just not in front of her.
HaleyDewit posted over a year ago
JadeEyes said:
No i don't, actually there are some people who cant help it. I have Autism and therefore i cry too easily for my liking. I am always being told that if i didnt stop crying i'd lose my job, but its unfair to expect that of everyone, because some people, like me, have a condition.
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posted over a year ago 
thats not fair! some people just cant control!
larouxbestfan posted over a year ago
xXSweeneyXx said:
It depends on what they're crying about.
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posted over a year ago 
very true
HaleyDewit posted over a year ago
reb1009 said:
if you cry if some one softly touche you. yes if it for sadness no
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posted over a year ago 
Persephone713 said:
I hope not. I cry all the time. I have bad depression, panic attacks that hurt bad from my Anxiety disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder. I cant help but just have a good cry sometimes. Plus I feel like a failure-I am 21 and have not succeeded at two majors I tried. SO I am stuck trying to figure out a career I might want.
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posted over a year ago 
MasterOfFear said:
It just means that you are more in touch with your emotions and you haven't grown jaded enough to be unable to.

But in some cases, yes. In 7th grade, i had a girl in my class that cried everyday over little things. At first all her friends would gather around and croon "Aww, you poor baby!" but after a while, even they started to hate it.

I don't think crying makes you weak, but excessive crying is a different story.
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posted over a year ago 
larouxbestfan said:
No it doesn't mean you're weak that's why I find it quite sexist because guys get told that's being weak so it's calling girls weak because girls are aloud to cry! Crying does NOT mean you're weak!
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posted over a year ago 
ryofangirl said:

u may be a bit of a crybaby if u cry a lot and overeact, but of coarse that all depends on the situation. *hope i dont sound mean for that*

but no. u rn't weak. people need to cry.
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u may be a bit of a crybaby if u cry a lot and overeact, but of coarse that all depends on the situation. *hope i dont sound mean for that*

but no. u rn't weak. people need to cry.
posted over a year ago 
invader4life posted over a year ago
lol well thats a good reason to cry...
ryofangirl posted over a year ago
irena83 said:
Not at all. Person who cries is strong enough to accept the truth and face it by letting it out.
When the truth is so painful, we cry and while crying we deal with acceptance of the things that are.
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posted over a year ago 
LinaHarrow said:
Depends. What are we crying about again?
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posted over a year ago 
sapherequeen said:
No, it takes a brave soul to express inner emotions. For a lot of people, including me, that's a difficult thing to do. Especially when everyone around you never listens to your crying.
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posted over a year ago 
xxXsk8trXxx said:
No, it means that they're sad...
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posted over a year ago 
EmzLovesCheryl said:
No. It means that they're open, expressive, and not afraid to show their feelings.
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posted over a year ago 
alexthedog said:
No, it shows that that person is good at and not afraid of showing their emotions.
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posted over a year ago 
x-menobsessed26 said:
I do for reasons of me being tormented by bullies when I was younger, the teachers doing nothing, and them beating me harder, verbally and physically, whenever I cried. I also come from a family that tears you down if you cry. I would love to have the freedom to cry, but that's just not in my nature.
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posted over a year ago 
hellomia said:
Um no.When you sometimes cry it is about a breakup.Sometimes about a death in the family.If you had a death in your family and you cried because you were sad makes you weak?I think not.
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posted over a year ago 
aman_zackncody said:
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posted over a year ago 
jedigal1990 said:
No absolutly not. crying is a good way to get things out and i mean come on you have to admit that you usually feel alot better after crying. Keeping all those emotions inside is not smart they are bound to come out sometime and it might be alot worse than a few tears. To cry is to be human its a natural response and its definitly not a sign of weakness
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posted over a year ago 
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