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Who Wants School To Start?????? If you don't say why..........If you do Why????

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 Giggle12 posted over a year ago
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Gretute2772 said:
me me me,i finally get to meet my all classmates again and have FUN!!!
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posted over a year ago 
cmrm said:
Not me.
I spend there 8/9 monts, so I need to enjoy the time I'm out of there
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posted over a year ago 
Snowiyflake said:
I, personally, do not want school to start any sooner than it is going to. I have three weeks left, and I will enjoy every second of it! lol Some of my friends want it to start cuz they r so bored without havin anything to do. But, Im fine with waitin cuz I waited so long for summer.
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I, personally, do not want school to start any sooner than it is going to. I have three weeks left, and I will enjoy every second of it! lol Some of my friends want it to start cuz they r so bored without havin anything to do. But, Im fine with waitin cuz I waited so long for summer.
posted over a year ago 
omg ur lucky. i have school 2morrow
Bluestar208 posted over a year ago
hav till aug 30! woo hoo! when did u get out?
Snowiyflake posted over a year ago
Lucky i hav school in two days DX
Zimgaz posted over a year ago
soccerrox874478 said:
i dont want it to start because summer went by WAY to fast and i have band camp all this and nxt wk *blah*

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posted over a year ago 
123a said:
i don't want it to start cuz i have to do homework and lessons and AH... LODS OF STUFF
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posted over a year ago 
madnessman said:
omg YES finally!! Now he won't be in the house all the damn time.. FINALLY!! I really don't care if school starts, I don't go to school anymore..
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posted over a year ago 
adultswimperson said:
No, cause summer went by WAY to fast and i spend almost 8-9 months doing stupid schoolwork each day and i only get 8 hours to do whatever i want after schools over then i have to go to bed and get up the next morning and trying to stay awake as possible till noon when lunch starts.
we need to have a longer summer then just 3 months, it should be at least 5, but we work are asses off everyday and we only get time off during holidays or special events.
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posted over a year ago 
NomyCake said:
Baah -_-
I want to see my friends and all, and I've been bored out of my mind the whole summer.
BUT. School also has the people I can't stand... and I REALLY wanted something to happen this summer- that something I'm not going to say- and it never did, and it won't work as well when school starts again.
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posted over a year ago 
ShiningsTar542 said:
not iam 15 and i will be in 16 thats mean i will go to the high school and i will not meet my friends enymore..thats makes me mad and sad T_T
ooh what u wanna the school bk giggle12?
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posted over a year ago 
MarylovesSelena said:
Yes and no.Yes because I'm bored but no because I have to wake up early and I will change school so that means I'm not gonna be with my friends anymore...I hate that :(
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posted over a year ago 
sassikassi said:
reasons i DO:
im going 2 a new school, so ill meet new people.
im gonna get new clothes
i hav money 2 spend on any supplies i want!!!
at school im pretty popular... and BAD! but not mean :)
reasons i DONT:
im 2 used 2 summer
i like my new house
i might have 2 go 2...*sniffle* IDLEWILD! they wear uniforms!
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posted over a year ago 
TDAPlayer158 said:
Yeah! I can't wait see my friends and/or make new ones.
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posted over a year ago 
melikhan said:
i should be crazy to say that i'm excited!!!i go to school 9 months and the lessons are so hard and we don't have fun!!so why should i say that i'm excited?
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posted over a year ago 
Jeffersonian said:
I do and I don't, school means the play (which I will find out which part I got in two days) and later on Scholastic Bowl. But it also means lots of studying and homework.
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posted over a year ago 
LizaIsARunner said:
Sorta,sorta not.Sorta cuz i got some awesome new shoes,clothes,and backpack.But sorta not cuz i wish i was still a kid...enjoy being in elementary while you can y'all.. but either way i gotta deal with it and just think of the positive about starting back and stay calm and cool and it should go smoothly.
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posted over a year ago 
and plus we'll have lots of homeowrk...but yay for positive stuff1XD
LizaIsARunner posted over a year ago
LinaHarrow said:
I definitely, definitely do!
Why, you ask?
* I never see my friends or really anyone during the summer.
* I don't have any really close friends who I can talk too.
* I'm bored out of my poor little mind.
* I need something to do!
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posted over a year ago 
percylover22 said:
i live in miami and school is starting in 2 weeks
were im in,im pretty bummed that summers almost
over,but atleast i get 2 see my frends again
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posted over a year ago 
Zimgaz said:
HELL NAH!!! I wqant to sleep till 12 p.m. and watch yaoi and anime!!! D:
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posted over a year ago 
mitchie19 said:
'cause my friends are there and we are all going to have s0 much fun
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posted over a year ago 
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