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if you won a day with the celeb you hate the most what would you do?

here is what i would do. oh and the celeb is miley cyrus for me.
me: *walks over to miley*
miley: hey! it's great to meet you.
me: *acts sweet* well it's great to meet you! i'm a huge fan!
*20 min. later*
me: *fake crying*
trace: what happend?!
noah: i want ice cream! get my fucking manager! *storms off*
me: well i went to the bath room to fill up my gun. *takes gun out and fill's it up* and then i pointed it at miley to show her how nice it is *points gun at the familly* and then i accidentlly pulled the trigger *pulls trigger and kills miley's familly*
30 min later
police: what happend?!
me: well i went to the bath room to fill up my gun.....

that's not nice to kill someone's family!
16falloutboy posted over a year ago
Bluestar208 posted over a year ago
omg i didnt see hat! i dont hate perry!
Bluestar208 posted over a year ago
 chonny posted over a year ago
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16falloutboy said:
Here is what I would do if I won a day with Justin Bieber,

Me: Hi Justin"

Justin: Hey there"

Me: I just love ur music and songs!"

Justin: Really?"

Me: Oh yeah ur the best Justin!!"

Justin: Well thank u, it is always nice to meet a fan"

Me: Ha just joking about everything, I hate u!!"

Justin: What?!"

Me: This is for u!" *punches Justin in the face 10 times and he falls to the floor*

Me: That's what u get for singing badly and for being ugly!!, I would never be a fan of u, My Chemical Romance is better than u!!"

Justin: *starts to cry* ur so mean!!"

Me: I know that's why I love me"

And that's what I would do =)
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posted over a year ago 
ok i like jb but that was awesome!
chonny posted over a year ago
I know, I'm awesome like that and thanks
16falloutboy posted over a year ago
That's awesome, even though I dislike My Chemical Romance too, but they're 10000000 times better than JB.
x-menobsessed26 posted over a year ago
MadamOcta13 said:
Ugh, I would probably tell whoever told me I won that it was a mistake. And if the celebrity persisted in "hanging out" for a day I would lock myself in my room and wouldn't come out.
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posted over a year ago 
katana64 said:
i would tell justin b... the celebrity i dont like, to stay away from me or i will hit him with the dull side of my sword and if he continues to insist on being with me i would whack him in the way described above, if he still insists on bugging me i will hit him with the sharp side of my sword
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posted over a year ago 
bye bye justin
chonny posted over a year ago
I hate Justin Bieber. :]
iCarlyFan100 posted over a year ago
kingdomxbox said:
i would come with a AK-47 granade launcher my fav gun

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posted over a year ago 
who is the celeb u hate?
chonny posted over a year ago
Bluestar208 said:
i would meet perry the platypus!

He would take me to his secret agency and
we would fight Dr.Doofenshmirtz and then steal
cookies and eat them! Then we would relax teh rest of teh day
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i would meet perry the platypus! 

He would take me to his secret agency and 
we would fight Dr.Doofenshmirtz and then steal
cookies and eat them! Then we would relax teh rest of teh day
posted over a year ago 
aww nobody replied :-(
Bluestar208 posted over a year ago
i did! that sounds awesome!
chonny posted over a year ago
* you hate Perry?It said the celebrity you hate the most..
LunaShay posted over a year ago
XDRoseLuvsHP said:
I would let someone who actually does like the celebrity go instead. For example, if I won a trip with Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus or something, well, I'm friends with several people who would LOVE to meet them, and I'd let one of them meet the person instead.
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posted over a year ago 
i luv selena!
Bluestar208 posted over a year ago
I love both. :] You're really nice that you'd give it away, too.
iCarlyFan100 posted over a year ago
KarlaCena said:
the celebrity i hate the most its justin bieber & this is what i would do,first greethim sayin "hey!,u know what? i hate u! then kick him were it hurts the most then go eat ice cream and just leave him alone & leave sayin "bye it was a nightmare meetin u" & just leave!
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posted over a year ago 
how is it that almost every one here hates justin hello what about miley!
chonny posted over a year ago
well i also hate miley but jb the most...
KarlaCena posted over a year ago
I love Miley Cyrus, but I hate Justin Bieber. :]
iCarlyFan100 posted over a year ago
nooon said:
I hate john cena , and when i see him i will tell him ( i hate you )in a loud voice
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posted over a year ago 
iCarlyFan100 said:
I hate Justin Bieber so I'd say, 'I hate you' when I meet him, right away, and then just start beating him up. I'd stomp on his face, piss on him, spit on him, choke him, and punch him, kick him, give wrestling movies on him (I'm a wrestling fan), and just take a shit on him.
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I hate Justin Bieber so I'd say, 'I hate you' when I meet him, right away, and then just start beating him up. I'd stomp on his face, piss on him, spit on him, choke him, and punch him, kick him, give wrestling movies on him (I'm a wrestling fan), and just take a shit on him.
posted over a year ago 
What an ugly little elf.
hellomia posted over a year ago
^ haha nice!
x-menobsessed26 posted over a year ago
Thank you,thank you.*Bows and then kicks him in the face and says*Elf.
hellomia posted over a year ago
JadeEyes said:
I'd take Elijah Wood to a bar, and suddenly, ill start acting all drunk and trip over something, causing the beer im holding to splash him in the face. If im lucky the mug holding the beer will hit him in the process.
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posted over a year ago 
LunaShay said:
I wouldn't accept it.
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posted over a year ago 
iamagagamonster said:
me: ahhh beyonce! :D
beyonce: hi, its nice to meet you
me: its nice to meet you too, i love your music
beyonce: thanks
me:))))... just kiding... :/ i don't know why you thought that,
beyonce: ???
me: yea ummm u suck! single ladies is such a bad song. i mean your not even single.
me: get me outa here! i don't wana deal with you >:(

then id walk away with the person whos takin me home.. then go back to her and slap her in the face then go away.. then come back and punch her and the stomache and say "wow i liked that... i should puta ring on it."
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posted over a year ago 
adultswimperson said:
Mine would probably be Justin Dumbass Bieber and i'd say to him his career needs to die and he needs to stop ruining the music industry, it's bad enough this asshole is on every social website and getting so much hate which i enjoy seeing.
but i wish he would get hit by a bus and die instantly because i cant stand the fangirls talking about him all the time, he's not important and he will not amount to anything.
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posted over a year ago 
Well, everything about that is great except for the first line where it says his career needs to die. It is dying. We (the anti-Biebers) are killing it. Mwah-ha-ha-ha!
x-menobsessed26 posted over a year ago
@x-menoobsessed26, Good point.
adultswimperson posted over a year ago
CourtneyFan17 said:
Miley Cyrus D:<

Miley: Hey Julie! It's great to meet you! I'm Miley Cyrus aka *puts on her wig* Hannah Montana!

Miley: *whispers* but don't tell's a secret ;]

Me: ....Um it's no secret

Miley: *gasp* Really? I thought only me, Lilly, and Oliver knew outside my family :O!

Me: Okay um...get me the hell out of here!

Then I leave XP
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posted over a year ago 
Sugartooth900 said:
Me: Hey!

Justin Bieber: What?

Me: Are you gonna STFU yet?

Justin: No!

Me: ಠ_ಠ
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posted over a year ago 
x-menobsessed26 said:
I would get them to sign a bunch of stuff, (because mine is either Justin Bieber or Linsey Lohan) because their stuff is goign to be worth a bunch someday. Linsey Lohan's memorbilia will be worth a lot because she'll win the biggest screw up in history award.
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posted over a year ago 
ipukerainbows said:
Honestly, I guess I'd try to make the most of it. I don't REALLY know them, anyway, so I can't hate them.
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posted over a year ago 
dragonrider said:
If I met Justin Bieber I will tell him this.

Here's how the conversation will turn out

Me: Hey Justin. Enjoy the fame while it lasts. You are just going to end up like Aaron Carter

Justin: Who?

Me: Exactly. He was famous for awhile then he disappeared like you are going to.

Justin: 0__0

Me: See girls see you as a god or a sex symbol like they did for Rikki Martin. Look at him now. He's come out of the closet. You are going to end up the same way

Justin: Not true!

Me: Oh really? Just watch.
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posted over a year ago 
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