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What makes you unique/different?

I have dark green eyes and unexplainable colour hair (it has been called honey colour, strawberry blonde, light brown and kind-of blonde by other people, but none of these words seem to quite match it), i'm left handed, have only one dimple and i have autism. dont judge me, i am very high functional for an autistic person. every time i meet someone new, then tell them i have autism, they say they had no idea. i normally forget i have it anyway. if u dont know what it is, i cant be stuffed explaining so search it on google or whatever. so, what makes you unique? :)
 g_a_g_a posted over a year ago
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thespikedturtle said:
I have an IQ of 164, or at least I used to. I'm really quiet to most people in school, but around my friends I can be downright obnoxious. I stick up for the rights of almost anyone or anything, and I LOATHE fighting, whether physically or with words. I'm also a guy, and my hair is shoulder-length long. I'm not afraid to embarrass myself, I just went in front of my whole high school in high heels, fish nets, and short shorts. I can also play almost 10 different instruments pretty well.
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posted over a year ago 
cool! u r quite different
g_a_g_a posted over a year ago
tayroxyea posted over a year ago
Book_freak said:
I'm a musician, that freaks out some people, with the musical lingo etc. And i'm not sure what the other thing is, but people seem to realise i'm weird pretty quickly ;)
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posted over a year ago 
g_a_g_a posted over a year ago
Monrose said:
I am not. I blend in like a black cat in darkness!! :)
God, that sounded emo...
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posted over a year ago 
g_a_g_a posted over a year ago
X_MusicCrazy_X said:
I think what makes me unique is jst being me. I'm different in my own way n I lyk that. I won't change myself 4 anybody bcuz if ppl dnt lyk me who I am then they won't lyk who I'm not. I always say I'd rather hv somebody hate me 4 being me rather than lyk me 4 who I'm not. But I am very different in many ways compaired 2 my friends/others. My hair is blonde wiv dark brown underneath. I hv grey/blue eyes n I wear an awful lot of eyeliner. Lol I get slagged off at skl bcuz I wear 2 much. But i hv been thro alot of bullies in my life jst bcuz of me being different n i've made it thro part of my life n I'm sure I can make it through now!! :) but I also get slagged 4 wearing far 2 much rings n braclets. N my weird laugh n how I'm so shy. But wivout those lil parts, I wouldn't b who I am jst now. N I won't change myself no matter what n neither should anybody elce!!! Every1's amazing no matter how different/weird they r. (btw I mean weird in a gd way) :) x x x
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posted over a year ago 
naw... thats nice :) i hav a friend who seems kinda like u
g_a_g_a posted over a year ago
lydianm said:
I'm a Christian girl (Baptist, not Pentacostal cause I get asked if I'm Pentacostal alot), which is a bit different within itself. I try to never miss a service of my church. My hair is a blonde/brown with some red highlights and it hangs to my waist. Which oddly enough makes my hair on of the shortest hair lenghts at my church. My eyes change colors but the two main colors that they stay are: Blue/green and Green/Grey, and they always match my mom's eyes. (Hers changes too) I'm a country girl both by birth and at heart and right now, my idea of fun (sorta) is to finish building my fence. I play piano, have for around twelve years now. I also can play the organ, but for only about one year. There's really not that much unique about me. I'm in college to become a medical transcriptionist, and the sight of blood turns my stomach. (That's why I'm training for an office job.) My favorite subject in school was history. A lot of people tell me that it's weird to like history, but... I enjoy learning and I have a close relationship with my parents. My brother and I aren't twins, but we share a twin-like telepathy. I'm not very creative when it comes to normal country girl stuff, like sewing and knitting, like the rest of my friends, but I love to write stories. Other than that, I'm pretty normal.

(BTW, g_a_g_a, I never would have been able to tell you were autistic from the way you write. And if anyone judges you because of it, that's their problem. I have a friend who has a similar disability. The name of it had briefly slipped my mind, but it's similar to austism. Anyway, I just wanted to say that.)
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posted over a year ago 
cool. its nice to know ppl who understand my autism
g_a_g_a posted over a year ago
Omg I hv autisum 2!! Lol sorry I had 2 say xxxx
X_MusicCrazy_X posted over a year ago
x_lulu_x said:
im really smart but i act retarted and people think im weird I eat exotic things and i spilled clams on someone, I bring weird things to skool and i have a im not crazy ur boring shurt yeah ik im weird. Im not as bipolar as my friends xP
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posted over a year ago 
lol k
g_a_g_a posted over a year ago
my mum has bipolar... xD
g_a_g_a posted over a year ago
Free_Spirit said:
i have more freckles than anyone can count, my name means princess, i contradict my teachers in school, i actually like school, i can go into bouts of depression when my friends have fights but after i cry it off i'm fine. I have never had detention in my life, i know random facts that no one cares about, like that clinophobia is a fear of beds, i have a weird thing about not talking back to adults unless they truly deserve it, i purposely socially isolate myself at home, i love eighties music especially abba, i love world war 1-2 history. Especially about Germany's tactics, i actully have the ability to contradict and prove my english teacher wrong, i pretend to hate my sister, but in actual fact i admire her, i get extremely homesick, i try at sport and pretty much get nowhere LOL, i sing, dance randomly in public to get my friends to laugh, i am actually superstitious that the choices i make arethe reason something bad and completely unrelated happens, i am pretty much a teachers pet and am actually on good terms with them, nearly every month i am in the principals office having to explain a fight my friedns have had, i love reading and often do it instead of study, i am an Australian nationalist and have strong beliefs for Australian history and it's people, my favourite books are by Bryce courtney, Isobelle Carmody and Mathew Reilly, when i was in year two i was reading deltora quest, and read 2 books per day, I absolutely hate bullying and will destroy you socially if i know you do it, i always try and stick up for the underdog and then realise afterwards that maybe i shouldn't have as it gets me in the principals office explaining it, I once made up a song to Hallelujah as a joke and made all my frieds gay...this is why i don't have alot of friends now LOL. Nah i pissed people off with that but they got over it
and i think if i go on my hand will cramp, okay well hope that makes me unique

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posted over a year ago 
tayroxyea said:
i'm me.

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posted over a year ago 
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