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Do you think girls should be allowed to wear pants/shorts or do you think they should just wear skirts?

I'm a girl and I wear pants, shorts, booty shorts, and all that good stuff. I just want to know what you guys think...
Aren't they already allowed?
jlhfan624 posted over a year ago
Yes, I do. I was just curious because I came into a situation where I was being called out for wearing pants and I was like.....umm I can wear what I want! It's not in the Bible and even if it were I would still wear my pants.
Abilei posted over a year ago
Spottedpool posted over a year ago
 Abilei posted over a year ago
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starwarsfangirl said:
Uh... I'm sorry, I understand you're just curious but... WHAT?!?!?!?!?! It's called womens rights, we don't have anyone dictate to US what we can and can't wear! I know this is the world wide web and all, but I live in America, land of the free, (free women and men) and we can do as we like! I am proud to never, EVER, wear a skirt or dress, even on holidays. I wear jeans, basketball shorts, sweat-pants and whatever else I feel like wearing, and no one will EVER tell me that I can't wear that and get away with it! Honestly, someone 'orders' to wear something, and if it happens to include a skirt or dress, well, *knuckle sandwich*. Seriously. Especially if it's a guy. (not being sexist, just stating the facts)
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posted over a year ago 
I'm writing an essay about this, and you are so totally proving my point lol
Monrose posted over a year ago
*votes best answer* Great job, you go girl! I couldn't have said it better myself XD
EmoCupCake posted over a year ago
Abilei posted over a year ago
dragonrider said:
I hate skirts. The are uncomfortable for me. I think girls should be allowed to wear anything they want.
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posted over a year ago 
Abilei posted over a year ago
starwarsfangirl posted over a year ago
you go girl!!!!!1111
opalrose posted over a year ago
dustfinger said:
i think they should be able to wear anything they want. This isn't the 50s you know.
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posted over a year ago 
Yep, it's modern day wherever you live, so those who disagree need to wake up and look at the year!
starwarsfangirl posted over a year ago
some women even would wear "blomers" as they where called in the 1800s so some people should catch up about 100 years
opalrose posted over a year ago
Dang! What world have they been floating around in?
starwarsfangirl posted over a year ago
yoshifan1976 said:
I wear pants as well so there's no shame in that boo XD
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posted over a year ago 
Same here.
starwarsfangirl posted over a year ago
i agree
Bluestar208 posted over a year ago
Monrose said:
I don't like pants that much. I wear tights or skirts. If I gain a few pounds, I won't notice it :D
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posted over a year ago 
But you still think it's okay to wear them as girls, right?
starwarsfangirl posted over a year ago
Of course.
Monrose posted over a year ago
LizaIsARunner said:
Well i don't agree on booty shorts at school or even shorts at church because its just improper and at our school its against the dress code but yes, i do think you should definitely be allowed to wear pants.It is a woman's right.
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Well i don't agree on booty shorts at school or even shorts at church because its just improper and at our school its against the dress code but yes, i do think you should definitely be allowed to wear pants.It is a woman's right.
posted over a year ago 
No, of course I'd never wear shorts or anything like that in church!
Abilei posted over a year ago
Or at least... basket ball shorts... that go at least to your knees. A nice pair, as it is still Church.
starwarsfangirl posted over a year ago
At my church we only can wear skirts, it's totally retarded
Abilei posted over a year ago
dearjohnlOv3r23 said:
I agree with the booty shorts. i wear them too dance but not in Public. I believe you should wear what you want too wear. The only clothes i dont approve of is Sluty clothes. its called modesty. But hey! its my opionion. Soo Yeah. I wear Skinny Jeans, shorts i wear skirts when i have too so Idk. Haha
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posted over a year ago 
I don't wear booty shorts in public either.
Abilei posted over a year ago
Yeah, basically, you can have your right to wear shorts and pants, it's just.... you don't have to show us your whole body! Especially in public!
starwarsfangirl posted over a year ago
Jeffersonian said:
It's not anybody else's choice how we dress. Anyway I wouldn't wear a skirt if you paid me.
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, we're our own people, now leave us with our shorts and pants.
starwarsfangirl posted over a year ago
Jammy5195 said:
i kinda think this question is a little bit stereotypical...just because we are girls doesn't mean we should have to wear skirts or dresses. We should be able to wear whatever we want..and i think the majority of us girls here do not like wearing skirts. But i don't think it's ok to wear skimpy clothing either. Or expose our selfs out in public...i feel sorry for all our girls are ages (mostly teens) because
"we always have to look like that model in the magazine." we don't need to dress like that just to get noticed. I know this is off the question but people need to know that girls can look good and still have a lot of class just by covering up. But back to the question..i think girls should be allowed to wear anything they want. That's just my opinion though...
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posted over a year ago 
YES! Honestly, for some of those girls, it's like, yeah, you can wear whatever you like... but I hope you know that 'slutty' isn't the 'in' look.
starwarsfangirl posted over a year ago
I agree! I hate all these magazines who are supporting all these scanky styles and girls. If we have it bad now, can you just imagine what our kids are going to be faced with? It's aweful!
Abilei posted over a year ago
Twilight_Dream said:
this ain't the middle ages. women should be allowed to wear what the please. i just don't like it when people dress like slutty whores. THATS what i don't approve of. if your gonna dress like a street walker, then how bout you take a stroll with the rest of the sluts down hollywood boulevard. lol, sorry for that little rant.
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posted over a year ago 
But it's true. We have the right, just... don't over do it.
starwarsfangirl posted over a year ago
I agree though, you make a good point.
Abilei posted over a year ago
energizerbunny said:
I wear skirts, but that's just me, I'm more comfortable with skirts, I think it's okay for girls to wear pants.....I don't really care for shorts, maybe when they go swimming, but there are a lot of shorts that are just too revealing...I just think that girls need to be careful, they need to respect themselves....and how do you expect boys to respect you if u wear things that are extremely revealing...thats just my opinion
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posted over a year ago 
Of course, I do agree. As an American citizen, I believe I have the right to wear whatever I like, including skirts. I just like to exercise this freedom, and wear shorts. But if you play a sport or something, you probably don't want to wear skirts or pants while you do that...right? It would complicate things...
starwarsfangirl posted over a year ago
yeah I see how that would be complicated, like i said i think it's ok I just would be careful, like u know be careful who you wear them around
energizerbunny posted over a year ago
xXilikeyouXx said:
HaHa, women should be able to wear shorts/pants.
I would probably die if I had to wear skirts all the time. D:
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posted over a year ago 
Agreed! Amen, sista!
starwarsfangirl posted over a year ago
Woo! :D
xXilikeyouXx posted over a year ago
Abilei posted over a year ago
jem_ said:
I think girls should have the choice to wear whatever they want. Personally I prefer pants, but I like wearing both.
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posted over a year ago 
Yep. If guys can decide for themselves, why not us? (that was stupid of me, assuming we're all girls here) but yeah. I agree.
starwarsfangirl posted over a year ago
_Lin_Bell_ said:
Why do you even care?
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posted over a year ago 
It was just a question. In my church they're against it but for me and my family we wear jeans and shorts and things in that nature like they're going out of style.
Abilei posted over a year ago
opalrose said:
we already can! i don't know what some sexist pigs might think but girls should me aloud to wear pants and short like we have been for the last 50 years! get with the program! girls and guys should have the same rights! also women have been wearing pants out in public during the 1890s yes it wasn't socailly exceptable and girls will still wear them weither crazy people like it or not
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posted over a year ago 
I agree.
Abilei posted over a year ago
lano500 said:
We're allowed to wear what we want, but boys definitely shouldn't wear ballerina outfits! We once had a kid in our class wearing a tutu, dancing and singing "I'm a ballerina!" Boy, was that weird!
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posted over a year ago 
MisterH said:
I'm not against them wearing pants, but I don't mind them being in skirts either.
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I'm not against them wearing pants, but I don't mind them being in skirts either.
posted over a year ago 
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