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posted by SRitchieable
S.T Coleridge

Besides the Rivers, Arve and Arveiron, which have their sources in the foot of Mont Blanc, five conspicuous torrents rush down its sides; and within a few paces of the Glaciers, the Gentiana Major grows in immense numbers, with its 'flowers of loveliest [liveliest Friend, 1809] blue.'

Hast thou a charm to stay the morning-star
In his steep course? So long he seems to pause
On thy bald awful head, O sovran Blanc,
The Arve and Arveiron at thy base
Rave ceaselessly; but thou, most awful Form!
Risest from forth thy silent sea of pines,
How silently! Around thee and above
Deep is the air and dark, substantial, black,
An ebon mass: methinks thou piercest it,
As with a wedge! But when I look again,
It is thine own calm home, thy crystal shrine,
Thy habitation from eternity!
O dread and silent Mount! I gazed upon thee,
Till thou, still present to the bodily sense,
Didst vanish from my thought: entranced in prayer 15
I worshipped the Invisible alone.
Yet, like some sweet beguiling melody,
So sweet, we know not we are listening to it,
Thou, the meanwhile, wast blending with my Thought,
Yea, with my Life and Life's own secret joy:
Till the dilating Soul, enrapt, transfused,
Into the mighty vision passing—there
As in her natural form, swelled vast to Heaven!
Awake, my soul! not only passive praise
Thou owest! not alone these swelling tears,
Mute thanks and secret ecstasy! Awake,
Voice of sweet song! Awake, my heart, awake!
Green vales and icy cliffs, all join my Hymn.
Thou first and chief, sole sovereign of the Vale!
O struggling with the darkness all the night,
And visited all night by troops of stars,
Or when they climb the sky or when they sink:
Companion of the morning-star at dawn,
Thyself Earth's rosy star, and of the dawn
Co-herald: wake, O wake, and utter praise!
Who sank thy sunless pillars deep in Earth?
Who filled thy countenance with rosy light?
Who made thee parent of perpetual streams?
And you, ye five wild torrents fiercely glad!
Who called you forth from night and utter death,
From dark and icy caverns called you forth,
Down those precipitous, black, jagged rocks,
For ever shattered and the same for ever?
Who gave you your invulnerable life,
Your strength, your speed, your fury, and your joy,
Unceasing thunder and eternal foam?
And who commanded (and the silence came),
Here let the billows stiffen, and have rest?
Ye Ice-falls! ye that from the mountain's brow
Adown enormous ravines slope amain—
Torrents, methinks, that heard a mighty voice,
And stopped at once amid their maddest plunge!
Motionless torrents! silent cataracts!
Who made you glorious as the Gates of Heaven
Beneath the keen full moon? Who bade the sun
Clothe you with rainbows? Who, with living flowers
Of loveliest blue, spread garlands at your feet?—
God! let the torrents, like a shout of nations,
Answer! and let the ice-plains echo, God!
God! sing ye meadow-streams with gladsome voice!
Ye pine-groves, with your soft and soul-like sounds!
And they too have a voice, yon piles of snow,
And in their perilous fall shall thunder, God!
Ye living flowers that skirt the eternal frost!
Ye wild goats sporting round the eagle's nest!
Ye eagles, play-mates of the mountain-storm!
Ye lightnings, the dread arrows of the clouds!
Ye signs and wonders of the element!
Utter forth God, and fill the hills with praise!
Thou too, hoar Mount! with thy sky-pointing peaks,
Oft from whose feet the avalanche, unheard,
Shoots downward, glittering through the pure serene
Into the depth of clouds, that veil thy breast—
Thou too again, stupendous Mountain! thou
That as I raise my head, awhile bowed low
In adoration, upward from thy base
Slow travelling with dim eyes suffused with tears,
Solemnly seemest, like a vapoury cloud,
To rise before me—Rise, O ever rise,
Rise like a cloud of incense from the Earth!
Thou kingly Spirit throned among the hills,
Thou dread ambassador from Earth to Heaven,
Great Hierarch! tell thou the silent sky,
And tell the stars, and tell yon rising sun
Earth, with her thousand voices, praises God.
(Picture in the alps, by J.M Turner)
(Picture in the alps, by J.M Turner)
posted by tayandkris4evr
This is a little poem I wrote. I wrote it from my heart, mind, body, and soul. I hope you like it. Comment if you can. :)

I’m supposed to be happy.

I’m supposed to smile.

I’m supposed to laugh.

Yet, I can’t.

I can’t forget that he’s not here.

I can’t forget that he never was.

I can’t forget that he didn’t care.

You were supposed to be a father to me.

You were supposed to love me.

You were supposed to care.

Yet, you didn’t.

Forgive me if I don’t understand.

I thought father’s were supposed to love their little girls.

I thought they were supposed to be the dad that beat up their boyfriends.

I thought that I would have a father that loved me.

But, I don’t.

He doesn’t care.

He never will.

I’ve learned to forget him.

He’s no father to me.

He never was.

I’m happy now.

I can laugh and smile.

Even without you.

added by hurricane93
Source: AR
added by SRitchieable
Source: W.G Robertson (montaged by S. Ritchie)
added by SRitchieable
Source: W. Blake (montaged by S. Ritchie)
There's a breathless hush in the Close to-night --
Ten to make and the match to win --
A bumping pitch and a blinding light,
An hour to play and the last man in.
And it's not for the sake of a ribboned coat,
Or the selfish hope of a season's fame,
But his Captain's hand on his shoulder smote
"Play up! play up! and play the game!"

The sand of the desert is sodden red, --
Red with the wreck of a square that broke; --
The Gatling's jammed and the colonel dead,
And the regiment blind with dust and smoke.
The river of death has brimmed his banks,
And England's far, and Honour a name,
But the voice of schoolboy rallies the ranks,
"Play up! play up! and play the game!"

This is the word that year by year
While in her place the School is set
Every one of her sons must hear,
And none that hears it dare forget.
This they all with a joyful mind
Bear through life like a torch in flame,
And falling fling to the host behind --
"Play up! play up! and play the game!"
added by Princess-Yvonne
added by LaDispute
neil hilborn
posted by emmett
"Grains of sand slip through your hands..."
"Grains of sand slip through your hands..."
If someone told you...
Life's like a rollercoaster,
Don't waste the ride.
Live it up all the way,
because today's your last day
What would you do?

Would you cry a little, scream a little, think it's all pretend.
Or go into silence until the very end...
Would you love the ones you hate the most or be the person you hide?
Would you pretend that you're ok but really scream inside?

Would you try and keep the sun from setting as your last day ends?
Knowing you'll never see it rise...
Tomorrow I'll be somewhere else you say as you close your eyes.
"Test the sea rising at your feet, how far can you go..."
"Test the sea rising at your feet, how far can you go..."
"Let the rain falling on your face, run into your eyes. Can you see the rainbow now, through the stormy skies?"
"Let the rain falling on your face, run into your eyes. Can you see the rainbow now, through the stormy skies?"
added by melonagrace
posted by TBGB1970
When you stare into my eyes
What do you see?

I know I see a scared girl,
Who wants to break out of her shell
and show the world who she really is.

She feels abandoned and alone
even with friends and family around her.
She has been used and she was choking on the promise she would never fall again.

She's the girl people see
Laughing and smiling on the outside
is actually Crying and Hurting inside.

People misunderstands her,
They judge and tease but she puts up a shield.
She is sweet and sensitive but they don't care
They're cruel as the world we live in.

Do you see that in my eyes?
Do you see me?

It's amazing what you can hide
Just by putting on a smile.
posted by amoremusic
Dig Deeper

Look deeper and you will see her soul,
Observing the outside without entering the door,
Was never enough for her heart to enfold,
Look into her eyes and dig deeper, explore.
You were (for some time) satisfied with the curve of her waist,With the shape of her ass, the makeup on her face,
But if only you had tried, for once, to enter from a different side,
Perhaps her satisfaction in you, would have been in full body and mind.
Won't you try and find the key. wont you try?
Only she knows that the one who unlocks the door will find,
The curves of her nature, the shape of her desire, the makeup...
continue reading...
posted by Aquade
All My Fault

By Cody Herman

Fire courses through my body

Rage I never knew existed

I stumble around dizzily

I know I shouldn't have insisted

We were laughing together

The day started out great

We could have lasted forever

Or maybe it was just fate

Deep inside my heart

I know that I was wrong

We shouldn't have part

Just when we got along

So where does the blame go?

Is it to me or to you?

How could I have stooped so low?

When was it I withdrew?

The blame is on me

The troubles are mine

To the air I plea

I knew it wasn't time

It could have worked out

We would have been fine

It would have been without

All because of the love line
posted by Hellowittykitty
No more time to suck it up
No more time to fight the luck
No more time to say goodbye
Just get up and go
Let's try.....

Let's go right now!
No one can save us!
Let's go right now!
The world is ours,

Let's go right now!
Never be desolated
Let's go right now!
No time for being ungraded
Let's just go...right now.

I'm sorry Ma,
I knew you thought you raised me well
But living in your forlorn promises
Never really helped
Just go home to pa
And tell him I'm at Taco Bell

Just being the sprout I am
Never worked out
I should stand tall
Right about now
But I should just go tough now

Let's go right now!
I can save us
Let's go right...
continue reading...
added by moodystuff449
Source: i wrote this.....
added by irena83
posted by Attirox2
As you go turn out your light
The shadows come out into your eyesight
Lurking around in each corner waiting to be found
Waiting quietly trying not to make a sound
They appear in every form
The scariest ones are in a lightning storm
Some look like witches some look like goblins
They scare you by coming into your dreams
As light tries hard to come into the seams
To help you out with no prevail
Their tries are effortless like a ship without a sail
As the shadows lurk in and the light tiptoes out
You twist and turn making want to shout
So if you're weak and not strong at all
And these unreal ghouls make your skin crawl
Try getting a night light
posted by bloomprinceton
This valentine ill try something new,
a very SPECIAL recipe invented just for you,

a touch of pain in a little glass flask,
with a little bit of hatred if you might ask,

shake the mixture with a bit of your crocodile tears,
and dont forget your fake smiles tht fooled me for years,

CHOP my letters and burn my picture,
now heat this at about 30 degree celceius

now add the grief the day u left me in tears,
then heat in that lonely bitter mixture with how i barely slept tht day,

now let's get to the topping that's my favorite part,
ADD what's left from my stabbed,crushed heart....
added by moodystuff449
Source: I wrote it.
posted by Lovetreehill
To the dearest, fairest woman
Who sets my heart ablaze with light,
To the angel, the immortal idol,
Greetings in immortality !

She permeates my life
Like air impregnated with salt
And into my unsated soul
Pours the taste for the eternal.

Sachet, ever fresh, that perfumes
The atmosphere of a dear nook,
Forgotten censer smoldering
Secretly through the night,

Everlasting love, how can I
Describe you truthfully?
Grain of musk that lies unseen
In the depths of my eternity !

To the dearest, fairest woman
Who is my health and my delight
To the angel, the immortal idol,
Greetings in immortality !

continue reading...
posted by emmab13
I sit here. At my computer. How you may say "stuck" or "blocked". Not knowing what to say, what to write, what to pour onto the page. But I just sit, think, and eventually, I lay my hands on the keyboard and just start . . . typing. Typing away. Letting my heart and mind spill all over the now heavily damp worded page. I say what I feel and type what I think and maybe . . . just maybe the words I type turn into something that make sense. Words that turn into something beautiful, like a desert flower, slowly blooming, waiting for the rain to come to push it through.

Sometimes, as I type away...
continue reading...