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The Blue Skies Test



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You are a leader
You are inventive, creative, and completely ingenious. You are extremely gifted.
You are insightful and astute. You are quite savvy when it comes to most things.

You are thorough and complete in everything you do. You don't leave any stone unturned.
The right path is always clear, and you're a bit of a visionary. You don't take the lead, but others are welcome to follow you.
posted over a year ago.
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ecpjll said:
You Are Grounded

You don't need a lot of excitement. (TRUE)Your best days are calm days.(USUALLY TRUE)
No one works as hard as you do.(FALSE) But you're not complaining - you love hard work!(FALSE)

You are especially in tune with children and animals. (TRUE)You have a sixth sense when it comes them.(TRUE)
You have little respect for people who aren't practical.(TRUE) You think it's important to be down to earth. (TRUE)
posted over a year ago.
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You Are Loving

You take commitments seriously. You are a loyal and devoted friend.
You are a positive and easygoing person. You see the best in others and try not to criticize.

You consult others before acting. Consensus is important to you.
You are loving and touchy-feely. You are quite affectionate.

posted over a year ago.