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Are You a Renaissance Man or Woman?



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Poziomka said:
You Are Totally Renaissance

You are an enthusiastic and easily excitable person (like a child). If there's one thing you've got, it's passion (I hope so)!
There's so much in this world that interests you (Yes). You like to dabble in a little of everything (mhm).

At times you have trouble deciding what to do in your life (unfortunately, yes). Everything sounds good to you (the opposite).
You are so full of joy and enthusiasm for everything! You always notice the positive (actually, no).
posted over a year ago.
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xangelx said:
You Are Somewhat Renaissance

You are an independent learner and thinker. You like to follow your own path in life, and you're never sure where it will take you.
You are interested in many subjects, and your interest isn't superficial. You dig deep.

You have the wisdom and strength to be a good leader. You stick with what works and change what doesn't.
You hate to be bored. You like to keep your mind busy, and you're always looking for new things to do.

posted over a year ago.
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ecpjll said:
You Are Somewhat Renaissance

You are an independent learner and thinker. You like to follow your own path in life, and you're never sure where it will take you.
You are interested in many subjects, and your interest isn't superficial. You dig deep.

You have the wisdom and strength to be a good leader. You stick with what works and change what doesn't.
You hate to be bored. You like to keep your mind busy, and you're always looking for new things to do.
posted over a year ago.
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You Are Totally Renaissance

You are an enthusiastic and easily excitable person. If there's one thing you've got, it's passion!
There's so much in this world that interests you. You like to dabble in a little of everything.

At times you have trouble deciding what to do in your life. Everything sounds good to you.
You are so full of joy and enthusiasm for everything! You always notice the positive.
posted over a year ago.
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You Are Not Very Renaissance

You are sure of what you like and who you are. You haven't changed much over your life.
You have a depth that is completely unmatched. You like to understand things completely.

You are a perfectionist. You notice and are fussy about every little detail.
You aren't afraid of adventure but you don't seek it out. You rather tend to your own garden.
posted over a year ago.
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You Are Somewhat Renaissance

You are an independent learner and thinker. You like to follow your own path in life, and you're never sure where it will take you.
You are interested in many subjects, and your interest isn't superficial. You dig deep.

You have the wisdom and strength to be a good leader. You stick with what works and change what doesn't.
You hate to be bored. You like to keep your mind busy, and you're always looking for new things to do.

posted over a year ago.