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What color is your mind?



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Green is the color of harmony and peace. You are a frank person, and also very modest. You love the outdoors and literature. You like to take a little time every day for yourself, and you love to laugh. You handle conflict well. What your life needs more of is brown, meaning you need more stamina. The next time you really want to give up on something, wait it out a little bit longer, and you won't be sorry!
posted over a year ago.
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Your Mind is Pink!
Pink minded people are the more toned down version of red. You speak your mind, but you do it tactfully. Pink people desire protection, and you need to feel loved. Pink people also tend to be charming. You don't take life too seriously, and love to have fun! You make friends easily, and drama doesn't bother you. You love music and culture. The color your life needs more of is purple, meaning you need to feel that you are important. The next time it's a rainy day, don't just do something by yourself, call up a friend and invite them over for a long chat, it's good for you, and you'll realize you are truly cared for.
posted over a year ago.
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NatyLy said:
Orange is the color of luxury. Orange minded people tend to create more drama than others, and are a little fickle. Orange can also signify fearlessness. You have a lot of energy, and love to be social. You like to get your body moving and love to laugh. The color you need more of is yellow, meaning you need a little more happiness in your life. You may have a lot of things, maybe a lot of relationships, you take risks, and you aren't afraid to try something new, but often this may not make you entirely happy. The next time you're in a good mood, don't immediately call a friend to hang out, try taking a walk by yourself for a while, and see if it brings you a little more happiness. Being social is great, but you need you time too.
posted over a year ago.
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Purple minded people are constantly on a quest for culture, and don't like to get their hands dirty. You are very civilized and sensitive. You enjoy helping others, and you are not afraid of change. You love history, but hate quickly changing weather. You feel you are an important person, and you only allow yourself to get into situations where you'll be completely comfortable. You are proud of the person you are. The color your life needs more of is pink, meaning you can afford to let loose once in a while! The next time you go see a movie, don't go for the kind you usually see, see something completely out of the ordinary for you. It'll be a nice break from your normal routine, and you may find that you like it. Broaden your horizons!
posted over a year ago.
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ruby1000 said:
Your Mind is Pink!
Pink minded people are the more toned down version of red. You speak your mind, but you do it tactfully. Pink people desire protection, and you need to feel loved. Pink people also tend to be charming. You don't take life too seriously, and love to have fun! You make friends easily, and drama doesn't bother you. You love music and culture. The color your life needs more of is purple, meaning you need to feel that you are important. The next time it's a rainy day, don't just do something by yourself, call up a friend and invite them over for a long chat, it's good for you, and you'll realize you are truly cared for.
posted over a year ago.
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xangelx said:
Green is the color of harmony and peace. You are a frank person, and also very modest. You love the outdoors and literature. You like to take a little time every day for yourself, and you love to laugh. You handle conflict well. What your life needs more of is brown, meaning you need more stamina. The next time you really want to give up on something, wait it out a little bit longer, and you won't be sorry!
posted over a year ago.
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posted over a year ago.
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ecpjll said:
Your Mind is Brown!
posted over a year ago.
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emmett said:
Red is the color of strength, aggression, and ambition. You are probably quick to take sides during conflict. You are more likely to like physical activities rather than calm ones. You tend to get angry easily, and you are probably more anxious than most people. Though you are a strong person and usually get what you want if you try hard enough. The color you need more of is blue, meaning you need a little more peace in your life. The next time you feel angry at someone, try taking a deep breath and leaving the room for a while, it will really help to defuse the situation.

umm some parts of this are true.
posted over a year ago.
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Your Mind is Green!

Green is the color of harmony and peace. You are a frank person, and also very modest. You love the outdoors and literature. You like to take a little time every day for yourself, and you love to laugh. You handle conflict well. What your life needs more of is brown, meaning you need more stamina. The next time you really want to give up on something, wait it out a little bit longer, and you won't be sorry!

posted over a year ago.