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What Kind of Cookies Should You Bake?



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NatyLy said:
You Should Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies
You are the type of person who has more friends than you can count. You're very popular.
You are outgoing and fun loving. You don't worry too much... you just enjoy life.

You may be well liked, but there's nothing bland or ordinary about you.
You like to write your own rules. Who knows what you'll throw into your chocolate chip cookies?
posted over a year ago.
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You Should Bake Sandwich Cookies
You are a great listener and a great friend. You're there for people even if they aren't there for you.
You are a comforting and calming influence. People often say you would make a great therapist.

You love to bring a smile to friends' faces. You're the type to bake up a plate of cookies "just because".
You are full of common sense and every day wisdom. You give sound advice to anyone willing to listen.
posted over a year ago.
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Vixie79 said:
You Should Bake Coconut Macaroons
You are a genuinely kind and nice person. You are sensitive to your core.
You are compelled to help everyone around you. You get joy from giving to others.

You love the idea of travel and faraway lands. You are prone to vivid fantasies about private escapes.
You are a true romantic. You can't help but see the world as how you want it to be.
posted over a year ago.
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big smile
You Should Bake Frosted Cookies

You are a colorful and creative person. You can't help but put your personal touch on everything.
For you, almost anything can be a form of artistic expression. You love to make things.

You can be a bit theatrical and dramatic, but only in a good way. You get so bored with the ordinary.
You are warmhearted and friendly. You are always looking to spice up your circle of friends, and you'll welcome almost anyone new into your life.

posted over a year ago.