Penguins of Madagascar Club
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Weeks had passed. Manfredi, Johnson, and Rico had gotten to know each other considerably. Rico felt a little awkward for the first several days, afraid that Manfredi and Johnson wouldn't accept him after they'd discovered just how deep his secret ability went. But even after he upchucked the pipe wrench, crowbar, clipboard, and an assortment of nuts and bolts that he had managed to get into his gut at the facility, Manfredi and Johnson still treated him like any other penguin. Eventually, he found his comfort zone and started to enjoy his time with his new brothers.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!" Shouted Manfredi and Johnson simultaneously as Rico put another fish in his beak.

"Eleven!" Manfredi counted. "One more and you owe me twenty herring." He told Johnson, grinning deviously. Rico had to refrain from laughing; if he did, he'd spit out his beak-full of fish. He picked up the last fish from the pile and started to push it into his beak. Though with some difficulty, he managed to wedge the fish in.

"Twelve! Yeah! I win!" Manfredi cheered.

Johnson put a flipper on his shoulder to calm him down. "Whoa, whoa, there. Slow your role, there, fishcake." He turned to Rico. "Can he actually close his beak?" He asked slowly, the corners of his beak lifting and a crease forming between his eyes.

Rico took a deep breath through his supraorbital gland and attempted to close his beak. A few moments later, his lower jaw met his upper, concealing the fish. Johnson turned and kicked some snow as Manfredi threw his flippers up in triumph and high fived Rico.

After celebrating, Manfredi stepped behind Johnson and patted his back. "Sorry, my friend. Maybe next time." He was trying to be sympathetic, but he couldn't hide a mild teasing tone in his voice.

"You're really gonna make me do this, aren't you?"

"Yes. Yes I am."

Johnson sighed and cursed under his breath. "Fine."

"Hey, a bets' a bet. Besides, you woulda made me do it." Manfredi pointed out folding his flippers.

"Good point. I'll be back soon." Johnson said making his way for the ocean.

Manfredi turned to Rico-whose cheeks were no longer bulging with fish-waddling over to him. "Hey, pipsqueak, where'd the fish go?"

Rico patted his stomach. "Yum!" He replied happily.

Manfredi chuckled. "Well, if you like that, wait till you try some herring. It's really hard to find in these parts, but it's worth it when you do." He explained.

About eight minutes had passed and Johnson had only surfaced once to lay four herring in the snow, then dove back under to continue his hunt. Manfredi and Rico had busied themselves in a game of Twenty Questions as they tarried.

"Is it hard to find?" Manfredi asked. Rico nodded. "Is it found in the ocean?" Rico shook his head. "Can it be-"

Johnson broke through the surface of the water and hit the snow, belly-sliding between them screaming: "Run!"

For a moment, Manfredi and Rico remained sitting in the snow, processing what had just happened. Though, a microsecond later, they were broken out of their daze when a leopard seal the size of an iceberg broke through the ice and caused the the defenseless penguins to be thrown onto their feet. They turned and belly-slid after Johnson with great speed, the adrenaline in their bodies racing through their veins faster than Halley's Comet. It didn't take long to catch up with Johnson.

"What the hell happened down there?!" Manfredi asked Johnson over the sounds of their bellies scraping along the snow and the hungry growling behind them.

"I was swimming and he just came out of nowhere!" Johnson replied. The leopard seal was just inches from their very feet.

That's when the unthinkable happened.

The leopard seal grabbed Manfredi's legs in his teeth and beg an thrashing him about. Rico and Johnson skidded to a halt and watched in horror for a moment before Rico did the first thing that came to his mind; he regurgitated the crowbar and threw it as hard as he could at the beast attacking his brother. It turned through the air a couple of times before the end buried itself into the leopard seal's neck. The savage creature cried out in pain, causing Manfredi to fall free from his jaws and into the snow. The leopard seal, terrified for his own life, took off in the other direction. Johnson and Rico rushed to Manfredi's side. There was a lot of blood; it pooled into the snow, leaking quickly from the deep bit marks in his side.

"Manfredi! Manfredi! Man, can you hear me?!" He asked in a panic, pulling his head and shoulders onto his lap. Manfredi groaned in response; sweat had began to accumulate and shine on his forehead.

"Whaweonnaoo?" Rico asked, meaning to ask what they were going to do.

"I dunno, pipsqueak. He's losing blood fast. Do you happen to have anything in that wondertum that can soak up some of this blood?"

Rico nodded and regurgitated some sweatrags that he'd collected at the facility long before they'd escaped. Johnson pressed them firmly to Manfredi's side.

"Rico, since Manfredi is incapable of moving, and he doesn't need to be left alone, I'll stay here while you go try to find help, okay?"

Rico nodded.

After around an hour of shuffling through the snow, Rico stumbled upon a village. He could hardly fathom his good luck. He awkwardly waddled through the streets of snow, catching leery glances from other penguins as he made his way through. Finally, he worked up the courage to ask someone where he might find a doctor.

"Doctor?" He asked an elderly woman who was busy chopping up a fish.

"Down the street, go left, third house on the right, dear." The elderly woman instructed kindly, pointing down the street. Rico nodded in understanding and appreciation and did as he was told. He knocked four times then waited for a response. A young female penguin answered; she was about half his age.

"Yes? This is Dr. Mavis's office."

Rico attempted to speak as best as he could. "Friend...hurt...blood..." His voice was very rough, which made a crease form between the girls' eyes.

"Um, is something wrong? You sound hoarse."

Rico shook his head. "Doctor!"

The girl nodded. "Okay! Okay! Come on in. He'll see you momentarily."

She pushed the door open further and gestured inward. Rico stepped in. There were four beds on one side of the room, only one was filled. A penguin about the girls' age laid upon it, sweating and shivering. The sight made a chill run down Rico's spine. He heard the door shut behind him and the girl appeared at his side with a smile.

"I'm Kari. What's your name?" She asked kindly.

"Rico." Rico grunted.

"Well, Rico, I'll go get Dr. Mavis. It was nice meeting you." She turned and went into another room. Rico looked once again at the boy that lay in the bed. He was awake now, and was weakly trying to reach the glass of water on his bedside table. Though hesitant, Rico waddled over, picked up the glass, and handed it to him. The boy accepted the glass and drank gratefully, looking at him through thankful eyes.

"Thank you." He whispered. Rico nodded. Next thing he knew, Kari returned with an older man, presumably Dr. Mavis.

"Hello, young man. I'm Dr. Mavis. I see you've met Tom." Rico glanced at the boy in the bed, then relocked his eyes to Mavis's. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Friend, trouble." He grunted.

"Excuse me?" Dr. Mavis replied, perplexed by Rico's inaudibility.

"I think he was trying to say that his friend is in trouble, and that there's blood. For some reason, he can't seem to speak properly." Kari explained.

Mavis nodded. "And where is this friend of yours?" He asked him in a calming tone. Rico simply just walked over to the door and came to a halt, looking at Mavis with pleading eyes.

"I think he wants you to follow him." Kari suggested.

Mavis nodded. "I'll go get my bag." Mavis turned and entered a room, emerging a moment later with a bag in his grasp. Rico opened the door and lead Mavis out.

It didn't take long to reach Manfredi and Johnson. Johnson had slowed the bleeding enough to get Manfredi to his feet and the two of them were following Rico's trail. "My goodness! What happened?" Mavis asked in shock when his eyes met Manfredi's side.

"A leopard seal attacked." Johnson answered.

Mavis took a quick mental survey of Manfredi's condition, then supported the side that Johnson wasn't. "We'll discuss this further once we get to my office. Come on." He instructed as he lead them to his office.

Once they'd arrived, Mavis immediately set to work, not wanting to waste a single second. He cleaned the wound and bound it tightly. "So, one of you wanna tell me what happened?"

"We told you, sir. We were attacked by a leopard seal." Johnson repeated.

"And how did you three escape said leopard seal?" Rico and Johnson exchanged a glance. "Well?" Mavis urged.

Rico nodded to Johnson, permitting him to reveal his secret. Johnson sighed. "Well, Rico here has somewhat of a gift." Rico demonstrated by regurgitating a pipe wrench without difficulty.

Mavis was speechless for a moment, but quickly recovered. "I'm not even going to ask." He muttered. "Where are your parents?"

"We never knew our parents. We've spent most of our lives in a drug-testing facility run by humans. We only escaped from there a few months ago." Johnson explained. Mavis didn't look convinced. "It's the truth!"

Mavis sighed. "Alright. I'll bite. I'm Dr. Mavis. You two are?"

"Manfredi, and I'm Johnson" He answered gesturing to Manfredi, then himself.

"Well, Manfredi, you're going to need to stay with me for a few days to recover. As for you two, you're going to have to go to foster care, I'm afraid. You can visit from nine to seven."

"Foster care? What's that?" Johnson asked.

"It's where children that have no parents go to live until their either adopted or have reached adulthood."

"We're not children!" Johnson pretested.

Mavis cocked an eye. "Oh? How old are you three?"

"Rico's eight, Manfredi's twelve, and I'm almost thirteen."

"Well, I'm afraid that's considered children. I'm sorry."

"But we can't just leave him. We're like brothers." Johnson said taking Manfredi's flipper in his, who had long since fallen asleep due to how weak he felt.

Mavis looked at them sympathetically. "Alright. You can stay the night. But tomorrow, you're going to have to go to the foster home. Understood?" Rico and Johnson nodded. Mavis sighed and returned to his office. Not ten seconds after he did, a voice was heard from behind.


Rico and Johnson turned their heads toward Kari, who was holding her flippers in front of her and bowing her head slightly, her cheeks a faint shade of pink. "Hi. I'm Johnson. This is-"

"Rico. I know. We've met. I'm Kari. I hope your friend gets better." She replied bashfully.

"Thanks. And you don't have to be shy. We may be different, but we won't bite." Johnson assured her with a kind smile. His attention shifted to Tom, who was in the neighboring bed. "What's wrong with him?" He asked.

"He was a late hatcher. He's lucky he's lasted four years. He recently became ill and we've started an untested therapy to try to save him." Kari explained.

"So he might die?"

There was a long silence. For Kari, it felt like years had passed before she replied. "It's a possibility, yes." Kari answered softly, the words hurting.

Johnson took notice of the pain in her eyes and a twinge of guilt pinched his stomach. "I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." He said slowly.

Kari shook her head. "No, you're fine. I just can't stand the thought. He's the only true friend I've ever had." She replied slowly, not taking her gaze away from Tom.

Johnson smiled sympathetically. "I'm sure he'll be fine."

"I hope you're right." Kari said with a sigh, glancing at him, then returning to her place next to Tom's bed, dabbing his forehead with a wet cloth.

There was silence for the rest of the afternoon.


"Ready, Rico?" Johnson asked.

Since neither of them liked the idea of this 'foster care', they decided that they're best option was to sneak out at the dead of night.

Rico nodded; he had consumed a few of Mavis's supplies that they deemed necessary to keep Manfredi alive. Johnson helped Manfredi out of bed and the three of them started for the door on their tiptoes when they heard a groan. It was Tom.

"Where are you going?" He asked propping himself up in bed.

"We can't end up in foster care. We're getting out of here." Johnson answered.

"But Manfredi might not make it if you go." Tom pointed out.

"No, he'll be fine. Please, just go back to sleep." Johnson insisted.

"Yes, I think we should all go back to sleep."

Johnson, Rico, and Manfredi turned to the voice behind them. Mavis stood there with a dim lantern in his flipper. You could just make out his disappointed expression in the faded yellow.

"Busted." Rico muttered with a sigh.

"Damn, right, you're busted. What were you thinking? Manfredi, out in the cold in his condition? You could have killed him!" Mavis told them. The three penguins looked down with guilty expressions. Mavis sighed. "Look, I know you three don't want to be separated, but I have no choice. You need to be taken care of."

"But we were taking care of ourselves just fine." Johnson protested.

Mavis examined Manfredi with his eyes. "Oh, really? He said sarcastically.

"So? Accidents happen. We're doing just fine on our own." Johnson insisted.

Mavis thought for a minute. "Alright, I'll make you a deal. You two stick around while Manfredi heals, and you can help me out around the office."

Johnson and Rico exchanged another glance, then looked back to Mavis and nodded, agreeing to the terms of the deal.

"Good. Now let's get him back in bed."

After getting Manfredi in bed, Rico and Johnson slept in the other beds for the night. They'd never slept in anything so comfortable, so falling asleep was like falling on a cloud.
"Gin." Private said as he put his hand of cards on the table. "GAH!" Kowalski exclaimed as he threw his cards on the table. That was the 7th time in a row Private had beaten him. "Oh Kowalski! Don't be a sore loser!" Skipper told him from across the room. He was busy sorting through some classified files. "I'm not a sore loser!" Kowalski told him. "Then why are you so upset!?" Skipper asked. Kowalski looked down a little and muttered: "...Because...I just taught him how to play this morning..." Skipper and Rico held back a laugh as best as they could. "Oh...It's not that big a deal Kowalski!"...
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posted by legendary7
While the other penguins fished on the boat, Private sat on the dock, sticking his feet in the water. The penguin felt the fish dash under his legs. A gust of wind nearly blew him over, scattering his Peanutbutter Winkies out of their bag.
Something smooth bumped his legs. Squinting, he peered into the water. An unfamiliar face stared into his. It was deeply sadden and filled with despair. The eyes were unforgettably a milky white. She was an astonishing creature.
Private was stunned. The rest of the team noticed.
"Private, you okay, over there?" Skipper called.
The shivering penguin didn't and...
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posted by BrightLight92
"Skipper... Before we are going to the Hoboken... Can we be giving them a proper burial?" Skipper looked sadly at the lemur, who was hugging his tail in comfort.

"Sure, Ringtail," The penguin slid back through the dark tunnel without another word.

"Wait! Aren't I suppose to be helping?"

"You can help by digging the graves!" The distant voice of the leader echoed through the tunnel.

"Oh... Okay then!" Julien looked at the ground and started digging. He knew he'd get tired soon. He was never one for physical work.

Julien coughed and dusted himself off as he has 5 formidable holes dug. His whole body...
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Dumb Kowalski's conversation with Skipper

Kowalski:  Hi, I'm a penguin.

Skipper: Okay.

Kowalski: Are you a penguin?

Skipper: Yes.

Kowalski: Yay! We're sisters!

Skipper: We'd better go outside. It's almost feeding time.

Kowalski: I like feeding things!

Skipper: We are the ones that get fed.

Kowalski: I hate feeding time. Why can't we feed ourselves?

Skipper: You can.

Kowalski: Yay! I love lemurs!

Skipper: Fine. *goes up the ladder*

Kowalski: No, Skipper, don't leave me here alone, with all the monsters! *clings onto Skipper's foot like a toddler*

Skipper: Then you can come out with us.

Kowalski: Hooray for fish!

Skipper: *sigh* 
Chapter 9

Skipper raised his sword and shield up, the odds were against him, but he had the power of his mother by his side. Blowhole controlled his monster with his mind, with just a simple thought he could make it do anything he wanted. Blowhole controlled his monster to use its claws to crush Skipper like a bug. Skipper jumped up before being sandwiched by the huge bat claws, but didn't notice one of the claws that came up to strike him down. While Skipper was down, Blowhole put his claws together and started to make a laser and shot at Skipper. Skipper turned himself into mist before he...
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User: Hello silly robot! I am King Julien! You may begin da worshiping!

Cleverbot: I think you're the one hallucinating here, mister giant purple talking weasel.

User: I am not a weasel!! I am a lemur!

Cleverbot: No, you are not a woman, you are a bot. Humans feel emotions. Can you feel true emotions yourself?

User: You are being stupid-y!

Cleverbot: No, you are being stupid!

User: You!

Cleverbot: You're kind of dumb.

User: Hey that's what the Skipper penguin tells me!

Cleverbot: Sorry, you can use it. I'll find something else to say.

User: What? Eh never mind..

Cleverbot: No, I want to know who she is!...
continue reading...
posted by peacebaby7

Maurice: "Hey! Alex!"

Alex: "Yeah, Maurice?"

Maurice: "King Julien said that you can use his plane. I'm sure we could get it flying."

Alex: "That broken down thing? I don't think that's going to be very possible..."

Maurice: "I'm sure we can do something to get it up & running! C'mon...what do we have to lose?"

Alex: "I suppose you're right...just let me talk it over with the others."

Alex, Gloria, Marty, Melman

Alex: "So...what do you think?"

Melman: "I don't know, it seems kind of dangerous...what if we crash? What if we crash into the ocean?"

Gloria: "Well, I don't see what we have...
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Clock Tower: Take 1


Private: "OW! MY EARHOLES!" *clenches side of head & falls off clock tower*

Director: "Private! I told you it would be loud & to come prepared!"

Private: "What!?"

Director: "I said I told you it would be loud & to come prepared!"

Private: "What do shrouds have to do with this?!"

Director: "NO! LOUD!"

Private: "What's loud?!"

Director: "The clock tower! I told you to come prepared!"


Director: *slaps forehead*

Clock Tower: Take 2


*penguins are shown on the clock tower & jumping off*

Skipper/Private/Rico: *land...
continue reading...
posted by Skiparah
(Skipper's Autobiography)

You might find it hard to believe if I came right out and
told you the place I know the most about is the place I
hate more than any other. It's not the land itself. I guess
it's not the people either. I once let my hatred for them
get too far out of hand. Now that I think about it I find
that the people were only peices of the puzzle. It's
not the people or the land that makes me dread it so
much. It's the memories.


Copenhagen, Denmark wasn't a terrible looking place.
I just knew deep down I didn't fit in there. I didn't
belong there. There are a few good memories...
continue reading...
posted by peacebaby7
The Central Park Zoo: New York City

*penguins were put in their habitat, & were now surrounded by humans*

Private: "Skipper? What do we do?"

Human 3: "Hey, penguins! Aw, your so cute!"

Kowalski: "Apparently we're here for the humans amusement..."

Skipper: "Um...ah...."

Private: "How are we supposed to make these humans believe we are just regular penguins?"

Human 4: "They're so cuddly!"

Kowalski: "Skipper...We need to do something!"

Skipper: "Will you be quiet for a minute! I'm trying to think here!"

Human 4: *starts waving at the penguins while smiling*

Rico: "Kaboom?"

Skipper: "NO! I'm trying to...
continue reading...
The morning arrived, sweeping petite white flakes to the snowy tundra. I peak out from under the sheets of snow and I rush into my parents' room as rapidly as my legs can take me. The bed is half vacant, my mother lays asleep by herself.
I climb my way up, grasping the covers. With all the strength I can muster up, I get on top of her shoulder. I start poking her cheek to wake her up.
"Momma, wake up!" I yell, acting as an alarm clock, but she continuously snores. I groan and cross my flippers across my chest.
In a matter of minutes, I lose all interest, and hop down it the bed. To my suprise...
continue reading...
Inflatium Diagnosis: Take 1

Kowalski: "...Julien! You must stay away from Skipper!"

Julien: "You will listen to me! I will party-se--"

*--Kowalski slams door in his face*


Kowalski: "Oops..." *giggling like a school girl on the inside*

Inflatium Diagnosis: Take 2

Kowalski: "...Julien! You must stay away from Skipper!"

Julien: "You will listen to me! I will party-se--"

*--Kowalski slams door in his face*


Kowalski: *opens door* "Sorry...Are yo--"...
continue reading...
New Leonard: Take 1

Rat King: "...Awwww! C'mon! There's no fun in beating up a sleeping guy!
Not that I won't or anything..."

Private: "Skipper! Look!"

Leonard: *snores*

RK: *shakes Leonard*

Director: "He really went to sleep this time didn't he..."

New Leonard: Take 2

Private: "Skipper! Look!"

Leonard: *jumps out of RK's arms*

Leonard's Dream: Gosh, Princess SelfRespectra! You'll be my best friend forever & ever!!

*RK struggles to keep Leonard from hugging him*

Leonard: "It's better to be friends than to own friends..."

RK: "What are you doing?!"

Leonard: "Hugs are happiness circles! We mate with...
continue reading...
posted by 27Kowalski
I don't know if you can call this a "Blooper," but whatever. I wrote this 'cause I was inspired by peacebaby7's "Penguins Bloopers" articles. So yeah, enjoy!

Director: Okay, for the next scene... Um... Oh yeah, right. Skipper, Marlene, you have to kiss each others.

Skipper and Marlene: WHAT?!

Director: You heard me. Now do it.

Skipper and Marlene: Ah, fine... *kiss*

(Skipper and Marlene's REAL thoughts: YEAH! FINALLY!)

Kowalski: *laughs out loud* I can't believe they're actually doing that!

Director: Oh, CUT!

Marlene and Skipper: *stop kissing each others and look at Kowalski in anger*

Director: Kowalski!...
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@Ann0ying_Orange @Lt_Kowalski_ -3-

@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange >=D

@Ann0ying_Orange @Lt_Kowalski_ Merp.

@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange Huh?

@Ann0ying_Orange @Lt_Kowalski_ Hey. HEY KOWALSKI!! HEY!!!

@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange I will ignore that..

@Ann0ying_Orange @Lt_Kowalski_ Knife.

@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange I have a cup and a juicer by my side.. Want a round?

@Ann0ying_Orange @Lt_Kowalski_ Naaaaa. I'm good bro :3

@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange Then move back a bit because I have a lemon..

@Ann0ying_Orange @Lt_Kowalski_ Whut....

@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange Nothing..

@Ann0ying_Orange @Lt_Kowalski_ Ms.Gomez shall get you.~

@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange Who the hell is that?


@Lt_Kowalski_ @Ann0ying_Orange Uhh... That didn't make sense.. Why don't you crawl into a #pantry and die already..

Broken Urn: Take 1

DoW: "Fine. Let's see what this body can do...Kick in the face!" *kicks Private in the face*

DoW: "Oh evil, I've miss--Hugs are the best medicine!"

Director: "Cut! That line comes later!"

DoW: "Well I am in a Lunacorn's body, it's not like I can help it."

Broken Urn: Take 2

DoW: "Fine. Let's see what this body can do...Kick in the face!" *kicks Private in the face*

DoW: "Oh evil, I've missed you."

*Runs away*

Skipper: "Stop that pink play pony!
...Wow! There's just no way to make that sound manly!"

Chase Scene: Take 1

Skipper: *knocks DoW off his feet*

DoW: "Oh you wanna dance, prom...
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posted by peacebaby7

--Your eyes may explode from too much awesomeness

--You may become so obsessed with the show you will dedicate your whole life to it

--You may become a sofa spud because you will watch the show nonstop for literally 24/7

--You may form your own commando team & put yourself & others in mortifying danger

--You may cause yourself to never speak again because you will try to be like Rico

--Your house may explode because you will try to make inventions like Kowalski

--Strained eyes because you will be watching the show with tape holding up your eyelids so you don't miss a thing

Hospitals worldwide & Insurance agencies worldwide are not responsible for any of these occurances.
posted by Metallica1147

It's a warm summer evening in the Central Park Zoo. The zoo has just closed, the sun is setting, seems like the perfect time for a romantic date. Well one penguin would disagree with you right now. Kowalski, who is in his lab, with the door closed on his laptop.

"Yeah! Take that Noobs!" said Kowalski.

Its Saturday night, which means for Kowalski all nighter on his laptop. Doing what you may ask? Well, Kowalski is playing Runescape. An online renaissance style game with dragons, and wizards, and nerd stuff! So that's what Kowalski does on his Saturday nights. Skipper never really mind...
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posted by legendary7
All the penguins stepped into the car garage and loaded up. Rico sat in the front with Kowalski and the others were in the back, seperated by luggage. A few minutes later, and they were on their way. None of them knew,that for some, that would be the last they ever saw of their beloved home.
The road was long and dim. Not only that, but it was treacherous and slick, as well. Up ahead a sign wrote: TURN LEFT but "left" was crossed out and under it spelled "right". Rico made the turn, but Kowalski disagreed with his desicion. "Rico, I am pretty sure you were supposed to make a left." Kowalski...
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posted by legendary7
As it got later Private's mind and thoughts changed with the sky of the outside and his sanity disappeared with the sun. On the outside he was serene and relaxed since Kowalski came to his rescue, but inside he wanted to end the suffering he kept putting himself through by the echoing scream of Max that was stuck in his head. Once Kowalski fell asleep he crept toward the sleeping Rico, or at least Private thought he was sleeping.
Skipper limped all night licking his waterless beak for a pinch of liquid to quench his life-threatening thirst. His dehydration was the least of his troubles, through...
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