Penguins of Madagascar Club
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It was about an hour later. Skipper and Eve were still sitting at the back of the cell, leaning on each other, not sure what to do. All of the sudden they heard something.


"What was that?" Whispered Eve. Skipper got up cautiously and walked to the front of the cell. Most of the other animals were sleeping. "Psst! Over here!" He looked at where the sound was coming from; it was a badger across the aisle. He was looking into their cell. He couldn't help but think of Private at the sight of him. "What do you want?" He whispered back.

"You two are lucky. You're getting out of this place. All I gotta ask is that you do one thing."

"Which is what? What is this place?" Now Eve was at his side, also listening.

"This ain't know pound, bird. These people illegally test drugs on animals. Any animal they can get their hands on." Skipper immediately looked at Eve, who had her shot. "Don't worry. That was just a saline shot. They just want to know how each animal reacts to them so they can be ready when they begin testing. It won't hurt her."

"What can we do? We're in the same place as you."

"True. But when they come to collect you, they'll put you in a cage. When you pass through that door-" He pointed to the side of the door- "Push that emergency button. It'll open all the cell's so we can escape this torture."

"Why can't you do it?"

"All of our arms are to wide to fit through the cage bars. Your flippers should slide right through. Once the cells open, we can all escape. They'll be distracted with us and you two can escape as well."

Skipper considered. It did seem like a good plan. Then again he had no idea who this badger was.

"And why should I trust you? Earlier you looked at us as if we were chow."

"True again. But get us outta here, and nothing bad will happen to you. Or us."

Skipper looked at Eve, who also wasn't sure to agree to this plan. "And how are we to get out of the cage while they're distracted?" She asked him. Her British accent seemed thicker now that he really payed attention to it.

"I'll help you out. Come on. What do you have to lose?"

Everything... Skipper thought. His mind went directly to his team. But he figured that this may be his only shot to do it. He looked again at Eve, who sighed. "What do you think Skipper? Should we try?" She whispered. Skipper looked away for a moment, then into her eyes. "It may be the only way to get out of here to save my team and your sister." Eve nodded.

Later in the night, just before dawn, Eve spoke up for the first time since their conversation with the badger. " you think we're going to save them?"

Skipper thought for a moment. "I don't know Eve. But I'm gonna try no matter how long it takes. If it's the last thing I ever do I'm getting my team safe."

"What do you do when you fail?"

Skipper looked down, then said slowly: "Then I have nothing to go on for." Eve was taken back. Skipper really thought of his team as family. She hugged him. Skipper hugged back. Then suddenly the door opened to the cell block and Joe and Steve came striding in with a cage. "Okay little birdies. Let's make us famous." Said Joe. Skipper and Eve didn't fight or resist going into the cage. Skipper waited for his moment, eyes fixed on that button. As soon as the passed it, Skipper shot his flipper through the cage and pressed it.

    Immediately a buzzer sounded and all the cages opened. Animals of all kinds came running through the door; dogs, cats, rats, squirrels, badgers. Joe, the one that was holding the cage, dropped it due to stumbling over the animals. Skipper and Eve were jostled around until the cage stopped moving, and the badger that helped them opened it up. “Thanks bird. Good luck to ya.” Skipper grabbed Eve’s flipper and they raced alongside the animals until they made it outside. They took a right and didn’t stop running until they knew they were far enough from that shack. They stopped for a second to catch their breath, looked at each other, and started laughing. They embraced each other and laughed harder, falling into the snow.

    They didn’t even realize that they started kissing.

    Skipper opened his eyes in realization…and embarrassment. Eve did the same as they pulled away from each other. They got to their feet and laughed nervously. “We should…get moving…” Skipper said.

    “Yeah…” Eve responded shyly.

    For the next two hours they walked in an awkward silence. Every time Skipper tried to glance at her, she’d glance at him and they’d both look away shyly again. They passed a sign that read: YOU ARE NOW LEAVING MANORVILLE. They knew they were headed in the right direction. Skipper cleared his throat and broke the silence.

    “N…not much further now…” Eve said with a sigh: “Nope…” Once again…there was that awkward silence. Skipper tried once again to break it with a conversation that might get their minds off of when they…you know.

    “Um…you know…you never told me. What is your boss planning on doing with me anyway?”

    “I don’t know. He just gives me a job to do. He never says what his game plan is exactly. I do know he’s working with someone.”

    “Do you know his name?”

    “Yeah…it was like…Don…or…John or…-”

    “Hans?” Skipper interrupted. He turned to face her, a startled look on his face.

    “Yeah! That’s it! How’d you know?”

    “Lucky guess…” Skipper said turning to continue walking. “Hans is one of my long list of enemies.”
    “What’d he do to you?”

    “That’s uh…classified…” Skipper said uncomfortably. He couldn’t bring himself to tell her that he was a wanted criminal in Denmark.

    “Why not Skipper? You know you can tell me.”

    “I know…I just don’t want to bring it up at the moment.”

    “Alright. I’ll respect your wishes.”
    “Thanks. So you were just instructed to bring me to your boss and he would take it from there? He didn’t give any indication what he was planning on doing with me?”

    “Pretty much. He doesn’t include me in his schemes.”

It was getting dark now. Snow had once again started drifting over New York. Eve looked into an alley. “We can sleep here for the night. No one will find us here.” She said. Skipper protested, he was beginning to get impatient with not getting to them.

“No, I want to keep going.”

“Skipper, don’t be stubborn, we both need to rest.”

"But I have to get to them! Who knows what he's doing to them!" Skipper exclaimed, still not wanting to rest. Eve walked up behind him and grabbed his shoulder. "Skipper...We haven't eaten in hours, we're freezing our tail feathers off, and we haven't slept in two days. We need rest or we won't be able to stop him. C'mon Skipper." Skipper considered, then sighed. “Here, we can sleep in here.” Eve gestured toward a crate. Skipper and Eve went to lie down. Eve curled up on the side, trying to get comfortable. She shivered, which Skipper noticed. He went over to her, laid down, and wrapped his flippers around her, trying to keep her warm. It was it had been for the past couple of hours. But to them, it felt...right. Neither of them protested to laying so close to each other.

"Goodnight Skipper."

"Goodnight Eve."

And with that, they fell peacefully asleep for the night.
posted by Mother-of-PoM
"Is he still in there?" Private asked, pacing in front of the door.

" you Ami." Blue's voice sounded from behind the door.

"You too Blue kins." Ami's voice was next.

Private made a face.

Kiki walked into the main room, "There you are Private!" He came closer to the small bird. "Didn't your brother tell you to stay away from this door?"

Private didn't answer, instead he glared at the door. Kiki raised his brow then put his ear to the door. A few seconds later, he scowled.

"Has a kid to take care of and NOW romance is more important?" Kiki raced off to his room.

He ripped off the necklace he was...
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Big news!, this has never been done until now, apparently there is research being done on Fanfiction!. I couldn't believe it when I received a survey in my inbox. Who knew so many people were interested in our work?!.

Take ten minutes to fill out this survey, it doesn't matter weither your a writer or just enjoy reading fanfics, your information will help. Don't worry it's completely anonymous, who knows? maybe this could be the start of something great for Fanfiction, maybe finally our work will be recognized!. :D

link /r/Q8XR7FR
Light 01.23.15

Marlene laid against the dark, damp soil, nearly losing consciousness. The air was growing heavy, and her breathing was becoming labored. She'd been underground for almost an hour now, and was running out of oxygen. In the pitch black, she'd never felt more alone.

She and Private had left the zoo for snowcones. But when they got close, a human spotted them and they had to hide in a panic haste. Private sought refuge in a trashcan while Marlene dove into an abandoned fox hole. But the next thing she knew, the human ran across it in search of her and the vibration caused the loose...
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“No, Mort! You are so stupid-y! You can not just hop right in front of me like that when I am shaking my money-maker!” Julien snapped at the small lemur.

“But I wanted to shake my money-maker, too!” Mort protested.

“No! You do not have a money-maker! Only the king has the maker of the money,” Julien insisted as he dusted off his crown. “Also, I—”

“King Julien!” Maurice interrupted from the sidelines.

“Maurice!” Julien said angrily. “How dare you interrupt me when I am ranting!”

“Just look!” Maurice said pointing to the penguins’ habitat across the way.

Julien followed...
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“Hurry! Get him on the table! We’re losing him!” Kowalski commanded as he, Rico, and Private carried their leader into the zoo infirmary.

Rico and Private laid a bruised, scratched-up, and unconscious Skipper on the examination table.

“We’re going to need help!” Kowalski said setting to work assessing his wounds. “Private, go find some hands!”

“Aye!” Private acknowledged as he leapt from the table. He ran to the chimps’ habitat first.

“Mason! Phil!” he called in a panic.

Mason climbed down from his tree with Phil following close behind.

“What’s the trouble, Private?...
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added by Sheila-Daimond
added by Cowtails
added by Cowtails
posted by Aquade
Author's Note: Happy New Year! Here's the next chapter!

For the second time that day, I woke up –this time with the smell of sardines. Private’s face was hovering close by, and that was the first thing I saw. “He’s awake!” Private yelled.

I held a flipper to my head and groaned. “Remind me not to spin my head like that again,” I said.

Rico smiled at me. He said something I didn’t understand. “Sorry,” I said. “What did you say?”

Private translated. “He says that you’ll get well soon.”

I glanced at Rico. He nodded in confirmation. Kowalski waddled over. “Perhaps...
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The three penguins lined up in front of their leader. “Mission, sir?” asked Kowalski, saluting.
“Right,” replied his commander. “Years ago, I received a call of help from our cousins the turkeys.”
“The turkeys are our cousins?” repeated Private.
Private’s face grew worried. “So our cousins are being butchered as we speak?”
Rico’s face, on the other hand, was disturbingly dreamy. Ignoring the look on Rico’s face, Skipper continued. “Like a fool, I turned it down.”
“Isn’t it breaking the penguin code?” asked Kowalski.
Skipper glared at him....
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    For a long while, Kowalski traveled in the dark. The only way he could see anything was because of the gentle moonlight and Aurora Borealis dancing across the sky. He persisted through the snow, fighting against the wind. The cold pinched at his face and made it difficult to keep his eyes open. Finally, he assumed that it’d be best to just stop and get some rest.

    Without much option on a place to sleep, he just stopped where he was and laid his spare glove down. Feet first, he climbed inside the glove until his head was inside. The insulated...
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posted by Flummy
I've written that story a longer time ago and I am from Germany so the story is German. I can't speak or write English well enough to translate it.
I hope some of you can read a little German.

Es war ein sonniger Tag, die Pinguine schlürften ihren Fischsud und Marlene sonnte sich auf ihrem Felsen. King Julien beschwerte sich mal wieder über den Smoothie von Maurice. Alice sprach durch ihr Handy mit einem Lieferanten, der gerade einen LKW Richtung Central Park Zoo steuerte. Ein neues Tier sollte in den Zoo kommen. Die Pinguine hörten mit und redeten darüber, dass es eine Unverschämtheit...
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skipper couldn't help but feel akward at the movies, so instead of focusing on marlene, his date, he focused on everyone elses, Kowalski and doris were admiring the gadgets on screen "hmmm, that's a genius idea, freeze ray opera glasses, I must try that" "oh don't be so modest Kowalski, your fish jetpack could trump that" "doris that's very flattering....", private and Angelina, a skinny pigeon with Brooklyn accent (weird, skipper had never thought private would get an american girlfriend) were spotting every single land mark in the background of the movie, "and that's big ben, tower bridge,...
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Author's Note: I was planning on publishing a chapter every four days, but I'm unsure when and if I'll be on tomorrow. So, I decided to post this today. However, the rest of the chapters will remain on schedule.

♦ ♦ ♦

    The week had finally passed. Days seemed to go by longer for some reason. Lorrie had Kowalski in a small cage and was carrying him to the boat. Preston was coming with her as far as Manhattan, then he was going back to Antarctica. Once they boarded, Preston led her to her cabin as he carried her luggage. The sun was shining brightly over the horizon...
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*Few years later, The Danish army with Skipper got many victory in the battle of New World... he never thought he will be there to celebrate the victory knowing if his past really un-supported... that was changed his life. But time by time, Skipper started to forget his old best friend, Manfredi Ivan and Johnson Davis and all of them finally united again in one mission... but everything you took in the morning must be back in the night. But then, un-strange man will bring Skipper's relativity died one by one... his bestfriends, his teacher, his leader... soon. And his past will be back once...
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posted by queenpalm
The penguins stepped into the moonlight. The wolves howled. Ru screamed, but Urka covered her beak.
"Where is it?" Urka asked.
"Follow us," Rica said. 
The penguins got across the brook and scaled a tree. They made their way over the treetops. Kowalski fell 3 times, and Ru had to pull him back up.
"Here it is," Rica said. They looked down on the ground, and there was the blue light, it seemed to be coming out of nowhere.
"Is it safe?" Urka asked.
"Um, yah, du!" Kowalski said, very unsurely.
Just then, a series of howling startled them. A large pack of wolves walked through the trees. Their growling...
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posted by queenpalm
This is just a little something I decided to write for mother's day. I should be finishing it, but don't count on it.

As always, Skipper called Father's Day a day off. It wasn't his fault he had to, it was Rico's. He would always stay in his bunk on that holiday. To the other's, it was a good time to take a day off. It was their opertunity to visit family or just have a free day.
This Father's Day was different, though. It was Johnson's first year back, and no one was going out anywhere. Ivy and Private were simply going to write a letter to Uncle Nigel, with Johnson's help. Skipper and Kowalski...
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posted by Number1SkippFan
Hey this is my first fanfic so plz no hate! :)

I took a deep breath, and thought this was it

"I think I have a crush on Skipper" I said nervously

Marlene just stared at me shocked

"But I always had a little crush on him too!" she said

I couldn't believe it, my first crush, and somebody else likes him. I didn't know what to say, so we both stared at each other in shock

" what do we do now?" I asked her

"I have no idea" she replied

"Wait didn't he think you were some sort of spy at first?" Marlene asked me

"Yeah, and I think he still does" I said

"Classic Skipper" she said smirking

"He still does...
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Enjoy (Note: No penguins were harmed during this story.)
After lots of walking, we found ourselves in a room, with red stains on the wall.

"Damn, where are we now?" I said as I limped over to a pole which I leaned on.

Something or someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up. Skipper!

"Hello." Skipper said, as he hugged me and Kowalski with warm smiles. Then his smile faded when he saw my foot. (That was cut off.)

"It's a long story." I assured him. He nodded slowly. Then he led us to a small wall were, Rico and Private were sitting.

They smiled....
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posted by peacebaby7
    Snow covered all of New York, and snow was still drifting. The young children in Central Park anticipated the upcoming holiday…CHRISTMAS!!! Meanwhile the zoo animals were getting the zoo ready for Kidsmas. Skipper and Kowalski were walking through the habitats, Skipper making sure everything was running smoothly. Kowalski was taking notes on the progress being made.

    “How we looking Kowalski?”

    “We’re progressing pretty quickly this year.”

    “Perfecto. How are we on getting that tree?”

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