Penguins of Madagascar Club
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posted by annieptc
A normal day at the CPZ, the penguins are going through their normal morning routine when the Alice alarm goes off suddenly. They all run up topside to see her carrying a large crate.

To the man on the walkie-talkie she says, “Yeah we’re hoping that this female will mate with one of the males.” Alice put the crate down and walked away.

From inside the crate, they all heard a mumble, “Mate my ass. What am I, a prostitute?” It was a pretty female voice.

Skipper examined the crate and said, “Kowalski, options.” Kowalski flipped through his notebook and looked over his options he planned out.

“Look out!” said the voice, but only Private heard it, since he was closest to the crate. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, the penguin from inside knocked the door down, but she also came tumbling after it.

Kowalski, who was right in front of the door, got knocked over. He lay on his back, and the female lay on top of him, still stunned. When her eyes focused, she saw Kowalski staring at her, surprised. She blushed a little and they both quickly stood up.

Skipper, taking advantage of her surprise, he attacked her. The female saw him in her peripheral vision, and was ready for the attack. She did a flip-twist away from them all, and did a short ti-chi thing. She gave Skipper a knowing look, a she burst out laughing.
Skipper smiled and began chuckling as well. They both stood up normally and shook flippers.

Kowalski, Private, and Rico were confused; this isn’t normally how you say ‘hello’.

Skipper and the female saluted quickly and they both turned to face the other three. When they all got a good look at the female, they saw that she was a little shorter than Kowalski, with her feathers back in a small, tight ponytail. She had long eyelashes, with apple-green eyes.

“Men,” Skipper said, “meet General Evaline. She is of very high rank, so be respectful.”

“Skipper, call me General Evaline and I’ll call you Skipperoo.” the general told Skipper. She turned to everyone else and said, “Call me Eve, Eva, or anything else, but not General Evaline. Okay?”

The four penguins saluted her, and echoed, “Yes ma’am!” Eve saluted back.

“Ad ease, men.” she said. “I’m not mad at you guys, but please don’t salute me anymore. I hate when people think of me as some sort of holy artifact.” Eve smiled.

Skipper introduced his men to Eve and she said when he was done, “Nice to meet you, soldiers.”

Though Kowalski tried not to show it, he was smitten. Unknown to him, Eve was smitten as well.

Later that evening, Eve was sitting in her new bunk Rico carved out, reading a comic book since she was literate. She glanced over it to see what the others were doing, when she saw the sword of General Shin-Jin. She gasped, put her comic book down, and stood up.

“You guys have the sword of General Shin-Jin?” she asked intriguingly.

Skipper began to tell the story of how a Lunacorn toy almost caused the end of the world as Tori stared in amazement at the sword.

“I’m confused as how Shin-Jin’s brain got inside Mort’s body.” Kowalski said when Skipper was done.

Eve kept looking at the sword, and said, “Shin-Jin’s brain wasn’t technically inside Mort. His spirit took control of Mort’s brain, but Mort’s subconscious saw, heard, and was still there, he just wasn’t the dominant spirit.”

Everyone stared in surprise at Eve. When she caught sight of them staring at her, she asked, “What? What did I say?” Private and Rico began giggling.

Kowalski’s beak was wide open in happy surprise. Yes! Another smart one! He thought to himself. As he resumed his small experiment he was doing. Every once in a while, he glanced fondly at Eve reading her comic book.


The next day was training for the males. Eve was being shown around the zoo by Marlene. When they came upon the lemur habitat, King Julien said, “Maurice! Prepare the royal crown picking of the new queen!”

Eve was staring blankly at Julien, he eyes wide in surprise. “Uh excuse me! I never volunteered for that!” she yelled angrily. Julien smiled drunkenly at Eve. Eve didn’t like that, especially from a lemur. She walked up to Julien, he closed his eyes and puckered his lips, but she stomped on his foot. When he was distracted, she quickly switched his crown with Mort, so Mort was sitting on his head happily.

Marlene and Eve were trying to keep themselves from laughing. He hasn’t realized it yet. He sighed happily and smiled drunkenly at Eve.

Eve realized that apparently he didn’t get the message. She scoffed and began to walk towards the penguin habitat with Marlene.

All the penguins heard a “Bye! Nice meeting you, Marlene!” from Eve. She climbed down the ladder, and said, “Your lemur neighbors, over there,” she pointed in the direction of the lemur habitat and continued, “the ringtail is screwed up. The only sane one is Maurice. Mort’s not that bad, he’s just really stupid.”

“I agree one hundred percent.” Skipper said as he sat down to begin filing documents at the table.


The next day was more training, but this time Eve participated in it.

Skipper began pacing and said, “Today, we are going to work on locating your opponent’s weak spot. Kowalski, Eve, you’re up first.” he slapped Kowalski on the back as they switched places. Eve walked up next to Kowalski and they got in a fighting stance.

“Ready, GO!” Skipper yelled.

Kowalski made the first move; he did a jump-kick that Eve easily dodged. Eve was on the defense, taking her time until Kowalski lost some energy. Kowalski made a surprise kick to her face that caught Eve off guard. She fell with her eyes closed and crumpled to the ground.

Kowalski squealed and ran over to her side. He examined her closely, but Eve grabbed Kowalski with her feet and flipped so Kowalski was on the ground. Eve put her right foot on Kowalski’s chest to keep him down and she winked at him to show him that she was only playing.

“Eve, have you discovered Kowalski’s weak spot yet?” Skipper asked.

“I have.” Eve said, looking at Skipper though her peripheral version. “Kowalski’s heart is his weakness.” she smiled and let Kowalski up.

Private smiled as well, and exclaimed, “That was brilliant, Eve!”

Eve walked over to Private, smiling, and gave him a noogie. Private was laughing so hard he began crying.


The next night, everyone but Eve was asleep. Kowalski couldn’t get comfortable, so he turned towards where Eve was doing ti-chi. He was admiring how swiftly she did it. She stopped, looked around, and when she turned towards Kowalski’s direction, he closed his eyes. She shrugged her shoulders and climbed up the ladder. Kowalski, confused as to where she was going, followed her, unnoticed.

Eve stood at the edge of the pool and closed her eyes. She began very complicated ti-chi as Kowalski peeked out of the fishbowl entrance at her.

Kowalski became amazed and confused when the water around her began to move a little. Kowalski thought, How is she doing that?!


The next day, Eve was swimming in the pool as the others were talking inside. Kowalski, bored, said, “I’m going to go see how Eve’s coming along.” He actually just wanted to see Eve. The other penguins murmured agreement as Kowalski climbed up the ladder and went out the fishbowl.
Kowalski looked around, but saw no sign of Eve. “Eve?” he called. Right when he turned around, he saw Eve leaping out of the water at him. He screamed a little as Eve tackled him, laughing. Since she caught him off guard, they tumbled over each other and into the water.

She was smiling playfully, which made Kowalski smile as well. Eve tapped Kowalski’s shoulder and quickly swam away. She poked her head around the corner, and then swam out of sight. Kowalski made the notion that she wanted to play tag, so he chased her.

They played tag for a few minutes until they became tired and Eve took a breath of air and swam down to one of the windows. Kowalski did the same and looked in the same window as Eve. She tapped on the glass to get their attention and Skipper, Rico, and Private all looked at her. She smiled and waved, but only Private and Rico waved back.

Skipper smiled, rolled his eyes, and took a sip of his fish coffee. Eve rolled her eyes playfully. Kowalski, noticing that she was distracted, tagged her and quickly swam out of sight. She smiled after him and followed in close pursuit.

They stopped playing tag and did what resembled ballet underwater. At one point, Kowalski was floating near the bottom, and Eve was floating over him, so they made the sort of Ying-Yang symbol. As if using telepathy, they swam close to each other, held each other’s flippers, and were spinning against each other.

Kowalski couldn’t stand being so close to his love, so he thought, Just do it, man! You know she likes you! Do it!

Eve, feeling the same way, thought, I hope Kowalski makes a move! I also hope this isn’t a dream, ‘cause that would really suck. This is so romantic!

As if they read each other’s minds, they leaned into each other and kissed for about twenty seconds until Kowalski pulled away with embarrassment. Both of them were heavily blushing, and their hearts were beating with excitement.


The next day, Kowalski walked up to Eve, who was reading a book on ti-chi.

“Eve, can I ask you something?” he asked.

Eve tore her eyes off of her fascinating book and looked at Kowalski expectantly and smiled. She said, “Of course! What is it?”

He took a deep breath and asked quickly, “Do you want to go on a date with me in the park at twenty hundred (8 pm) tomorrow night?” he closed his eyes tightly to avoid embarrassment.

Eve smiled fondly, kissed his cheek, and said, “I’d love to, Kowalski.” as she went back to her book.

Kowalski said, “Oh! Okay then! Bye!” he was practically skipping to the topside where the others were.

Skipper stared at him strangely and asked him, “What are you doing?”

Kowalski began victory dancing, as he said, “I got a date tomorrow!” over and over again.

Private smiled even wider and said, “Good job, Kowalski! Who’s it with?”

Kowalski, who stopped dancing, and was now smiled as wide as possible, responded happily, “Eve!”

Everybody slapped his back in a “congrats” kind of way as he smiled dreamily.


Their first date went wonderfully, as did many, many others. Another day, Eve asked Kowalski to come down here inside with her. Kowalski did so, and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before asking her, “What is it?”

Eve smiled, sighed happily, and put her flipper on her tummy. She squeaked out, “Kowalski, we’re gonna be parents.”

Kowalski smiled the widest he’d smiled in years as they hugged giddily. Kowalski said, “Do you want me to tell the others?”

Eve decided, “Yes, they might listen to you better than me.”

Kowalski kissed her for about two seconds and when he pulled away, he told her, “Whatever you’re comfortable with.” He climbed up the ladder, and when he saw Skipper’s face, his smile faded.

“What did she want now?” he asked bitterly. His eyes were a little red around the edges. He must not have gotten a very good sleep last night.

Kowalski tried not to get frustrated, but he could show a LITTLE empathy. He glared at Skipper and said, “If you’re willing to listen, I’ll tell you the news. If not, too bad. ‘Cause it’s pretty great news.”

Skipper frowned more, and barked, “Well, whatever it is, it better not interfere with your training, soldier.”

Kowalski put a guilty yet angry look on his face, and said, “When you’re willing to listen, I’ll tell you. You don’t seem to be in a very sympathetic mood today.”

The two began in a yelling war, as Private and Rico looked at them in surprise. When it began to die down, Kowalski yelled loudly, “Will you just shut up for one second! I’m gonna be a father and you don’t even care!”

Skipper, Rico, and Private stared in wonderment with their beaks hanging open. Kowalski glared at him even more, and said, “I’ll be back later.” as he walked away.

Kowalski thought, Maybe Marlene will understand. She’s a girl, and females seem to be more understanding than males. He quickly made his way into the otter habitat.
Being polite, he yelled into it, “Marlene! Can I come in?”

Her voice replied with a “Come on in!”

He entered the habitat and saw Marlene sitting upright on her bed with an expectant look on her face. “Yes, Kowalski?”

Kowalski couldn’t wait any longer and burst out, “I’m gonna be a daddy!”

Marlene face could only be described as happy, surprised, and slightly confused. She jumped up and exclaimed, “Oh my gosh, I’m so happy for you! Who’s the mother?”

Kowalski replied with a dreamy look on his face, “Eve….”

He and Marlene were jumping up and down with happiness for a few minutes until Kowalski had to leave.


Not too long after, Eve laid two eggs. Kowalski held one, while Eve held the other on their feet. After Skipper realized that Kowalski and Eve weren’t joking, he learned to accept their love for each other.

The day the eggs hatched, everybody was gathered around the eggs. Both of the parents had looks of the utmost pride and happiness on their faces. The first chick that popped out was a boy with his mother’s green eyes. The second one was a girl with Kowalski’s blue eyes.

They named the male Jabari, which means “the brave one”, and they named the female Shira, which means “my song”.


When Jabari and Shira were old enough, the others took them outside for the first time. Shira was a little nervous at first, but she saw Jabari playing and joined him. The people who were watching the penguins loved it. They thought that Shira and Jabari were extremely cute.

Jabari tripped and Kowalski waddled over to help him up. He smiled after Jabari and Eve gave him a one armed hug. They smiled at each other and whispered, “I love you” in unison.

Skipper gave a slight smile at the couple, when he saw Private cocking an eyebrow at him; he cleared his throat and turned back towards the humans.


Another day of entertaining the people, Alice came to the habitat with an empty shipping crate. To the man on the walkie-talkie, she said, “We’ve gotta get the female and the chicks out of here, they have to go to San Francisco zoo, pronto.” The penguins heard nothing of this, and continued smiling and waving.

Alice put the plank down and walked onto the island. She put the crate on the edge of the island and told everybody to move away from the habitat, so they did.

Kowalski and Eve ushered the chicks toward them, as all the seven penguins huddled together. Alice stepped in-between Kowalski and Eve, and she pushed the chicks with her boot toward Eve.

“Kowalski!” Eve yelled as she reached for him behind Alice’s legs. Alice ignored her and kept shoving them with her boot.

Kowalski yelled, “Eve! Kids!” as he thought of a plan. He ran up to Alice and bit her ankle. Hard. She screamed in pain, pulled out a tranquilizer gun, and shot Kowalski in the neck. He let go, stumbled backwards a little, where the others caught him. Right before he blacked out, he mumbled, “No….not Eve….not my children…come back….please…please…” and then he became unconscious.


When he woke up, he rubbed the spot where the dart hit him. He then remembered what happened. Kowalski stood up, screaming, “EVE! JABARI! SHIRA!”

Skipper had to slap him back to his senses. Kowalski fell to the ground and he began crying silently. Private, Rico, and Skipper walked up to him, sending comforting words his way. Nothing helped poor Kowalski, though.


Every day since then, he would look out the fishbowl to see if they came back, but they never did. But one day, he realized that they would probably never come back, and he fought harder and longer. He developed a hard shell, and didn’t like to talk about the past. For a while, he was very rude to the others, but Skipper eventually slapped it all out of him.

One of the happiest days Kowalski’s ever had was when he was sent a postcard of Eve, Jabari, and Shira at the San Francisco Zoo. Kowalski was a little surprised: Jabari looked just like him except the eyes, and Shira looked just like her mother except the eyes.

He sent them back a postcard of himself, Skipper, Private, and Rico smiling at the camera. Kowalski was the closest, since he was holding the camera, Skipper was drinking his fish coffee, Private was waving happily, and Rico was smiling.

They stayed in touch by using postcards from then on.
added by Icicle1penguin
Source: Erika G.
added by Icicle1penguin
Source: ME. XD
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Source: Me
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Source: Nickelodeon
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Source: Truth Ache
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Source: P.E.L.T.
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Source: Me/The Trouble With Jiggles
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Source: Terror of Madagascar
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Source: "The Most Dangerous Game Night"
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Source: Internet
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Source: ME :3 S02E62
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