Penguins of Madagascar Club
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Sooooo Sorry for the long wait. School got in the way of it all. So yeah blame school X3. OK maybe

blame half of school I just had writers block. Then I lost interest in it, then ideas came back and here we

are today. X3 enjoy!!!

Chapter 3: Back at HQ and so Forth

    Private smiled with glee and he waddled over to Cadet, who was now by the tree as Rico had left her to hear what Skipper and Kowalski were conversing about. "Great news, Cadet, Skipper said that you can come and stay with us!"

Cadet looked shocked. "Stay with you but..." her voice trailed off in sadness.

Private's smile soon vanished. "But what?" He asked in a sad tone. Surely she wanted to be somewhere warm and secure.

"It's just that, I can't leave Central Park." Her voice a bit shakened with saddness. "It is where I was born at. Plus it's the only thing that reminds me of my mother." Cadet ears flattened, and she looked away.

Putting his wing around her shoulder, Private tried his best to think of a reason for her to come. "But Kowalski said that if you stay here you wouldn't last two weeks in the wheather," seeing that it wasn't helping, he continued, "Plus I bet that your mother would want you to move on and live a good life."

After a few seconds she thought. Then finally she answered. "I guess you're right."

Private's smile came back, but he didn't notice that Skipper had waddled up to them "So it's settled" obviously he had heard the conversation. "Roll out boys!" Then he heard Cadet clear her throat. Rolling his eyes he continued,"and Cadet."

(Back at HQ)

The penguins had no trouble getting back to the zoo, well except for Cadet, who had a hard time jumping in the rising snow on the ground, leaving craters. Skipper waisted no time into telling Cadet who was in charge. "Ok, vixen, here are the rules in my HQ. Rule 1) This team wakes up early at 0600 hours. Rule 2) As of waking up at said time we hit the hay at 10:00 PM. Rule 3) There is no questioning the leader of anything classified."

Cadet cocked her head. "and that would be..."

Thrusting his head forward so that they where merely inches away Skipper glared in her emerald green eyes with ice cold blue ones, which made Cadet flinch . "That's classified, mammal." He stood back up straight and put his flippers behind his back as he marched back and forth saying stuff about more rules.

Mumbleing and looking away from Skipper, Cadet let out a low growl,"I have a name..."

Skipper stopped dead in his, it was obvious that Cadet didn't say that low enough. "That leads me to Rule 12) No back sass to the commanding officer. Listen, fox, if you are too live with us until you can fend for yourself, then you live by my rules you got that."

As Cadet opened her jaw to object, Kowalski slipped to Skipper's side. "Sir, I am gonna remind you that it is 4:30 at night, it would be wise to go to bed."

Skipper stared at his liutenant then signed. "Right. Private get your guest a pillow and a blanket and let her pick her spot to sleep." At that Private saluted and ran off to the the extra room. Skipper eyed Cadet as she
made her way up the steps to where the parascope was. His eyes softened as he saw her circle around which looked like she was chasing her tail. "Well, isn't that just the cutest..." at that he shook his head, and headed for the bunk closest to the floor.

As Cadet got settled she looked at Skipper as he turned his back to her getting ready to fall asleep. Her ears soon went down.

Private then came back from the room with a blanket and a pillow, heading toward Cadet. "There you are Cadet, a nice fluffed up pillow and a comfey blanket to keep you warm." He immedately saw the look of sorrow on her face. "Something bothering you, Cadet?"

"Skipper doesn't want me here..." Her voice trailed off.

At that Private snickered a bit. The vixen quickly looked up a bit confused. "And what's so funny about that?"

He patted her head. "Skipper doesn't trust any one new that comes to the zoo. Especailly one that comes, that he doesn't have a background story to. Trust me it will be fine once Skipper could see past his paranoia."

With a big yawn, Cadet put her head on the pillow that Private set for her. "Ok, I'll try to stay on his good side. But I'll tell you one thing, I'm totally innocent."

Catching her yawn Private felt sleepier than ever. "That would be the best. Plus now that you're here I can finally get some sleep, and know that you're safe... Good night, Cadet".

Closing her eyes she returned the saying,"good night, Private." Cadet smiled as as she heard Private crawling into his bunk. She had to admit, this was way better than sleeping outside. Though, to think that her new friend's friends would actually let her stay with them. That was a big favor, how could she repay them? This question lingered in her mind for about 10 minutes before she started to drift in and out of

The question wasn't the only thing that kept her from sleeping, oddly enough she had a slight pain that she had in her mouth. A pain like her teeth were getting pulled out.....

And as you see Cadet and Skipper are bumping heads. Not Cadet's fault Skipper started it XD. How was

that for a come back though :] {:[ yeah probably not so good.

I do take tips though, so yeah go ahead. :]
added by xDark_Angelx
Source: Found by Private1sCut3
added by stlouisfan
Source: All Tied Up with a Boa
added by carsfan
Source: Internet
added by skipperahmad
added by stlouisfan
Source: Episode: When the Chips are Down
added by Private1sCut3
Source: Nickelodeon (I don't own this photo)
added by skipperahmad
added by LeonardFan
Source: RedRoseTaffy
added by LeonardFan
Source: RoseTaffyRed
added by Skipperlovah258
Source: Mental Hen
added by Kannotekina
added by kasiaiania104
Source: Nighty Night Ninja
added by Skipperlovah258
Source: Me/Neighbour Swap/Danger Wears a Cape
added by Skipperlovah258
added by Skipperlovah258
added by KatiSKPRsb
added by quasomeness
Source: Action Reaction
added by carsfan
Source: Internet
added by carsfan
Source: Me and Internet
added by JHNguyen93
Source: JHNguyen93