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posted by Rubyrings
Meanwhile, Hank and his buddies all met in the school gymnasium to watch the cheerleader tryouts. As they took their seats they discussed who might be selected.
"I hope we get some pretty cheerleaders this year. Last year's batch were good and all, but kinda plain, you know?"
"Yeah. We want someone who looks like - that blonde girl down there. Know who she is, Hank?"
As his friend asked the question, Hank looked down to see. His friend was pointing at an unfamiliar girl, chatting happily away with two of last year's cheerleaders with a bright smile on her face. She had fluffy, curly hair the colour of sunshine, and was in a playful outfit with a sparkly pink sweater and a short pink skirt.
"I don't know who she is," remarked Hank, looking slightly dazed, "but I hope she makes the squad!"
His friends all grinned and nudged him, Hank pushed them away, and then the cheerleaders were all taking their places and he briefly lost sight of the pretty blonde girl.
But he noticed her again when it came her turn to try out. The gym teacher called for "Charity", and the blonde girl emerged from the crowd, already standing out with her bright hair and outfit. She gave a playful smile to the onlookers, her bright blue eyes sparkling, and went into a routine that left the entire gym sitting speechless.
Hank sat there with his mouth open. "What a girl!"
"Yeah," his friend agreed. "Looks like we'll have some pretty and talented cheerleaders this year."
As soon as the tryouts were over, Hank got up and hurried from the bleachers with a brief "Excuse me" to his friends, who all smirked at him, knowing where he was going. He had to talk to that girl before someone else did.
Hank met Charity just as she was coming out of the girls' lockers. "Hey - Charity, right? Nice job back there. I was watching." Charity turned to him, looking a little surprised but mostly pleased to be addressed. "I'm Hank. I'm on the team you're going to be cheering for - because you're going to make the squad for sure. So, are you new here?"
Charity nodded. "Yes! My family just moved here. Everyone's been so nice and welcoming so far."
"So," Hank ran his hand through his wavy dark blonde hair and tried to sound casual, "since you're new here - are you doing anything tonight?"
Charity lit up, then immediately arranged herself into a more coy pose and answered in a soft, flirty tone. "Not really, why?"
"How about I take you out to dinner? I can help you get to know your way around the town, tell you more about the football team...."
Charity took a moment to answer, but her bright smile had already answered for her before she did. "That sounds great."
posted by Peaceandlove67
The next evening, Everett went to Una's house to pick her up for dinner with his family. He knocked on the door. Mrs. Stratton answered. She said, "Hi, Everett. Una's upstairs getting ready." He said, "That's all right, Mrs. Stratton." He then showed her the ring he had bought and said, "Look what I got Una." Mrs. Stratton said, "It's beautiful!" He said, "I'm glad you think so. I'm going to ask Una to marry me." Needless to say, Mrs. Stratton was thrilled. She said, "You definitely have my blessing. You've been perfect for Una." Everett smiled. He asked, "How did Mr. Stratton propose to you?"...
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posted by Rubyrings
"Mom, Dad, Kaitlyn, I have something to tell you."
Everett's parents looked up from where they had seated themselves in their homey, comfortable living room. "Of course, sweetie," his mother said, but Kaitlyn grinned. "Oh, I bet I know what this is about."
Their mother smiled at her. "Well, let's let Everett tell us."
"Go on, son," his father encouraged him.
Everett took a breath and pulled out the box with the ring he'd gotten for Una. "I'm going to ask Una to marry me. I love her and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her."
Kaitlyn gave a little jump and clapped her hands. "I knew...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
After giving it a lot of thought, Everett decided he was finally going to do it. He was finally going to ask Una to marry him. Of course, he needed a ring to present to her when he proposed. One day, he went to the jewelry store to pick out a ring. As he looked around, the owner of the store asked, "Do you need help finding anything?" Everett said, "Yes, I do. I'm looking for the perfect ring. I'm planning on asking my girlfriend to marry me." The store owner smiled. "Yes, of course. Right this way." The store owner showed Everett a very beautiful diamond ring. Everett said, "That will look...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Una, Everett, and Kaitlyn had dinner at a nice restaurant. As they ate, Una asked, "So, Kaitlyn, what are you majoring in?" Kaitlyn replied, "Well, I'm a biology major. I'm hoping to be a veterinarian." Una said, "You're an animal lover. That's great!" Kaitlyn said, "Yes, I've always been an animal lover. How about you?" Una replied, "Well, I always wanted a dog, but my mother is highly allergic. With that being said, I'm so busy with acting, I'm not sure I'd have time for one now." Kaitlyn said, "That's true. Dogs do require a lot of attention. I'm hoping to get one after I finish with veterinary school and get more settled." Everett smiled as he listened to Una and Kaitlyn's conversation. He was happy to see that they were getting along so well. He thought, This is wonderful. I think it'll work if Una and I decide to get married.

posted by Rubyrings
That evening, Everett picked up Una from her home and took her to the bus station to meet Kaitlyn. Una scanned the passengers as they got off, trying to figure out which one looked like she would have the role of Everett's sister, but she didn't get the chance to guess before a voice cried out, "Hey, big brother!" and a young woman ran forward to throw her arms around Everett.
"Hey, little sister!" He returned her hug and took her heavy duffel bag from her, lifting it onto his own shoulder.
Everett turned to Una and opened his mouth, but before he could introduce her Kaitlyn said, "I bet I know...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
"What do you mean?" Una once again prepared to listen. Everett replied, "While my immediate family was supportive of my dream to go into film editing, not everyone was kind. Lots of people told me that I couldn't do it: most of my schoolmates, some teachers, even my extended family." She said, "How awful!" He said, "I know, but I didn't let that keep me down. My father even told me that I should go for it, no matter what anyone says. I looked at different film schools, and I got accepted into one that is fairly close to where I grew up. Upon graduating, I started preparing to go to film school. I started that fall, and I got a job at the local diner to help my parents cover the apartment rent." Una added, "And that's where we met." Everett smiled. "Yes, Una. My life only got brighter from there." She said, "Aw! I say the same to you, Everett." With that, they kissed.
posted by Rubyrings
Una smiled. "Let's hear it. What did you tell them?"
"I told them only cowards picked on little girls like they were doing," Everett recalled. "I told them they'd better be careful before the whole school realized they were cowards and somebody came for them like they were doing to Kaitlyn. And I told them if they wanted a fight, they could fight someone their own size, because I would do it. At first they didn't believe me, but when they saw I wasn't backing down, they ran away. I think they were afraid I might mean it this time." Everett smiled. "There was a rumour the ringleader of the bullies...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
"What did you father say?" Una continued holding Everett's hand as she asked this question. She prepared to listen. Everett replied, "He told me that he was sorry I had gone through that. He also told me that I should use this as a reminder to never treat anyone else like that. I said that I wouldn't, and I haven't. I never forgot that conversation. Still, I developed a fear of small spaces." Una said, "Well, I don't blame you after what you've been through." He said, "After that, I decided to work on my confidence. It wasn't easy, but I knew I had to have the courage to stand up to the bullies."...
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posted by Rubyrings
"What?!" cried Una. "What would you be bullied for?"
Everett felt a rush of warmth at Una's immediate defence of him. It made the long-ago painful memories a little easier to talk about. "I was shy. I was always a quiet kid, and I was scared to approach anyone. The other kids teased me and called me a baby and a sissy. When we all had to introduce ourselves to the class and I told them about my little sister, and how much I enjoyed playing with her, they made fun of me for weeks about how my best friend was a little girl."
Una was outraged. "That's awful!"
Everett nodded, lost for a moment in...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
"I was born here in California," Everett began. "I grew up not too far from Hollywood." Una asked, "Is that why you got into film editing?" He replied, "Not exactly, but we'll get to that later. I lived in an average-sized house with my parents. It was bigger than an apartment or condo, but it was smaller than a mansion. About two and a half years after I was born, Kaitlyn was born." Una asked, "How did you feel about becoming an older brother?" He smiled. "I was thrilled. Once Kaitlyn was able to walk, she became my shadow. She followed me everywhere, even if she really shouldn't have." Una...
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posted by Rubyrings
Una and Everett were out on a date one day, sitting in a diner with sandwiches and milkshakes while Una told Everett about a role she'd just gotten in a short film.
"That's great, Una," Everett said when she was done talking. "I'm so proud of you."
Una grinned. "So... are you going to invite me out to dinner to celebrate? I'm free Saturday," she added with a teasing smile.
Everett laughed, then stopped suddenly as he remembered something. "Actually, my little sister Kaitlyn's coming into town this Saturday, and she'll need me to show her around. Hey, I know - why don't you both come to dinner...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone! Antonia here, and it is hard to believe that we've come to the end of another year. As I am posting this, in just a few hours, we'll be in a New Year: 2023. Of course, it'll already be 2023 by the time most of you see this anyway. I have a lot I want to cover, so I'll get right to it.

This year has had its ups and downs. It has been defined by the death of many notable people. For me, the death of Christine McVie hit pretty hard, being that I'm a huge Fleetwood Mac fan. Which celebrity death hit you the hardest? Feel free to tell me in the comments. Unfortunately, I experienced...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone! Antonia here, and I am finally doing what you've all been waiting for! This is the 2022 holiday message blog. I know you all look forward to it every year. Without further ado, I'll get right to everything I want to say.

I know for many of you, this has been a tough year. There have been so many deaths of so many notable people, and the year's not over yet. For me, this year is particularly tough with the loss of my grandfather. It'll be hard having Christmas without him, but he would want us to have a good time. He wouldn't want our lives to stop because he's gone.

We enjoyed the...
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added by yorkshire_rose
Source: pinterest
posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone! Antonia here, and I decided to post this blog about my plans for the remainder of 2022. Without further ado, I'll get right to it.

As this year is drawing to a close, Layla and I decided together that our most recent fan fiction is the last fan fiction of this year. Don't fret; there will be more next year. We're thinking about doing Everett's backstory, so stay tuned for that. I have posted a poll where you can vote for your favorite fan fiction of 2022. If you haven't already, go ahead, head to the poll section, and vote for your favorite fan fiction this year.

I will be posting...
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Some time later, Una and Everett were settled in a cozy small cafe eating sandwiches and sipping pumpkin spice lattes while foil cutouts of cute ghosts and pumpkins hung from the walls around them.
"Thanks again, Una," Everett said after a time. "I just... I don't like small spaces very much."
Una smiled at him and reached across the table to touch his hand. "Hey, you saved my life once. It's time I saved yours."
They sat in a comfortable silence for a bit, enjoying this much calmer stage of their Halloween celebrations. Una was first to break it.
"I can't believe we solved a real mystery! I can't wait to go home and tell Mother what the secret of the haunted house is."
"Yes," Everett smiled at her. "The secret is my talented actress and her ghost impression."
Una beamed.
Una followed the sound of Everett hyperventilating. She called out, "Hold on, Everett! I'm coming!" As she made her way up the stairs, she heard a thump. She listened, but there was nothing but silence. She said to herself, "Oh, no! I hope Everett hasn't fainted!" She continued to search for him. She found a door that must've lead to the attic. She slowly opened it. "Everett," she called. "Can you hear me?" There was no answer. She turned on the light and looked around the room. Everett was lying unconscious on the floor. She rushed to his side, and he didn't stir. Una began shaking him and...
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Taking a breath to steady her nerves, Una made her way through the short entryway and into a main room. Old furniture was scattered everywhere, all of it draped in dust covers. Cobwebs and dust coated every surface and hung off the walls. Una shivered. What would she do if it turned out there really was a ghost here? What could she even do about it?
And she hadn't even brought shoes that were suitable for walking on such a filthy floor. Her gold kitten heels wobbled on the creaky floorboards, absolutely caked in dust and dirt except for a trail of prints leading from a back window to a door...
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As Una and Everett made their way to the front door, they noticed it had been left open. Everett allowed Una to go inside first, being the gentleman that he is. Before he could step inside, the door seemed to shut on its own. Una tried to open the door, but it was no use. It wouldn't budge. She cried out, "Everett! Help!" He also tried to open the door, but it still wouldn't budge. He said, "It's no use. I can't open this door." She asked, "Do you think you can get in through a window?" He said, "The downstairs windows are too small. I'll try to get in through the attic's window." She said,...
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"Thanks for coming with me, Everett," Una said as the two of them walked along towards the old house on the edge of town, Una holding on to Everett's arm as the sky slowly darkened and a chilly wind blew dead leaves around their feet. "I think my mother would have had a panic attack if I'd gone alone."
Everett smiled. "It sounds like a great way to spend Halloween night to me. But what made you decide you had to know if the house was haunted?"
Una shrugged. "I don't know. So I get to be the heroine who finds out the answer?"
The couple approached the house just around twilight. The place appeared...
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