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posted by Peaceandlove67
Once Una and Everett finished acting out their story, they relaxed in their fort for a bit. Una said, "Thank you for this, Everett. This brought back a lot of memories." He smiled and said, "I should be thanking you." She asked, "What do you mean?" He said, "You helped me let loose and have fun. This is the most fun I've had in a long time." She said, "That's why it's important to embrace your inner child." He said, "I think so. Speaking of embracing your inner child, we should go out for pizza, and afterwards, we should get some ice cream." She said, "That sounds like a plan to me." They did just that. They even got rainbow sprinkles on their ice cream. Once they returned to their hotel room, Everett asked, "Should we put everything we used for our fort away?" Una said, "We could sleep in it." He said, "Yeah, we could. There's no one here to say we can't." She said, "That's the spirit!" With that, they changed into their pajamas. They relaxed in their fort for a while before finally going to sleep.
posted by Rubyrings
“You don't have any tables for that night? Are you sure?”
“Yes, sir.” The gentleman's voice on the other end of Everett's phone was polite but firm. “Most people book weeks in advance for a popular time like Valentine's Day.”
Everett sighed, thanked the man anyway, and hung up the phone. His chin dropped into his arms on the table. That was the fifth fancy restaurant he had called, and every one had told him the same thing. No one had any space for him to make a reservation, even really early or really late.
No special necklace... no fancy dinner... What was he going to do? Una was...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Everett went to the mall the next day, trying to figure out what to do for Una for their first Valentine's Day. He then noticed the jewelry store. "That's it!" he said to himself. "I'll get Una a beautiful necklace. I know she likes necklaces. She has so many of them. She never wears the same one every day." He then saw a sign advertising a beautiful necklace on sale. It was fourteen karat gold, and it had a star on it. Una was sure to love it! He went to talk to the woman at the front desk. She said, "I'm so sorry. We just sold out." He said, "Oh, that's too bad." She said, "I could special...
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posted by Rubyrings
Everett flipped the calendar page from January to February one mild winter morning, wondering why something felt more significant about February than it did every other year. Then his eye wandered down the page to the fourteenth, and he laughed and shook his head. Of course, he reminded himself. Most years, he didn't think too much about Valentine's Day beyond giving his parents a call and wishing them a happy one. But this year was different. This would be the first Valentine's Day that he and Una would spend together.
Everett's heartbeat quickened. He had to do something big for Una - something...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone. Antonia here, and I found this list of fun questions for anyone. I thought I'd answer some of them. I'd love to see your answers. Without further ado, let's get started.

1. What is your favorite sleeping position of all time? My favorite is flat on my back, sprawled out.

2. What are the three scents you like? I like pine, lilac, and peach.

3. What’s your favorite board game? I don't like board games. I called them "bored games".

4. Would you rather stay in or go out on a Friday night? It depends on my mood. Sometimes I want to stay in. Sometimes I want to go out.

5. What is the weirdest...
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Hi, everyone! Antonia here, and as I type this, today is the last day of 2021! I can't believe this year is almost over. It has gone by so fast. Where has all the time gone?

The past two years have been challenging for many people for many reasons. Just remember: crap storms suck, but they don't last forever. I don't know what the future holds for any of us, but I do know that it is best to live in the moment and take each day as it comes.

Despite everything going on in the world, it didn't slow me and my friends now. Some exciting things happened for us this year. In January, I brought my dog,...
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added by 80smusiclover1
Source: Google Images
posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone! Antonia here, and this is what you've all been waiting for: this year's holiday message. Without further ado, let's get started, shall we?

We are now in the holiday season. I can't believe it's already here. It seems like we should only be halfway through the year, but here we are, heading to the finish line of 2021. This holiday season consists of quite a few firsts for me and my family.

This is Joplin's first Christmas with us. Technically, this is her second Christmas, but last Christmas, she was too young to leave her mother. We brought her home in January this year. She will...
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The doctors did keep Una in the hospital a couple more days just to make sure she was okay, but to Everett and Una it was already clear she'd recovered. She started feeling impatient to get out and start doing things again, though Everett suggested they maybe not try hiking in the snow anymore, at least not this year. Instead they discussed a trip to the skating rink for later in the winter. Everett stayed with Una in the hospital as much as he was able to, and they entertained themselves with the movies Una had brought.
The only thing worrying Una is when she decided she really should call...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
"Una! Where are you?!" Everett had been searching for Una for what seemed like hours. The wind almost knocked him over several times. Still, he wasn't about to give up. He had to find Una. Everett had not eaten since breakfast. Although he had plenty of food to eat, he couldn't eat a thing. He was too worried about Una. She hadn't dressed as warmly as he did. If he didn't find her soon, she'd be done for. Soon, the snow stopped, much to his relief. Finding Una would be easier now. It was getting dark. Everett reached for his flashlight and turned it on. It was so bright, he could see everything....
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posted by Rubyrings
The wind and the snow were bitterly cold. Una didn't know how long she had been out there, with no shelter and very little to keep her warm. Her shoes were soaked through, she could hardly feel her toes, and her fingers were frozen stiff. She could feel tear tracks hardened on her face as the wind stung her cheeks.
She had to do something to stay warm. She'd tried to keep moving, something telling her that to stop and rest in this weather could be fatal. But she was exhausted, each step more and more of a struggle as the snow rose higher and higher. And who knew where she was going, if she was...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
The snowfall began to get heavier and heavier. Una and Everett tried to stay together, but the blizzard kept blinding them. Without realizing it, they became separated. Although the snow was blinding, there was no shelter. The young couple knew they had to get back to civilization and find a warm place. They pressed on for what seemed like hours. Finally, Everett saw a familiar sight. It was the town near the mountains. The hotel where he and Una were staying was in sight. Everett breathed a sigh of relief. He exclaimed, "We made it, Una! We made it!" There was no response. "Una," he called...
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posted by Rubyrings
"Everett, watch this!" Una leaped off the hiking trail and slid gracefully into the light snow covering the ground on either side, kicking up a light spray.
He laughed. "Careful there, Una."
"Aren't I always?" She grinned at him teasingly before tossing a handful of snow up in the air. "I love this. It's so beautiful up here." She sighed. "My family never really took vacations like this."
"Well, we can take lots," Everett replied without thinking. Wait, what had he said?? He and Una were officially together now, yes, but they hadn't talked at all about how "serious" they were, whether they was...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
It had been nine months since Una and Everett first met. Though they didn't really need a break from anything at this point, with the both of them pursuing their dreams, they decided to go on a winter trip near the mountains. That morning, Mrs. Stratton had fixed a hearty breakfast for Una. Mrs. Stratton asked, "Are you excited for your trip, dear?" Una said, "You bet! I've never been so close to the mountains before. I can't wait to go hiking in the snow." Mrs. Stratton said, "You be careful when you go. I've heard it can be very cold there." Una said, "Don't worry, Mother. I won't be going...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone. Antonia here, and today, I am sharing some exciting news! My second Gerberian Shepsky, Joplin is no longer a little pup. She is one year old.

That's right. Joplin turned one today (November 12). It seems like just yesterday when I brought her home. She was just an eight-week-old puppy. She is now a young adult. Basically, she's a teenager. Joplin was a bit of a handful when she was younger. She's still a handful to an extent, but she is calmer than she was when I first got her.

Joplin still gets into things, but not like she used to. She still gnaws on things, but she's much more...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Hi, everyone! Antonia here, and I found this Q&A list while looking around the Internet. I know everyone loves doing these. I'll start, and I'll include the link so that you can try it yourselves. You don't have to answer the same questions I did. Without further ado, let's get started, shall we?

1. What is your favorite memory of your childhood friends? I have so many great memories. If I had to pick one, though, I'd have to pick the time that Paul (RocknRollSoul60) and I met Jan (60smusicluv) for the first time when we shielded her from some bullies.

2. What is your favorite junk food?...
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A few days later, Everett came to see Una again. He came just as she and her mother were finishing breakfast, and Mrs. Stratton smiled to see how quickly Una jumped from her seat and ran to let him in.
“Everett!” She beamed. His blue eyes lit up at her reaction to seeing him, and he reached out as if to pull her into a hug, then stopped as if wondering if that was too much right now. Una grinned and wrapped one arm around his shoulders in response. “Come in! We still have some pancakes if you want some – I'd take one, Mom makes really good ones – how are you??”
“Great,” he told...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
As Mrs. Stratton, Una, and Everett sipped their tea, they talked quite a bit. Mrs. Stratton asked Everett about his chosen career path. He told her about his passion for film editing. She listened intently. She began to rethink Una's passion for acting. Mrs. Stratton then asked Una, "Is acting what you really want?" Una said, "Yes, Mother, it's all I've ever wanted to do." Mrs. Stratton said, "If this is what you really want, I promise not to stand in the way of your dreams." Una said, "Well, one of my dreams is to keep seeing Everett." Everett blushed. Mrs. Stratton said, "I think that's wonderful....
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Una might have been nervous about coming home after her fight with her mother, about what she would say to her mother and what her mother would say to her once they saw each other in person, about whether she would be able to pursue her dreams again or if things would just go right back to how they were before. But it was just so hard to worry about anything when Everett was there beside her. He was so steady and reassuring, and there was just so much to talk about with him around. They talked more about movies and about all sorts of other things, too. (It turned out they liked almost the same...
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added by yorkshire_rose
Source: wallpapercave
posted by Peaceandlove67
"Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be an actress. I always dreamed of the day when my name would be in lights, and I would be starring in big films. In school, I participated in every school play, except for the time I had the flu, but that's another story. My father always supported me, and he regularly encouraged me to pursue acting. He would even playfully ask for my autograph. My mother never encouraged me to pursue acting. She wants me to go to college, even though going to college doesn't guarantee I'll get a job. Unfortunately, my father was taken suddenly when we went out...
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