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One Direction Answers

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 Showing One Direction questions (1 - 21 of 21)
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Answer: i actually saw the video first.....but WHAT MAK...
Answer: he said he would use spoons at home and everything ...
Answer: Niall: Nially, Niallers, Niallator, Ni-Ni, Kyle, Ki...
Answer: Can you please just leave him alone..He has plenty ...
Answer: 29th August 1993
Answer: NO!! don't listen to all those junk their saying ab...
Answer: sexy :) yup...that just about does it
Answer: yes i will for sure add you cos' I LOVE 1D 2......!...
Answer: louis is the oldest- DOB: 24th december 1991. (he's...
Answer: Up ɑll Night (2011) 1.Whɑt Mɑkes You Beɑutif...
Answer: I cɑn't choose! When I see this two people, I cɑ...
Answer: Finally! I knew someone would need help on this ...
Answer: I don't want to be mean, but... This question ha...
Answer: Zayn has many tattoos! But who has more tattoos is...
Answer: Liam has extremely cute attitudes, Harry's dimples...
Answer: I Cant Believe Someone Could Hate On Niall Like Tha...
Answer: Harry chose the name for the band, Liam, Louis, Ni...
Answer: I have read and seen many interviews of him, Harry...
Answer: You go to your profile! click on "Photos" Will op...
Answer: I don't know if he hates, But in the movie 'This Is...