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posted by prim17luvr101
It'll burn me up if you read without asking.

July 23rd

Woke up in a moving truck last the cab...this time. But I was totally confused as to how I got there and exactly where I was going. I figured since Moms was driving, it meant another new job in another new town. Maybe this one will be the last for awhile...

July 25th

Tried to stay up so I could see what the new town looks like in the daytime, but it was no use. Soon as the first ray of sunlight cracked the horizon, I was out. Shouldn't be surprised, since for as long as I can remember, I've been trippin' to the music of the night. I can't recall the last time I saw the sun...really, I can't. I used to wonder if I was part vampire, but so far no fangs and no overwhelming desire to make beat juice my new drink of choice. I must do some serious sleepwalking during the day though, 'cause sometimes when I wake up, I am dressed like a complete dork.

July 27th

I put up some flyers at The Maul advertising my DJ biz. Hopefully, I'll get some bites. I know that once I get a few gigs, I'll be busy all the time 'cause I can definitely spin some scary mixes.

August 1st

Being the new monster in town means I've got to figure out who all the players are so I don't get off on the wrong claw with any of the locals. So I've been taking walks at night with Crossfade just to check things out. This is what I've peeped so far.

Count Dracula: This ain't no mopey "Please give me a hug 'cause I'm a vampire" crybaby. This is the original, old school, dark as midnight, bad to the fang Nosferatu. There may be monsters that have been around longer, but none of them have Count Dracula's street cred. He and his daughter live on my street in what is either a gigantic mansion or a small castle. I guess you'd have to go with mansion, but only because there isn't a moat and a drawbridge.

The Mummy: Got to say there's just something about old school monster royalty. They're like rockstars or something. I'm not the kind of monster that gets starstruck, but I seriously wanted to ask for his autograph. I didn't, but I thought about it. He and his princess daughter Cleo de Nile live in this palace that looks like a movie set with servants and all. I don't know Cleo, but it seems like she's wound a little tight.

The Werewolf: There's one Alpha wolf in his pack and he is it. I heard he could have gone pro in just about any sport he wanted, but he was so much stronger and faster than the other players they said it wouldn't be fair for him to play. He's got a big family in a not so big house and it always seems like there is some kind of drama going on over there. The way they argue, you'd think they don't like each other, but you'd be wrong. They watch out for each other and if you fight one of them, you better be ready to take them all. Clawd is the BMOC (Big Monster on Campus) and Clawdeen is going to have songs written about her one day.

Frankenstein and his bride: Mr. Stein in pretty chill for a dude who's eight feet tall and looks like he's strong enough to tie knots in oak trees. Mrs. Stein, on the other hand...well, let's just say Mr. Stein is a lucky monster. They live in a house that looks like a cross between a Swiss chalet and a research lab. I think they've got a new baby over there, but I haven't seen her yet.

The Sea Monster: He doesn't really live on land. At least, I don't think he does. For sure he's got a little beach house where Lagoona Blue lives. It's got a killer dock that goes out over the water. I saw Lagoona sitting out there talking to him one night. He never got out of the water though, so I couldn't tell exactly what he looked like, but he churned serious water when he left. I think he mostly just keeps to himself and doesn't spend a lot of time with surface monsters.

Medusa: Seems like she's got her hiss together and is in total control of her emotions. Good thing, too, 'cause if she ever lost it, your career as a permanent life-size paperweight would start right away. I guess that's why she wears sunglasses outside of her house even at night. Speaking of her house, it looks like a building from one of those pictures at a Greek restaurant. The kind with the big columns and everything. I bet the acoustics in that place are awesome. Wonder if she ever lets Deuce have parties up there?

August 3rd

Have you ever met someone for the first time and it's like you've known them all your life? Dude, this totally happened to me last night. I was doing this bubblegum dance gig...not really my style, but sometimes you've got to give the monsters what they want, ya know? Anyway, this absolutely smokin' little vampire was out on the floor doing the Transylvania Trance and there wasn't another monster in the place that could keep up, so I flipped the switch to auto pilot and jumped right in there with her. When the song was over, I was like "Ula D, you rock!" Then she said, "How do you know my name, because I don't think we've ever met, have we?" I couldn't think of a time when we had, but somehow I just knew who she was. Weird, huh?

August 10th

Had a date with the lovely and lyrical Operetta. She's a bit of a diva, but what a set of pipes! I took her to see this band I really like and everything was going great until this gargoyle bumps into her and almost knocks her down. I didn't think his apology was sincere, so I got hot and long story short, I got us kicked out. Operetta was embarrassed about it and asked me to take her home. I sent her a dozen dead roses, but she's still not talking to me. My temper constantly gets me into trouble, but it never gets me out.

August 11th

Mom found out about last night from Operetta's dad. She says I need to do a better job controlling my temper and stop being such a hothead. But it's not like I can just become a different person. Sometimes I think she wishes I wasn't a monster at all. Does she think I can just snap my fingers and turn into some dorky human or something? I swear, sometimes I just want to..........ASHES! I melt more pens this way. Maybe Mom's right. Wish there was like a potion you could drink to get rid of the bad stuff. Oh, well.

August 20th

I think I'm going to take some night school classes this year. I heard that Monster High does non-traditional classes for monsters who don't do daylight, and since I seem to fit into that crew, I'm gonna sign up. There's supposed to be this siren that gives voice lessons and Operetta's dad teaches a keyboard class.

September 5th

I started working on a song that I want to be kinda about my life. Maybe inspiration will hit me and I'll finish it or maybe I haven't lived long enough to write a song about my life.

Anyway, I got the first verse:

A twisted road plays out like a rhyme

Revealing itself a little at a time

Turn the corner, leave what's behind

Outta sight and outta mind

Outta sight and outta mind

Guess I'll have to see where the road leads.
added by YamiStar
added by tinkerbell66799
Source: Monster High
posted by habbofirstfan
C.A. Cupid, full name Chariclo Arganthone Cupid, is the adoptive daughter of Eros, the god of love in Greek mythology. She first appeared as part of the Sweet 1600 doll line. C.A. Cupid debuted in the television special "Why Do Ghouls Fall In Love?", in which she is voiced by Erin Fitzgerald.

C.A. follows in her adoptive father's footsteps as an arbiter of love and is specialized in the dealings of relationships, though primarily those of monsters with a focus on teenagers. She hosts a daily radio show from her station in the catacombs beneath Monster High, during which she takes...
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posted by FanGirlz3453
Clawdeen after writing her diary entry.
Clawdeen after writing her diary entry.
Chapter 5: Clawdeen Wolf

Clawdeen howled in pain as she cut herself, attempting to shave. Her fur had gottan so thick and her razor was blunt since her little sister, Howleen had been using it so much.
"Grrrrrrrrrr! HOWLEEN!!!!!!"
"Yes Sis!" Howleen came waltzing into the bathroom, wearing Clawdeen's desighner dress.
"Is that MY DRESS?!
Howleen ran out of the bathroom, yelping.

Later, Clawdeen was writing her diary like she did every night.

29th December

Today has been a chain of bizzare events.
First, Frankie passed out in Study Howl. I didn't know what happened but when...
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posted by HelloKitty_Love
The 17 of October
Cleo de Nile, Monster High's soon to be scream queen, unraveled with a zitty complexion and the scent of vomit on her breath. "It was the sugar eyeballs!" she screeched miserably, proceeded by vomit. I took a note of that on my iCoffin as Deuce Gorgon and i took a step away. The crowning of scream queen was today at 9:00 a.m. in the vampitheatre.

The nurse rushed in. Jackson, the school normie, said "Bad news Spectra. It seems as if this story has to be shut down. If the scream queen is sick or injured then runner up is crowned." "I did not know that." i frowned. Then Heath...
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posted by prim17luvr101
Monster Parent: The Werewolf
Age: 17
Killer Style: Casual a la would be dumb for me to not listen to fashion advice from her.
Freaky Flaw: I shed...a lot. When I get out of the shower my family becomes the proud owners of a fur-lined tub. I might as well comb my hair with a lint brush and save the extra step.
Pet: A gargoyle bulldog named Rockseena. She's my number one rock solid fan.
Favorite Activity: I love football. I love the training, the strategy, the competition, and the atmosphere on game day. It's the perfect sport.
Biggest Pet Peeve: People who think that football players...
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posted by prim17luvr101
Monster Parent: The Werecat
Age: 15 - but I'm still on the first of my nine lives.
Killer Style: I purrfer fashions that accentuate my natural feline grace while adding just enough spikiness in my accessories to say, "I don't come when I'm called."
Freaky Flaw: Purrhaps I could be faulted for my fascination with the claw of cause and effect...or not. I suppose it all depends on whether or not you're the monster being affected.
Pet: Sweet Fangs is my pet sabre-tooth tiger cub. She's much more cuddly than I am.
Favorite Activity: It's either taking a nap or waking up from a nap and immediately taking...
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posted by prim17luvr101
Monster Parent: The Zombie
Age: 16 (in monster years)
Killer Style: My horn-rimmed “nerd glasses.” They absolutely go with everything.
Freaky Flaw: I cannot function without a proper schedule and I do not process last minute changes very well. My zombie nature also means that I walk rather slowly, have trouble making facial expressions and can only speak…well…zombie.
Pet: An owl named Sir Hoots A Lot. The perfect companion even though he absolutely refuses to be a message courier for me.
Favorite Activity: I love to read and learn new things. Books always fit into my schedule.
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posted by prim17luvr101
Age: 16
Alter Ego: Holt Hyde
Killer Style: I like sweater vests and plain styles that are neat, orderly and buttoned down. It may seem a little quiet and dull but the last thing I need in my life is more loud and flashy.
Freaky Flaw: My dual nature makes it impossible for me to be totally reliable. It's not that I don't try, but it's like a total creep shoot whether or not I actually follow through on any promise I make.
Pet: Crossfade, a chameleon. He can blend into any situation and never call attention to himself.
Favorite Activity: I'm actually pretty athletic, not like werewolf athletic of...
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posted by prim17luvr101
Keep your eyes off my journal or you'll spend the rest of your life as a lawn ornament.

July 1st

Another day of doing exactly what I wanted to do. I can hardly wait for school to start. How many times would I need to write that line before I started to believe it?

July 15th

It rained today, which totally wrecked my plans to try out my new skate deck. I sat on the porch, turning flies into pebbles until Mom yelled that they were putting dents in the deck. Wish this rain would hurry up and stop.

July 16th

Dude, I love Mom's killer Greek food, but that's like ALL she ever cooks. I wanted to make...
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While Bloodie and Mr M continued Round 2 on MW3 Clawd and Clawtina sat there watching TV.

Clawtina went to her room to get a brush.
Clawd came in and was behind her she could feel his hands around her waist. His breath on her neck. And his lips on her upper neck.

She turned around. "What do you want".
She was pinned to the wall.
She just stood still, use made the first move she smashed her lips against his. They were officially making out.
Billy panted. "I need some new underwear".
Clawdeen giggled.
Baxter collapsed on the bench.

Billy entered Clawtina's room accidentally and saw Clawtina...
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It was 7:45 pm.
Clawtina's family was out of town, Billy was over at Clawdeen's.
Clawtina was dressed in her overalls when she heard a knock on the door.
It was Clawd. "You came early".
"My car broke down on the way, so if you like we can go in yours". "Mine is well - as you can see its umm".

Clawd waited for her excuse. "Nevermind if it's broken it doesn't really matter we can just stay here".
Clawtina's mouth just opened and hit the ground.
"Are you like serious, where are your brains".
Clawtina said sarcastically.

"Well when I look deeply into your eyes I loose my brains because of your beautiness...
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posted by CuteBlossom123
Clawdeen Wolf
Clawdeen Wolf
Clawdeen Wolf

Clawdeen is the daughter of the Werewolf.
She is 15 years old and comes from a rather large family.
Her BFFs are Frankie Stein and Draculaura, whose father sometimes objects when Clawdeen visits her.
Clawdeen complains about Howleen, her younger sister, with whom she shares a bunk bed, because Howleen is constantly chewing on Clawdeen's shoes and borrowing her clothes and getting them dirty. Clawdeen, who loves leopard prints and open-toed pumps, is considered the fashionista of the group.
Because her hair grows unnaturally quickly, she is constantly having to shave her legs.
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posted by bratzdolly11
chapter one:

Draculaurie stared at her clock,it was 9:45 and still no one arrived at her house.Her parents allowed her to have friends over,her sister and brother were gone for the whole weekened so it was just her,her parents and her pet now if only here friends would arrive.She got bored from staring at her pink and blue walls covered with posters of Justin Biter and her friends and her at their last weekend event.She sighed heavily,"I knew they would never come anyway."she started to pick up Gargoyles to Gargoyles one of her favorite game when her door bell rang,with her spirits lifted she...
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In this book it's about Friday the 13th while the ghouls and boys get stuck in the classrooms/rooms of monster high! As we start Clawdeen wanted Lagoona,Draculaura and Frankie in the ghouls bathroom because Clawdeen knew how to get out the school unharmed. Operetta,Jackson,Clawd and Howleen was in a classroom but got locked. Toralei and her cool kitties were in the gym with Cleo and Deuce.Abbey and Heath with locked in a closet and Heath was hitting on Abbey :o.Gill and Slo-Mo were locked in the locker room and could hear the girls trying to get out of the gym. And Spectra put this on the ghostly gossip... How will the ghouls and guys get tho the night? Wait for chapter 2!!!
posted by bratzdolly11
chapter one:Sleeping-

It was about third period and Draculaurie was tired,so she fell asleep in Mad Science.

chapter two:Princess Laurie-

In her dreams she was sleeping so when wakened she was wearing a dress like in the Disney Princess Ariel was when she turned human (you know the pink one).She was in the middle of a forest and she wore a crown upon her head.She got up and walked around in the forest.As much as she loved the scenery she wanted to go home,she was about to turn around until she saw about six knights and a old pudgy man run toward her."Princess Laurie!"he cried,"She has returned!"he...
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Sunday, October 30th
01:00pm: Monster High: Fright On! -- When other monster schools are merged with Monster High, our ghouls find themselves up against a Normie administrator determined to drive a stake into the harmony of the school, and magnify old grievances in order to isolate and separate the monster groups. This agenda of intolerance can only be cured by Frankie, Clawdeen, Draculaura and their ghoulfriends as they strive to prove that the culture clash of Fur and Fang will not inevitably lead to a war within the walls of the school. Network Premiere.
(W means wolf V means vampire B means brother)

W-so who r u going to the dance with
V-umm..well idk
W-with my brother
V-umm...Y do u say that
W-its so easy to c every time ur eyes turn into hearts and u r so NOT focesed
V-i am sorry i just cant help it
W-wat ever


B-hey little sis
W-y r u going to the dance with my closest friends
B-well "fire head" was bothering her so i said i would go with her and well...
W-well wat
B-i kinda...
W-u kinda wat
B-like her
W-OMG if u brake her hurt i will kill u


W-hey u want to come over my house
V-yeah sure i though u were mad at me
W-oh NO but it just feels...
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added by YamiStar
posted by BitterSweet65
Chapter 14 - Jackson

It happened. The pain wasn't bad, I was drugged for most of it. I looked at him, so happy to finally be in his own body. I was so weak from the procedure, and he was feeding from my life source.

"Holt, please..." I said weakly.
"What? Give you some life? Please. I've been stuck with you for years and I'm so excited to finally get rid of you."
"You don't have to get rid of me! I'll stay away from you and Frankie, I promise."
"Fine, but only because you keep begging. Stop anyway it makes you look stupid." Holt said as he cupped a hand over my mouth, giving me back some of my...
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