Maya the Bee Club
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After I have done with the testing of characters' screen time in this episode, I decided to write an article for this episode. This is the episode where Maya and Willy met a cicada and is the the twenty-first episode of the European version. The episode starts when a cicada woke up in the morning on a tree branch and did some exercise before flying off the branch to another branch and turned on the tap to drink sap from the tree (holding a nut as a glass). When the cicada drank the sap from the tree, he said happily "It's good, but now work!" and he went to play his violin to start a concert with the other cicadas together who also played violins together and continued to play music happily. At the same time, Maya and Willy were sleeping next to some mushrooms when they both woke up and heard the music of the cicadas' violins and were delighted to see and hear the cicadas' concert. After some time, a tribe of ant soldiers appeared and climbed up the tree and the ant general saw the tap on the tree and ordered the other ants to drink sap from the tree and as soon as they tasted it, they liked it so much that one of the ants licked it with great delight. Then the ant general decided to go to the cicada who was still playing his violin and said "Thank you, the sap was very good!" and he went back to the other ants and ordered them to leave together and immediately, the ants left at last. Then the little bees decided to fly away too after they heard the cicadas' concert and they went a little further into a forest with many flowers that Willy came out of a flower where he tasted some pollen or nectar and said with pleasure "That was nice!". But Willy noticed Maya looking curiously next to a plant and he asked plaintively "What are you doing down there, Maya?". But she didn't answer him and made a "Shhhh!" sound to shut Willy up who decided to go down to find out what Maya had been looking at all this time. Then, this time, she answered him "Look there!" and they were surprised to see a wasp digging a hole that at the same time, she decided to fly away for a while where Maya was so curious that she wanted to go and see what was under the hole but he didn't let her and she told him "I just want to see it, you scaredy-bee!" as she left to go look into the hole out of her curiosity. Then Willy said plaintively "Let's see what happens again!" as he decided to follow Maya to see the hole together and as they saw the hole, it was so deep that at the same time, Willy told her to hurry up right away and she told him that he needn't be afraid and that they would go down the hole together as she went down the hole to find out what was inside the hole out of her curiosity. Before he finally decided to go down the hole to follow Maya, Willy walked around a bit complaining and said "I have a bad feeling and it usually turns out to be right!" and so, he decided to go for it. As the little bees made their way down to the underground, Willy plaintively explained to Maya that what they were doing right now wasn't right at all and they didn't know what was waiting for them down there, but Maya told him slyly that he should go back until she found out, but by what she said had upset Willy and he shook his head plaintively and said "She's impossible!" at the end. As the little bees went on their way, they discovered a place full of many doors and out of her great curiosity, Maya went and opened a door and told Willy to see what was in there and they saw a sleeping larva, but they also saw a corpse of a large caterpillar which made Willy shudder and close the door in his agitation at last. Then with what happened, Maya was wondering how the door closed suddenly and Willy told her that he didn't know either and Maya decided to open the door again with Willy and they saw the caterpillar more clearly and were surprised how big it was and they looked again at the larva and Willy asked Maya if the wasp they saw eats those and Maya told him she wasn't sure about that as she closed the door and they were talking about how every door can have a larva and a caterpillar until Maya thought in shock and told Willy that they better go and fly out of the hole and he agreed with her. But suddenly, the wasp came back and brought another caterpillar and the little bees were surprised when they saw it and Willy took Maya's hand and ran away from the wasp because he thought she was going to eat them and they hid so that the wasp wouldn't see them. Then Maya asked Willy what they are going to do now and Willy told her that they will look to get out and out of her curiosity, Maya was looking at the wasp who already reached the last door and put the caterpillar there as she closed the door and said goodbye to her babies and how she will see them again in a year as she was ready to leave the hole that is her nest. When the little bees saw this, they took a deep breath, but at the same time, the wasp covered the hole with dirt as she flew away, and the poor little bees could not get out of the hole and were disappointed in the end. Then Maya asked Willy if there was any exist and he tearfully replied "No, we're screwed again!" and she said to him "So it seems!" that she thought of doing something and told Willy to dig a hole together so they could find the exit together in the end. But Willy continued to cry and told her that it was all her fault and that he had told her not to come over here and Maya told him that what had happened had happened and that he should dig like she had told him before while she was digging. Then Willy began to dig under the ground and talked to her very plaintively until he stopped digging and discovered a hole which he was surprised and as he was about to dig a little more, suddenly he fell down the hole at the end. Then Maya stopped digging when she heard her friend fall down into his own hole he dug and went to see if he was ok and asked him how he got down into the hole he dug but he didn't answer her because he didn't know either and Maya went down the new hole and told Willy that there might be an exit somewhere in the underground they were in and he answered her doubtfully "Let's see. I don't know!" and they immediately began to make their way to find the exit to get out of the underground at the end. But as they went on their way, they didn't expect it to be so far and they walked for hours until they stopped at a place where the ant general suddenly appeared as he saw them. Then the ant general asked them who they were and what they were doing here and Maya politely asked him if this place was his home and he answered "yes", but he asked the little bees again what they were doing over here. Then Willy answered him that they were looking for the exit and something to drink because he was feeling so unwell which he even told him that he was dying of thirst. But the ant general didn't understand exactly what the little bees wanted because he thought they would really die, but he decided to lead them and they were happy in the end. But as the ant general led the little bees away, Willy fainted from fatigue and thirst and he asked him "What's the matter? Don't you feel well?" and he replied "No!". Then the ant general said to Willy "Listen to me, my boy. If you don't want to die here, hurry up a little.", but the little bees didn't understand what he wanted to say and Maya asked him "What do you mean by that?" but he said something terrible that the little bees didn't expect to hear and they were surprised and the ant general thought they were very tasty for him as he looked at the their bodies and immediately the little bees fled in fear because they realized that the ant general wanted to eat them and Willy shouted "Help!" as he ran from his fear (This scene was originally longer in the Japanese version and was censored and cut in the European version because the people at Apollo Film thought that this scene would scare a lot of kids and that it was too dark for them though). As the little bees continued to run in fear, they suddenly tripped and fell together into a "wall of dirt" that broke apart and became a hole at the end. When the little bees recovered from falling into the new hole and discovered a new place they had never seen before, they looked at it with curiosity. Then Willy asked Maya, "Where are we, huh?" and Maya replied "In some house it seems, but luckily no one is here now!" but at the same time, Maya heard something coming from a ladder that she noticed a young cicada coming down the ladder who was complaining and saying "Oh my god! What should I do now!" as he went down to his bed. Then the cicada said plaintively "That's what we missed now. What shall I do? Let's see again." as he climbed the ladder again to see if he could make it. Then Willy said to Maya "I think it's a cicada!" and Maya answered him "Yes, but what's wrong with him doing that?". But at the same time, the cicada didn't make it and was complaining again as he went down the ladder to his bed. Then Maya started talking to the cicada and said "Maybe we can help you..." and the cicada turned and looked at the little bees in surprise. Then the little bees introduced themselves to the cicada and said "... I am Maya the Bee!" "And I am Willy!" but the cicada did not understand them and asked them "A bee? What is that?" and Willy answered him "We are insects and fly in the air, it's a complete coincidence that we ended up down here you know.". Then the cicada answered him "It seems strange to me to see such creatures and I haven't seen any for a year!". Then Willy answered him "We were also surprised, it's the first time I've seen such a strange face!" and after that he spoke to him sighing and plaintively "Ah, what a tiring day for today! Of course my friend Maya is to blame for this as always, it's all because she's curious but I'll never see her again!" from his anger he had for Maya. But the cicada didn't believe the words that Willy was telling him and climbed the ladder again to see if he could succeed this time and explained to the little bees "If only I could get out, I've been waiting for it for 7 years." who were shocked to hear him say this as they flew around him and asked him "(Willy) What? 7 years?" "(Maya) You've been in here for 7 years and that's why you're in such a hurry to get out now?" and he answered them, "That's right!" as he continued up the ladder and explained his grievances to them until he got up there and the little bees discovered a rock that had blocked the hole that the poor cicada was trying to get out and failed in the end. Then Maya asked him "Did someone block your exit?" and the cicada answered her anxiously "Yes, and it must have happened last night and I found it out today!" and Maya asked him again "And now you can't go out, right?" and he answered her again "That's right, some man seems to have kicked a rock and it fell right into my hole, what a misfortune!". Then Willy told the cicada that he understood his problems but told him not to despair and dig another hole, but the cicada asked him how it was possible to dig a hole in one night and Willy answered him that he need not do it all in one night and that he would do it tomorrow as he thought he could do it in another night. But the cicada didn't agree with what Willy told him and explained to the little bees more about his problems saying that his back is itchy because he will grow wings soon and if he does, he will have to fly or die which shocked the little bees when he said this to them. Then the cicada explained to the little bees more why he wants to fly when he becomes a full-grown cicada and that if it doesn't happen tomorrow then it will all be over and Maya said to him "Then we will try at once!" as she tried to lift the rock out of the hole, at the same time, Willy said to Maya in a serious tone "Wait, Maya!" and she said to him "Help me, Willy!" that he decided to go at once to help her lift the rock together, but the rock was so heavy for them that in the end they did not succeed, and Willy said in disappointment to the cicada "Nothing happens!". Then Maya explained to the cicada that she and Willy would have to find some other way to help him out of the hole and he agreed to the plan Maya told him, but he doubtfully asked her what would happen after that and she told him that they could dig another hole next to the rock and that they would go out and dig on the other side and Willy told him that they would make it by tomorrow and Maya told him "Let's try then, come on!" and he agreed in the end. Before the little bees decided to fly away, Maya said to the cicada "We're going to give you a knock on the outside so you know we're going to start digging." as she and Willy flew down in delight and the cicada said in surprise "What kind of fellows are they who think of such clever things!". Then the little bees are already ready to leave the cicada's house by entering the hole together to proceed together into different places of the underground to find a way to dig a hole, but at the same time, Willy stopped and told Maya "Maya, we don't need to dig a hole!" and she asked him in surprise "What? But how did you come up with that?" and he replied to her "Because there is already this hole, the cicada can come out of here!", but Maya looked around doubtfully and told him that it is still narrow for them and how will the cicada come out, being so "chubby" and Willy answered her uneasily "I guess you're right!" and Maya said to him "Come on, hurry!" and they began to continue to advance around the entire underground. But as they proceeded from various places in the underground, the little bees were troubled by the ants who guarded their houses, and they flew as far as they could until they discovered a door as an exit, and they knocked on the door and they hid on the door so that the ants wouldn't see them and immediately they quickly flew away when the ants were trying to find out if someone was inside when they saw the door open, so the little bees managed to get out of the underground in the end. Then at the same time, the cicada began to dig on the rock to see if he could make it on his own as the little bees came to the rocks to find out which rock had landed on the cicada's house until Maya managed to find it when she heard the cicada digging on his own and happily she called Willy to come to hear the cicada digging, and they were glad to find it at last. Then the little bees called out to the cicada who was still digging and he was very happy that they found him and he answered them that he was here and told them to dig together to help him out and immediately the little bees started digging. Many hours passed as the little bees continued to dig as hard as they could until nightfall when Willy began to tire and yawn and Maya told him "Come on Willy, we did it!" and he answered her yawning "I can't!" while he continued to dig, but Maya was also getting tired after digging for so long and they kept digging until they fell asleep at the end. After a while, the cicada managed to get out of the rock by himself and thanked the little bees for helping him along when he saw them sleeping and he went to climb a tree to change his skin and he began to transform himself into a full-grown cicada at dawn and when his wings grew, he began to fly for joy and left at last. Meanwhile, Flip appeared as he jumped out for a "walk" in the morning until he stopped sitting on a blade of grass and he saw the little bees sleeping under the rock and immediately he went jumping to see them and when he arrived he asked them "What are you doing over here? Hey Maya, Willy, wake up!" which at the same time, Willy woke up and said "good morning!" to him happily. Then Flip asked him "Why are you lying on the ground? Did you sleep here?" which at the same time, Flip told Maya to wake up and when she woke up, she saw the hole under the rock and she jumped for joy and said to Willy "Willy, he did it! He did it!" and Willy also began to jump for joy, and said "Hurrah!" that from their great joy, the little bees left at the end, but Flip did not understand what had happened, and wondered if they were doing some kind of trick, or something else of which he is not quite sure, as he thought about it. The episode ended when Maya, Willy and Flip went together to see and hear the cicadas' concert which they were very pleased to hear the music from their violins and Maya was thinking with a smile that the cicada she met was there with the other cicadas and that's how the story ended. Here are the ranking results that I have gotten for each character who have appeared in the episode:

6. Flip (1 minute, 2 seconds)
Despite he got into the first place in the previous episode, unfortunately, poor Flip have fallen out of the Top 3 and got into the last place as he didn't appear until at the end of the episode and that's why, but don't worry, he will be ranked higher in the future episodes though.

5. The Ant Soldiers (1 minute, 11 seconds)
Yes, the ant soldiers got more screen time than Flip, but they still didn't got that much screen time either and were ranked lower for once again, so yes, they beat out Flip, but they lost to their general though.

4. The Ant General (1 minute, 21 seconds)
Now this is something that might surprise you a bit, but yes, the ant general got into the fourth place despite he didn't get that much screen time, but he managed to beat out the soldiers by 21 seconds, but he and the soldiers will have more screen time in the next episode which is another episode that focused on them just like in the twenty-second episode.

3. The Cicada (4 minutes, 37 seconds)
Of course, the cicada have gotten so many screen time and have managed to enter the Top 3 and got into the third place by earning his bronze medal by the amount of screen time he got overall.

2. Maya (11 minutes, 48 seconds)
Once again, Maya didn't manage to get into the first place and she ended up getting into the second place and earned her seventh silver medal, so yes, she lost to another character and that character is of course her best friend.

1. Willy (12 minutes, 9 seconds)
Now this is something that will make all Willy fans happy is that he have managed to get into the first place for the third time and he earned his third gold medal which he is very happy and very touched that he finally won and earned another gold medal which I'm also very happy about it.

And that's all of the results that I got from this episode and I'm planning to test the screen time of characters in the twenty-five episode which is the one where Maya and Willy met a young ant who ran away from the ant soldiers and is the twenty-second episode of the European version which I will explain more about that episode in the article that I will make soon.
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maya the bee
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