House M.D. The House MD Spot [PARTY!]

jameswilson posted on May 25, 2008 at 06:42AM
The last party - Welcome everyone! I hope to bring this party back for one more, final hurrah before the end of the series! When it came in to being we were still in season four - Amber was still alive, House and Cuddy had not yet kissed (well, on screen anyway), the new team was just starting to wiggle their way into our hearts - it was a simpler time. Now it's time to say goodbye! So let's party it up, raise our glasses to Amber and Kutner, and celebrate HOUSE M.D. and the awesome fans that populate this spot - the fans who come here to obsess with everyone else who shares an unyeilding passion for our favorite limping doctor (and his best friend Wilson cough)!

-jameswilson 5/17/12

P.S. I hope to see some of my old friends here as well as new ones! I know there have been many generations of Fanpop, I hope to meet you all here!

FYI This has become more than just a declaration of my love for this spot and the people on it! It's kind of a party now - everyone's welcome to come and chat and be silly. So come on in and join the fun!

This spot is definitely my all time favorite place to be on this website and, since I can't seem to sleep tonight, I thought I'd try to give you guys an idea of why I love it here so much.

I love all of the really interesting picks and soapbox articles here.
I love the wide array of talented icon and wallpaper makers we have.
I love the huge amount of fanvids that are here, and the fact that no one complains about them like on the Lost spot.
I love the fact that everyone here gets along and there aren't any fights like there can be elsewhere.
I love oldmovie's awesome picks and great Munchuasen's article.
I love misanthrope's ridiculous amount of awesome picture contributions and general niceness to all.
I love amberRocks' avid love for Amber.
I love that tubby2002 has been here longer than most of us can even remember.
I love EverybodyLies and Tuscaloosa ;]
I love cinders, ineedcoffee, misanthrope86, and obsessedwithmd for making me icons.
I also love mimika_s and Romster17 and PotterGal and every single other person who I failed to mention by name (because I'm tired) just because they're all so cool.
But mostly, I love the fact that we can all come here and be obsessed with House without anyone calling us weird or crazy.

We all know that we're the coolest spot around, so I thought I'd just share a little pride out loud ;]

Love, jameswilson

I'm changing this list a little because I've gotten to know some of you a lot better!

babybell, a really awesome member of the spot, you should really get to know her.
immunity, one of my favorite people to talk to around here, hopefully yours too!
Nifflehim, who's obviously a total sweetheart.
heeeresjoyce, who misdiagnosed me with Lupus ;]
Cuddles, who is totally coming to visit me this summer!
ElLoWmOnKeYaY, another new member to the spot!
pollyloveshouse, who we all know and love, and who is writing a really great story about us!
tatia, who we just found out is mimika_s's little sister!
caitlin_jayne, who's new to the party!
Huddyaddict12, who's new to the site!
Chandlerfan, who's new to the party!
cocacola, who's pretty awesome and just started partying with us!
I've really enjoyed talking about the Olympics with house_whatelse and HuddJenthro :]

Dances around and throws pretzel pieces at oldmovie

last edited on May 18, 2012 at 01:27AM

House M.D. 5633 replies

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Showing Replies 2001-2050 of 5633

over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
haha xD *takes wheelchair and speeds after Wilson, drags him back home by his tie* he's all yours, Chandlerfan!
over a year ago busanbusan said…
*sits in a corner playing with a Lisa Cuddy doll*
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
thank you THC (your new nickname XD)
*corners Wilson into a room, locks door, throws away the key*
He won't be going anywhere for a long time XD

I'll be busy for a while ;]
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
*puts a stethoscope over the handle for them*
just in case...
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
hahaha... have fun! I have nothing against hand me downs so can I have him when you're done? I'm gonna find the highest stairs in the Netherlands and make him carry me up there... *evil laugh*
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
lol THC, you should come join us in the pre prom party!! We're stealing his underwear!! ;)
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
or I'll glue him to the couples counseling couch xD *gloathes in darkest corner of the room*
over a year ago TheHiddenCane said…
aahhh!! I'll be right therexD
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Sure you can have him after me, but don't blame me if he's a little tired after I let him go. Wait, I lost the key to get out of the room though...
NOOOOO! All the alcohol is outside the room! Damnit
over a year ago jameswilson said…
Dances crazily and laughs.

Makes a margarita
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
Hey jameswilson haven't seen you in forever.
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Has anyone found the keys so I can get of this room? Wilson's no fun when he's asleep - I think I tired him out XD
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
I'm looking for them. lol
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
lol! slide them under the door when you find them! XD
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
Okay, but I'm still looking. Darn why can't I find them????
over a year ago Cuddles said…
*joins the party*
*grabs a drink*
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
*starts jumping on the bed to wake up Wilson*
He's a heavy sleeper
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
Hi Cuddles! lol, I found them, nope sorry those were my car keys.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
hey jameswilson :)

and cuddles :)

you guys going to prom?? lol, i never thought i would ask that, living in england and all....
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
I am plh, I'm bringing the guy I really like, he is a House fan. You can all meet him, (not really), the ironic thing is is that his name is Cameron.
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
If you can't find the keys you can pick the lock with a hanger, I don't mind! XD
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
I got a bobby pin, I wonder if that actually works. *starts to pick the lock*
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
lol! It works if you use a credit card with it!
I don't know why I know that, I'm not usually in the habit of picking locks!
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
lol, what have you been doing? *takes out credit card and keeps picking the lock*
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
I locked myself out of my room once. I know, I'm an idiot, but it was locked then I climbed out the window, then realised I couldn't get back in through the window and had to pick the lock. Luckily i took my keys with me to get back in the front door though! XD
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
lol, okay just making sure you weren't a criminal that broke into the governments sercet rooms and I would have to turn you in. *door unlocks*
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
lol! no I'm no criminal!
YAY! alcohol! *downs 10 bottles of champagne*

I'm off anyway
Bye =]

*drags Wilson along back to my house* ;]
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
See ya!
over a year ago busanbusan said…
Wow this really is s long-term-party xD
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
Yeah, it is but it is great!
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Its been going for ages lol, i love it!! how are you busanbusan??
over a year ago ilurvedward said…
*runs back from the beach party where she slept last nite*

HI GUYS!!!!! this party rocks!!!!!!!
*downs 20 shots and jelly tots*
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
Hey what's up ilurvedward?
over a year ago ilurvedward said…
just dreaming about the night i had with Cuddy and House!
plus, downing so many martinis wasn't the best idea..... but i have a good plan to burn them off...
*evil laugh*
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
lol, glad you had a nice time.
over a year ago ilurvedward said…
i did i did!!
how about you?
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
I've been at a family reunion all week in Colorado. Not as nice of time as it sounds like you had but still a great time.
over a year ago ilurvedward said…
hey, hanging out with the fams can be cool! sometimes.....
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
Yeah well getting together with cousins I haven't seen in a while and still haven't seen all of them, one of my favorite cousins I don't get to see and I'm sad about it.
over a year ago ilurvedward said…
oh, that's too bad!!
i love my cuzins!!!!!
well, hopefully u might see them soon!
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
No actually he is on a mission because his mom is mormon and her and my uncle split so he is on this mission for a year and he lives in New York and I live in Chicago so won't see him for a while.
over a year ago house_whatelse said…
Sorry but I have to go Bye
over a year ago ilurvedward said…
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Helloooooooooo!! Anyone about?!

I thought i would see if I could maybe edge the prom after party back to here, but i see it has kind of died down a bit... oh well ;)

How are you guys doing??
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
I'm fine.
I'm working on my fanfic.
*is wondering how I got here*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
lol!! Well i'm glad you're here lol
Hows the fanfic getting along??
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
Great.I just turned into a Huddy/Hameron/Wameron/Wuddy Fanfic.
*loves playing around with characters lives*
The prom was awesome!
*gets a martini*
*lights a cigarette*
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
Wuddy as well!! Are sure you aren't writing a Greys fanfic!?!

I think the prom was really good fun! The next one is October 11th, put it in your diary!!
*turns down the martini, the hang over killing her head*
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
I don't have everybody paired up!lol
I also have a hangover but I'll keep drinking until my liver fails.
*downs the martini*
*smokes the cigarette*
over a year ago pollyloveshouse said…
*eats chocolate cake instead. sticky, yummy, thick chocolate cake with sumptuous chocolate fudge icing*
How good does that sound!!!
I have decided to stuff my face with chocolate in here, cos i cant eat it in real life :(