House M.D. The House MD Spot [PARTY!]

jameswilson posted on May 25, 2008 at 06:42AM
The last party - Welcome everyone! I hope to bring this party back for one more, final hurrah before the end of the series! When it came in to being we were still in season four - Amber was still alive, House and Cuddy had not yet kissed (well, on screen anyway), the new team was just starting to wiggle their way into our hearts - it was a simpler time. Now it's time to say goodbye! So let's party it up, raise our glasses to Amber and Kutner, and celebrate HOUSE M.D. and the awesome fans that populate this spot - the fans who come here to obsess with everyone else who shares an unyeilding passion for our favorite limping doctor (and his best friend Wilson cough)!

-jameswilson 5/17/12

P.S. I hope to see some of my old friends here as well as new ones! I know there have been many generations of Fanpop, I hope to meet you all here!

FYI This has become more than just a declaration of my love for this spot and the people on it! It's kind of a party now - everyone's welcome to come and chat and be silly. So come on in and join the fun!

This spot is definitely my all time favorite place to be on this website and, since I can't seem to sleep tonight, I thought I'd try to give you guys an idea of why I love it here so much.

I love all of the really interesting picks and soapbox articles here.
I love the wide array of talented icon and wallpaper makers we have.
I love the huge amount of fanvids that are here, and the fact that no one complains about them like on the Lost spot.
I love the fact that everyone here gets along and there aren't any fights like there can be elsewhere.
I love oldmovie's awesome picks and great Munchuasen's article.
I love misanthrope's ridiculous amount of awesome picture contributions and general niceness to all.
I love amberRocks' avid love for Amber.
I love that tubby2002 has been here longer than most of us can even remember.
I love EverybodyLies and Tuscaloosa ;]
I love cinders, ineedcoffee, misanthrope86, and obsessedwithmd for making me icons.
I also love mimika_s and Romster17 and PotterGal and every single other person who I failed to mention by name (because I'm tired) just because they're all so cool.
But mostly, I love the fact that we can all come here and be obsessed with House without anyone calling us weird or crazy.

We all know that we're the coolest spot around, so I thought I'd just share a little pride out loud ;]

Love, jameswilson

I'm changing this list a little because I've gotten to know some of you a lot better!

babybell, a really awesome member of the spot, you should really get to know her.
immunity, one of my favorite people to talk to around here, hopefully yours too!
Nifflehim, who's obviously a total sweetheart.
heeeresjoyce, who misdiagnosed me with Lupus ;]
Cuddles, who is totally coming to visit me this summer!
ElLoWmOnKeYaY, another new member to the spot!
pollyloveshouse, who we all know and love, and who is writing a really great story about us!
tatia, who we just found out is mimika_s's little sister!
caitlin_jayne, who's new to the party!
Huddyaddict12, who's new to the site!
Chandlerfan, who's new to the party!
cocacola, who's pretty awesome and just started partying with us!
I've really enjoyed talking about the Olympics with house_whatelse and HuddJenthro :]

Dances around and throws pretzel pieces at oldmovie

last edited on May 18, 2012 at 01:27AM

House M.D. 5633 replies

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Showing Replies 1851-1900 of 5633

over a year ago amberRocks said…
And I totally rock!And so does Wilteen!
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
Why not use a Thutner one?Or Thirteen one?
over a year ago babybell said…
* looks at the huddy line and smiles contentedly*
* shakes out of it*
I have the new mac desktop.... you no, 20 inchs, OSX leopard etc....

over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
I think I might have started to love Hameron lately.
I love every ship <3
Wilteen OTP.
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
Thanks housecuddy4ever.
Your icon is hot! lol
over a year ago amberRocks said…
I love hameron too!
*hugs housecuddy4ever*
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
*envies babybell*
My mom's PC is a new Toshiba.
I hate Toshibas!
I want a new computer with 100 Gigabytes and I want it to be super fast....
Only in my dreams
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
*hugs amberRocks*
over a year ago babybell said…
mine is house. ( duh ) in " Top Secret " guess what he is looking at XXD
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
*joins in hug...*
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
*stares at the icon*
over a year ago babybell said…
im watching season 3 all the way through.. im watching Half Wit right now...... this is why im on safari instead of watching it... i willl go when the huddy scene comes on...

I wanna hug!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
... :)
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Half-wit!The kiss!
*day dreams*
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
Group hug!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
*hugs babybell*
over a year ago babybell said…
* totally spazs* oh my god.... * tries to ignore whats happening in the episodes* * hugs aR* i need it after this.... ( i did no it was the kiss, which is why im on the internet instead of watching the ep}
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
I'd have another House marathon but:
A.I can't find half of my DVDs
B.Half of the disks won't play on this stupid computer!*burns it*
C.It would take me 4 weeks.1 week per season.I don't have that kind of time left(I go back to school on the 18th)
D.I have this awesome power to communicate with you all with my mind!lol
over a year ago amberRocks said…
watch the episodes in fanpop!
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
I love the Kiss and the Ass grab
I love everything:Huddy,Hameron,Wilteen,Thutner,W­ame­ron­,
and Wuddy
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
School on the 18th wow.
I dont start until septemeber 5th
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
*thinks about watching the episodes*
I don't know...I fall asleep on half of them
*cough Euphoria Parts 1 and 2*cough*
over a year ago amberRocks said…
I know!Its like the worst episodes ever!And I blame omar epps terrible acting for that!
I laughed at all of his *almost death* scenes!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
XXD True... i dont espically like that episode. Too much Foreman.
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
It's about Foreman!
*throws rocks at Foreman*
*Foreman just stands there*
over a year ago babybell said…
im cool with everything there except for hameron { only because my own ship excludes it} and wuddy { i never liked it, more of a friendship} lol i loved that pun... friend-ship.
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
It's Foreman what else does he do...
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
Wow lucky.
My school just started with uniforms.
At least they don't tell us what shoes we HAVE to wear.
over a year ago babybell said…
i like foreman.sometimes. i hate alll the finales except the last one.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
Eye-rolling!He's an expert on that!
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
My school tells you what way to wear your hair, shoes, bags, uniforms everything its torture!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
I hate this finalle only!
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
Amber died... it wasnt fair!
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
Foreman is asexual!
That would make a good icon.
Have a pic of Foreman and say,"Asexual" and have an arrow pointing to Foreman..
over a year ago babybell said…
lol i ALWAYS where uniform.... damn private school... im going to a new school..... its runs from 4 - 13. im 13. i have to go to a new school. Another damn private school with uniforms etc...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
They brought her back to kill her!
I hate this finale too.
I hate David Shore!I hate him!
*burns down his house*

That does sound like torture HuddyHotness..
*burns down all schools*
over a year ago babybell said…
Chase- House hug lol HILARIOUS>
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
were i live everyone has to wear uniforms and stuff. But my school is just awful you get detention for going to the toilet too many times in one day(they count how many times you go) its really sad.
over a year ago babybell said…
im leaving now bye... awesome huddy scene... i may watch it several time so....... it may take a while.. and i also have to do my fair, my clothes, my shoes... etc. how they say.
over a year ago amberRocks said…
I've finished school!!!
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
Your lucky... i have at least 10 years including university :(
over a year ago amberRocks said…
I'm at university...But its not so hard!
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
Bye babybell.
Lucky you amberRocks.
I failed a grade.I could have been finished..oh wait I wanted to go to college.My life just sucks.
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…

Well i gotta go House is on soon

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amberRocks said…
So you failed a grade and you didn't get into college?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
whats a grade as in a test?
over a year ago housecuddy4ever said…
I would have been in college this year.
But since I failed a grade,I have to wait until next year to go to college.
Like:5th grade,6th grade etc.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…

i understand.

Im going now House is on.

ByeBye x
over a year ago amberRocks said…
So what?
I've heard that the senior year in America is the best!
Plus you get to go to the prom!
over a year ago HuddyHottness said…
Were i live we have formals just like a prom in the last year of school before you go to uni.

Damm i gotta go now i keep replying XD
last edited over a year ago