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Peter Petrelli on Scrubs



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posted over a year ago.
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i noticed this last night when i watched that episode on E4 and i was like omg who stole from who: did heroes steal the name or did scrubs, his name is also mentioned on kyle XY
posted over a year ago.
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drcoxrox said: she said peter petrelli heroes wasn't even created then
posted over a year ago.
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i think it's debatable.. to me it sounded more like "Butcherelli" than "Petrelli" ad drcoxrox is right, Heroes didn't come out until the following year.
posted over a year ago.
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yh but if you like about it heroes was filmed way before it was aired so i was thinking did tim kring steal the name???
posted over a year ago.
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oh she definitely says petrelli, not butcherelli, lol, its only something i spotted.
posted over a year ago.