Harry Potter JKR says Bellatrix is "very significant" in the last book

PotterGal posted on Jul 12, 2007 at 03:24PM
In a new interview with Helena Bonham Carter, she briefly mentioned that, "JK Rowling sent me a message saying Bellatrix going to be very significant in the last one."

This is great! How do you think Bellatrix is going to be significant in the last book?
I've had a theory for a long time that she is keeping one of Voldemort's horcruxes, if anyone would like to hear it. :D

Harry Potter 14 replies

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over a year ago tinydancer said…
Sure, I would! That's a good theory, believable as well because she is close to Voldemort. I've always thought that Bellatrix would play a big role, the way JK wrote back her made me think that she would be significant in the future, so I would love to hear your theory!
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Okay..this sounds good in my head so i hope it still does when i type it out. :P

In HBP, chapter 2, Spinners End, when Snape and Bellatrix are arguing, i think Bellatrix almost let something slip.

Snape questions the fact that Bella is Voldemort's most loyal supporter and she fires up, saying,

"The Dark Lord has, in the past, entrusted me with his most precious - if Lucius hadn't -" p34.

Then she is cut off. What i think she means when she says that Voldemort has entrusted her with his most precious possession is that he gave her a Horcrux to keep and hide long ago. After all, what else could be Voldemort's most precious possesion?
She had to cut off in that sentence because she could not let the others know that Voldemort had given her a Horcrux to hide. He must have told her not to tell anyone, even her fellow Death Eaters.

So, that's my theory. What do you think? Could it be true that she has a Horcrux?
over a year ago tinydancer said…
Thats plausible alright! I can't think of anything else that would be that precious to him, good idea :) I think it is possible that she would have a horcrux, or know about them at least! Guess we'll have to wait and see, but now if she does have one, I wont be suprised!
over a year ago anti_Jate said…
but didnt bellatrix get arrested like a week after voldemorts downfall? so why didnt she bring him back right away with the thing wormtail did?
over a year ago fadedsg02 said…
she says in the past....meaning she doesnt have it anymore and im convinced she just meant precious missions or something like that, you know nevilles parents and that whole thing, dont forget about the whole neville thing....she didnt bring him back right away for the same reasons snape didnt....she too believed him to be dead, it was a while before signs of voldemort still living were seen.....after all, he was the only one who knew about the horcruxes until the diary that is
over a year ago fadedsg02 said…
even lucius didn know the diary was a horcrux....he was tyring to get rid of it when he gave it to ginny....he wasnt really planning anything sinister
over a year ago fadedsg02 said…
except mabye shaming the weasleys if the diary were found...thats kind of sinister
over a year ago fadedsg02 said…
there is a history between RAB and Bellatrix thats rather interesting
and im sure youve all figured it out that RAB is sirius's brother....be prepared for a triangle from the past....which also gives you more insight into all that pureblood rubbish.

on a lighter note.....what i though was cool was everytime i pictured bellatrix while reading, i saw helena bohnam carter lookin all strung out, like fight club with robes
over a year ago megloveskyle said…
I am so excited after hearing this news! You rock for posting this.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PotterGal said…
LOL. Thanks. :)
Just 7 days until the book. I can't wait. I really want to see more of Bellatrix's character, so i was really excited when Helena Bonham Carter said that JKR told her this.
over a year ago PotterGal said…
******SPOILERS FOR DH******

Yay! My theory about Bellatrix keeping one of the Horcruxes was right! That's the first time one of my theories is actually right. LOL. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tinydancer said…
As I was reading the book, I actually exclaimed when i got to the bit about Bellatrix keeping the Horcrux cos of your theory!!! Great work hitting on a theory that actually came true!!! :)
over a year ago duckgoddess said…
Congratulations, PotterGal, your theory was right! Now I'm wondering if we're going to see a lot of Bellatrix in the 7th movie...
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Hehehe. Thanks you guys. :)
I really hope there's a lot of Bellatrix in the last movie..there just wasn't enough of her in the 5th. What i really want to see is that scene where Hermione is getting tortured (not that i actually want to see her getting tortured, but i thought that whole scene was great) and the part where she and Mrs Weasley duel. That was absolutely amazing!!!