Harry Potter HP Roleplay(HP Generation)

Roleplayer posted on Jan 06, 2012 at 02:36AM
So just tell me who you wanna be and I will add you here:

Hermione- Hermione-Fan361
Other-(specify who)


Create your own character it has to have the following:
-Purity of Blood
-Other info you want to share

- Roleplayer
- laylaflay
- saraandjess2448
- AceDarkwolf17
- guilmon2149
- dracofan001
- Dramione4ever
- -Harmony-
- sparkles3

-If not enough people you can have at least three people(character)
-you can NOT have more than one OC
-dont have to follow the storylines
-if you are not referring to your character, use parenthesis like ((|))
-be nice
-if you are not an OC, please try keep the characters exactly the way they are in the book


Have Fun!!

Other Roleplays-
Marauder's Era: link
New Generation: link
last edited on Feb 25, 2012 at 02:55AM

Harry Potter 4883 replies

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Showing Replies 2701-2750 of 4883

over a year ago dracofan001 said…
kelsey to lilith: *laughs when lilith hits her and then escapes by turning into a fox and jumps on top of a pillar and turns back to human* "you know how many times i have been crucioed?! more times than you could ever count! more than god himself could count! but if you'd like to end my life do it right now. you would be doing me a favor! i think hell will be much nicer than this life. i mean no one cares if i die... i thought my father would always be the one to do it though... he was very satisfied when the dark lord almost killed me."
over a year ago BellatrixLOVER1 said…
Sierra:no Kelsey dont do this!
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Serena:*To Lilith* I'm so sorry I started that fight didn't I!
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
cody: 'lifts her up using telekineses in his mewtwo form' NO
over a year ago dracofan001 said…
kelsey to all: "if you want i'll do it right now so you don't have to! i'll jump off this pillar for all of yall entertainment and end my life!" she says laughing hysterically
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BellatrixLOVER1 said…
Sierra:Kelsey you're crazy!
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
Lilith: Thank you Cody..
over a year ago BellatrixLOVER1 said…
(btw guys i am an animagus and i can turn into a small baby dragon k?)
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Serena to Lilith:Sorry I didn't mean to start that fight (hair slowly goes to normal)!
over a year ago dracofan001 said…
kelsey: "so what's it gonna be? nah ya'll take to long! i hate this life!" points wand at self
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Serena:*To Kelsey* Stop! this isn't the answer!
over a year ago BellatrixLOVER1 said…
Sierra: *to Serena* wait a minute.. who r u???
over a year ago BellatrixLOVER1 said…
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Serena:*To Sierra* I'm Serena Snape. Snape's my dad, and Lily's my mom.
over a year ago BellatrixLOVER1 said…
Sierra:*points wand at Kelsey* (oh and btw my wand looks alot like Bellatrix's)PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!!!
over a year ago saraandjess2448 said…
Jasmine: *walks up* Hey guys, what's going-- Kelsey, don't!!!
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Serena: Please don't do this Kelsey. I didn't mean to start this.
over a year ago dracofan001 said…
kelsey: *deflects sierra's spell* (to serena:)"ha! this would be the best choice i had ever made! no one cares if i die! infact lilith was going to do it herself and i considered her a friend. i should have died the night i jumped off the astronomy tower but max saved me!" she says shoving her wand into her neck and getting ready to cast the spell
over a year ago saraandjess2448 said…
Jasmine: *awkwardly* did I show up at a bad time?
over a year ago BellatrixLOVER1 said…
Sierra: *to Serena* k u a Death Eater?? im a Slytherin (and heres wut i look likeim the one with the brown hair no i didnt make the pic)
Sierra: *to Serena* k u a Death Eater?? im a Slytherin (and heres wut i look likeim the one with the
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
Lilith: Well, no Kelsey. You're one of my dad's most loyal followers. I don't want you to die. *flies as smoke on a very thin ledge of a staircase* If anyone dies it will be me. Just cast the spell at me, and I will fall from this ledge and be dead. Just do it. There's nothing for me in this life either. Oh, and I considered you a friend too but I can't stand it when you make fun of my friends from other houses. *prepares to jump from small ledge*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Demmona: Oh, gods, please don't do it, Kelsey!! Or Lilith!! Please, no death!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BellatrixLOVER1 said…
Sierra: NO LILITH!!!!
over a year ago saraandjess2448 said…
Jasmine: Lilith! Don't do this!!! *starts crying*
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
cody: 'uses powers to break kelseys wand' I SAID NO
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Serena:*To Jasmine* Yes you did!*To Kelsey* I'm sorry! I'm the one who stared this and I didn't mean to!
over a year ago BellatrixLOVER1 said…
(hey guys maybe later sum1 should be Fred since Sierra likes Fred k??)
over a year ago saraandjess2448 said…
Jasmine: Look, I don't want anyone here to die. Just... Please... Drop the wands...*still crying*
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
cody: i broke her wand, she is safe now, in order to help her, i must wipe her memory
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
Lilith: *to everyone who told her not to die* Listen guys. I've been ready for this my whole life. There's nothing for me here. (Peter Pan reference!-->) To die would be a great adventure.
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
cody: but i wont do it without your permission guys
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
harry: 'eats cake in the great hall'
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Serena:*To Lilith*Don't I should be the one to do it. It's only fair I started this whole thing!
over a year ago BellatrixLOVER1 said…
Sierra: *tear starting to leak out of her eyes* Lilith Kelsey u dont hav to do this *turns into smoke and flies net to Lilith and takes out wand* no Cody ill die
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago saraandjess2448 said…
Jasmine: *transforms to her owl form and flies up to her, then turns back* Please... Please don't do this. You're not a bad person. You're the kindest Death Eater ever. You stopped torturing hufflepuffs for the fun of it... And... I love you. Please...
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
(Uses her wand to change spots with Sierra)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago saraandjess2448 said…
((and by her I mean Lilith^^))
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
cody: if i do this no memory charm will make her remember..... only i can
over a year ago dracofan001 said…
deflects cody's spell so fast it like he never cast a spell.
kelsey to jasmine: "this will make me happy!"
kelsey to lilith: "oh shut up lilith! you have things worth living for! you have a mom, dad, sister, brother, and friends that love you! while i have a mom that is always stressed, an x-boyfriend, max, hates me, a father that would love to see this, and everyone that comes into conntact with me hates me!" she says now crying "NO! I WILL NOT CRY ANYMORE OVER THINGS THAT WILL BE GONE IN A FEW SECONDS! LILITH DON'T YOU DARE KILL YOURSELF BECAUSE, AGAIN, YOU HAVE THINGS TO LIVE FOR!! I SWEAR IT WOULD BE REALLY STUPID TO KILL YOURSELF AND I WILL NVER FORGIVE YOU!" she yells furiously , while whipping away tears. she then gabs her wand at her so hard that shes bleeding.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago saraandjess2448 said…
Jasmine: *takes out her wand* Expelliarmus!
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
cody: 'grabs all wands in the room and keeps them away from kelsey' we have to plan on what to do
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
over a year ago saraandjess2448 said…
Jasmine: I know exactly what to do. *to each person* Obliviate!!
over a year ago guilmon2149 said…
cody: you cant cast without a wand jasmine, obliviate can be broken by memory charms... my powers cant
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Demmona: What the what.
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Serena:Wow nice move Jasmine.
over a year ago saraandjess2448 said…
Jasmine: *facepalm* and now I feel stupid.
over a year ago BellatrixLOVER1 said…
Sierra: *bloks spell*
over a year ago Brooklyn_Helena said…
Lilith: No, I don't. If you had my life, you'd understand! PLEASE DON'T KILL YOURSELF! I WOULD NEVER FORGIVE YOU! *Is bawling her eyes out (oh I think Bellatrix should be here too. and Lilith's best friend Jamie, but I can't be them..)* IF ANYONE DIES IT WILL BE ME. OR WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER *Imperios everyone away from Kelsey and flies over to her* Do you want to do this together?
over a year ago dracofan001 said…
kelseyto lilith: "you will not kill yourself!"
kelsey: quickly turns into a fox and practically flys out of the room so gracefully and heads for the astronomy tower dodging every spell coming her way.
((incase you don't know what her animangus form looks like it looks like the one below except she's not a patronus and she's more silver than white:))
last edited over a year ago
kelseyto lilith: "you will not kill yourself!"
kelsey: quickly turns into a fox and practically flys