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posted by HuddyJoy0524
So I've been thinking about this a lot lately...I discussed this with a friend a few months ago. We were talking about how many Christian groups (as you well know) have condemned HP as anti-Christian. In fact, I believe that the Harry Potter story is actually a symbolization of the Christian religion.
Note: This is entirely my opinion and is not meant as "Christian propaganda" or to offend anyone in the slightest. It is merely my opinion! :)

Harry Potter is Jesus. Whaaaaat?!
1) Both HP and Jesus were born into humble beginnings.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem, a tiny town literally in the middle of nowhere. There were no rooms for Mary and Joseph in any of the inns so they had to stay overnight in a stable where Mary gave birth among the animals to Jesus where he was placed in a manger. He grew up in a plain and simple environment, no one who noticed him would think that he would become the Savior of the world. Harry too, was born to an ordinary family. He was also raised outside of the wizarding world (by muggles!) and did not look like he would one day be their savior.
2) Both had to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
The entire purpose of Jesus' life was to provide the greatest sacrifice: his own life for everyone else's. When he sacrificed himself, he saved the rest of the world from sin and therefore, death. Harry too, had to face death and be killed by Voldemort in order to save the lives of everyone else; once Harry discovered he was a horcrux, as long as he lived, Voldemort survived.

3) Both of them rose from the dead.
After Jesus died on the cross, he rose from the dead 3 days later. Harry too, after Voldemort killed him in the Deathly Hallows, came back to life.
4)Harry's scar/the mark of God
In the book of Revelation, it states that those who follow God will receive his protective mark that will keep them safe from God's judgments on unbelievers and the Anti-Christ. Harry's scar is also a protective mark on him, a symbol of his mother's love which helps keep him safe from Voldemort and gives him the weapon of love.

Dumbledore is God. No, really. He is.
1)Both were in control all along.
God had a purpose for having his only son, Jesus, come to Earth. He knew how things needed to go and gave Jesus the power to perform miracles. Dumbledore, like God, knew what was going to have to happen. He gave Harry the power to fight Voldemort (memories in the Pensieve, the resurrection stone, etc) and taught Harry how to think in order to defeat Voldemort.

2) Dumbledore is the symbol of good.
God is the Father of all and the direct opposition to Satan, the symbol of evil. No matter what happens to Harry in the first 6 books, he always has Dumbledore to turn to for guidance and support because Dumbledore is promoting good over evil.
3) My God, my God why have you forsaken me?!
These words were spoken by Jesus on the cross; as he was carrying the burden of the sins of everyone God turned away spiritually from Jesus (but NOT permanently). Harry too, felt abandoned by Dumbledore in the 7th book because he felt that there were many things that Dumbledore did not tell him or prepare him for.

Voldemort is such a slithery serpent!
1) Both are very, very tempting.
Jesus led a perfect life, but not without temptation. The Devil tried to trick him, tempt him (i.e. offering him water if he bowed down to him in the desert after Jesus was fasting for 40 days and 40 nights). There were plenty of opportunities for Jesus to give up and turn to Satan. Harry, too, was tempted by Voldemort on multiple occasions to give up and give into him, even join his side! But Harry didn't.

2) Both are symbols of evil.
This is relatively self explanatory; Satan represents the evil in the world as does Voldemort in HP world.
3)Both are "fallen angels."
Satan (Lucifer) used to be a angel; he was one of the most powerful in Heaven and God trusted him. But when Lucifer decided that he was better and attempted to have God usurped he was cast out of Heaven along with his demons to Hell. Voldemort, too, was a very special wizard that had special talents and Dumbledore looked on him as a promising student. But when Voldemort attempted to gain more power than he should have, he nearly lost his life trying to kill Harry and was thrown into oblivion for nearly 11 years.

Some more parallels:
1)Disciples/Dumbledore's Army
Jesus' disciples were chosen to follow Jesus and help him spread the word of God. They were given the power to perform miracles and stood by Jesus and Jesus' cause. The D.A., too, was created by Harry to stand for Dumbledore and the cause of fighting Voldemort in the face of evil.
2) Peter Pettigrew: Judas Iscariot?
Judas, one of Jesus' disciples, was trusted to help Jesus but instead betrayed him and gave him away to the guards so that Jesus could be arrested and crucified. P.P. was also a trusted member of the Order of the Phoenix and betrayed the position of Harry when he was a baby resulting in James and Lily's death and Harry's almost death.

3)The lion and the serpent.
In the Bible, and in the Christian world, Jesus is often referred to as the "Lion of Judah." In the Chronicles of Narnia, Aslan is also a representation of Jesus and is a lion. In the Bible, the Devil is represented as a serpent; he takes that form when he tempts Eve in the garden. In HP, the House of Gryffindor is not only the House of both Harry and Dumbledore, but a symbol of good. Most of the "good guys" come out of Gryffindor. Slytherin, in contrast, is the House of Voldemort and the "bad guys" and serves as the evil to Gryffindor's good.
4)Sword of Gryffindor/the Cross
The cross of Jesus is the representation of Christianity and used by many (nowadays) to spread the "truth" of God and let others know that they follow God. The Sword of Gryffindor is used as "the sword of truth" in effect. It is what comes to the aide of Harry in multiple instances to help him defeat the Horcruxes. Dumbledore leaves it to Harry and without it, he never would have defeated Voldemort.
5) Muggles/Jews
Throughout history, the Jews have been persecuted by Christians for not being believers in Christ (even though they too are the children of God). Hitler persecuted the Jews in an effort to create a perfect race. In HP world, Muggles are persecuted as the Jews are. In Deathly Hallows especially, the Death Eaters treat the Muggles like criminals and imprison them in order to "purify" the human race (sound familiar? :/)
6) HP vs. Voldemort: One of them has to go!
The book of Revelation in the Bible tells us that Jesus will come again one day, and there will be one last battle between Jesus and Satan in which Satan will be defeated and Jesus take back control of the world: everything will be good again. Harry too, after coming back to life, has to defeat Voldemort in one last battle. When he wins, he regains control of the Wizarding community, and everything is at peace.

I know there are probably plenty more examples that i just didn't think of or missed, but I hope you got my point! I also want to point out that there are many differences between HP and the Bible and none of the examples i listed are perfect, but i think that the similarities were worth noting. Feel free to add more if you have any! ;)
added by Lady_Togo
added by Misstmor
added by Misstmor
added by shieldmaiden
Source: Warner Bros.
added by PotterGal
added by PotterGal
added by kathiria82
posted by Scarlet127
Witch Weekly in 1995. The piece, written by Rita Skeeter, claimed that Hermione Granger was Harry Potter's girlfriend and that she was toying him around by seeking the affections of Viktor Krum, who himself was very much smitten with her. As with much of Skeeter's writing, though the essence of the article was false, there was smidgen of truth that lent the article an air of believability to those who did not know better. While Harry was not Hermione's boyfriend, the two had in fact been close friends since early in their first year at Hogwarts. Additionally, Hermione had danced with Krum at...
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posted by AliMissXtotheO
After the sorting had finish, and McGonagall took the hat away, Ron and Harry grinned at each other. "Food, finally we get to eat." Ron grumbled. "That took way too long."

Hermione kicked him for what seemed like the millionth time today. "Ron! You know the sorting's more important!" She scolded him.

"Nope it's not even close. I'm starving." Ron shot back.

The two contiuned to argue about it. "Do they fight a lot?" I askde Harry.

Harry shrugged. "Understatement." He told me. "It's like World War III when they do."

Ron and Hermione reminded me of Lisa and Jack, two of my muggle friends back at...
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Hey guys! Well, this is my first time that I actually write something and "publish" it, so it's not going to be brilliant. But I thought it was worth a try.
Hope you enjoy!
Reasons to why I enjoy and am a fan of Harry Potter:

-The idea. Harry’s a boy that discovers he is a wizard and goes to a school called Hogwarts and meets friends Ron and Hermione. It's an idea that is not commonly thought of.
-Being able to read about and live in a world full of magic and mythological creatures. We can never experience that in real life, so it is...
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posted by peppergirl30
Lily's POV

Rose, Aimee and Lizzie stood in the doorway. In the back of my mind, I was thinking stuff like Uh-oh. But my expression remained blank. I stared at Rose intently, trying to get her attention. Finally, she noticed me. I mouthed the words 'We're being interrogated!' Rose nodded and walked over to us.

''Harry, we need to talk.''

Rose's POV

I think I surprised everyone when I called my uncle by his first name - I really only called him Harry in my head, not in public. But yesterday I didn't really care, I was too pissed off to do anything...
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posted by surbhi-sm10
Ron and Hermione repeat quotes

Said by Ron :-

"Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare... What did Professor Sprout say? It likes the dark and the damp-"
"So light a fire!" Harry choked.
"Yes - of course - but there's no wood!" Hermione cried, wringing her hands.

Said by Hermione:-

"How - how're we going to get in? I can - see the place - if we just had - Crookshanks again! said Ron


Said by Ron :-
'Ron was great,' said Tonks warmly, relinquishing her...
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posted by zar_far11
Okay, I know I missed out on a lot of major characters, but I was trying to keep this short. I know a lot more of the actor's names, but here's what I put together for now...

Harry-Daniel Radcliffe
Hermione-Emma Watson
Ron-Rupert Grint
Snape-Alan Rickman
Fred and George- James and Oliver Phelps
Sirius- Gary Oldman
Umbridge- Imelda Staunton
Dumbledore-Richard Harris/Michael Gambon
Draco-Tom Felton
Ginny-Bonnie Wright
Bellatrix- Helena Bonham Carter
Voldemort-Ralph Fiennes
Lucius-Jason Isaacs
Neville-Matthew Lewis
Hagrid-Robbie Coltrane
Fleur- Clemence Poesy
Krum- Stanislav...
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Professor Snape:
Severus Snape is the Potions master and Head of Slytherin house at Hogwarts. He has sallow skin, greasy hair, a hooked nose, black eyes and a severe dislike of Harry Potter.

Discovered in chapter 8
The Potions Master
During the start-of-term feast, Percy tells Harry that Professor Snape knows an awful lot about Dark magic, and that it’s widely known that Professor Snape would rather teach Defence Against the Dark Arts than his own subject.

Professor Snape’s dislike for Harry becomes obvious during the first Potions lesson of the year, in which he singles Harry out, firing...
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posted by sharon-sel
Wand Cores

New from J.K. Rowling

The following description of the powers and properties of the three main wand cores used by Mr Garrick Ollivander are taken from his own notes.

Early in my career, as I watched my wandmaker father wrestling with substandard wand core materials such as kelpie hair, I conceived the ambition to discover the finest cores and to work only with those when my time came to take over the family business. This I have done. After much experimentation and research, I concluded that only three substances produce wands of the quality to which I am happy to give the illustrious...
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posted by RD_Blue_demigod
Do you still remember?the first time when harry,ron and hermione became friends.The day when they first encountered and tackled a mountain troll.those happy moments in quidditch winnings,of going inside the third floor corridor in order to save the philosopher's stone.Do you still remember when the trio solved the mistery beyond the chamber of secrets?And saving sirius black and buckbeak for the punishment they not even deserve?Those happy moment's in the Yule ball,and worries in the triwizard tournament.Remember the time when they stick together even the of Voldemort's rise to power.Remember...
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posted by Twilight-girl-x
You guys are just so Supermegafoxyawesomehot! Some of the things people tell me about my writing of this story are brilliant it makes me want to cry because I love to write!! I really hope you enjoy this…this Chapter is dedicated to Koolamelia on Fanpop.com, she leaves the most amazing comments for me and really is brilliant. As are the rest of you I just desperately needed to get her name out :D And don’t forget to tell me what you think of the chapter :D Oh and just so no one is confused- I have posted this story in different place’s ~ Fanfiction.net, Fanpop.com and my Facebook page...
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The cast of the Harry Potter films were always generous in helping our organization grant wishes to young fans and in celebration of today’s new release, we would like to tell you about them.

In 2004 Kids Wish Network granted the wish of Alexandra, a Harry Potter fan suffering from spina bifida and hydrocephalus. Spina bifida is a birth defect that occurs when a portion of the spinal column fails to develop and close properly, and hydrocephalus is a condition in which the cerebrospinal fluid builds up in the skull. She has endured many surgeries and relies on a wheelchair for mobility.

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posted by Hermione-Fan361
Dear Professors of Hogwarts,

I am writing to you about a very serious matter. Many of us have not received our Hogwarts Acceptance Letters. All have watched out their window, waiting for those faithful owls to come in for a landing, but alas, not a single one showed up. I am to be participating in my second term at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Others may be ready to come for their first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, or even seventh term! All of us have learned a lot about Hogwarts over the years, about the Professors, classes, activities, and so on. We are all quite ready to "Fill our brains with some interesting stuff!" We will wait no more. Our letters are quite late in some cases. Please, Professors, do not leave us standing here. Bring us to Hogwarts!

The Wizards and Witches of Fanpop
posted by Thecharliejay
Accio Brings an object to you
Aguamenti Creates a gush of water from the tip of the spell caster’s wand
Alohomora Opens locks
Aparecium Makes invisible ink become visible
Avada Kedavra The Unforgivable Curse; Kills your opponent; taken from “Abra Cadabra”
Avifors Turns things into birds Avis Makes birds fly out of the end of your wand Bombarda Causes a small, locally contained explosion. To make a bigger explosion, one could use “bombarda maxima”
Colloportus Closes a door and binds it so that it can’t be opened.
Confringo AKA the Blasting Curse; Causes the item targeted to explode...
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