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Sorry About this I actually published the whole thing so far previously but removed it because it was too long so I will be putting up 3 chapters at a time from now on.

This is only temporary and the beginnings of a MASSIVE fan fic. So can you just tell me if you like it? That would be great! :)

DISCLAIMER - I don't own any of the Harry Potter characters. I do own Alex, though.

Note - It’s based on a sort of mixture between the book and the movie, but the characters’ appearances and personalities are more like the adaptions in the movie.


The rain beat down into the grey looking graveyard, soaking the shoulders of my black jacket. A temporary platform was rigged in front of the saturated crowd, where a little man with a chequered bow-tie and prominent ears read out his respects to the recently deceased Colonel Fubster. He had been droning on for a while now, and I could tell everyone was eager for him to finish.
It was pouring something terrible, and few had brought umbrellas. One of these few was Marjorie Dursley, the one I was here with. She was my summer job boss. I didn’t even know why I should be here. I’d never even met Colonel Fubster before. But the reason Marge wanted me to come was to act as her dog Ripper’s personal servant.
Yep, I had to clean his bed, wash his luxury silverware dog bowls and give him baths when he was extra dirty. Plus, my pay was £2 an hour. It would be a horrible job for anyone, but it was torture for me. Why? Because I was a witch, and all I wanted to do during these long days was whip out my wand and do it by magic. But Marge was a muggle, and she watched me for the majority of the time I spent, so I daren’t even begin to think what her reaction would be. And I’m only thirteen years old so it would be underage magic. So I would just curse under my breath and get on with it.
Marge herself was not a very likeable woman, fat and nasty, always picking out every flaw about me and what I was doing. I think it’s safe to say I hated her, but I wouldn’t say it to her face. She would most likely grab her umbrella and start to hit me with it. And that wasn’t an attractive idea. She seemed a very formidable lady (if you could call her that) and not one to cross. I’m not that stupid.
So that explains a little of why I was at a funeral on a cold and rainy 16th of July in England. But there is more to it than that. Here is the full story.

Chapter One

Alexandra Flinderson

Hi! Yes, that’s my name just above, but I’d rather you’d just call me Alex. I’m from a town called Townsville in Queensland, Australia. I am thirteen years old and attend er…
Well alright then. I’m a witch. I attend Parrings Magical Education College in Western Australia. Well, I used to. This winter I came to England as a sort of exchange, I guess, so I will be spending my third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I know this school doesn’t usually do this type of thing, but my father wrote to Dumbledore personally. So here I am spending winter – I mean summer in England.
I’m staying with a lovely old couple by the name of Smith, who’re muggles too. They are old friends of my mother’s family, but still, I was good of them to take them to take me in until it’s time to go to Hogwarts. It’s been terrible to lie to them, because they are just so nice. I have to tell them that I would be attending a boarding school for girls for the school year and that there are no dirty clothes in my trunk so that Mrs Smith won’t open it and find my broomstick and scarfs and ties of my house colours from Parrings. I was told I would be able to use them at Hogwarts because I was in Eaglesbane at Parrings, the equivalent of Gryffindor at Hogwarts. So I would automatically be put in Gryffindor, and luckily for me, they had the same house colours too. The small pile of Galleons, Sickles and Knuts I brought along might arouse suspicion as well.
My mother is a witch, a muggle-born. Her whole family knows. They know about me too, so there’s no having to lie when I’m around them. My dad’s from a pure blood family but isn’t a wizard. He’s a squib. But none of them are here. They’re all back in Australia, back at home. Whereas I’m stuck in England having an awful winter – I mean summer working at Marge’s dog house. And what’s the point of a job that’s paying me in pounds when all of my important purchases are in Galleons anyway? But I have to make it believable for the Smith’s sake.

Chapter Two

An Unexpected Turn

I knew Marge wouldn’t share her umbrella. She’s not that kind of person. When the service had finished and we were walking up the road to the bus stop she started to speak.
‘Alexandra,’ I winced. I didn’t like being called by my full name. ‘Alexandra, I need you to do something.’ I groaned inwardly. This didn’t sound good. Marge continued. ‘On the thirty-first of July, I am going to visit my brother Vernon and his family for a week. I need someone to give Ripper special care.’
It was as bad as I thought it was going to be. Now I was going to have to stay with her for a week. At least on normal days I got to go back to the Smith’s afterwards. And a week! A week from the 31st was the 6th of August, and I was planning to take the Knight Bus and leave for Diagon Alley on the 7th. I would have to tell Mr and Mrs Smith that I would be leaving one week early. Dammit.
‘The Dursleys are a lovely family,’ Marge was saying. I sincerely doubted it if they were anything like Marge. ‘Except for that Potter boy. Not Vernon’s son, of course. His wife’s sister’s. She was a strange one I’m told.’
I stopped dead, and Ripper gave a yelp as his leash was suddenly yanked back. Potter? Could he possibly be the Harry Potter? ‘What’s this Potter kid’s first name?’ I asked as casually as I could.
Marge turned around in surprise. ‘Why do you ask, girl? He’s a horrible child. He’s got bad blood, that one.’
I looked at her coldly. It was the most rebellious thing I was able to get away with. ‘Geez. No need to talk about other people like that. I just wanted to know.’
‘His name is Harry, and he is an embarrassment and burden to their household.’ She snapped. ‘Now Dudley, on the other hand…’
But I wasn’t listening anymore. Could it possibly be? I didn’t know. But I hoped he wasn’t as horrible as she’d made out, because I was quite looking forward to meeting him. If it was really him.
We got on the bus and ten minuted later, Marge got off and took Ripper with her, to the relief of the other travellers. Another three minuted later it was my stop, and once I was off I dashed home through the still heavy rain. When I got to the residence of the Smiths, I greeted Mrs Smith, who was reading in her favourite armchair. Then I went and had a shower to get rid of the smell of dog that always followed me after coming home from Marge’s.
I dressed in clean clothes and flopped down on the bed in the spare room I was using. I wondered what the Dursleys would be like. I thought about that Charms Essay from Parrings I had abandoned before I came here. But I knew Professor Stevenson would let me off, because of this little exchange to Hogwarts for the year. But most of all I thought about Harry Potter. The same questions rolled over and over in my mind; Was it really him? Was he a wizard? Would I see him at Hogwarts? Was he as horrible as Marge said he was? I didn’t have the slightest clue what the answers would be, and I was partly excited at what I would find out at the Dursleys. The only thing preventing me from looking forward to this visit was the prospect of a week with Marge and Ripper.
Mr and Mrs Smith were a little worried at the thought of me spending a week with Marge and a family they didn’t know, but I convinced them I could look after myself. It was the 29th of July, and I had already packed most of my things into my trunk. I knew it wouldn’t have made a blind bit of difference if the Smiths approved or not, because Marge would have made me go anyway. But I still consulted them. It couldn’t hurt, right? Also, if thinks got too unbearable there, I could always threaten Marge with my wand and get away to catch the Knight Bus earlier. And if Harry was really a wizard, the Dursleys would probably know about magic. That way I could threaten them if I needed to, and I doubted they knew anything about Parrings so I could say I was allowed to do magic.
But that was a last resort only. Now all I had to do was wait.

added by alessiamonari
added by sahour95
The two of us; Kaitlyn and I, walked through the large doors and into the Entrance Hall. The entrance Hall was crowded as it always was on the first day. Students of all years were entering in groups, leaving the First Years a little startled. They probably didn’t know where to go, what to do, whom to look for. I smiled to myself, we were just like that! Some five years ago, I realised that we had grown only when I saw the little ones.
“Cal? Caldera?” I turned towards Kaitlyn, who looked irritated.
I raised an eyebrow, “What did I do?”
“We were talking, remember?” she said, furrowing...
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I have always wondered if there were other magic markets besides Diagon Ally in England. My Family and I were doing a HP party at Barnes and Noble and my mother was talking to another mom who was actually doing a HP week with her children. She mentioned to my mom about a HP magic shop in Los Angelous. We finally jumped in the car and did a loooong drive to Los Angelous.

The store is called Whinsic Alley. To have a look at them at www.WhinsicAlley.com . If you are interested after you read this reveiw you may have visit them at 2717 1/2 Wilshire Blvd.
What an amazing store!!!! This store wasn't...
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posted by peppergirl30
The world finally felt in balance. And for some reason, I knew that my mother would eventually find out about Hugo becoming back to ''normal'' again. My father would probably tell her.
But Hugo is far from being his normal self. Whenever we're at meals, he always glances awkwardly at Abby and Blake, his two ''friends'' that practically changed him completely. But now, all is well.

''So,'' I ask Hugo, ''Have you caught up with all your homework?''

Today, we're sitting with our usual crew: Lily, James, Albus, Aimee, and Lizzie, but with the exception of Roxy and Fred.

He takes a swallow of...
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posted by peppergirl30
When I woke up, I made some decisions. First: I was going to put off writing to my mother. She can't solve all our problems, especially when she isn't here. Second: I was going to talk to Hugo. I knew that it wouldn't be easy, but I was still going to try. Third: I should talk to my cousins more often.
I got up, and ''made'' my cot, and walked into Hagrid's ''main'' part of his hut. Most of my cousins were awake, the only ones who were still asleep were Louis and Teddy.

''While the men are asleep..'' Dominique whispered, ''Is anyone in the bathroom?''

Victoire said no, and Dominique disappeared...
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The following is in answer to the question about Barty Crouch's role in the events of 1994-1995. Please keep in mind that this follows both Crouches, is as chronological as possible, and contains some speculation.

In the early 1980s, Barty Crouch Jr. (who will becreferred to as Junior) joined the Death Eaters. He was among those branded with the Dark Mark. This means that Junior was among Voldemort's inner circle, as only they were permitted to bear the Mark.
Some time after Voldemort's first fall, hhe fell in with the Lestrange family. The four Death Eaters wer looking for Voldemort, wanting...
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I have been a major fan of J.K. Rowling’s "HARRY POTTER" novels as much as the next person. But I would have never become a fan if it had not been for the movie adaptations of the novels. Mind you, I have not harbored a high opinion of all the movie adaptations. It has been a mixed bag for me over the past nine years. Of the seven movies that were made, I have a high opinion of at least four of them. And last year's movie - "HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS – Part I" - happened to be one of them.

I never thought I would...
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posted by LadyNottingham
Chapter 2

Once Hermione was finished with cleaning Snape’s face, they decided to bring him back to the castle for a proper burial. They could not let him there, abandoning him like this after all he had done for them. He still had his black school robe on. They wrapped him in carefully, feeling respect for him like they had never felt before. Hermione took the Potions Master’s wand with her, putting it in her sleeve.

With a Levitation Charm, they brought him back to the castle, but not through the secret passageway this time. It would take more time but it would be easier and more dignified...
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1 Egg White (buy ready pasteurised egg white from the shop, rather than just using raw eggs)
12 oz Icing Sugar (powdered sugar)
3 drops Peppermint Essence
Liquorice Laces

Whisk egg white until frothy.
Beat in sugar and essence.
Knead well.
Shape into spheres by rolling between palms.
Wrap in liquorice laces.
Cool in fridge. :)

lollipops (Way-Sour Charms Blow Pops, Dum Dums, etc)
Pop Rocks (whatever flavor you choose)

Remove the lollipops from their original wrappers.
Open the Pop Rocks and pour them in a shallow bowl.
If your lollipops are not sticky enough on their own, dip them quickly in plain water.
Roll the lollipops in the Pop Rocks until they are completely covered.
Wrap them in plain wax paper squares.
The Pop Rocks immediately start losing their "pop" when in contact with the moisture in the lollipops, so assemble these as close in time to serving as possible for the best effect
The pumpkin juice was spilled all over Severus Snape's face, and some managed to dribble into his jet black hair (which in Lilly's opionion, wasn't greasy but more silky). His clothes were too big, and hung over him, like drapery on a curtain rod. "Sev," Lilly Evans hissed across the table, "there's some juice in your hair." He flushed a shade of scarlet, embarassed at the thought of how rediculous he must look. He grabbed a cloth napkin off the table, and seemingly scrubbed his face, as if rubbing it harder would make James Potter's laughter stop. Lilly caught Severus's hand. "You shouldn't...
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Every year at Hogwarts seems to get darker and darker. But when Harry Potter starts his sixth year in "Half-Blood Prince," expect things to lighten up a bit.

"If we pull [it] off [right], it should be the funniest of the films so far," Daniel Radcliffe promised.

That's because, as director David Yates points out, it's the "sex, drugs, and rock and roll" of the Potter books, with massive making-out sessions to occur for several characters — Ron and Lavender, Harry and Ginny — as they come of age. "It's the 'American Graffiti' for this set," Yates said. "I'm looking forward to developing the...
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posted by FloCircle
Well... maybe not. At least, I don't think he is.

I must admit, J.K. completely got me. I fell for it all, hook, line and sinker.

I waited on line at midnight on July 16 to be among the first to get a copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, like millions of others around the world, and I had it completely read by the afternoon of the next day.

Caught up in the roller coaster of J.K.'s marvelous and fantastic mysteries, Snape's betrayal and the death of Dumbledore caught me completely by surprise. Dumbledore was dead, and on top of that, Snape had done it.

My brand-new copy of Half-Blood...
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added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr
added by Hermione4evr
Source: Tumblr
added by HermioneRon343
Source: tumblr
added by Invisible-Tears
Source: http://thebeautyofsolitude.tumblr.com
added by jmoorene
Throughout the Harry Potter books, there are some variations between the Bloomsbury (British) and Scholastic (American) editions. Below the first section on "Philosopher's vs. Sorcerer's" is a section on other different terminologies used.

Philosopher's vs. Sorcerer's

When Scholastic was publishing Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in America, they decided to rename the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. They claimed that the American and British uses of the word philosopher were a bit different, so therefore sorcerer was a more appropriate word. Any true Harry Potter fan, American...
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added by lotr