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Since we launched Pottermore, our one million Beta users have given us lots of amazing feedback, and we’ve been collecting their thoughts and comments so that we can make Pottermore the best experience it can be before it opens to everyone.

After looking closely at all the information that we've gathered, we have decided to further extend the Beta period so we can improve Pottermore before giving more people access. This means the site will not be opening to new users in the immediate future, but please know that we will open registration as soon as we can.

As part of our work to make Pottermore even better, we'll be taking the site down for a few days on Wednesday 2 November. We're going to use this time to make a few technical changes behind-the-scenes.

We've set up a separate page on the Insider so we can give you the latest Beta information and answer some of the more common Beta questions. We'll be updating it as the Beta continues and posting on our Twitter account, too.

So Pottermore will not be opening to new users just yet. For all of you who are waiting to enter Pottermore, we want to thank you for being so patient - we’re working very hard to make some exciting improvements, and we're really looking forward to welcoming you to the site when it’s ready.

Behind the scenes: the Pottermore house crests
(part two)
In the first of our ‘Behind the scenes’ posts we shared the Atomhawk Design team’s work for the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw house crests. Today, we’re taking a look at how the Hufflepuff and Slytherin crests were created.

Creating consistency and personality

You’ll remember from part one that the art team was focused on using J.K. Rowling’s descriptions to create crests that accurately reflected the strengths and personality traits of each house. They wanted each detail to lend to the overall feeling of house pride.

Hufflepuff sketch series
The Hufflepuff crest proved to be the most difficult creation for the team. There is a limited amount of detail about Hufflepuff house in Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone and they were aware that they needed to work a little harder to make the crest feel authentic and representative of the Hufflepuff nature. There was also the question of how to show the badger as a tenacious animal, to show Hufflepuffs as unafraid of hard work.

In the first crest you can see the badger almost resting on a bed of leaves, but the team felt this version looked too approachable and inactive. The drawing in which the badger is facing forwards didn’t look enough like a traditional crest and also made the animal appear too gentle. It was finally decided that the badger that was the most faithful to the Hufflepuff house qualities was the one on all fours, posed as if defending its territory and warning off others.

Slytherin sketch series
The art team tried out a number of different snakes for the Slytherin crest, as they wanted to ensure the one they used didn’t resemble a particular type of serpent (such as a boa or a cobra). The coil of the tail was another focal point as the artists wanted the snake to look natural, but not inactive.

Hufflepuff colour process
In the artwork above, the yellow background was slightly muted to add some focus, but the team decided to brighten the final versions to make the badger as striking as possible. The silhouette of the badger was thought to be stronger when the entire body could be seen completely surrounded by yellow.

Slytherin colour process
The team tried a variety of green snakes within the crest – the pattern of the skin was changed a number of times to try and achieve the right effect. For example, in the third version you can see a diamond pattern (such as an adder would have).

In the end, because they wanted to stay true to the house colours of green and silver, the team set to work designing a snake that looked like it had been created by a silversmith. They felt this brought the whole crest to life, especially when combined with the green ripples in the background, designed to accentuate the water element.

The final crests
The Hufflepuff crest was finished with a strong vibrant yellow and patterned leaves to symbolise the earth element. The badger looks as if it is already hard at work, with its stance showing that it’s ready for action. (A piece of trivia to note: the head of the Atomhawk Design team was sorted into Hufflepuff on Pottermore and says he is very proud of his crest!).

Some of the Pottermore Slytherin community have already noticed that theirs is the only animal looking to the left, while the other house crests have animals looking to the right. This was a decision that came about during the final stages of design, when the crests were all placed together.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank Atomhawk Design for sharing the design process of the house crests with us and we hope you enjoyed this sneak peak behind the scenes of Pottermore
Hufflepuff Sketch Series
Hufflepuff Sketch Series
Slytherin sketch series
Slytherin sketch series
Hufflepuff colour process
Hufflepuff colour process
Slytherin colour process
Slytherin colour process
Slytherin Nd Hufflepuff Final Crest..
Slytherin Nd Hufflepuff Final Crest..
Some great ways to annoy, harass, confuse, or generally scare Lord Voldemort.
Sure-fire ways to get yourself killed, or at least Crucio'd round the block and back again.

Make sure to read the whole thing, it's worth it!

1. Ask him why he doesn't have such a cool scar.

2. Call him The-Guy-Who-Let-The-Boy-Live.

3. Smile during Death Eater meetings and say you taught him everything he knows.

4. Remind him that he isn't even really alive.

5. Ask him when he last took a bath.

6. Pat him on the head and give him flowers when his plans are foiled yet again

7. Play "knock and run" at his bedchamber door late...
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posted by vanillaicecream
By Niche Eenhoorn

This article will basically cover a few tips on how to cast the Killing Curse. It comes in very handy when muggles are being particularily noisy, specially after having been through the Cruciatus Curse. (both curses usually go hand in hand, unless you are in a hurry of course, then the Killing Curse is more efficient.)

Let's start with the three basic points: the Incantation, Power of Mind and Proper use of the Wand.

1) The Incantation
First of all and perhaps most important: THE SPELLING of the incantation. It is NOT "Aveda kabrada", "Abba Kabreda" or, as the muggles have utterly...
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posted by vanillaicecream
Accio (Summoning Charm) - Latin for "I summon."

Alohomora (Spell that opens locks) - Derived from the Hawaiian "Aloha" meaning "goodbye," and the Latin word "mora," meaning "obstacle."

Amortentia - "Amor" is the Latin word for "love," and "tentia" is derived from "tentare," which means "the handling of," "the making of an attempt," or "the attack on." Hence, "the handling of love," "making an attempt to love," or "the attack on love."

Anapneo (Spell that clears blocked airways) - In Greek, "anapneo" means "I breathe."

Aparecium (Spell that makes invisible ink appear) - From the Latin word...
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1. Do not sing We're Off To See the Wizard When sent to the headmaster's office!!!

2. You're not dying.

3. Trees can be pretty dangerous...

4. Do not call Dumbledore Santa during the holidays.

5. The Chamber of Secrets is where Snape keeps all of his galleons.

6. Dont talk to strange snakes

7. Voldemort has anger issues

8. Harry sucks at Wizard Chess.

9. A dementors kiss is a kiss only their mother would want

10. There is a troll in the dungeon!

11. "You Know Who" is "He Who Must Not Be Named"

12. Trolls go into girls bathrooms

posted by SarahRabbit16
I know that this article may rise controversy, but whatever. Harry Potter is better than twilight. Stephenie Meyer didn't become the first billionaire simply by writing books; J.K. Rowling did!!! Harry Potter is just more....just more in every sense. You see, I have read both series-the "twilight" saga as well as the "Harry Potter and..." series. I love them both. But I have read Harry Potter since I was in elementary school, so I'm sorry that Harry Potter rules in taking over my life and making me squeal with excitement. The twilight saga has made me squeal with delight as well, but not as...
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Ways To Humiliate, Annoy or Infuriate Ronald Weasley.
(These work best if you are a Slytherin.)
2. Give him Clearasil wipes for his birthday.
3. Paint his room maroon when he isn’t looking.
4. Tell him Emerson’s considering making a move on Hermione, then look sympathetic and explain that you understand why he’s threatened, Emerson’s so... so...*dreamy sigh*
5. Depending on how badly he takes it and how funny you think it is, repeat number 4 with Harry/Draco/Dean/Michael Corner/Lockhart/Crabbe/Goyle/Snape/Sirius/any random boy or girl from Hogwarts, every few hours.
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The 20-year-old actor has spent £3.76 million on a building on West 12th Street that was built by a sea captain for one of his daughters in 1847.

It means he now owns a £10 million property empire in the Big Apple as well as a flat in Fulham, west London.

With five bedrooms, Radcliffe’s new town house measures 3,000sq ft and includes a 39ft long garden.

A Sotheby's brochure said: “The property is on one of New York's most picturesque tree-lined landmark cobblestone blocks.”

Radcliffe's first New York purchase was two years ago – a £3.2 million fifth-floor apartment in the SoHo district....
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J.K. Rowling, author of the popular Harry Potter series, revealed her favorite scene from the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows novel when she contributed to The Birthday Book, published to mark the 60th birthday of the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles.

An excerpt of the contribution is below:

I admit that, at first glance, the extract I've chosen for The Birthday Book might not seem particularly celebratory, given that it has for its subject my hero walking to what he believes will be certain death. But when Harry takes his last, long walk into the heart of the Dark Forest, he is choosing...
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1. Make him take a shower.

2. Make him use shampoo in aforementioned shower.

3. Make him use clarifying shampoo.

4. Apparate next to him, hand him a tube of super-strong facial cleanser, then quickly Disapparate before he realizes what happened.

5. Enchant this cleanser to follow him around until he uses it.

6. . . . Enchant the cleanser to follow him around anyway.

7. Tell him you stole his teddy bear.

8. Tell him you won't give it back until he agrees to wash his hair.

9. When he washes his hair, tell him you were just kidding and said teddy bear has already been destroyed.

10. Sneak up on...
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posted by e2mma2weasle3
Its Christmas Eve here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and I am not happy. A stupid plant took me hostage! I am standing here, in some deserted hallway - alright, maybe its not deserted per say, but it sure as bloody hell looks like it from where I’m standing; and have been standing for the past hour - in a part of the school, I don’t even know where! Stupid Mistletoe. Yes, I, Rose Weasley, have had the misfortune of getting stuck under one of Hogwarts’ famous Mistletoe bunches.

Now I’m guessing your wondering ‘Why are they famous?’, and I’ll tell you. Every year...
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Goblet of Fire Excerpts

"We should get a move on, you know...ask someone. He's right. We don't want to end up with a pair of trolls."
Hermione let out a sputter of indignation.
"A pair of...what, excuse me?"
"Well -- you know," said Ron, shrugging. "I'd rather go alone than with -- with Eloise Midgen, say."
"Her acne's loads better lately -- and she's really nice!"
"Her nose is off-center," said Ron.
"Oh I see," Hermione said, bristling. "So basically, you're going to take the best-looking girl who'll have you, even if she's completely horrible?"
"Er -- yeah, that sounds about right," said Ron.
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posted by Sydney
You always hear people saying there are discrepencies in the Harry Potter books, but I have truly found a plot hole.

It is a major plot hole, I have noticed, in the Harry Potter series...A very serious one.

Everyone's always talking about how much Harry looks like his father, even Hagrid in the first book.

Molly and Arthur were in the order with Harry's parents ie James.

Why didn't Molly recognise Harry at Kings Cross station?

He has the same black, sticking-up hair. And the scar!

And just look at the moment Fred and George told Molly that he was Harry Potter.

~ Sydney.
Ever since J.K.Rowling revealed that Dumbledore was gay on October 19th i've had to question the fact about why this piece of information became
front page news.
Firstly to put my own opinion out, i personally think that this was a very brave thing of JKR to say and whilst i support this statement of hers, it doesn't change my perception of the books. Dumbledore is still the wise, old Headmaster who can make mistakes just like any of us, whom i learned to love over the course of the books.
However, there are many fans who now think that they can "never read the books in the same way again"....
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*Disclaimer: Despite the explosive post title, I actually like the whole idea of the houses as different personalities (and real people as fitting into them) a lot and don't think it's invalid. I just wanted to present a different reading of the houses and what they represent, which I think is equally valid. I also don't actually hate Slytherin and Ravenclaw as houses- so if you are in one of those houses I apologise and hope you can still see what I'm coming at here.*

People seem to be quite fixated on the idea of houses as personality types and get quite hung up over representation/bias for...
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posted by elsafan1010
the only weasley I don't like
the only weasley I don't like
So I know I'm gonna receive a lot of hatred for this, but I actually dislike Ginny Weasley. I don't hate her, the series are full of characters I cannot relate to or just don't like for some particular reason, for example Cho is one of them.

When I tell someone I dislike Ginny, they start to answer me like this:

"Go read the books!"

This definitely was worse for me. I disliked book Ginny more, and I got it the moment I finished reading the Chamber Of Secrets. She didn't even do anything in the book. It was all Harry saving her and she trembling all the book.

But more, she is wildly overrated in...
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Hi! Its me, a major elsa fan. But, today I am gonna write about Harry Potter movies which I watched like last month so it is gonna be amazing :) Now, we can start <3

I like...
The houses

I think the Harry Potter houses are all amazing and I love them all. However, they can be confusing as people think, "In which house I am?" Anyway I really love the houses though I think people in Gryffindor could be selected different.

I dislike...
The hats choices.

The hat chooses Draco Malfoy as a Slytherin, that is brilliant. But I really don't think Neville Longbottom should be in Gryffindor. Just forget...
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added by Blaze1213IsBack
posted by Slytherinlife
Slytherin the house of apparent "evil." If you think about it the kids in Slytherin that went with Voldemort granted probably went with him because they were sick of being rejected. Nobody wanted to be friends with the Slytherins and automatically assumed them evil not to mention the fact that some were pressured by their parents such as Draco. Nobody considers the fact that his dad abuses him mentally and is often rough with him so nobody knows what happens behind closed doors.In my opinion people are way to quick to judge Slytherins without considering their pasts and the pressure put upon them.Thefore,Slytherins may be more misunderstood than bad.