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posted by Twilight-girl-x
The Hogwarts express was moving steadily through the countryside, as Hermione walked slowly past the full compartments, waving and calling Hello to friends she hadn’t seen in what felt like forever, the smile on her face never faltering, Ever since she had received the letter with the red wax seal she had been ecstatic, with the risk of Voldemort gone, Parents had been more willing to bring their children to kings cross station this morning and say goodbye without having to worry about them being murdered while they slept, for this reason the magical train had added on another two carriages, the Hogwarts castle itself had also had rooms added on for each house while it was being rebuilt, so as she almost Skipped- Yes, Hermione Granger skipping- down the packed corridors, the Head Girl badge gleaming on my Chest, she wasn’t thinking about who the head Boy was going to be, not really thinking about the Boy she was going to have to share a common room and dormitory’s with for the next 10 months or so, the excitement of going back to the beloved school so many of us called home was filling her.

Hermione had left Ginny in a compartment with Luna and some of their other friends, Ginny gushing about Going out with Harry, that Boy was one of her best friends, practically a brother and so while she was Happy that Both Harry and Ginny seemed to have found their soul-mates in each other she couldn’t help feeling a little sad that neither he or her other Best friend Ron would be here, of course they would write but she had yet to go this long without her friends for the past 7 years, it almost didn’t feel right, knowing that she would never have to be constantly complaining about how both boys left their homework to the last minute, wouldn’t have to be trying to keep them out of trouble, so why Hermione was going to be here, studying for her N.E.W.T.S they would be however many miles away, doing their Auror training. She would miss them both so much.

The question that had been most Popular with the girls was about Her and Ron’s relationship, after the Kiss in the middle of the Battle they had been going out for a while but it didn’t take them long to figure out that it wasn’t what they wanted, it was mainly Awkward them both, finding that they were better as friends, now it was all the same as it had been before, them bickering over pointless things before making up only hours later, it was more of a sibling Love, not a Romantic One. She did still love Ron, but more as if he was her brother. Never having any Siblings had always been the worst thing for Hermione, so when she had been invited into the Weasley home each year It was like she was family, gaining a sister and multiple brothers in the forms of Ginny, Ron, George, Fred- in the short while she had known him, it hit her hard when he was killed- and maybe even Percy. Bill and Charlie were also both lovely with her, Charlie after coming helping in the battle had quit his work in Romania and had come to work in England, first helping George with his shop, also playing Quidditch, when it was found out he was coming back to this country, he had been asked rather quickly to Join the England team, him being one of the Hogwarts seeker legends.

Hermione stopped as she reached her destination- The Heads Compartment. Opening the door she found herself alone, she was early anyway. Hermione sat for a few minutes looking out of the window before she heard the familiar noise of the sliding of the door, looking behind her to find out who the head boy was her Jaw dropped in shock, The piercing Grey eyes and Sleeked back Silver hair of the boy were the first things she recognised as Draco Malfoy stepped into the compartment, she knew of course that he was coming back to Hogwarts, while his Father had been sent to Azkaban where he would most likely die, both he and His Mother had been set free, believe it or not it had been Harry who had asked for this, she knew of course that Narcissa Malfoy had lied to her ‘Master’ and kept Harry Alive but what Draco had done still stayed a mystery to me.

“What are you doing in here Malfoy” The smile on Hermione’s face had gone, in its place a hard and cold expression present.
“Well Granger, if you looked you would see that the Head Boy badge just happens to be here on my Robes.” He patter and area on the left side of his Chest and as He moved his hand she saw with shocked disbelief he was right, there it sat, shining brightly as it caught the light. Before she started to speak again he had moved to sit across from her in the compartment, only a small rectangular table separating them.
“B-but how, I mean-“He interrupted her, a smug smirk on his face
“I’m just as surprised as you are Granger. I was just sat at home, with my mother eating breakfast when suddenly an Owl drops the Hogwarts letter in my lap, I was surprised enough that I was getting to come back to Hogwarts, I had been here last year but it wasn’t really education. But then when this badge falls out of the Bloody Envelope, I thought my mother was going to have a heart attack or something.” A ghost of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips, an actual smile not the smug smirk she was so used to, but it was soon gone, Draco remembering who he was with.

For a while they sat in silence, Hermione reading a book and Draco just looking out of the window, rubbing his left arm absentmindedly, the arm of his Black jumper kept riding up and when Hermione looked up she saw a dark, nasty scar leading up from his wrist. Draco caught her gawking at the thick line and a sneer captured his lips, letting out a small huff. Hermione looked up, embarrassed and a little apologetically. She asked with Hesitation.
“Isn’t that w-where ‘His’ mark was?” Her voice was barley over a whisper but the Blonde haired boy heard, he nodded.
“Yes, unfortunately, you know Granger I never wanted to do it, to be branded with that mark, or be a follower neither did my mother, why do you think she lied to keep Potter alive? It was partly for me, but still. But she loved my Father, and He loved his ‘master’ we did it because we were forced, it was that or death, for all of my family. I just wanted to make him proud, I saw other Kids with their Fathers and wanted to be like them, he was never proud of me and that’s all I wanted, to be loved, to be wanted, for him to approve and be proud.” Hermione was positive she saw the glisten of a tear on his pale cheek but she blinked and it was gone, he rolled up the rest of his sleeve, the scar went from his wrist to the crook of his Elbow.
“nearly killed me you know, I lost so much blood, a few days after my trial, by this time my father was in prison and my mother always crying in her room, I took a knife and cut the mark out, I just wanted it gone, I didn’t want any dark mark on my arm, I could have used my wand, a quick slicing hex but I wanted to feel the pain. Is that wrong? It made me feel right, like I was almost paying for everything I had done, I woke up about a week later in St Mungo’s, my mother had found me unconscious in my room bleeding and apparated me there.” He stopped talking and there was once again silence, Hermione didn’t know what to say, this wasn’t the same arrogant, prejudiced boy she had known for the last 7 years. Who was he? He looked up at Hermione, shaking his head.
“I know I’ve not treated you right over the years, and I don’t know why I’ve told you all this but just don’t say anything to anyone else okay?”- Suddenly the smirk was back as if it had never left, as if the past conversation had never happened he gracefully stood up, going towards the door, turning one last time before he left.
“Remember Granger, not a word to anyone. I’ll see you at school.” He winked once and swift fully made his was down the corridor, passing many glaring faces as he did, he walked into a near empty compartment, looking towards his only friend sat by the window.
“Blaise, Guess who the head girl is…” The dark skinned Italians head turned quickly, questioning him silently.
“Who is it Drake? Is she hot?” Draco rolled his grey eyes; they twinkled in a un-Malfoy-ish manor.
“It’s Granger.” Blaise smirked.
“Granger? The Hermione Granger? You’re going to have so much fun this year Draco” Draco mumbled a quiet ‘Shut up’ but Blaise just grinned, they spent the rest of the ride just mindlessly talking about anything and everything.
Hermione just sat for a moment, taking in what she had just heard, for a few moments Malfoy had seemed to become a decent person, but within minutes the Smirk had come back, He had changed so much, and if he kept changing he would end up giving her Whiplash. Taking a deep breath she strode out of the compartment, her previous annoyance coming back, he and Malfoy? Sharing a dorm? They would kill each other, stalking angrily towards the Compartment Ginny had been squeezed in with numerous other girls. She found the compartment almost empty, obviously they had all gone, the only people remaining were Luna and Ginny, she walked in, slamming the door behind her a flopping on the seat roughly, Ginny laughed.
“What’s that door and seat ever done to you ‘Mione?” Hermione glared, not at Ginny, just out of the window, but after a minute of silence she turned back to the girls.
“I just found out who the head boy was, you won’t believe it!” Ginny found Hermione’s exasperation amusing.
“What’s wrong Hermione? Is he ugly? Thick?” Hermione just gave the younger girl a look that said ‘Just shut up now or I’m going to hex you into the next century’ She shook her head as Luna giggled lightly in the corner.
“No, he’s bloody Draco Malfoy, that’s what!” Both Ginny and Luna’s mouths dropped open. Luna was silent with shocked disbelief, but Ginny was screaming and shouting, her rant must have been heard from the other side of the train.
“-McGonagall thinking? For the love of Dumbledore he almost KILLED DUMBLEDORE! He’ll kill you! He hates you, he hates all Gryffindor’s, there has to have been a mistake, maybe it was a joke!” The blonde and the Brunette just let their red-headed friend continue for about five minutes because Hermione started to try and get her to calm down.
“Ginny, screaming about it isn’t going to change anything except maybe make you lose your voice, I can’t change the decision, I’m going to have to live with it for the next year, I’ll be fine, he stays away from me, and I’ll stay away from him, problem solved!” Ginny shook her head.
“HERMIONE! Don’t you see? It won’t be that simple, what if he tries something?” Hermione could sense the hidden meaning in this statement.
“Gin, calm down! I’ll be fine” Ginny sat down again from where she had jumped up in anger, mumbling something about ‘slimy, blonde haired ferrets’ Hermione chuckled, soon all three girls were near enough rolling around the floor in laughter, there journey was spent laughing and joking, the excitement of coming back to the school they all loved so dearly pushing away all other feelings, the food trolley came and went and within another few hours they were pulling up to the train station in Hogsmeade, they made their way out of the train, Hermione leaving them so she could do her duty as head girl helping the first years towards the boats.

Although this was normally Hagrids job, the two heads had been asked to direct the First years to the boats where they would meet Hagrid, they would then ride across the lake behind the first years to get to the school. Hermione started to try and move around people so she could get to the end of the Platform to call the first years when she heard a loud but smooth voice call over the noise of the talking children. Draco Malfoy was already stood by the front of the train, holding a lantern he must have been given. She pushed her way through the excited 11 year old kids to get to the front and stand next to Malfoy. She nodded at him once but neither head spoke. She started to call as loud as possible.
“Can we all quieten down please, 2nd year students and above please proceed to the carriages, all 1st years in a group in front of me and the head boy please.” She refused to say Draco’s name, her soft voice however would still not carry over to babble of noise, only Draco and some First years that were already assembled heard. Draco looked at her once the turned back to the sea of people calling in an unbelievably loud voice.
“Oi, shut it, Listen to Granger.” The platform became silent almost instantly, many older students Glared at the Head boy but turned to look at Hermione none the less. She repeated her question and people started to talk again as they walked to wherever they were supposed to be. She turned and nodded at Draco in a way of silent thanks; he just looked at her then turned away again.

Soon the only people on the dark platform were Hermione and Draco and the couple of hundred or so excited First years, Hermione knew that there would be more students this year but she didn’t think that there would be this many.
“Okay, I’m the head boy this year, my name is Draco Malfoy-“a few children (Obviously born to magical parents) gasped at the Malfoy but Draco Carried on anyway- “And this is your Head girl Hermione Granger. You will follow Granger to the boats; I will walk behind to stop any stragglers falling behind. It will not be a long walk.” The first years now got into more of a line then a huddle, standing in twos or threes behind each other. Hermione set of at a fairly quick pace- although not quick- as for September 1st it was unusually cold, it was only a matter of minutes before the tall hairy figure of Hagrid could be seen, the moon reflecting in the water behind him, he smiled at Hermione and the approaching new students, some of them looking slightly terrified at the half-Giants appearance.
“’Ello ‘Ermione.” Her friend said waving, seeing Draco looming in the background he gruffly greeted him to. “Malfoy” The blonde boy just nodded slightly, a gesture that could hardly be seen in the darkness of the black night. Hagrid starting giving his instructions, the same ones he had been giving for years.
“Okay, no more than three to a boat, there is lanterns in them for one person to hold, Heads, you two in the last boat behind us all please.” Hagrid then went to the front to get in the small wooden boat at the front, after making sure that all the First years were in a boat, Draco and Hermione went to get in there, When Hermione got in first she moved as close to the front as possible, unfortunately for her, the Heads boat was smaller and even as Draco got in and tried to stay as far away as possible from her, their legs were still pressed together, both heads lent down to pick up the lantern on the long stick, changing the small hand held one Draco had for that, leaning down at the exact same time meant that their hands brushed together ever so lightly, Hermione pulled her hand away quickly, scared about the reaction of a small spark running up her arm, it made her feel warm on the inside, although Draco didn’t seem to have a reaction, he too had felt the spark yet he tried to hide it, only his eyes widening slightly gave away the fact anything had happened.

The rest of the journey was silent, Hermione smiled fondly as they turned the corner, the great castle coming into view, a collective gasp came from the boats in front as she remembered the first time she had made this journey, the time she was just some small innocent 11 year old girl seemed like a lifetime ago. As the boats stopped the jolt pulling Hermione out of her former thoughts, everyone was getting out but her reactions were being slow, she just sat there, Draco looked at her for a minute, confused. She eventually stood up, with their boat being the last one it was still slightly out in the water, she would have to jump for shore, Hagrid and the first years were already walking up ahead.

Hermione stood up in the boat, she was about to jump but the boat was unsteady, Draco stood watching from the shore as the boat started to rock from side to side, Hermione wobbled dangerously, nearly falling in, she would have done if Draco hadn’t used his quick seeker reflexes to reach forward with his long arms and grab her waist to steady her, They locked eyes for a moment, her warm brown orbs meeting his grey ones, he slowly removed his hands, but not wanting her to fall again he offered her his hand, Hermione took it jumping out of the boat gracefully, her eyes down her cheeks red, the blushing girl registered the spark, stronger this time, they must have stood there about twenty seconds before Draco spoke.
“Come on Granger, we need to catch them up.” He dropped her small hand and started to sprint up the slightly slanted path towards the school, Hermione followed, trying to keep up but when the Blonde boy looked back, she had fallen behind the taller boy, his long giving him the advantage of being quicker. “Hurry up would you? We wouldn’t want to be late!” he smirked his famous arrogant Smirk and she just stood breathing heavily, she had tried to run faster to catch him up.
“I’m not very fast, I never have been.” She bent over, still trying to catch her breath, Draco just sighed, took her hand and started running, pulling her behind him, her stumbling as she tried not to fall. They caught up to the first years just as the huge wooden doors that led to the entrance hall came into view, some of the girls near the back giggling after looking at the red faces of their two Heads and making a wrong assumption. As the doors opened instead of the tall serve face of Professor McGonagall waiting for the first years, it was the small smiling Professor Flitwick. He beckoned the first years into the joined chamber before coming back out to the two new Heads.
“Things this year will be done differently, we have decided to introduce the two Heads and then do the sorting, you will wait by the doors until they open after Professor McGonagall has introduced you, then you will each go and sit at your house tables, please make sure you greet your new house mates will respect and be polite and friendly. Any Questions?” Hermione and Draco shook their heads and were ushered to the door that opened into the great hall, they stood in silence, and then the headmistress began to speak.
“It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all here this evening, this Year, before the sorting ceremony, I would like to introduce your New Head boy and Girl. This year’s Head Girl is Hermione Granger.” A great shout of appreciation was heard through the doors, she heard Malfoy’s low murmur.
“Well at least she knows they like her.” Hermione made no retort as Professor McGonagall began to speak again.
“And this year’s Head boy is Draco Malfoy, The room fell silent, not even a whisper penetrated the room, after a few seconds a small applause started, it soon went got passed around the room and then the doors opened. Both Hermione and Draco walked into the room, Hermione smiling politely, the warmth on her face shown clearly, Draco however walked stiffly, his arms by his side, his face devoid of emotion, it was hard, cold. They split to sit on their own tables on either side of the room.

The sorting ceremony was the same as every year, only longer, she could almost hear Ron moaning about how hungry he was, she chuckled, The sorting hats song was more cheerful then it had been the past few years, about 30 people had been sorted into Gryffindor, about equal amounts of boys and girls, Hermione had sat with Ginny on one side and one first year girl had come to sit on the otherside when She was sorted into Gryffindor, Hermione had found out that she was Muggleborn and was scared she would be bad at magic. Hermione had told her about herself being a Muggleborn and how she thought the girl would be fine, she had also told her she could come and Ask Hermione for help anytime she wanted, the sweet little girl had hugged her before turning away to start on the feast that had magically appeared. Hermione soon found out that the girls name was Imogen-Ella Smith, but her parents called her Imi, she had a younger sister called Hannah-Lily who they also thought would be coming to Hogwarts in a few years (Apparently her parent’s loved hyphenated names) Imi was a short girl, pale with Dark brown Hair, it was wavy down to about the middle of her back, her big Brown eyes finished her off, she was quite the Pretty little thing and she was sure to turn a few heads. Imi soon got talking to another 1st year Gryffindor girl and Hermione was free to talk to Ginny about whatever she pleased.

Over at the Slytherin table things weren’t going so well, Draco had shook every hand of the new Snakes as he was supposed to do but other than that there was no communication between him and the new students, they were quite happy to talk to and get to know their peers. Draco had sat with His best friend Blaise Zabini, most people thought that Crabbe and Goyle were his best friends but they were more body guards, His father had approved as both of their parents had been death eaters, he had never liked him and while in the common room it had always been Blaise he had talked to, told secrets and what not, sat across from them was Pansy Parkinson, she was staring at Draco, she was obsessed with him, but he didn’t like her, she was to bitchy and annoying.
“I feel so sorry for you Drakie, having to share a room with that Gryffindor Mudblood-“At the last word Malfoy’s head flew up, he was fuming, he had once called Granger this but that’s what he had been told was right, it wasn’t he knew that but it was what was expected of him, he hated the word.
“Don’t you dare call her that.” He snarled at Pansy who looked shocked before a mocking sneer covered her pug-like face.
“What is she your new girlfriend Draco, Little Drakie Malfoy hooking up with a Mudblood?” The look he gave her was one that could kill, she stayed silent.
“No she is NOT my girlfriend, but just don’t call her that, she doesn’t deserve it, she’s nothing different from you, only the fact she’s ten times a better witch then you will ever be.” Pansy Stared back at Draco, an Appalled look on her face, she made no retort.

Soon enough all the food disappeared and everyone turned to look at professor McGonagall as she stood to make her speech.
“Good evening to you all, To Our old students Welcome back, to our Newest, Welcome to our school, the past couple of years have been the roughest this school has ever faced, but we pulled through, hopefully this year will be relatively normal compared to the last six or seven-“A ripple of laughter passed through the older students and teachers.-“Although now being placed into the role of headmistress I have decided that I will keep my role of transfiguration professor. My role of Head of Gryffindor house however will be passed to our new Defence against the dark arts Professor, Our newest Professor has received training over the school holidays and seems to be a good fit for the role, please join me in welcoming our newest teacher, Professor Charlie Weasley.” The doors to the great hall opened and in walked a tall red headed man of about twenty five or twenty six years old, his hair fell onto his face sticking up in other places. Draco Groaned, this Weasley has to be better than the rest right, he walked past the Gryffindor table ruffling the Hair of his younger 17 year old sister, McGonagall smiled fondly before shaking Weasley’s hand as he sat down. Professor McGonagall continued.
“I would like all Prefects to show the new members of your house to the dormitories Could Miss Granger and Miss Malfoy stay Behind, Miss Weasley you may stay to.” The rest of the school filled out of the hall so did most of the teachers, only Hermione, Draco, Ginny McGonagall and Charlie Weasley were left, Charlie shouted to his sister.
“Hey Gin-Bug, are you not going to come give your favourite Teacher and Brother a hug?” Ginny raced out of her seat, jumping into her brothers arms, he swung her around as she laughed.
McGonagall beckoned to Hermione and Draco and they walked from their seats towards her.
“I will now take you to your dormitory, Miss Weasley will go back to her Common room soon, please follow me.” They followed the headmistress up stairs and down corridors before coming to a stop in front of a large suit of armour.
“You may set your password now.” She turned to her heads, waiting for an answer. Draco looked at Hermione.
“How about magnitudo? It means greatness in Latin.” A cocky smirk caressed his face and Hermione couldn’t help but giggle, McGonagall Looked astounded, she hadn’t expected her heads to get along this well, she thought they wouldn’t talk at all.
“That’s fine with me.” Hermione said still giggling lightly, McGonagall set the password and told them it would be changed at Christmas.
“I would like to meet with you tomorrow after dinner to explain what is expected of you, for now you will be tired, the room is set up in the same way as the rest of the dormitories and common rooms in the school, I hope it is suited to your needs, Goodnight.” The Professor nodded to the Boy and the Girl stood in front of her.
“Thank you Professor, Goodnight.” Hermione smiled and McGonagall walked away, back towards her office.

Draco said the password and the Suit of armour turned, an opening formed in his back and his front, giving a pathway through, once through it closed again and turned back around. Hermione looked around the room, it was beautiful, Dark wood and a colour theme mixed between Red and Green, she walked towards the Staircase that Had the words Head girl next to it, Draco did the same, walking towards the staircase with the Sign Head Boy, The brunette turned to face the blonde.
“Goodnight Malfoy.” She said with a nod, her lips turning up slightly at the corners.
“Night Granger.” He also nodded, and to his surprise he smiled back at the girl he thought he had hated for so many years. Both Students climbed their stairs think about the words that had been exchanged, for the third or fourth time that day, they had been polite to each other, something they hadn’t really done in their 6 years at school together.
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