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Chapter 2 - To speak the truth or to not speak the truth that is the question?

This is it poppy right take a deep breath "erm yeah I'm new I was home schooled by my mum" and their was some truth in that my mum did home school me in my world, demention whatever you want to call it "oh does your mum work at the ministry" he replied "no she works for a muggle orphanage though my dad works for the ministry of magic in Korea" I half-lied because my mum does in fact work in an orphanage and my dad is Korean but is the British priminister's assistant.

Before he could question me further the compartment door opened again to reveal a girl who looked about 16 with red hair that reached the middle of her back with muddy brown eyes and full lips she looked about 5ft8 maybe 9 "James well guess I've finally found you" she turned her eyes to me and gave a knowing smile "well James aren't you gonna introduce me to your new friend" she said shutting the compartment door behind her and sitting down next to James, is it even natural to feel jealous right now "of course Rose this is Poppy Moore" he said using his hand to gesture to me "Poppy this is Rose Weasley my cousin" omg, omg it's the Rose Weasley daughter of Ron and Hermione Weasley oh my god now I feel totally stupid for being so jealous. I gave her a warm smile and said "its nice to meet you, I would say I've heard loads of great things about you but James hasn't told me anything about you" I chuckled giving a amused grin, she smiled and turned to James and punched him playfully "I'm hurt James you meet a new girl and you tell her nothing about me you've so hit a new low" she said grinning James put his hands up in a playful defence "I was getting to it" he chuckled "getting to it Merlin's saggy bum" we all laughed at this then she turned to face me "so your new right what year are you transferring to" she said "I'm gonna be going into my final year".

We continued to talk about different things but mainly James and Rose asked me different questions like "what make is your wand mines cherry wood with dragon heart string core" please god let their be a wand in my pocket, I reached into my left hand pocket and pulled out 'my' wand which had a green vine circling the wood "vine wood with phoenix feather core" we chatted for five more minutes before Rose stood up "well I'm going to change into my uniform unlike some people" she said eyeing me playfully "what do you mean like some people" I replied playfully offended, Rose chuckled and said "well you and James are already in your uniforms aren't you" I gave her a cheeky grin "yeah well I always come prepared" she laughed and said "well I'll see you two at Hogwarts then" Rose smiled and left the compartment shutting the door behind her.

Moments later the train came to a stop "well I better go I'll probably be sorted with the first years so I'll see you their" he stood up "at least let me walk you to professor hagrid" I smiled and nodded in appreciation "yeah ok" James smiled and opened the compartment door and started walking down the train corridor while I followed closely behind. It took us less than a minute and we were clambering out the train exit onto the platform, James grabbed my hand and pulled me threw the crowd until we reached hagrid then he immediately let go of my hand. Hagrid noticed us immediately well he noticed James immediately "ello James" said hagrid and he turned his eyes to me "oh you must Poppy Moore you'll be coming with me and the firs' years"

I smiled and turned to James " well I'll see you later then James" I said briefly hugging him when I let go of him he winked and said "cya later pop's" I smiled turning on my heel and following hagrid and the first years. I kind of went in a daze of excitement and nervousness after that and didn't really come back to reality until we were half way across the lake I wonder what house I'm in I thought... well whatever house I end up in I just hope beyond all hopes that I'm not put in slythirin. It seemed the time just flew by as I was already walking to the sorting hat with the first years lead by the deputy headmistress professor Hermione Weasley I KNOW I totally freaked when I found out too. We had come to a complete stand still near the stool and the sorting hat. Professor Weasley picked up a scroll and began to talk "now when I call your name you shall come sit on the stool and I will place the sorting hat upon you head and it will sort you into your houses you will be in ether Gryffindor, huffelpuff, ravenclaw or slythirin" she paused for a moment then continued " now there is a 7th year transfer student whom shall be sorted first" she paused again and looked down at the scroll and shouted "Moore, Poppy"

I took a deep breath to calm myself and walked forward and sat on the stool and professor granger I mean Weasley placed the sorting hat on my head. The sorting hats voice started talking in my head "hmm, VERY difficult. Plenty or courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent, oh yes. And a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you?" "Not slythirin. Not slythirin" I chanted in my head "Not slythirin eh? Your whole family was in slythirin you could be great, you know. It's all here in your head. And slythirin will help you on the way to greatness, there's no doubt about that. No?" "Please, please. Anything but slythirin, anything but slythirin." I pleaded. "Well if you're sure, better be.....
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There are many, many reasons to love Hermione Granger. She is a wonderfully written character and a great role model. However, lately I've been seeing a lot of people say things to the extent of "i love hermione because she's sooooo pretty!!!!! she's the most beautiful girl in hogwarts and i love her!!!!!" It seems harmless, and it probably is. But I have a problem with it.

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Bellatrix Lestrange
Bellatrix Lestrange
I have been on the Harry Potter spot for a while now and I constantly find myself getting asked "why do you like Bellatrix?" So I decided to type up this article. Thank you lifeisgoodx3 for inspiring me to do so.

So why would some one like a person who killed Sirius, Dobby, Tonks, and tortured Hermione and the Longbottms? Well I actually have multiple reasons as to why I like her; Bellatrix stands for what she believes in, she's crazy and funny, pretty, unique, strong and confident, she has an interesting story behind her, I can relate to her, she has potential to be a good guy, and I have a...
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posted by Hermione30
Ever wondered what the dedications at the beginning of each Harry Potter book mean? You can find all the answers on this page!

Harry Potter and the Philosopher/Sorcerer's Stone
For Jessica, who loves stories, for Anne, who loved them too, and for Di, who heard this one first.
Explanation: Jessica is JK Rowling’s twelve-year-old daughter. Anne was Jo’s mother, who, unfortunately, died of Multiple Sclerosis on December 30th, 1990. Dianne, or “Di," is Jo’s younger sister who she read Philosopher/Sorcerer’s Stone before Jo sent it off to be reviewed.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets...
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So after reading Cursed Child I was beyond excited for this character and I thought I'd share why. That said there are probably gonna be spoilers in here.

First and foremost, right off the bat I figured I'd like her because Bellatrix is her mom. To be honest out of all of my favorite characters I figured that Bella would be the least likely to have a baby but here she is lol. So she gets points just for being Bellatrix's daughter. xP Carry on her legacy well Delphi. :'D

Secondly I love her name. My friend and I, in the last 24 hours have made so many jokes about Bellatrix going 'derp, this is...
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