Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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"Severus, your not eating again...you know thats bad for you" Dumbledore said lifting his goblet. I sighed. Duh i know it is...that is why i was not eating. As people may know, my look matches my attitude...black, unemotional, and more black. I nodded to the old man and looked away. Glancing to the one table, where the famous trio ate, i spotted the girl of the bunch lay her head down at the table. Not one bite was taken of her meal, and she held her stomach with a free hand. Potter patted her back and said some things to her, while the Weasly boy chewed on his chicken like it was his last bit of food he would ever get. Just then did Dumbledore clear his throat that made me jump a little. "something wrong Severus?" he asked as i glanced to him annoyed. "No" i said glumly. "I think i best be off to rest..." i announced as i got up. He nodded and turned to talk to the others.

while walking to my room, i noticed it was a tad cold in the halls. i wrapped my arms around my chest and continued on.
"Get the girl..."
"What?!" i jumped and looked around frantically. that voice, whoever it was...sent chills down my spine. "Get..the...girl..." it croaked again. i drew out my wand, ready for anything. just when i heard the sudden noise behind me did i point it in front of me. Her eyes got wide and she pressed against the wall gasping. "Professor, its just me!" she pleaded and i lowered the wand taking heavy breaths myself. "sorry Granger, i..i just thought i heard a voice..." she closed her eyes and held onto her head and moaned. "what is it?" i asked going to her. "My head..ive been ill, for like a week now...the pain gets worse..and i keep hearing this voice.." she opened her eyes to me. i was suprised to see that they were dark brown. funny how i noticed these kind of things in the wrongest of moments. she lowered them when i realized i was staring. "what voices?" i asked. she got closer and motioned me to lean down. i did and she whispered "It keeps telling me to kill Harry" she sounded worried.
my eyes wondered about the hall, and now saw the mist rise, sliding to the ceiling like a snake. "Mrs. Granger..." i said worridly.
"yes?" she turned to face me. "When i say run...you run" just then she looked at the mist. it formed into a giant python, its mouth wide open and its fangs stuck out and hissed.
"Run!" i yelled as we ran down the hall. the mist slithered and chased us, its eyes red and its body now all black. "Snape!" Hermione yelled as i turned to her, three black shadows grabbed her and dragged her to the end of the hall. i pointed my wand at them, ready to yell out my spell when i heard the low growl from behind me. the noise caused me to turn, and just before i blacked out, did i see the snakes mouth clomp itself around me, making the world disappear before my eyes, before i heard the faint evil low laugh, and before i heard Hermiones shrill scream pierce threw my ears.


I heard the noise come from beside me. I opened my eyes to find out i was on the ground. I looked about my surrounding, only to figure out i was in a room made of stone. the dripping had came from a leak in the ceiling and the water dropped just above me. I rubbed my head and moaned. I dont remember what happened, or how i got here. the only thing i do remember was cold hands grasping my arms. "Ahhh, Mrs. Granger.." a low voice echoed. i reached for my wand, but it wasnt there. the voice laughed.
a dark figure emerged from the shadows and i was shocked to see Snape. "Sn-snape?" i didnt understand. "Looking for this?" he said pulling out my wand. "Give it back!" i yelled. he shook his head and grinned. Not in any of my days would i ever think to see Severus snape smile. and it kind of did me in.
it was more of a smirk, and his dark eyes made him look younger and mischievous. Wait? Why in the world was i thinking about this? "you see...Hermione...your little friend brought you to me.." the voice in him changed, and it didnt match snapes voice at all. "i called on both of you..since you didnt do your job yet" he said and shook his head. "You mean..your not.." i asked but he smiled bigger. "yes...i am not snape...but i sure love the look you give me when i look like him..thats why i told him to get you...i knew he is curious of you and would do anything to get...to know you" he said the last part slowly smirking. Snape was fond of me? but...huh?
"what will i have to do for you to leave me alone?!" i pleaded. the man shifted into a shadow, one like the three that i now remember carrying me away. he leaned to my face, but i couldnt see no face, all but blackness. "Kill the boy...or ill kill you" he croaked as his pale white fingers stroked my cheek.
"nighty night.." he said. just then i blacked out.


i sat on the edge of my bed and rubbed my head. Man was that a weird sleep. I couldnt remember my dream, and now all i could think of was Mrs. Granger. i got ready for the day, and while walking to the door i heard a low whimper from my bed. i stood frozen and turned slowly. the blankets was wadded up, and now there was a lump in the shape of a young person under the sheets. "hm..." it mumbled again. a thousand "what the hells" circled my brain as i panicked to find out who was in my bed. i crept to the edge, i grabbed the cover, and slowly lifted it. "Mrs. Granger!" i said in shock. she opened her eyes and then they got wider and she let out a "What the.." she backed up and hit her head on the headboard. "Wh..what..where am...how did i...what am i...huh?!!" she fumbled as i nodded. "I was about to ask the same thing!" i backed up. "we didnt.." she shook her head and i quickly shook mine no. she sighed in relief. "how did you get in here?" i said. "i dont know, i was going to ask you!" she got up, and i was shocked to find her in a tank and some baggy black sweats. it made her look older and her hair wasnt as curly, but long to her chest line. she looked sleepy, but it was kind of adorable.
OK. since when did Severus Snape use the word ADORABLE? She smriked.
'what?" i said angerily. "Nothing.." she said too quickly and headed to the door. "wait.." i said. "what?" she seemed annoyed with me. "you really want to just walk on out of your professors room, still in your bed clothes, when people can get that sort of idea?" i asked with a frown. she looked down and mumble somehing. "yeah, your right...go check if anyones out there yet" she ordered. It was kind of cute the way she ordered me around....
and when did i ever use cute as well?
i sighed at the thought and glanced out. i closed the door and faced her. she was sitting on my bed and looked up at me. "well?" she said. "er...lots of people.." i said looking down to her chest that stood a little from her tank top. I just lied.
there wasnt anyone but the wind out there. what made me say that? she frowned. "i guess im stuck in here till the halls clear" she layed down slumping and groaning. "What a freaking good way to start your day..lets just wake up in your Professors bed, while he gawks at you like he might do some things.." she whispered apparently thinking i didnt hear. my eyes went wide, did she think i was going to do something to her?
"freaking old man.." she grumbled. "Excuse me? did you just call me old?" i said going to her. "Eum....what do you prefer 'Ancient' instead?" she backed up. i frowned. I knew it, every student here thought i was some weird, emo freaking old man who couldnt even get his wand up anymore. (if you get what i mean) "for your information...at least im not some smart alec son os a witch you mudblood" i growled. she stopped and squinted. her lip quivered and pouted. "Mrs. Granger.." i said realizing i hurt her badly. "leave me alone.." she waved her hands at me turning away. "just go.." she sniffled going to the bathroom. i grabbed her arm and she smacked at it. "let me go!" she yelled. she wiggled but i grabbed harder. "now look, please im-" she hissed. it was a very uncalled for thing for her to do. her arm was ice-like, and her eyes turned black on me. "Mrs. Gran-" she shot her hands to my throat. "Leave..me..alone" she growled as threw me against the wall. "what is wrong with you?" i asked rubbing my arm. her face turned back to its color, and her eyes were now brown. "Im so sorry snape" she came to me and reached for my arm. she started to cry. "Im just so scared..." she fell, but i caught her and held her up. "scared of what Hermione?" it had been a while since i last called any of my students by their first name (besides Potter) she cried into my chest wrapping her arms around me.

"Im scared because i might be a murderer"

Sorry this is kind of slow...its only 11:22 at night here so yeah..kind of sleepy...hope you enjoyed:)
added by nati30
Source: Once again, another pic I found in the C.A.T. spot
I made a list of combined and possible plot holes about Harry Potter. Some of them I came up with myself, and some of them I got from different places online. If you can give explanation answering the questions ,do it please.
I purposely put in a few really really picky question because there are a lot of articles about Twilight like this, so I want to see how Harry Potter fans respond to the ridiculously picks questions. I'm not going to tell you which ones they are, but they should be easy to pick out.

1.    Why do the founders of Hogwarts have surnames? Family names weren’t...
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posted by BedIntruder
95 Reasons Why Twilight Sucks
Opinion by BedIntruder posted 4 hours ago

1. Bella is a perfect character (“Mary Sue”), which Meyer hides by calling her clumsy.
2. Being clumsy is not a flaw if Edward always catches her.
3. She can’t do anything without Edward.
4. And when he leaves she attempts to commit suicide.
5. Meyer is living out her own fantasies by writing about Bella, who is clearly herself.
6. The books aren’t well written, just because every other word is a fancy adjective doesn’t make it good writing.
7. All the rules Meyer sets for being a vampire are broken by the end of the...
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added by youknowit101
Source: trollposts@tumblr
added by kenzichu

116. "BTW Twilight is the bestest film ever" I get really frusterated when soomebody compares the films instead off the movies. And whats worse is that you arent giving any reasons. "Stop hating, pick-up Twilight, actually read it and you will love it and stop hating Twilight". Has it ever occurred to you that twilight haters have read the whole series? Like me? "HP is all around boring and it is made for younger children". I dont understand how Harry Potter can be so boring. Maybe you didnt keep up with the amount of action and romance and magic and the mystery. Or maybe you didnt read...
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posted by lucius_malloy
So, once there was this girl - well, actually that girl still is - but anyway, this girl who we'll call Emma, for the purposes of now. (Well, actually, we'll call her that because it's her name. But you get the point.)

Around two, two and a half years ago, when Emma was in sixth grade, one of her friends - let's call her K, if she must have a name - was reading a book that looked rather interesting. It was black, with a shiny hard cover, and had an apple on the front. It was called Houkutus, which translates to Temptation. Emma liked the name and thought it might prove an interesting read, but...
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posted by GemonkDruid
Too true!
Too true!
I discovered these song spoofs in my writing folder from my "Uber-Anti" stage, and I decided to share it with you guys, for the sake of nostalgia and whatnot.

Dumb Isabella (spoof on Umbrella by Rihanna)-

You wanna be, a sparkly Meyer-pire like me
Maybe in your dreams, but never in reality
Until you agree, to take my hand and marry me
And that's when you’ll want me there
to turn you into a vampire

You’re a stupid Sue who wants us together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be your bitch
Took an oath I regret, you crazy witch
Now it's raining more than ever
But we’re...
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posted by LoveforSeverus
Well I've been writing a little fanfic recently and I realized that when I write fanfic, I mostly let my character's handle the plot. Whatever happens to pop in my head at the time, and doesn't go completely against the overall story line, gets put in the fanfic.
But Smeyer says that she wrote Twilight by just "letting her characters handle the plot". There by making it seem a lot like how, not only I, but other people, write fan fiction.
I decided to look up some reasons of what makes a good fan fiction:
"1. Choose the anime/manga/book/video game/movie you want your fan-fic to be about." Vampire's...
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posted by LilRavenclaw95
Okay, my friend and I go to a school that has a thing called 'Lit Circles'. There's a list of books, and Twilight is on there, but not Harry Potter. My friend thought this was totally wrong, and wrote a super long persuasive essay to our English teacher about it. This was all hers, and I can't take credit for how awesome it is :)

Why Twilight Should Be Replaced by Harry Potter in Lit Circles

    Two books sit on the shelf in front of you; on the cover of the first, you see two pale hands holding a deep red apple. The second features a young boy on a broomstick, in midair as...
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posted by ryomaidol
My cousin says we, Harry Potter fans are insecure about this ranting. How should I respond to this?!

(I HAVE TAKEN THINGS FROM OTHER ARTICLES HERE, sorry if used without permission)


Kjerrimyr リョーマ Andres: says Twilight ang pasimuno ng mga JEJEMON (ANGRY) (Twilight started the Jejemon movement)
46 minutes ago via Plurk · Comment · Like · View comments on Plurk

** ******: weh? PROVE IT!!!
41 minutes ago ·

Kjerrimyr リョーマ Andres: link wahahahah
33 minutes ago ·

** ******: duh! nonsense!
23 minutes ago ·

Kjerrimyr リョーマ Andres: haha Twilighters...
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I did not write this.
1. If a boy is aloof, stand-offish, ignores you or is just plain rude, it is because he is secretly in love with you — and you are the point of his existence.
2.Secrets are good — especially life-threatening ones.
3. It’s OK for a potential romantic interest to be dimwitted, violent and vengeful — as long as he has great abs.
4. If a boy tells you to stay away from him because he is dangerous and may even kill you, he must be the love of your life. You should stay with him since he will keep you safe forever.
5. If a boy leaves you, especially suddenly (while telling...
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Dear Stephenie Meyer,

May I first tell you that your 'Saga' is complete and utter crap. I also would like to highlight the fact that your 'books' are an insult to literature and vampires.
When reading them at first, I thought that they were quite good, and for a while I was a Twilight fan, but your fanbase has gotten huge, along with your head. This is one of the reasons I don't like Twilight. I've read other points on why Twilight and the rest of the 'saga' are bad, and I fully agree with the points raised. The points that I have read about have made me realise how bad Twilight and the rest...
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added by KateKicksAss
added by RealSunshine
Source: LJ,tumblr,HP fans and Alessia @ FP
added by Andressa_Weld
added by KatiiCullen94
Source: naty_oreiro@livejournal
added by youknowit101
Source: summerinmymind@tumblr
added by goodtimes
added by youknowit101