Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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Hey, I was originally going to put this in the comments section of a 'picks' question, but I realized it was too long so I put it here.

This is what I think, about the crap they call the 'Twilight Saga'. A book based on an author's wet dreams and hopes.

Twilight- Who? WHO FALLS IN LOVE AFTER SEEING A PERSON THREE TIMES IN THEIR ENTIRE LIFE?! Plus, I'll summarize the entire book.

It's like-
Bella: Oh Edward, you hate me.
Edward: No I love you
Bella: You love me?
Edward: Stay away from me.
Bella: Stay away from you?
Edward: Just stay with me. I mean, it was obvious I wanted you from the start, wasn't it? Silly girl.
Bella: Oh Edward, you insulted me but I'm okay with it because your so perfect! Oh, I've known you for two weeks but I'm ETERNALLY IN LOVE WITH YOU!
Edward: You are my life.
Bella: Oh no, the two scary vampires are going to get me, even though I have seven scarier vamps with me! WE'RE DOOMED!!!!!!!
Bella: Wait, it over already? Edward, stay with me!
Edward: I love you and will never leave you.

See, S Meyer could have saved valuable trees if she had just written this instead of the crap she calls a story. TREE KILLER!!!

And then the torture continued...

New Moon- Edward leaves and breaks his promise after he pushes Bella into a table of glass, and yet she still thinks he's so perfect. Then she breaks down for four months, totally ignoring all the people who tried to welcome her after she first moved to Forks. And then when she goes to the movies with Jessica, she nearly kills herself and pots Jessica in danger! Then when she goes back to school, she's like "Wow, Jessica's being a bitch and ignoring me when I did nothing wrong. Sheesh, fine, SHE'S A SLUT!"

And THEN, after being depressed, she goes to Jacob and feels automatically better because a big strong hot guy is devoting all his time to her! And after saving her life, she leaves him after he begs her not to go. And when she comes back, what happens? Oh right, she claims Jacob left her when SHE left HIM. And everyone's on her side...SO NOT FAIR! And the Twitards still think she's perfect.

Let the torture continue.

Eclipse-Even though it was EXTRAORDINARILY OBVIOUS FROM THE BEGINNING, halfway through the book BELLA (yes, it has to be Bella who figures it out because she's SM's self-insert Mary Sue, and she HAS to be perfect, even when she isn't a vampire), finds out that Victoria and her army are out to get her and the same one who's killing people in Seattle.

So, after the Fairies (They are NOT vempires) and puppies on drugs (They are NOT werewolves), win a fight over very inexperienced fairies (who they outnumber), Bella thinks "Wow, they're so strong and perfect". Then Jacob leaves because he's heart broken because of Bella, while the latter is living a wonderful life about to get married to a guy she's barely known a year.

And it CONTINUES! I hope you guys realize how I think of it right now.

Breaking Dawn-The wedding had now emotion. There was no detail on ANYTHING, except the flowers. WOW. And the Honeymoon? So NOT romantic. Not only did I feel like throwing up, but Bella gets to get pregnant and goes down in history (Perfect, isn't she. If you didn't detect the sarcasm, you're an idiot).

Then, when she comes back to Forks, Jacob tries to protect her, even though Bella broke him into pieces! SM Just wants everyone to think she's so important. I was shouting at the book to just leave Bella to die. And then, not only does she give birth to a healthy baby, SHE LIVES! And she doesn't sacrifice anything, because of her perfect self control (I think that annoys me the most in the entire story. More than the demon baby that shouldn't exist).

And then, after gathering witnesses for the Volturi, they talk it out and leave. I was banging my head on the table at the stupidity. Meyer didn't have enough imagination or creativity to make fight scene.

Haven't you noticed that in the two out four books where there are fights, Bella is either unconscious, not there, or they're dancing. WOW, just proves how much creativity and great writing skills Meyer has. And in Breaking Dawn, there is supposed to be one, but the they just walk away.

That is the second reason I hate all the books. The first and biggest reason (which I wrote before), is that Bella is perfect. She gets everything. She sacrifices NOTHING!

Oh, and here are some things that aren't really plot holes, but are very strange.

In New Moon, when Edward was supposed to walk into the light and sparkle, how would anyone know he was a vampire. All they know are that vampires are supposed to burn up. So how the hell does sparkling in the sun show that he's a vampire.

This is what the people would thing 'Wow, that guy put on way to much body glitter). Seriously, HOW ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!

How come, all the people in the series who don't like Bella are all ugly and selfish and are the villains. Even James was described as being normal looking for a vampire, which means he was ugly. And Victoria was described as having a babyish voice. Not the attractive one like the Cullens.

Yet, all the people who actually do like Bella are beautiful, kind, sweet and caring.

Okay, so everyone, say they disagree if they want, but back it up with a reason. Don't just say "BUT EDWARD ISS HAWT AND PERFECT!!!!!1!!!!1"

Oh, and feel free to comment, I like criticism, to see how I can improve (I want to be an author and JK Rowling and CS Lewis are my idols). But this was very quick. So sorry if there are so,e errors in my writing, okay?

posted by harrypotterbest
There is, in the world, a girl called Z-----. More commonly known on this website as Best, that is the name that shall be used for this anti story.
Now, when best was 11 years old, she had read all the Harry Potter books, and loved them. I’m talking about waiting for her Hogwarts acceptance letter to come and carving wands. She truly loved the series. In 2009, she went to a wedding. Her aunt there had read the Harry Potter books, except for the last one. She also had a cousin there, who was a huge fan of Twilight. Now, at that time, best hadn’t read Twilight. Her aunt was also a huge fan...
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posted by harrypotterbest
As Edward and Harry settled the final means of the battle, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had a talk.
“Who wrote this rubbish?” asked Ron. “Sparkle in the sun, battle with debate, they don’t even drink proper blood!”
Hermione, as usual, was the one to answer. “Ron, everyone knows Stephanie Meyer wrote this ‘rubbish.’ She’s not a very good writer, according to The Daily Prophet, and for once I agree with them,” Hermione rolled her eyes. “At least OUR writer, the brilliant J K Rowling, didn’t make US sparkle in the sun. What nonsense!”
“Do you know where this Meyer person...
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I'm tired of repeating myself and other HP fans repeating themselves constantly so here is my opinion on why Harry Potter is better. So you don't think I'm being biased, let me tell you: I read Harry Potter when I was 5 and have been a fan since (and that shuts down the comment that little kids can't read it by the way) and when I was 13, I read Twilight (before the bandwagon) and loved it. Then just recently, I got off the Twilight High. So I know how it is to have liked Twilight and to like Harry Potter.

First, we can look at the authors. JK Rowling is the epitome of Rag to Riches. She started...
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posted by NataliaLidia
i persenally dont like ether series and heres why!!!

1) i am a reel vampire and i do not sparkl!!! stephanie shud have dun her reasearch before she wrote a book about vampires!!!
2) bella is a bad roll model!!!
4) edwerd is abusiv!!!
5) its unrealistic!!!
6) its badly writen!!!
7) edwerd is describd to much!!! it gets boring!!!
8) its boring overall!!!

harry potter
1) its not relatble!!!
2) its made for kids!!!
3)harry always beets te bad guy!!! he never looses!!!
4) harry gets away wit everything in skool!!!
5) they hav bad frends!!! ron leaves nd dosnt stay wit harry when peeps make fun of him!!!
6) its boring!!!
7) snape keeps his job even tho he bullys students nd is a deth eater!!!
8) dumbledoor doesnt reely care about harry!!! he leaves him at da durslys even tho they are abusiv!!!

both movies hav bad actors nd the filmers didnt follows the boks the way they were suposed to!!!
posted by HaleyDewit
My name is Bella and there’s something I need to tell
I’m dating this cute vampire, he’s just hot as hell
He’s fascinated by my none existing mind
And I fall apart whenever I stare in those liquid topaz eyes

My name is Edward and there’s something I need to say
Bella’s gonna freak when she finds out I’m gay
But I can clearly understand what she sees in me
Because have you ever met someone this perfectly

I used to live in Phoenix, but now moved to this rainy place
I keep whining about it and I always have the same expression on my face
I’m just a little girl who’s helpless...
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1. Join an orchestra.
[i] You're inside, anyway.....

2. Join an opera.
He has a good voice...right?

3. Go to a tanning salon.
Who wants to be pale all their life?

4. Leave home.
You're a hundred and something and STILL living with your parents. How does that feel?

5. Travel.
Yeah, the sparkling thing pops that bubble a bit, but what are parasols for?

6. Discover...SUNSCREEN.
It protects you from the sun. Shocking, eh?

7. Begin a knitting business.
Creativity is key. You can still stay inside, and make money. Plus, you make friends with the rest of the sweet little old people in the knitting club.

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I'm adressing the rabid Twilight fans if they would listen. I'm also adressing the common fans of both sides of this debate.

There are some things one may and may not do in a formal debate unless one wants to look like - pardon the language - a freaking donkey.

Nr 01: One may not argue against the debaters points by attacking him or her. This is called argumentum ad hominem and is a fallacy. For example: If I am to argue that free elections is wrong and states that the arguer is an imbecile that does not deserve the right to vote, then I have committed a severe personal attack and will be frowned...
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posted by Athiya
Many of you might have noticed that the golden trio from Harry Potter (Harry, Ron, and Hermione) had always been paired up to fight with the not-so-golden trio of Twilight (Edward, Jacob, and Bella). Now, XDRoseLuvsHP had pointed out a great deal on why HP trio would win against the Twilight's (you can find it link), so I figured perhaps it's time for the villains to battle.

My first thought was off course, James and Voldemort; but then, it didn't seem fair on the Twilight side. James was not a very good villain; his character was poorly underdeveloped and his powers weren't very outstanding...
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This is a (long) rebuttal to KatiiCullen94's argument, the title of which is in is article's title. (Though you've probably all seen that by now.) I haven't included her points in this, so it will be necessary to read her article first.

1. The majority of people in this world cannot relate to Bella. Tell me, how many people can go to a new school and automatically be the prettiest and most popular girl there? How many girls can say that they have FIVE males lusting after them?

Bella does care for people other than herself - her boyfriend. That's it. She was perfectly happy to hurt her father...
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This is my last article and as you may know I never really came here to argue, just to figure out what was going on in Twilight-Haters heads.

Bella- Whiny and Moany ?
Everyone says that Bella is so whiney and the point is so what if she ? I am sure if we went into your heads ,you would be as moany as her. She complains about the attention she is recieving from boys. I would too it would totally creep me out if suddenly I moved to a new school and everybody likes me.
The friend problem: Jessica is not a good friend after being to 9 schools so far I have met people like this and only can I comment...
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posted by DivyaHarry
Firstly, this is not my article. I found it over the internet and pasted it here because I find it really hard to believe that there are people like this in the world who are completely ignorant or just plain stupid.

The e-mail was apparently from Kayla Patterson, a die hard Twilight/Taylor Lautner fan upset about Universal Pictures ripping off the werewolf idea from Twilight.

To whom this may concern:

This movie was a complete waste and I feel that it offends ALL Twilight Fans around the world, that including myself. For one, it was a COMPLETE remaking of the Wolf Pack from the Twilight Saga:...
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Hmm... this could take a while. Haha, I have a lot of reasons for my strong dislike of Twilight. Before I start, I'd just like to explain that I was once a Twilight fan, so I've read all the books and stuff, but I just can't stand it anymore. Therefore, I can give a more complete explanation of my views. Sorry if it's really ridiculously long.

First reason I hate Twilight: the media. Twilight, in all honesty, isn't a great book. I have read worse books (though not many... Twilight was pretty bad). However, if Twilighters and Twilight articles and such weren't all "OMG ITS THE MOST AMAZING SERIES...
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Voldemort is notorious for his fear of death. To avoid death, he is willing to kill innocent people and destroy his very soul.

Now, everyone with any sense knows that Bella is a Mary Sue, and Stephenie Meyer desperately wants to be Bella. I even personally know quite a few Twilight fans who realize and accept this. And what does Bella want? She wants to become a vampire.

Here is some commonly known knowledge about vampires (according to Meyer):

-Kill innocents for survival
-Practically immortal
-Possibly lose their souls, though this is not known for sure

We see Voldemort killing innocents for survival....
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Okay now I will begin off with something that has really begin to get on my nerve. How Twilight fans write out their articles on why they like Twilight. Not just articles other things too. I will give you and example of one: "For people.....blah blah blah." Like these. Who are they directing these too exactly? I know some the title says it, but they expect only those sort of people to respond. Pff yeah right. I see that kind of title I go in and see what kind moronic things they have to say.

Most Twilight fans I see on this site lack the skills in proper grammar. Okay first if you ever want...
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This article was actually wriiten by an ex-twilighter(iloveyoudarling), not me, and i dont like the way she wrote it, cuz it is kinda rude, but i posted it so that maybe some twilighters here could consider giving harry potter a chance because the article proves that even though you love twilight there COULD be a better book out there:
Dear Twilight fans,

I was you one day. Addicted to Twilight and couldnt ever stop reading it even if i had already read it 4 times. But trust me on this one will you. READ ANOTHER BOOOK!!! AFTER YOU DO THAT TWILIGHT WILL SEEM LIKE A STUPID ROMANCE STORY.

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added by KatiiCullen94
added by Darkshine
Source: Google
added by jaimiejo128
Source: HARRY!!!!!!!
So I have heard/read a LOT of arguments over this topic, and I find it ridiculous. Here are some reasons why they can't be compared with each other:

1- Writing styles. Rowling writes in a descriptive third-person, whereas Meyer writes in a first-person account of a seventeen year old girl. You can't expect Bella to talk like a professional poet of some sort, I doubt many average teenage girls do that.

2- Plot. Harry Potter is mainly about wizards and fighting. Twilight is about Vampires and romance... Totally the same (Major burning sarcasm).

3- Audience. Harry Potter is aimed for children. Before...
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added by Andressa_Weld