Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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posted by slytherin713
Twilight or Harry Potter? That's all I see here. And here are some "reasons" each of us came up with.
NOTE: I'm a HP fan, nothing against Twilight though.

•Edward is hot.
ME: Umm...not really to me...wait..books or movies?
•JK Rowling failed at love.
ME: Lily Evans gave her life for Harry, and lots more.
•It has a love triangle.
ME: Well...HP has love triangles too. Hermione, Lavender, Ron. Harry, Ginny, Cho. Cho, Harry, Cedric. Severus, Lily, James. And LOADS more.
•Harry Potter is only about a fairy tale. It has a boy who raises a stick in the air and never dies.
ME: Well...vampires aren't real either...
•Twilight is too awesome to have reasons why.
ME: Then WHY did you lable that as a reason?
•Twilight is well written.
ME: Umm...SMeyer just takes out the word and puts another way of saying it.
•Renessme is such a creative name!
ME: Umm yeah Reness...HOW THE FREAK ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO SAY THAT!! Anyways...umm....it's neat I guess....they must really love their mothers

Harry Potter
•We already reached 1,000 and Twilight only has 10.
ME: Good job, now take out the repeated reasons and opinions.
•Bella is weak
ME: So? Harry WAS weak.
•Bella is a bad influence.
ME: Oh wow, tell me something I don't know. It's not our fault SMeyer made Edward all hot and good looking in the book.
•The bad guys have a reason to be bad.
ME: I sound like a bad guy for betraying my HP buddies, but...aren't the Volturi there to keep the vampires safe? I know they just sit there, but still...MAYBE no one needed saving. MAYBE, the killers just wanted revenge. Draco and Harry and LOADS more wanted revenge also...
•SMeyer puts details in the sex scenes.
ME: MAYBE it's not appropriate for you then. Put down the book and read HP AGAIN (reading HP and the DH for like th millionth time now) since it's bugging you.
• Twilight is all about sparkling fairies and "shape shifters".
ME: Maybe SMeyer was watching Peter Pan or something and accidently made Edward a Peter Pan for a few seconds, then liked how he was flying so she made him take his "Wendy" (Bella) away.
•Twilight has dumb quotes.
ME: Well...maybe SMeyer isn't a quote person.
•SMeyer writes like a 10 year old.
ME: Not really...When I was 10, my writing looked really bad..
•SMeyer was inspired by a dream.
ME: Good job Meyer. Like I cared about that.
•Stephan King has yet to say Rowling can't write.
ME: Maybe SMeyer was too caught up with making Edward sparkle in the sun. Or how "hot" he was. SMeyer was probably afraid her dream would "slip out of her hand" and then she would forget it so she wrote Twilight before she could get her 15 years of writing practices.

These are only SOME "reasons", I'm not going to do the rest of the reasons. Post whatever you want against what I say, I DO NOT CARE. Even if it is about how stupid my username is or how dumb I seem.
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: IsaBelle@Squidoo
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: IsaBelle@Squidoo
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: American Library Association
added by Luna7
Source: The internet.
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: Summit Entertainment
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
posted by potteralltheway
I have actually read both series and liked Twilight okay, but Harry Potter rules for me!

First, the so often brought up topic... love, or lack thereof. Harry Potter consists of all sorts of love: family, parental, romantic, friend. Twilight consists of pure lust. Now for the evidence! Mrs. Molly Weasley killed Bellatrix Lestrange because Bellatrix nearly killed Ginny, her only daughter. The Weasleys all look out for each other, and even Percy apologized in the seventh book. They joined together in dark times, happy ones, sad ones, and when Fred died. You might say the Cullens show family love....
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I'm going to start doing articles like this because I think it's fun and I just wanna see who thinks one character is better than the other.

Before you guys start, let me tell you my opinion. I think that Bellatrix is the better villan because she's mean, crazy and cruel but also happens to have good fighting skills, even though I hate her for hurting Hermione. She's also not afraid [potterheads correct me if i'm wrong] to kill others. She pretty much has the ultimate personality and guts that Villaness's have.

Those are my opinions. Now... feel free to add yours!! Enjoy:)

Alright, I have already dissected one very common fallacy invoked by some Twilight fans and a few Harry Potter fans as well, the Edward-fallacy. I shall not discuss that one but instead I will be moving on and examine another common fallacy invoked by some fans, using what I believe is the two most common forms of it.


Firstly, let us examine the logical reasoning behind "You are just jealous, therefore your argument is invalid".
It is invoked when any fan post an argument and employes this...
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first off i would like to say that i used to like t but everyone ruined it.

hp is so much better because its about friendship and standing up for your self it shows fear and judement and kind and tenderness which in twilight its just about useing people to benifit you and doin iti mean in twilight, it takes edward and bella what a week to fall in love it takes ron and herimone over 7 years and harry starts to relize he loves ginny after 5 years! and not to mention hp is fun for everyone some people might be afraid of the fact of a man eating vampire watching them not knowing when there going to attack out of hunger. so when you "twilight" fans find some real evidence that twilight has any real moral to it let me know cause i really like to know wat you think. or just comment on this article PEACE, sy-sy
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added by Gred_and_Forge
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