Gossip Girl School Lies Discussion Spoiler

johnsgirlalways posted on Jan 08, 2008 at 05:04AM
This was a really good episode..A lot went on...First off where was Jenny?.....Jenny is an important character that didn't even get a 1 second appearance....And how depressing was it to see Rufus so sad I almost cried...Go Serena and Dan going strong which is always good.But were you surprised it was Serena's key?I know I was......How about Nate risking everything for Blair.If only he knew the truth...Glad to see Chuck back...What were your views of the episode?

Gossip Girl 2 replies

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over a year ago froggy_0202 said…
I knew it was Serena's key. I don't know why Dan didn't see that from the start! She would have talked more about it instead of brushing him off, if it were someone else's key.
over a year ago pandora306 said…
I wonder where Jenny went :/
Serena and Dan are good and I'm glad that Rufus and Lily didn;t spoil them but I feel so sorry for both Rufus and Lily. Neither of them are going to be happy. And considering he wants to date her best friend, Chuck was a bit of an ass to Serena.