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A quick little guide to customizing your poop oot!

What is this pop-out you speak of?

The pop-out button is on the left side of your screen and provides access to your favorite clubs at all times. This way you don't have to go to your profile or use the search to navigate between clubs. HA HA kidding..I know nobody ever uses the search!

May 2011: The pop-out is introduced
May 2011: The pop-out is introduced

By default your poop-out will have your most active clubs displayed for easy access.

My most active clubs- though I am not a fan of all of them
My most active clubs- though I am not a fan of all of them

How are the clubs shown selected?

Your most active clubs are in your pop-oot by default. If you contributed to a club a lot but are no longer a part of it it may still show up in the selection because it's a reflection of your activity on fanpop over a course of time.

How can I customize the pop-oot to suit my needs?

After the feature was introduced our benevolent leaders listened to the people and link made a fantastic editing section on our profiles. Yes, you may prop him for his hard work!

Open the pop-oot and select edit.

Click on the "Shortcut" tab. Click on an empty square and a searchbar (YUCK! SEARCH!! EWWWWW!! Try to stay strong though...) will open. Type in the spot you want to add, click "save" and bingo presto you have added a shortcut to your poop-oot!
If you want the pop-oot to show your most active clubs you can go back to selecting the "most active clubs" tab.
You can also edit your pop-oot on your profile. Click on "Edit Profile" and scroll down to "other settings" where you will find a link taking you to the editing page.

Click on the white square to add a shotcut
Click on the white square to add a shotcut

But how do I remove a club if I no longer want it in my poop-oot?

Click edit, select spot by clicking on the icon, a delete option will appear on your right.Hint: Press delete!

Zis is stoooopid, I don't vont KEIN shortcut und KEIN stoopid poop-oot!

You can deactivate your pop-oot by clicking on the "disable" tab.

If can not see the edit link in your poop-oot try taking cassie-1-2-3's advice:
"If you have too many toolbars on your browser, the edit link won't show because it's pushed down too far. To fix that, press F11 and they'll all go away, do your edit thing, and press F11 again to get them back."
OR you can also edit the settings on your profile.

FUN FACT 1: You can add any club on fanpop even the ones you are not a fan of. I have left some clubs for TV shows cause of the spoiler whores but now with the nifty new poop-oot I can still visit them occasionally withoot having to search.

FUN FACT 2: All settings are saved automatically no need to click save/OK/done or any of that facebook crap!

If you have more questions read link

Oh and speaking of questions: Ever wonder why you don't have that medal you SO TTLY DESRV?
added by PkmnTrainerJ
Source: PkmnTrainerJ/grahamb
Kidding as usual. Actually, it's Sunday and I have some spare time on my hands so I thought I would write up some points I think need changing with the new layoot and I invite you to CONSTRUCTIVELY make your points in the comments. My idea behind this is to have a collection of concerns that we can show the F4. This way instead of ranting and going "OMG I HATE DIS!" we can make ourselves heard. I know the F4 are awesome and have listened to us in the past. Remember the wall debacle? Remember how they changed the layoot after we pointed it oot? Remember how they brought back the forums?

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Hello =)

Sit down, shut up and listen to my (pretty much) unnecessary but still quite fun idea #401.
You may laugh afterwards.
But now...Silence and pay attention!

Disclaimer: Yes I admit it, I didn't come up with this idea on my own, I saw something similar years ago on a german website.

Here we go...
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posted by rileyferguson
Today on June 6th, The Meebo bar was not working. Many fans could not log on and all of them thought that it was a glitch or a fail. But then, according to snakemanfan, Google shut down Meebo permanently to work on Google+. It is totally damn stupid. I know that many people use the meebo bar in order for chatting on Fanpop and other stuff, But this is just sad. Google want to dominate the whole internet. Just because Google+ is being updated just does not mean that you have to shut down the Meebo bar permanently. So today, We have to say our Final Words to the Meebo bar as it shuts down forever.

This will be a really sad thing for users who have used the Meebo Bar. I really do not know if they will replace it or bring it back, But for now, Meebo is gone, Forever. :( :( :(

NOTE: I wrote all of this on my tablet.
Yeah, I know this is kinda lame, but this is all I could think up! :'(

Just go to an article, (or look the person who you want to message up) and click their name near the top. Fanpop will show you their profile page and scroll down until you find the "Message" tab. Click it and ...voila!

Just type your message and send it. If they message you back, your inbox will tell you! Try it!

Sorry if this was lame! :(

But please remember to


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And subscribe!

Have a great day!!!!!!
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