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posted by rusty746454
{i decided to make this after seeing what Lloyd put, also i wanted to show this to people who don't really know me or don't know my full fanpoping time}

awwwwwww........i remember it like it was yesterday. I was bored, myspace never interested me and i had no sports going on at the time.....sooooo what else to do? I decided i would look up some Naruto information {as i did regular} but this time while looking it up i found a website with with a green title. I look at the website and i was dum founded? and with that i got off the website

What? did you think that was it of course not! So again on another boring as hell day i wandered on to the computer. I thought of the little green website and so i begging to type in "" and that my friends is were it all began. I first made my profile and for anyone who doesn't know my first icon was a anbu mask which i had for 3 months. awwww..... i loved fanpop in those days i answered nearly every pick on the naruto spot and for those who don't know me well i never leave a comment that doesn't make you wonder or laugh =]. Deathnote......she was the only person i ever added myself {meaning people add me first, then i add them lol thats why i don't have many fans...only a hundred and eighty-seven} We soon became a unstoppable force. Others joined a long there names were....


Wow its all starting to come back to me just as i write this. They were real fanpopers not the ones who seem to be robotic over time {many of the older users are like that, again not all but most in my opinion}. We were like peanut butter-n-jelly. Of course i was probable the more feisty out of the and deathnote often clashed heads over things. In the biggest debate we every had we had 10 pages full of comments {link to pick-link

I doubt there has ever been a bond of fanpop as close as were =]. Again times were good as they lasted. Then people slowly vanished the first was hellgirl and coolguy. While me a Lloyd kept in touch. I would come to his aid if he ever got in a bit of a pickle, of course i am a bit of a hot head myself so i didn't mind {perfect example was the "new users spot". But probable the saddest for me was Deathnote... she sent me her farewell message...although she hadn't gotten on for a least a month already. I was happy though she informed me of this and through that message i spread the sad word and even after a while my good fried Lloyd despaired.....

But i promised myself one thing! I was not going to sit by and watch the naruto spot fail! and let me tell you this for a while i really did feel like i was talking to myself lol and i did at times think i was going insane....{okay maybe i did a little} but what i thought was "why would anyone want to get on here if it seemed as though no one cared?". So from then on i set my goal! to surpass deathnote as the naruto spot 1 number fan {i am currently mark 5th and it was a lot of hard work} I commented every pick on the spot,rated every video, commented and reply to every article and forum and then....when i felt all hope was somewhat lost...gomilk and giovannimtz came to the rescue! i know it sounds stupid right? but truly if not for them {and especially giovannimtz} i wouldn't have made it this far.

Although the Naruto spot was still slow soooo i decided to join the debate spot. For the reasons i am a hot head and love to fight {as i said in one of my comments on there "i cant loss or accept defeat". Second i a very smart person in politics and at the time it was the big election of "BARACK OBAMA". But i will say this through this spot i built up my hate for "high ranked" or "more popular users" i am not saying i hate all of them but a good part of these people i do. It seems as though they are robotic. Its like talking to someone but you already know what there going to say because....there predictable. I mean seriously every so often i wanted to see some one throw something in there that broke the boundaries or went against the grain. Many people got made or didn't understand the reason i picked certain things....well most of the time i just got worried of it being a one way debate 80% or everyone voting one way. Again there were some good debates but nothing ground breaking! So as many do i fanpop i gentle slipped out of the debate spot and returned to the naruto spot.

As time passed yet again gomilk slowly left. I was tired of it and then i saw the perfect timing! New people were starting to come to the Naruto spot. I saw that the timing couldn't be more perfect. So i began to comment and message more and more interesting things i also messaged these people a lot {which i do with anyone but i was really trying to make this place sound fun}trying to get them to stay more than a week or two. Finally mine and others hard work paid off. I have to give another shout out to giovannimtz really you should add her she's about the best person you can ever meet on here and the on reason i kept my sanity =]. So the newcomers are still here and let me tell you times are great. 6 months ago i always was so exited to get at least 1 message a week and now well i get a little scared of how many messages i get {in the way that i have so many i don't see how i can find the time to reply}. Other great news! Lloyd came back and things were begging to seem like the old days =].

During this time I joined both the bleach and shonen jump spots. I quickly became welcome in the shonen jump spot.....while the bleach i felt the same only i wasn't so up to date on that topic. Although i studied and they helped me out a lot. Finally were i am to day.....awwwww looks around everything is just great....i have joined the fanpop users spot as well but i don't feel very bad there just going to have to deal with me "sticks out tongue". I love you all and even if i didn't include i am sorry i have just so many friend i only added those in the history i remember. I also want to mention hinata1994, hidanfan, uchihamadara, son of pein, naz {although he can be a bit of jerk lol},sirius girl,shortyneme,crazy chocalate......the list goes on} I have so many great memories i couldnt stay awake enough to share them all with you. =]

my goals- to try to become popular without loseing myself in the process. To help the new people and that doesnt mean write a really long boreing forum that you know more than likely 85% of them dont read. Last but not least i want to see the naruto spot become better as time goes on lol i feel connected to it and through my comments i try to let you see how i really am and how i act. I dont make up anything and most of all i am here to make people laugh!!!!! its fanpop not a death chamber!!.......

ps- add any of these people i just mentioned there all great =] also i added this so people could get to know me better on this spot
added by x-missmckena-x
Source: amba mercer royle photography
added by Temptasia
Source: me
added by aholic
added by DrDevience
Source: Lori Leidig
added by PkmnTrainerJ
Source: PkmnTrainerJ
added by Crazy-Chica
I'l tell thee what, I'm sick of this!
I'l tell thee what, I'm sick of this!
Anyone notice the severe amount of hate floating round the site lately?

I have. And it sickens me. I've stayed silent in the past. I've tried to treat other users with respect. I've given people the benefit of the doubt.

No more.

The amount of 'hate' spots, anti-fan spots, picks insulting other users- people, need I remind you that this 'Fan'pop. Look it up in the dictionary. F-A-N. You see the word 'anti' or 'hate' anywhere? I hate Smurfs, do you see me making an Anti-Smurf spot?
I dislike Smurfs, but do you see an Anti-Smurf spot anywhere?
I dislike Smurfs, but do you see an Anti-Smurf spot anywhere?

It has recently tried my patience to the limit....
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posted by caintil31
I joined the ranks back in April. I was just a kid then. A noob, is what some would say. Everything was calm at first but after a few months it got rough. When I joined, we had videos, forums, comments, images, links, and soapboxes. Nothing too fancy. But once the picks came in, it was hell. Users swooped in left and right making picks that were random and completely off topic. I didn't know what to do. It was happening so fast. I got scared so I ran. I was a nobody so no one noticed when I left. I started training so that I could come back and I would be ready.

A few weeks later I was back....
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posted by dazl
This is me, as I appear today
This is me, as I appear today
Many of my soapboxes focus on me, myself and I. Some of you may not enjoy it. Others may find it repetitive. To you, I say, P*** Off. Its cheaper than therapy.

Todays Soapbox contains a little life story:

Be careful of the way you treat others- it could be harmful.

Let me elaborate...

I work as a volunteer youth leader in a small community. We meet every 2nd Friday in a local GAA (Gaelic Athletics Association)hall. The club runs for any 12-18 year olds attending secondary school that are living in the surrounding area.

I came up through the ranks of this austere association. I started at 12 as a...
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added by funnyshawna
Source: me
posted by want2watcheroes
Medal whores are users that use fanpop to get medals, I do love getting medals I have to admit although I don't have many.

I have now changed my attitude towards medals, I used to try to get them but know it is becoming less of an interest to me. This is because of medal whores, some make fake accounts, add unnecessary stuff to spots and then rate there contributions themselves. I think it is very unfair on other users and it use to really annoy me - It still does a bit.

Anyway I know this annoys other users too but just think medal whores are sad enough to make fakes just to get a red dot on...
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added by EverybodyLies
Source: meee
added by ClassicalNadia
Source: Me.
posted by jarik
It's almost Christmas and I want to send out
season's greetings to everyone on my fanlist.
I would love to send greetings to you all
individually but since my fanlist has swollen
to over 200 people that won't be pactical. So
I decided to take the shotgun approach and just
send a blanket season's greetings to everyone on
my fanlist.

In whatever manner you celebrate the season in
your part of the world I hope you all will have a
wonderful time with your families and friends. And that you all be safe during the holidays.

Here's hoping everyone has a grand time and that in the coming year you will all find peace and prosperity in your lives.
Today December 8th at 7:50 pm a beautiful baby girl was born.... her name is Samantha Ann Wilson. We are all very excited to welcome this baby girl and I being one of many babies to mama on fanpop am proud to say I am a big sister now.=)
She came out about 6 pounds and 11 oz. Congradulations mamma to your new bundle of joy! To all that dont know Ciarra she is a great mother and a wonderful person. I give her all the luck in the world and hope to see samantha's picture soon!! Agian congrats and good luck with your new baby girl!!
posted by amazondebs
Tonight a pick was posted that started out as a argument but within the hour it had turned in to a brilliant and hilarious conversation between 6 or so random fan poppers
We talked of pizza and meeting up and how life on fanpop could be more dramatic than any TV show, in fact, I do believe it was the most random conversation ever and even has a equally random pick created about it by miss cinders
where the conversation carried on about where to hold this fanpop meeting where we all eat pizza and some of nosemuffin’s muffins.
Sadly we had to turn the conversation to the above pick and other...
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added by Temptasia
Source: me