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posted by megloveskyle
As many of you may know link is a dedicated member of Fanpop. Myra and I have been fanpopping since May 2007. We became instant BFF the mintue we started. She's a wonderful caring person who has been there for me through fanpop and the outside world. She has become my fanpop sister. She has the wonderful ability to speak her mind. Something I have always admired her for. She is fair, honest, defends herself and friends. It has been a privilege getting to know her through the years. I wrote this article in hopes that some of you who may not like or understand her will get a better idea of who she is. And for the people who already love her a little insight to who she is...

1. Why do you think you are singled out on Fanpop? I`m not too sure what you mean by this but I guess people notice my presence on Fanpop more than other users. I think it has to do with the fact that I am a part of so many spots. I contribute stuff to Fanpop on a daily basis. Users email me every day asking me how I do it. I`ve been devoted to Fanpop since the first day I joined. I love what this site represents. Users also admire my medals, they tell me that all the time. My medals represent my loyalty to Fanpop and the loyalty from my fans. It might not always go my way but that won`t discourage me. I plan on being here for the long haul.

2. What is it like to be the top contributor to A LOT of spots? Honestly I don`t really think about it. It feels good to be able to share what I love and have you guys love it back. It`s a lot of work to add to all the spots I`m part of but I try to.

3. Where did the title "Queen of Fanpop" come from? Wow, I wish I could remember who started that! I know they started calling me that in 2007. I was the top contributor back then too. There were less users on Fanpop so people noticed it more.

4. Do you feel you have an advantage on Fanpop? That`s the most hilarious thing people say here. Trust me, the Fanpop 4 do not favor me. I guess people think that since I speak so freely, I get away with things. There`s a difference between being rude and being blunt and I am the latter. It`s a known fact that people don`t like honesty and I serve them that on a silver platter. I refuse to be fake, especially online.

5. Are you considering leaving Fanpop? Yes. I`ve done a lot for this site already. Some people like me, some don`t and I understand it comes with the territory. I just think Fanpop is really different now. It`s not the close knit family it used be back when I first joined. I`m pretty sure you guys will forget about me when someone else takes my place.

6. What's it like to have so many fans and friends? And please tell us about this Autograph. I think I know who this question is from LMAO! Well it feels great to have so many fans because even though some people don`t like me, I know that so many more people do! There are people who defend me like I`m their sister on here and it`s really sweet.

The autograph thing was something we started on the Leyton spot. A few months back people kept making fake accounts against me. We figured it was because I am so damn popular. So every time someone gives me hell I simply give them link.

7. What is your favorite thing to do when you sign on Fanpop? I check my updates and emails before anything else. The first spot I go to is the Leyton spot. I am truly obsessed with that couple, it`s almost frightening. Then I just randomly browse other spots and look for new things to add.

8. What do you love most about Fanpop? I love being able to create spots. I`ve created nearly 200 spots already. I love being able to share things that no one else knew about before. I love creating music spots because music consumes my soul.

9. How did you come to contribute so much? Why do you do it? And how did you find such great stuff? I basically have like no life LOL! Well if I gave away my secrets then I wouldn`t be the top contributor now would I? I add stuff because I love helping Fanpop grow. When I first joined, no one ever added things. Now so many people share their interests and add stuff all the time. I find great stuff to add because I guess I`m just good on Google LOL!

10. What's it like with all your Fanpop stalkers? This is the scariest thing I`ve ever experienced. I will never be able to wrap my head around it. How can people sit at home and blatantly try to torment someone over the computer? It`s pathetic really. I just never knew I could impact a person`s life so much.

11. Why do you think people consider you "bitchy"? Because I speak my mind without being afraid of the consequences. Just because I don`t sugarcoat what I say, doesn`t mean my statements are bitchy. You shouldn`t have to sacrifice who you are just because somebody else has a problem with it.

12. You have some good friends on fanpop, specially on LLT, why do you think you have become so good friends? Well the LLT is a thread that means so much to me. Those girls are my life on here. They are devoted fans of me and will defend me no matter what. A lot of them look up to me and that`s really flattering. I guess we`re such good friends because we`ve always been genuine with each other.

13. Some of your friends here sometimes wanted to make Myrapop, your thoughts about that? That`s hilarious! I think Laurra came up with that. They were trying to be funny because people kept saying I was their leader and had like connections on Fanpop. I just laugh at it all.

Thanks so much to all my true and loyal fans. Your support means the world to me. I will never forget you guys.

Thanks to link and link for help brainstorming questions.
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Source: A friend's dad
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through fanpop
Not a creature was stirring, not even Ajox.
The buttless chaps were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The fanpopettes were nestled all snug in their spots,
While they had visions of sugar-plums likely caused by pot.
And the F4 in their ‘kerchiefs, and fapoppers feeling smarty,
Had just revved up their brains for a long winter’s party.

When out in the Fanpop Users spot there arose such a clatter,
Papa sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the servers he flew like a hound,
Finding hundreds...
continue reading...
added by pollyloveshouse
Source: Me :)
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A video I made with my friend last year. I'm the one in the hat! Just thought I'd post it up. :D
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Source: Probably my parents
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Source: Me/Health Care for Women
Answer The Questions

(Count how many Pluses you get)

1. Someone uploaded video you like, you...

A. Do Nothing, just watch
B. Rate it (+)
C. Give props (++)
D. Give props, Rate and maybe a comment (+++)

2. A user has made a repeat pick, you...

A. Write a comment telling them how annoyed you are.
B. Write a comment to inform its a repeat and they should delete(+)
C. Send them private mail informing them on it (++)
D. Take the pick, they had a good idea (+++)

3. Why you give props?

A. Never Do
B. If i receive some (+)
C. Sometimes If I Like Something(++)
D. If i recieve, if i like or to make people feel...
continue reading...
added by pollyloveshouse
Source: friend's dad
added by amazondebs
Source: my family who don't want credit