Duncan and Courtney Club
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posted by DxC_lover98

Duncan's P.O.V.

I hate this stupid show.

The stupid polluted food made me sick and now I've been stuck in the stupid infirmiry for...like a week.

I sighed in boredom and gulped down another piece of black licorice. They reminded me of Gwen who was off doing a challenge somewhere. And the Caramels...Courtney, they were the same colour as her hair. Don't ask. I don't know why I still care.

Seven days and I'm still sick,
Need you more than I'll admit
I'm drowning here in a fifth of gin
Now I'm hoping for the best but not holding my breat

I glanced at the mirror hanging in the room. Was Chris purposefully make this room such a dragjust to torture me?!

Was there something that I missed?
Some sort of clue, maybe a hint?
'Cause there's a lack of love that's on your lips

A face suddenly appeared in the mirror. I gaped at it in horror for a moment before quickly turning away. Then I heard her voice.


I frowned discontentedly. This was creepy.

And I can see your face,
In my mirror
Hear your voice,
In my ear
You're everywhere but here

"Hey Duncan," Gwen sudden;y appeared in the doorway. I flinched.
She sat down on the end of my bed. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I lied. "So how was the stupid challenge?" I smirked.
"Well, Courtney's still trying to make us lose, it sucked like basically everything in this crappy show, Cody's still into me and that's about it."
"Who won?"
"We did."
Ah, so I'll probably be voted off for being useless in the challenge. Oh well.
As if reading my thoughts Gwen smiled and told me it was reward challenge.
"Oh." My thoughts drifted, again, to Courtney. Where was she?! Then again she still hated me more than ever so it wasn't likely she'd come visit me. I smirked to myself, but luckily Gwen couldn't read my thoughts as well as I'd thought.

Maybe, baby, You're too Pretty for me
Maybe, baby, you're playing hide-and-go-seek
I'm hoping for the best
'Cause you're so hard to get
I'm not holding my breath,
'Cause you're too pretty for me

Gwen glanced out the door more often and I noticed that she looked a bit restless.
"If you want to go, that's fine." I told her, even though it'd kill me to be left alone here for the rest of the day. "I can cope."
"Oh no, it's not that! It's just...Courtney's really mad at me and I don't think she'll settle for just getting me kicked off." Gwen's eyes turned back to the door, which was half open.

I smirked. You've gotta love Princess. "Yeah, she may be pretty uptight but when it comes to revenge, she'll stop at nothing." Court wasn't that uptight anymore but it was still true. Gwen looked at me in surprise and then her expression changed to distrust, as if she thought I still had feelings for Courtney. Yeah, right!

(Too Pretty for me,
Too Pretty for me)

I sat up and gobbled down another piece of black licorice I'd smuggled from the plane's food stock. Gwen hadn't helped me. I bet I could've gotten Courtney to. Stop thinking about her! She's your ex!

I missed the times before that...

All the days the love we made
Tell me, was it all just fake?
I need to know 'cause my hearts at stake
Now I'm hoping for the best
But not holding my breath

"Well, I should get going."
Gwen sighs and starts to get up. She kisses my cheek. Her eyes are troubled.
"I'd kiss you back but I don't want to get you sick too, Pasty." I ressure her, lying back down. "Sleep well in first class."
"I will," Gwen smiles, the distrsut in her eyes fading. She walked to the door but froze in the doorframe. "And...um...Duncan?"
"Yes Pasty?"
"You'd...uh...tell me if Courtney came in here right?"
"Of course! But why would she want to even think about me if I cheated on her?" I faked confusion. Luckily Gwen was more guliable than Courtney.
"Okay, 'night."

After she leaves I glance back at the mirror, in hopes that it was just a trick of the light earlier, but instead the pretty onyx-eyed, tanned face appears again.

And I can see your face,
In my mirror
Hear your voice,
In my ear
You're everywhere but here

Maybe, baby, You're too pretty for me
Maybe. baby you're playing hide-and-go-seek
I'm hoping for the best,
'Cause you're so hard to get
I'm not holding my breath
'Cause you're too pretty for me

And, I continued my bored candy-eating until I heard the door --closed by Gwen-- creak open. Courtney's head pops out to glance in and when she notices that I'm still awake, she quickly disappears.
"Courtney!" I hissed not wanting to wake anyone up. "What are you doing?!"
"Um, I thought I'd say Hello. Just 'cause I care about...people when they're sick." She narrowed her gorgeous onyx eyes. "No matter how much I hate them."

You had me at hello
And then you let me go
Now every day I wait
Is spent in second place

"Really? You still hate me?"
"How about you get cheated on and we'll see you still love the person."
"Oh? You loved me?"
"No!! And even if I did I wouldn't come to see you."
"Then why are you here?"

And I can see your face
Too pretty for me
Hear your voice
Too pretty for me

"I already told you!" She snapped, but sat on the end of my bad all the same.
Her voice softened. "How are you feeling?"
"Much better, now that you're here." I smirked as she felt my forehead.
"You have a really bad fever, you know that?"
"Yes. Your point?"

Maybe, baby, you're too pretty for me
Maybe, baby, you're playing hide-and-go-seek
I'm hoping for the best
'Cause you're so hard to get
I'm not bholding my breath
'Cause you're too pretty for me

"You could die if you're really sick." Courtney was starting to sound like a little kid now. It was weird, that someone so preppy and smart could sound like that.
"Aw, and you're admitting you missed me!"
"No!" She lied. I could always see through her lying, no matter how good he was at it.

I know you, I know you lie

"Yes you would. You still like me, maybe even love me, no matter how well you hide it."
"No," She scowled.
I smirked and she let out a defeated sigh.
"Fine, I do."
Victory! "Come here, I have a secret to tell you." I beckoned.
Courtney frowned but curled up at my side like she had in TDI, so long ago. What was the Episode called? The Sucky Outdoors?
"I still love you too." I whispered, shocked that I'd told her that and even more shocked that it was true.
Courtney smiled. "Good," She sighed and closed her eyes, looking tired.
I kissed the top of her head and stroked that beautiful caramel hair.
"You know something Court?"
"What?" One of her eyes opened and she stared at me inquiringly.
"You're too pretty for me."

'Cause you're too pretty for me!
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all

Duncan was the only guy who stood by my side through everything. He made me see the truth in life. Bringing joy in my life, he was so sweet. He made everything so wrong seem so right. Making all my dreams come true, I thing a part of me will always love...
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I heard that you're settled down
That you found a girl and you're married now.
I heard that your dreams came true.
Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you.

Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light.

Hearing that you and Gwen are now an item put me to shock. I still can't believe you've left me for her. Devastated and confused, I can't believe you and Gwen are married and you didn't invite me. Your dreams of being a bad boy has now come true, you broke my heart into a million pieces and you never apologised. Gwen gave you things I didn't give to you,...
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After the kiss, I was glad that it was still dark as I felt myself blushing. Courtney and I were still holding each other but were too speechless to talk. We spent most of the night staring at each other. Mesmerized by those onyx eyes. Yet, I don't believe in love, I'm not the guy who instantly transforms into Romeo and writes cheesy poems. But I could not disguise my speeding heartbeats. I knew Courtney felt the same, she was so beautiful. I've never felt this way about a girl before.

"So do you want another kiss," I said. It sounded pathetic but a girl like Courtney can make you feel this...
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Courtney was in her bedroom, combing her long brown hair. Why did the princes didn't want to marry her? what was wrong with her? Was it her phisical appearance? her beliefs? what?

"Ok Courtney, calm down! this is not the end of the world...I'll find a man someday!"

Her servant named Mildred came in...
"Did you called me, your majesty?"
"Yes, I was wondering if you could find a dress...the most beautiful dress you can find!"
"As you wish your majesty" The servant said and walked away.
Now the princes will be on her hand...more than 10 pretenders will come!
"Now I'll have a husband!"Courtney thought...
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posted by JacobDXCfan4eva
The Breakup Makeup Theory Chapter 2

The punching bag knocked into Duncan's fist once again.
    (Conviction Chris Daughtry)
Open up the book you beat me with again.
Read it off one sentence at a time.
I'm tired of all the lines, convictions, and your lies.
What right do you have to point at me?

Now I'm sitting alone thinking about it all over coffee.
Still crowding my space are the things that you still hold against me.
You cannot save me.
“Duncan man stop listening to that song you listen to it every time Courtney upsets you get over her son.” said the bartender Duncan sneered...
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posted by TDILover101
Courtney's POV:I went back in Duncan's rrom and changed into the last piece of clothing I had left in my duffel bag.I t was a short,black dress with black ankle boots.When it was time to leave,it was already 9:00p.m.Duncan and I walked a couple blocks down to the art gallery.We went behind the gallery as Duncan showed me a ladder.

"Ladies first."Duncan said.

I climbed up the ladder with Duncan behind me in case I fell.When I got onto the roof,it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.There were candles everywhere.There was a table set for two as romantic music played from a small radio.Duncan...
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posted by gigglesndlaughs
pov Courtny :
I was in ninth grade when I first relized I was totally madly in love with Duncan. I couldn't beleive it me in love with some big bad boy, but I fell and not only did I fall but I fell hard .But let me tell you how it all started.

So it all started on the first day of High School, I was know as the smart bitchy girl. Yeah maybe I had a little attitude but I was not bitchy. Anyways everyone was always making fun of me,and one day I was at lunch any tipical day but, it wasn't see that day in class I totally told off this one kid and...
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"Y r we doing this again?" asked Geoff. "I mean you dont even like Jazz, none of us."

"I've heard the singer here is amazing. and hot" said trent as he opened the door to the jazz club.

"I dont know y, but i just have this feeling...like something is gonna happen. and i have to see what it is." I said as i enterd the dark nightclub. There was smoke every where.

the room was dark and full of men of all ages. I could hear own yell out something about bringing the hottie out...must be talking about the singer.

We grabbed a table and ordered a round (showing them my fake ide was all...
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Sorry I haven't finished my other stories , they began to feel dull to me. I believe this will be better then the ones i did write.But There Are Some Parts Of The Story That Are Inaproiate For Sexual , Laugage , And Violence.I will try to make Part.1-Part.10 , Enjoy Part.1! :D :D :D :D
(Courtney Side)
I walked out of the door as fast as I could , my first day working as an assisitant was horrible.My boss a.k.a Chris Maclain kept calling me "Wench" and purposly spilling his coffee.But I couldn't complain , besides I have to help Bridgett with...
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posted by sugarsweet076
Tell me if yu guys like it.

We were layin on my bed.I was in his arms with my head on his chest listenin to his heartbeat.

"What are the odds of me kissin you rite now" I raised my head up lookin at him.

"It depends"He held me closer.our lips were a millmeter away.

"Why wont you kiss me....are yu scared?"

"....No" after i said that he kissd me.I pulled away as our eyes were locked on each other.

"...........how did i fell for you?"

"...I can ask you the same thing" we were both breathin heivy.
posted by JacobDXCfan4eva
What Courtney wants to do
What Courtney wants to do
When a Boy Meets a Girl Book:1
    “Gwen you look amazing!” exclaimed Destiny my best friend she turned to me “Courtney what do you think?” As much as I didn’t want to answer I did anyway “Great!” I tried to sound as enthusiastic, I continued to sewing Gwen’s dress.” Two more weeks till the wedding of Gwen and Duncan!!!” exclaimed LaShawna friend of Gwen and another person I could do without seeing it wasn’t what she said that really bothered me it was the way she said it that ticked me off. I sighed trying to concentrate on sewing for the millionth...
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posted by DxCfanlover
When the guys went to the base, everyone went to sleep...except a certainly teal-eyed guy and a onyx-eyed girl.
They sat together on a rock and began talking...
Courtney:What a beautiful night!
Duncan:not as beautiful as you princess
Courtney:*blushing* thanks
Duncan:did you like it?
Duncan:you know...the kiss
Courtney:*thinking*ok you have to do this for the USA and other innocent people that will die with that final attack well...I...I love it
Duncan:same here!
Courtney:so...where are we going tomorrow???
Courtney:what part of Germany? oh, don't tell me we'll go to Berlin ,yeah?
Duncan:You're smart!
Courtney:thanks,don't you think we better sleep now?
Courtney:*walking to the cave*so,goodnight *blews a kiss*
Duncan:good night princess

Sorry for shortness! and sorry if there's any bad spelling!
posted by i_love_music
Gwen didn't know what to do. Trent just kissed her out of nowhere. Was it just because he wanted to comfort her? Or was it because he still had feelings for her? Finally, she decided to kiss him back.
"Umm...Thank you." Gwen said when they were done. She didn't know what else to say. "I feel a bit better now..."
Concerned, Gwen looked over at him. He seemed fine. What's he doing...?
Trent looked over at Gwen, and their eyes met. Gwen's heart skipped a beat again.
"S-sorry...I was just thinking."
"Umm, about what?"
"About..." was all he could say when Courtney suddenly barged in the...
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posted by Courtneyfan101
Lindsay's iTouch
Lindsay's iTouch
Lindsay's POV:I walked with my closest gal pals as we listened to my iTouch.We listened to our favorite song,"When I Grow Up".We walked out of the department store as my cellphone rang.I forgot what song the ringtone was.But it went like this."When I grow up,I want to be famous.I want to be a star." "Helloooo...."I asked."Hey Lindsay!"a voice said."Who is this?"I asked."It's Chris."it said."Who?"I asked."You know,Total Drama Island,the host,of the show.You were on the reality show last summer."Chris said."Ohhhh! That's where I know you from!"I said."Yeah.Listen,I'm having a reunion."he said."Oh!Congratz!Whose your bride?Can I pick out her dress?"I said."No,Lindsay.I'm not getting married.I'm having a reunion for the cast of the show.And I want you to come since you were on the show.It's on the 21st at the island.See ya!"he said and hung up."Who was that?"April asked."Oh,that was Cody and he's getting married and he wants me to come."I said."Cool."she said.
posted by Isabella121797
My P.O.V.
In this story imagine Courtneys hair being longer like down to her back and like a regular human.

Courtney's P.O.V

I was so nervous. Tiffany did a wonderful job. My hair was wavy down a little bit longer than my shoulders but not all the way down my back. She made my lips red and glossy. I looked flawless. Now I slipped into my light pink dress and nude colored heels.

I drove back to my house and waited for Justin...

Duncan's P.O.V

I forgot that I left my wallet at Courtney's house. I was driving in my red mustang when I saw...Justin but he wasnt with Courtney he was with some other girl....
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posted by Isabella121797
Central Park
Central Park
(This is what I wished happened after Greeces Pieces. Warning: Dont get mad if its totally different.)

Courtney's P.O.V.

I woke up in the morning to the sound of the plane landing. Crap! I think. My hair is a mess and my eyes are puffy. I decide I should try a new look. No more good girl. I see my makeup bag I never use and bolt to the bathroom. I put something over the camera so I could change in privacy.

I slip over a white summer dress. Like the one Marylyn Monroe had, except it had pink and orange flowers on it. Then I put on my wedge sandles. I put on something to make the swelling on my...
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posted by sugarsweet076
Its been more then 5 months since we gut baby haley home.We buried baby micheal 2 days after giving birth to him.

"Princess where is haley's chew toy?"

"Chew toy?" i asked


"...babe its in the frezzer and its not a chew toy"

"Then what is it?" he said givin it to haley

"its a toy?" tryin to hide that i dont really know what its really called.



"What was that princess?" he said as he grabbed me in his arms.

"You are so cute" I said smilin

"........you want to make another baby?" he said with a smirk

"....Not now"

"But?" he said playin like he was upset.

"....Duncan we have haley....do...
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Duncan's POV
well today we were going to our first stop. bahamas. my family and I were going to see dolfins upclose. like pet them and interact with them. Izzy was going too. well A friend was going. I picked up my bag full of sun block a hat my cell phone, a DS, and a few other idems. I walked down the gang plank and looked outside. it was nice out. really hot. but nice. my family and I then got on line for our tickets.

Courtney's POV: I woke up. exited. I was going to see dolfins! UP CLOSE! I grabed my hat and shirt. put on some pants and grabed my bag. I had my cell phone, camra (unneeded...
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(this is loosly based on a cruse I just got back from today)

Courtney's POV: I walked on the ship. my brown hair waved in the sea wind. I could not wait. me, my mom, and my dad got on a very nice ship. This was going to be so fun!!!!!!!

Duncan's POV: Me and my big brother along with our mom and dad got on the ship. I looked around. there was nothing much. we walked by all the stuff and got to our room. not toooo big. just a room. no windows or anything, just a few beds and a tv with like 5 channls. "so much for TV." I said "OH come on!" my mom said "This will be fun!" "Ya righ!" I ansered.

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posted by crazy-yanu
Punto de vista de Duncan

Duncan fue total Drama Jumbo Jet reflexionar sobre lo que había ocurrido hace unas horas , el hecho de que Courtney había abandonado el programa simplemente porque no podía soportar estar con él y Gwen no lo dejó de tormento , es decir, habían pasado muchas cosas, pero siempre había vuelto a estar juntos .

But this time was different, the he had committed the error of confusing to Courtney with Gothic and have discovered, all he did was being carried away by the time, destroying the heart of his dream, leave it like a fool on national television, and worst of...
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