Duncan and Courtney Club
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***Before I start I just want to say that I'm sorry this took so long!!!! I was on vacation & then I started working on something else and....you get the point. This is dedicated to Summerjoy11, dxcfan14, lolbarbie, BrpRulz, Taraisawesome, Ashyroxsox, & Courtneyfan101. Anyway here it it...***

Heather's P.O.V.

"How about this one?" Courtney asked, pointing into a pale grey cave.
"I don't know...it looks pretty dark in there." I commented.
Duncan frowned and pulled out his lighter and flicked it on.
"Okay fine! As long as there are no bats in there." I followed them inside cauitously. Courtney looked pretty scared too; she was gripping Duncan's arm tightly. He smirked down at her and she let go at once.
When no bats or other animals crawled out from the shadows Courtney finally spoke.
"So, we need a fire, food, water, and some blankets would be nice. Heather can you get the firewood? And if you happen to find anything to eat that'd be great. Duncan, - I can't believe I'm asking you to do this - but can you steal some blankets? I think there's a village down there. I'll gaurd camp since I can't do much." She indicated to her twisted ankle. We nodded and raced off leaving her alone and umprotected in the cave.

I hiked up the mountains, gathering sticks along the way.
"Hello. Heather, isn't it?"
I turned as a voice adressed me. Alejandro.
"What do you want?!" I snapped.
"I just haven't properly met you yet." He smiled charmingly. I narrowed my eyes.
"That doesn't work on me you know. You can't just expect me to fall for you because you think you're cute."
"I'm rather handsome actually." He grinned again.
"Ugh." I groaned and stromed away. Luckliy he had enough sense to know not to follow me. I sighed in relief. Wait, was that a blueberry bush over there?

Courtney's P.O.V.

I sat boredly in the cavew waiting for them to return. Two minutes after Duncan left he had come back and gave me his lighter. I guess he expected Heather to beat him back or he thought it could protect me.

I crawled out from the cave. Behind it was a cluster of assorted bushes. Most of them looked poisonous but I recognised blackberry and rasberry. I carefully plucked some twigs from the random bushes and, using my CIT training, started to make a basket.

I was almost done weaving when Heather came.
"Hello? Courtney?" She paused at the entrance of the cave waiting for an answer.
I couldn't answer because I was eating some of the rasberries as I worked.
"Courtney?! COURTNEY!" She screamed in frighth as I swallowed.
"Heather! I'm right here!" I called.
"Oh." She dumped a pile of sticks in front of me. "Here's the firewood. Oh good a basket! I found some blueberries back there. Okay, bye!" Heather took off with the basket. I frowned and extracted more twigs from the bushes to make another one. Once I finished I dragged the sticks in the cave and built the fire and lit it. Yeah, for someone who is crippled I was sure doing a lot of work.
I limped back to the bushes to pick berries with the second basket I'd made that day.

Gwen's P.O.V.

Where is he!?! Where did those devils take him!? Urgh, if I get my hands on one of them I am totally strangling them!!!!! Stealing him form me. Underhanded, devious, two-faced little-
I broke off from my thoughts as a twig snapped in the distance. I'd already come across that Tamara girl and she'd run away screaming. Why? What was wrong? I pondered, frozen to the spot waiting for the branch-snapper. Lindsay stepped out of the trees.
"Hey Gwen. Do you know where Ale-Ahhhhh!!!!!!!" She cut herself off with a scream as she looked at my face. I watched as she raced away. I frowned. There was a river nearby, maybe I could see my reflection in that. I waded into the water and almost screamed when I saw my appearance. My hair was all messed up but I didn't care about that. What scared me was my expression. It was the one of a complete psycho, derranged face, bloodshot, baggy eyes.
I jumped back from the water and scurried up the hill. I needed to get up to the caves for the challenge anyway.

The whole way up the two sides of my brain were arguing with each other.
How could he do this to you?! The more elegant half of my mind asked in anger and disbelief.
Go get revenge then stupid! Go kill the girls that stood in the way of your hookup! Yes I love revenge! The bloodthirsty half screamed.
That's so harsh! I can't do that! Besides he likes them doesn't he? I can't do that.
With them out of the way you'll spend more time with him. That's what you want isn't it?
All is far in love and war.
Don't use my words against me!
I was starting to get a headache.
"Guys, just SHUT UP!" I screamed. It's not like there was anything I could do about it anyway. Unless I actually listened to one of them. But there was no way I'd find them. Little miss CIT probably got them lost anyway.

Duncan's P.O.V.

I trudged back up to the cave with a backpack full of blankets and waterbottles as well as some cupcakes. Yeah, some guy caught me trying to steal the balnkets and gave me all this stuff. I guess he thought I was poor. It kinda wrecked the whole fun of stealing everything but I got more than I would have so I guess Princess is kinda right; stealing isn't right.
What is wrong with you Duncan?! Do you suddenly have brain damage?!
I shook my thoughts away when I reached the cave. Inside a fire was burning heartily and Courtney was sitting beside it with a basket full of berries.
"So you didn't get eaten by a bear." I replied and sat beside her.
"Oh, hahaha. You're so funny." She glared at me with the last two words.
I smirked and took a handful of the rasberries and blackberries in the basket.
"Did you get the blankets?" She asked impaitently.
I pulled out the bag. "And water and cupcakes." I paused. "Where's Heather?"
"She came by a few hours ago and stole my basket then she went off to pick some blueberries." Courtney explained, taking one of the waterbottles and a cupcake.
The sun sank behind the hills.
"Aw, I love the sunset." Courtney commented, gazing at it fondly.
"Yeah, it is kinda pretty I guess."
"What could be more beautiful than the sunset?" She asked, shooting me a quizzical look.
"You." I smirked.
"Thanks." She smiled deviously. Then Heather ran in panting.
"Whoa, Heather what happened? Are you okay?!"
"Kangaroos." She gasped. "Chased me."
"Seriously?" I laughed. "Kangaroos?"
"Not funny." Heather growled.
I kept laughing. I could just picture Chris seeing this. Hey where was the hiden camera anyway?
"Hey Court, did you find the camera yet?"
"What camera?"
"The camera filming all ths! They must ahve hidden them everywhere! Where is it!"
"Um...I don't know. Does it really matter? They need one to record the whole show. Don't you want to be on TV?" Courtney looked sort of confused.
"Yes it matters!" The whole world could have seen me acting sappy for a second there in the sunset. If I found the camera I could delete it and maybe all the other...No the other moments I'd had with Courtney ahd probably already been aired. Probably even the one on the yacht. Crap.
"You can get it tommorow. I'm tired." Heather complained and snatched one of the blankets from my bag and found a spot to sleep.
Courtney shot me a what-is-wrong-with-you? look and made herself a bed.
I sighed. I should probably just forget about it. It wasn't like I was going to find the thing anyway.

"Good morning."
My eyes snapped open. Oh. It was just Courtney. I glanced outside; the sun was just barely rising. So it was what, 5:00 in the morning?!
"Why did you wake me up so early?!"
"We have work to do, come on." She grabbed my arm and tried to pull me up.
I groaned and rolled over.
"Duncan, seriously wake up." Heather was kneeling on my other side now.
"Fine!" I snapped but mainly because I couldn't avoid both of them at the same time.
"Good." Courtney smirked. That wasn't like her. Weird....
"Ugh, Finally!" Heather complained.
I frowned at her. "What kind of labour are you two forcing me into now?"
Courtney thrust a bucket in my arms. "Go get more water. The water bottles are empty. "
I glanced reluctantly down at the bucket full of water bottles.
"Fine." I grumbled and started to trudge out of the cave.
"Oh and Duncan," Courtney called after me. I paused to hear her words.
"Don't forget to be back before 7:00!"
I groaned in disappointment and left.

Courtney's P.O.V.

"Ah, finally he's gone. I can't believe we had to drink all that water to make him leave." I complained.
"Ugh, yeah." Heather agreed with a groan.
"So who are you crushing on?" I quizzed her, sounding like one of those annoying stereo-type popular girls playing truth or dare.
"No one. Why?" She glared at me in suspicion.
"Really? Because I've seen the look before."
"What look?" Heather examined me with narrowed eyes.
"The look of someone in love." I smiled dreamily, lost in thought.
"Oh because I know you've done it so many times for Duncan." She snorted.
I frowned. "Tell me who it is!" I persisted.
"Admit it."
"I have nothing to admit!"
"You love Duncan."
"Oh, is that all you've got? So what? Everyone already knows that."
"The old Courtney would have denied it."
"Stop changing the subject!" I retorted. "I know you like someone so just tell me who it is!"
"Forget this!" Heather leapt to her feet and stormed away to the back of the cave. She paused. "Oh look I found Duncan's camera."
"Seriously?" I got up too and trailed over to her.
Heather nodded and pointed to a small black video camera hidden in a crevice of the cave wall.
"Wow. So maybe they did hide them everywhere after all. After TDI we shouldn't have put it past them."
"Oh yeah and that's how we all found out about you and Duncan's make out session first season."
I rolled my eyes. "Just because you're jealous that you have no-"
"Excuse me?!" Heather cut me off.
I frowned but didn't bring the subject back up. "Wait, so this means he doesn't need Bree and Tamara as spies."
"No Chris is probably bringing them onto the show now." Heather rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Ugh, this is Sierra all over again!"
"I hate Sierra. She's so annoying and knows everything about you and keeps butting in on your personal life-"
"Ugh, I know right? We should get rid off her when we're done with Gwen."
"Agreed." Then I remembered the topic she was avoiding. "So who do you like?"
Heather groaned.

Duncan's P.O.V.

I can't. Believe. They're making me. Get water. At 5:00 in the morning.

I grumbled to myself as I trudged up the hill. And who did she think she was ordering me around like that?!
I almost laughed. You were the one who asked her to be like this.
Hopefully Everything would go back to the way it was in TDI. But unfortunately people changed.
I smirked. I'd done a pretty good job of changing Courtney back though.
Finally I reached the stream and filled the water bottles with it.
Wait, I'd gotten these last night. How were they done already?! I hadn't even drank a whole bottle of it. What were they up to?

What if they were trying to keep something from me? I abandoned the bucket and raced back to the cave.

I burst through the cave entrance and first noticed Courtney and Heather wrestling on the cave floor. It looked pretty intense. Courtney was yanking Heather's hair as they fought and Heather was digging her nails into Princess's arms.
"What are you two doing?"
They immediately let go of each other and stared at me in shock. Almost as one they both jumped to their feet and stared at me.
"Nothing." They mumbled in unison.
"So that explains why you were both fighting on the floor."
They both dusted themselves off and turned back to me offering hopeful smiles.
Then Courtney noticed I had neglected to bring the water.
"Where's our water?!"
"Um....I was chased by a bear and had to leave them behind so I could outrun it?" I lied.
"Duncan, there are no bears in Australia." Courtney reminded me with a frown of disappointment.
"Oh. Um..."
"And you wouldn't have run away if there was one." Heather studied me with an identical scowl to Courtney's.
"You know what, I think I'll go get the water now. Bye!" I raced away without a second thought and took as much time as possible to get the water bottles. The creek was 45 minutes away anyway. And if I walked extra slowly....

By the time i got back it was 11. Heather and Courtney seemed to have fixed there little... - argument? - and were now regarding me with cold expressions.
"Why'd come back early?" Courtney questioned icily.
"Well I figured you two were up to something. So why were you fighting?"
"We had a little ...disagreement...on something we didn't want you to hear." Heather explained without emotion.
I decided they weren't going to tell me what was up so I left with the parting words:"Have fun with your disagreements."

I darted away and after I'd put a few miles between myself and my - cave-mates? - I sat down to think on a large rock overlooking the ocean.

It was beautiful really. Courtney would have liked it. I swallowed as I thought her name. Can you go three seconds without thinking about her?!
No, not really.
I sighed and watched a snake slither by. If it had been bigger it would have looked like the one Courtney tripped over.

Okay you know what?! SHUT UP!!!

I yelled at my thoughts and tried to just sit on the rock and watch. Which was of course, completely boring. How do girls stand it?!

I got up and walked away. Maybe I'd find the other groups or something. Suddenly something attacked me and my mind blacked out.
Warning, the following fanfic contains scenes of extreme mushyness and slight swearing. Do not IM the fangirl who's writing this to bitch and complain about how she likes DxC and that she wrote swear words in a fanfic, seriously she can REALLY mess you up *chuckles*

“Welcome to TDA: Behind the scenes with Geoff ,”
“And Bridgette, reporting from the set of TDA: Aftermath” Geoff and Bridgette exclaimed with glee
“For our next few episodes, we'll be focusing on two special contestants that are currently competing in Total Drama Action, a fan favourite couple, Duncan and Courtney!”...
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Duncan is sweatin and he turns red. "You do?" He pulls on his collar to show it getting hot out there.

"Yes" Courtney drops her head."You WERE cheating on me with Gwen while I was gone and are too much of a wimp to break up with me!" She screams holding one fist to her side while the other hand pointed at Duncan. He stares at her bewilidered.

Duncan: She thinks I cheated on her with Gwen! How could she think that? Gwen and I are just friends! Even ask her! I gotta straighten things out with Courtney.

"Princess..." Duncan was interrupted. "Don't you 'princess' me! And don't give...
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You all know how Duncan and Courtney met, and you all know how they were seperated, and then brought together again in Total Drama Action. That was only when they were sixteen. But about three years later, (when they were nineteen,) their futures were quite different. Here is the untold story. Courtney was stll they goody-goody "princess" with a dark side.She lived in a beautiful condo with a lake view. By now she was in a good college becoming.....A FASHION DESIGNER!! Because after the summer she met Duncan, she realised she needed let herself enjoy life like she would have with Duncan. She...
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I'm re-nameing the serise "Through her eyes", parts 1,2 and 3 are all on the TDI spot. And along with these I'm going to write "TDA behind the Sceans with Geoff and Bridgette" which will be a fanfic continuation of an artical if at the bottom of the page says (Next artical will be a TDA Behind the Sceans with Geoff and Bridgette)

I woke up extremely excited and happy. I mean, common who wouldn't be excited about having the chance to win a million bucks,again? I had packed the night before, everything that I needed was folded and packed neatly into my suitcases. Chris's agent called and said...
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posted by dxcfan
"Er, Where is she?"Jasper had ask Lauren.

She shrugged as she dragged a full male buck inside the cave."I don't know, ask Sarah, Courtney always tells her everything."She suggested, as she began to suck the warm juicy blood out of the tamed animal.

Jasper marched outside were Sarah was hanging from a tree."Sarah, where's Courtney."Jasper asked again.

She flopped off and in front of her. She walked right pass her."3, 2, 1..."

Courtney than arrived in a flash. Her dark red dress was ruffled up a little and she had some leaves in her hair."Hey, sorry I was late, I had to teach a little mountain lion...
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posted by Lollipop97
Okay, first i'm gonna say thanks to everyone who commented my stories (OMG deja vu!) And this is some kinda random storie i wrote, cuz i was watchig MTV Disaster Date, and i thought it could be a good Oneshot! And Total Drama series never happend!

So, here we goes. . .

Goeff's POV

Hi my name is Geoff, and my best friend send me on a horrible date with a girl, who hated to party and only thought of work and studying, so today i'm gonna sent him on a disater date, and he do'nt know i'm gonna trick him.

Duncan hates girl who:

Are preppy, and loves to...
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Okay, first i'm gonna say, thanks to dXcFan14 for the FANTASTIC idea, and all the credit is going to her, cuz i would'nt be able to write this story without her :-) Ad TDI, TDA and TDWT never happend!

Duncan's POV

"Hey dude, geuss what? I'm throwing party tonight, and you're invited!" my best friend yelled from across the street.

"Okay, but do'nt you throw a party almost everynight?" i asked.

"Yesh but that's not the point! Wanna come or not?"

"Maybe, i'll come if i have time for it, okay?"

"Sure, see ya!" he said and ran of. He was probably going...
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Courtney's POV

I sat in Duncan's car, looking out from the tinted windows.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"Nothing special, it's just that, i'm gonna leave tommorow" i said.

"Well, if i change your mind, then you can find me and some of my friends in the pub" he said.

"Okay, bt what's the name of the pub?"

"Fox and Hounds" (Okay, that's th name of a pub in my town, so i decided to name the pub that)

"Okay." i said, and continued looking out from the window.


Bridette's POV

And there was Geoff. I could see it was him, cuz he made his way to me, and his...
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posted by dxcfan
Is it wrong to fall in love with the wrong type of person? Is love even a word, or is it a made of vocablary used to define someone's unbelieveable passion for somebody. My farther always said to find a nice young lady, who I have to protected, and care for. But what if it turn around?

What if the lady is stronger than you? What if she's faster, or smarter than you? What if she wants to feed on you?

Could you really go that far to be with her? I mean my town, hunts there kind, to make sure there is none left standing.

When your in this kind of situation, who can stand by you love....or your people.....
posted by dxcfan
Okay, this might be a little sad. So enjoy the short little story I'm producing. I'm also adding the song Tear Drops on my Guitar By Taylor Swift.

All thought about was him. All I wanted was him, but I knew would never have him.Drew, looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see.

I couldn't come to the point to express what I wanted, because I was afraid what others might think. And here, I watch as another girl sucks his lips with her's.That I want and I'm needing...everything that we should be.

All I knew was that she had him and I didn't.I bet she's...
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A gasp comes from the doorway.
“Okay then, well we are going to look at her charts… and if we think we need to then we will prep Courtney for an emergency C-section in about an hour” and with that the nurse leaves the room and in walk our friends.

“I’m so sorry!” I cry out again to Duncan. “I had no idea….I haven’t gained any weight or anything….”

“It’s okay honey” he says as he calms me down.

“When were you to going to tell us you guys were sleeping with each other?” asks Bridgette.

“Dude, why didn’t you tell me you guys were going out?” asks Geoff

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posted by totaldrama1
Duncan's POV: Today was the last day of school and I was going to Vegas with Courtney, Geoff, and Bridgette. I was packing my clothes when my phone went off.




"Hello?" I said into the phone. "Hey Duncan! I'm ready to go." "Alright well can you meet me at the airport?" "OK, bye Duncan." "Bye Princess. I love you." "I love you too bye."

At the airport

"Courtney! I'm over here!" I said seeing her looking for me. "Hey!" she said hugging me. "Ready to go get on our plane?" "Yep. We just have to wait for Geoff and Bridge." We waited another five minutes and we saw them. "Over here." me...
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Courtneys pov...................

Duncan are you ok i went straight to him.he wasnt breathing help because chris just crashed his car right on dumcan "dude are you ok" what type of question is that he cant speek his knocked out. im so putting a lawsuit on him

they took duncan to the ambulence took him to the closest japanese hospital. i was going to see how duncan was feeling and when i walked in gwen was sittin there right next to him.i couldnt beleive after every thing i did to help him gwen just has the nerve to just go there and sit with him like thats here boyfriend

Duncan pov..................
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posted by Ashyroxsox
Courtney's POV

"Don't forget to buy the sparklers Courtney!" My mom yelled at me while I went out to buy groceries and fireworks for the block party tonight.

"Stupid block party" I muttered under my breath. Every year my family lines up a block party. It would be fun, if there was someone my age on my street.

Instead I have to babysit runny-nosed 3 year olds. What a fun forth of July AGAIN!

First I bought the groceries and then I headed to go buy the fireworks. I was complaining to myself the whole time.

Duncan's POV

"Duncan we are going to a block party tonight, your coming!" My mom told me I was sitting on my bed carving another skull.

"Why can't I go out?" I asked "I don't want a repeat of last year!" My mom said "But it was fun! How was I supposed to know they where illegal!" I whined to my mom.

"Duncan your coming and that's final!"My mom stated and walked out the door. "Fine!" I yelled, I so wasn't looking forward to tonight.

Next part block party!
posted by dXcFan14

"Are you serious?! What the heck is a hug fest, anyway?" I asked my blonde bombshell of a best mate, Geoff.

"Dude, Bridge is gonna be there" he replied enthusiastically.

"And, whats in it for me?" I looked boredly at him.

"Court is gonna be there" he gave me a knowing smile.

He knew that I liked her. It was true that I liked her, heck, I maybe even loved her. She was fun to tease and hang around with. And besides, she was very hot.

"Cool, lets go!" I answered, almost as excitedly as Geoff.

"Dude, my man, you got it bad for her" he smirked.

"You say that like its a bad thing," I smirked back...
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so here I am packing all my stuff to go to LA,California! ough! I dont get why my parents send me to Los Angeles when I already had my plans. In my plans I will go to College in Ingland and I already had the money to buy the passage but no! my parents want me to go to California.
Is not that I hate California... is just that I have already be there a lot of times and now its kinda boring. I want to experience new adventures, meet new countries, learn new cultures.
oh well... I cant do anything to change the plans. My parents already buy the passage to California and I already have...
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posted by Lollipop97
Duncan's POV

I opend my front door, and saw Courtny stan there, dripping, and wet.

"Princess, why are you so wet?"

"Uhm, if you can't see it, it's raining outside. Would you mind if i come in?"

"Uhm, no, just come on in!"

She walked past me, and her eyes widend.

"Duncan, i've never seen your house befor! It's so amazing and beautiful."

"Not near as much as you are."

She slightly blushed, as i slihgtly(sp?) touched her chin.

She sat down on her couch, and i asked if she wanted some hot choclate (it was December, and the snow had just started to fall, and the entire city was covered in white snowflakes,...
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-Duncan's P.O.V-

"Hey Dunk" Gwen greeted me casually.

"Hey Gwen, you ok?" I asked.

"No, not really" she looked saddened.

"Why, whats wrong?" I asked, sitting up.

"Courtney. Thats what" she suddenly looked at me, really strangely.

"What did Princess do this time?" I smirked.

Suddenly, Gwen started to advance towards me.

"She's got you trapped Duncan" she looked hungrily at me, "I can free you, if you want"

"What?! But I lo-" she cut me off in a kiss.

I quickly pushed her off and stalked away.

Her kiss... it was worse than when I kissed that girl with garlic breath.

And that was nasty!

"Wait, Duncan... I...
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This song I had held in my drafts for about....4 mouths, it was suppose to be a song that express my passionate love for Duncan and Courtney. The tone of sing kinda sounds like the song "You are not alone" By Micheal Jackson.
I hope you like it!

Love always comes

First Verse
You think that we are lost
But I here to help you
So that we're aren't confused

Love has ways to speak
In ways haven't seen
Just don't hold back
And wait for you to see...

Love Always comes
Love is always here
Maybe not the same
But love always came....

Cause love always comes...

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When an land has been taken over by vampires. A girl who wants nothing more than the love she could never have. A boy who has problems staying away from his love, who wants to kill him.

When a town huts the vampire girl and plans to kill her. Only one guy has the power to.....Save...them.....all...


"Uh oh"

Basically, Courtney's sister of vampires comes to a little town, that is filled with vampire killers. She and her sisters hide in a cave behind a water fall, and they feed on people at night.....

When Duncan goes hunting he spots her and soonly falls in love with her.

The town find out and plan to kill them all. And he saves her and yadda yadda yadda.

When I write the story I'll write the story, but I can't you all the details, if I do, I should just change the title to "BloodLust......SPOILER!". So in a couple of days I'll start. this is just a sneak peek on what's going to happen.

So(clears throat)....BloodLust.....Coming soon...