Duncan and Courtney Club
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posted by rubberduck2
ok so i got really really bored...nothin on tv, no one on fanpop so i decided to write this, this is my first fanfiction EVER so tell me watcha think k here goes nothin:

Duncans POV:

I woke up on Geoffs couch with a major headache,
I looked around and the place was trashed with toilet paper hanging down from the chandelier, and empty cups spread throughout the room. I didnt know why I couldnt remeber anything from last night...that was until i saw the giant pile of empty beer bottles at my feet. I slowly got up and ran my hands through my hair.
"Hey Malibu whats for breakfast?" I yelled out. There was no response.

"Malibu...? Okay fine BRIDGETTE, wheres the breakfast?" Still nothing. I figured she didnt hear considering Geoff and Bridgettes house was HUGE, they could afford it because of all of the surf competitions they won.

"Fine...I'll just make myself some cereal!" I looked around the pantry and they had nothing in it. I figured it was empty because the animals at the party grabbed any food in site.

"Great now I actually have to go out for food, which means getting dressed, brushing my teeth blah blah blah," I thought out loud.

"Hey Geoff? Can I borrow your car? Great thanks!" Considering they didnt respond to ANY of my talking I assumed they were pretty wiped out from the party. I thought that unitl I saw a note they left that said they went out for some errands. I didnt remeber anything from the party all I recall is some girl who was desperatly draping herself over me. Ive hooked up with tons of girls but none of them meant anything, there was only one girl that ever meant anything to me...and that was Courtney. I havent seen her since she broke up with me because she had to go overseas to Oxford University. Her breaking up with me was devastating I just never admited it.


"Hey babe" I said happily as i hugged Courtney and spun her around.

"Duncan...put me down I have something to tell you" She sighed.

I was starting to get worried, ever since I hugged her tightly in the episode "If you cant Take the heat" of that stupid torture show Total Drama Island, my hugs almost always cheered her up.

"Whats wrong?"

She took in a deep breath "Well Duncan I was accpeted into Oxford," She said sadly.

"What are you sad about this is great news!" I said confused.

"Duncan, dont you get it? That means Ill be all the way in England,"

"Oh..." I said realizing why this was bad news. "Well we could always have a long distance relationship, that would work out wouldnt it?" I said taking out my secret weapon, puppy dog eyes.

"No, it wouldnt I love you so much but being that far away for that long, not knowing if youve moved on or anything like that would be to much too bear so Duncan we have to break up,"

"Princess, sweetie, honey I would never ever cheat on you, you know that" I said as I lightly held her hands.

She started tearing up, which never happened to Princess, she was one tough chick.
"Im sorry Duncan I cant take that chance, I will always love you but, I have to leave, I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you more than you will ever know, are you sure you want to do this I'm sure theres a solution to this," I was getting desperate I didnt want my relationship with Princess to end.

"Duncan, stop your making this harder than it has to be. Goodbye,"

"Bye forever?"

"Maybe not forever but for a while so please Duncan just let me go,"

I took in a huge breath, "Fine if this is what you want, but before you go could I just have one last kiss?" I wanted to be able to savor the magic of her kisses.

"No, it would only making saying bye harder than it already is, I cant go over this anymore Im going to be late for my flight, bye Duncan." She tore our hands apart and walked away.

I fell to my knees and watched as the one girl I ever cared about left me alone, heartbroken.
*Flashback ended*

Courtney leaving devasted me, I never admited it though not even to Geoff, my best buddy, the guy whose house I always crashed at. I finally arrived at a little bagel shop, which was actually very far from Goeff and Bridges house. I got in line and ordered a giant box of bagels, a mans gotta eat. As I was leaving the store, I saw a girl with medium length mocha hair sitting at a table. I could only see the back of her head but I thought for sure it would be my Princess. I walked over to her table and i smoothly said, "Hey sweetheart, youve got some beautiful hair,"

I couldnt get myself to look her in the eyes, so I still didnt know if it was Courtney but I would know for sure it was Courtney if she responded with one of her classic comebacks.

"Pig." the girl said.

I excitedly looked up but my smile fell when I saw it wasnt her,"Oh sorry miss, I thought you were someone else." I took the long trip back to Bridgette and Geoffs house with a heart even more broken up then before.

Courtneys POV:

I entered the waiting Lobby of the Toronto Airport and saw Bridgette and Geoff, yelling my name and jumping up and down excitedly. Its been six months since I saw them last, but Ive called Bridge every week. Ive been so caught up in my studies I never had a chance to come back and visit but their my best friends I had to come back eventually.

"Hey Court, I'm so glad you could take a break from your studies to come all the way over here to see us," Bridge said happily.

"Aw no problem guys, there was no way I could live without seeing you guys again...Geoff!" I said as I hugged Geoff eagerly.

"Hey Mocha, long time no see," Geoff said as he returned the hug.

"So um last time i checked your house was giant so can I crash there?"

"Oh yeah sure but wont it be awkward cuz Dun-" Geoff tried to say but Birdgette covered his mouth.

"Ummmm becuase...I dunno if you would rather stay in the guest house?" Bridgette said slightly confused.

"Oh! I remeber when you guys first started working on the guest house before I left, I would love to stay there!" I said eagerly

"Great! Now just give me a moment with Geoff. Come on honey." She said as she dragged Geoff to a corner of the airport.

"Hey why didnt you tell Mocha, that Duncan, ya know Mochas ex, lives with us?" Geoff asked.

"Because Duncan has been in a worse state than normal, he chases after girls with brown hair to see if its Court, he gets drunk almost every night that way he doesnt have to deal with the pain, and when Court calls she always tells me she doesnt miss Duncan, but I can hear something in her voice, I can tell shes lying so..."


"So we're getting them back togther one way or another." Bridgette said with a smirk.

K it was kinda long but the title will make more sense as the story goes so please give me feedback thanks :)
posted by sugarsweet076
"Dunacn i love you" I said with a smile on my face finally thinkin he would say it to me since its my birthday.

"Yup" He kissed me then walked off to his class.


"Whats up court?" askes gwen

"Duncan wont say he loves me too....its IRKING ME"

"well maybe he doesnt"

"gwne shut the hell up ok! you just like him thats why you always want me to break up with him"

"no im dating trent again so shut your mouth bitch!"

"Gwen im not in a great mood so im warning you walk away now or im kicking your ass!"

I turned away seeing her run away.That dumb bitch!

After getting my stuff out of my locker i...
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~in science class~
Courtney's POV
it all started when Mrs. Coleman said, "we have a new student in school! his name is Duncan Myers." really? two last names? besides, he looks vulger and rebellious she said, "Duncan, you can sit next to Courtney Courtez" WHAT!? then she said, "Courtney? can you please show him where you sit?" i stand up. Duncan walks over to me. i say to him, "Just so we're clear, i take my work VERY seriously. ok? so no funny business." he rolls his eyes at me and says, "ok. sure. whatever you say princess." Duncan sits down. I've known him for, like, 30 seconds and is is already...
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Courtney P.O.V.

It's been a week since I meet that devil Duncan,Ugh!He is so...so...whatever!Anyways I was at the mall with my friends Bridgette,Leshawna, and Trent.

Leshawna:Where were you last week?
Bridgette:Your mom kept calling you.
Courtney:Oh,well...I was nowhere that's all
Leshawna:You met a boy!
Trent:I have no idea were this is going.
Bridgette:What's his name?Is he cute?What kind of angel is he?

The last thing Bridgette ask kinda scared me,I mean how am I gonna tell my friends that Duncan's not an angel.

Courtney:He is not...
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posted by NoahxCourtney77
Okso, we had to write like a story type thing or basicly whatever for ACA and my paper ended up about DxC. Coicidence? No!!< 3333 Okso, here it is;

Their love was unexpected.
It was different.
But so where they.
She was succesful at everything.
He got in trouble with everything.
But difference is hard.
Their ending was harder.
It wasnt a good ending.
But all good things, must come to an end.
Was it written in the stars?
Were they paying for some crime?
Is that all they were good for?
Was it Gods experiment?
People say stuff like this is for the best.
But how?
Colors fade.
Love should not.
Especilay their love.
But difference, what brought them togeither,
Tore them apart.

It was supposed to be DxC. Please tell me what you think!!< 333 :D And yes, that one part was based of the song Written In The Stars from the musical Aida.
posted by PeaceLover543
Courtney’s POV: I sat up straight in my homeroom classroom as the teacher, Mr. Lanier, explained information about the field trip. Surprisingly, it’s really cheap ($100.00). I know that doesn’t sound cheap but we’re going to Africa so it is really cheap when you think about it.
“Now you all have to have your money by Thursday. And don’t forget to pack due to we will be gone for 2 weeks.” Mr. Lanier said.
The bell rang as it was time to go home. I walked down the street toward my house. Then I felt something tap my shoulder as I turned around but saw nothing. I looked the other...
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Duncan’s POV: I couldn’t believe that I was gonna go out on a date with a Day Trotter. No one can know.
“Why are you acting so weird Duncan?”Geoff asked.
“I’m not acting weird. Why are you acting weird?”I asked.
“Can you keep a secret?”Geoff asked.
“Yeah.”I said worriedly.
“I’m going out on a date with a Day Trotter.”Geoff said.
“Can you keep a secret?”I asked.
“Yeah.”Geoff said.
“Me too.”I said.
“Cool, whose the lucky lady?”Geoff asked.
“You know that brunette that we were hanging out with today?”I asked.
“Cool. I’m going out with the blonde.”Geoff...
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posted by reyfan01
Okay I know I haven't written anything in a long while but that's becaues my computer would always freeze when I get on this site! Just now I see that my laptop still can reach this site. And I continued my MY FAKE FIANCE DXC STORY and I worked real hard on it. I'd like to continue but I'd like some feedback. And so far no one has.

As for my Aladdin story I've kinda lost interest in it. I only put it up because most people chose that one. But I never got into it.

Oh and please review this
posted by crystalpotato
Courtney's POV

I laid down In my bed thinking about what Duncan said. Was someone really trying to kill me. I'm a lawyer that gets criminals OUT of jail. Why would any be trying to kill me?

Devon: hey beautiful.

Courtney: huh? Oh hi baby.

Devon: are you okay your heads has been in the clouds lately.

Courtney: I saw a guy I knew in the county jail. He said somethings and.... You know what never mind. Let's talk about the wedding.

Devon: ok. Oh that reminds me. I found this new designer who said that he'll design you a wedding dress for free. And he wants to meet you.

Courtney: honey I know you...
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added by dxcfan
To me, best video ever. Love Courtney's evil smirk.
posted by TDILover101
Duncan's POV:The next morning,I woke up with Courtney still on my lap.I could hear her heartbeat she was so close.It was music to my ears.I love her so much but I don't know if she feels the same way about me,or at least like me as a friend.

{Courtney's Dream}
"Duncan!No!Don't leave me like this!"I yelled at the top of my lungs.
Duncan still didn't answer.
"Duncan!I love you!"I screamed but Duncan didn't seem to hear.
{End of Courtney's Dream}
Courtney's POV:I woke up on Duncan's lap as he helf me in his strong arms.I gasped fro a quick breath of air as Duncan asked,"Are you okay,Courtney?"

I smiled....
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posted by TDILover101
Courtney’s POV: I woke up the next morning still in Duncan’s room. I got out of bed and brushed my hair out before walking into the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and saw Duncan making breakfast. I sat down on the couch and watched Duncan cook.
“I never knew you could cook.”I said.
“I learned.” he said.
“You.”Duncan said.
I didn’t know what he was talking about for a second. But then I remembered the time on the island when we had to make desert together.
“Why are you being so nice to me?”I asked.
“Do you want me to treat you like gum on the bottom of my shoe instead?”Duncan...
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posted by bluejeans28
Courtney's POV:

"I can't believe I have to be married to this idiot." I said to my best friend Bridgette as we got out of her car.

"Hey," she grabbed my shoulders "1.5 million dollars." I nodded. I pushed the button to my 'husbands' apartment. Bridgette got the video camera ready. I cleared my throat.

"Hi, honey, it's me Courtney. Can I come up?" I said in a sweet voice but I had a tough time calling him honey. That's what I used to call mason.

"Come on up, uh, Princess." The door opened but before Duncan let him finger off the button I heard him laugh at what he called me.

I got to the top of...
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posted by crystalpotato
Re cap. I originally ment for this to be a one shot of a story. Since I introduced it in an apology article for not writing any story's lately. But since I've sensed people have become interested in it I will make It a series. If you have no idea what I'm talking about then stop reading this and go back to my articles then on the second or third page of articles I have there's an article called I'm so sorry. Read the mini article than come back here and read the actual story. I hope you like it enjoy

Cortneys POV

I'm so so happy today. I just won a major murder case. Yes yes I'm a lawer. A...
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posted by JuviePrincess
Okay guys, I'm new to Fan Pop, this is my first "article", and I really like writing. So I was thinking of starting to write some fan fiction series. I just don't know how to start! :/ Bad, right? I have some ideas and I'd REALLY appreciate it if you guys could help me out! I'm gonna give you a list of Ideas and a little description. PLEASE COMMENT on the ideas you like, then if they get enough I'll start writing! By the way I'm a HUGE DxC, TxG, and BxG fan (original right?) and I just love their relationships!! THANKS!!

Here it is! (yeah, i know you've heard some of these before...but they...
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It has been a long week. Getting used to getting a tail whenever you get wet is hard. I also found out if your a mermaid even in human form you look better to the other gender. I had five invites to the big dance in two weeks and between briget and I we have more coming. On top of that I can't go to the bathroom in school because then I need to wash my hands. If I do that POP! Long tail. *puff*
I met Briget,Jeff, and Duncan on the island today. WE splashed around and had fun till briget found out somthing. She put her hand out to skim the serface of the clear water when it froze over. She jumped (witch is hard to do when your legs are frozen in ice)and withdrew her hand tightening it into a tight fist. "CooooooooooL!" said Geff. Great! more getting used to.

sorry it short. gotta go to a consert. bye! :D
posted by tdilovestories

they are going to send me home today and courtney is coming to watch me at my house while my parents go to work....now is my chance to tell her....


i dont know why im letting myself do this...i mean watching him all day...being at his house again...i dont know wht im thinking!


my dad helped me into bed and courtney is sitting in my chair looking at me...


Courtney: "ys duncan?"

"can you come here?"

she looked a little worried

Courtney: "what is it...are u okay? do i need to call ur dr?"

"no..no im fine..i just...lay down with me. please"

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posted by tdilovestories
Duncan's POV:

I set there listening to Courtney tell me why i ended our realationship and i still didnt understand. how could i have done something so stupied as to let go of her?

COurtney;s POV:

"but dont worry Duncan, i know u r confused right now so i'll do whatever u need me 2 until u remember again."

Duncan: "i love you"

"you dont remember.....maybe i should leave"

Duncan: "please DONT! i dont want you to leave me alone..."

he looked so scared and confused and hurt and alone (even though his parents were right outside the door)

"okay Duncan i'll stay until visiting hours r over."

and so...
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did anyone read part three? cause I got no comments on it. if you did read it tell me.

I turned around to see Duncan and buddy Geff looking at us. "what are you doing her?" he asked again. "we kind of got stranded here," I said making a silent promess with briget not to tell anyone about this "problem" we had gatten ourselfs into. "stranded hu?" asked duncan who looked at Jeff. I could tell that look ment somthing but I did not know what. "wait," I said ",How did YOU get here." They exchanged a glance the I knew ment eather "what do we say", "we're...
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posted by fly210
I was swimming. my long hair bobbing up and down and brushing my tan face. My eyes wide open. I could stay down here forever. My tail was long and pink and it trailed behind me. It too seemed to bob up and down like my hair expresing the fun as if juming for joy. But then I needed air. I swam to the serface of the pool in my backyard and took off my tail. "How do ya like my new mermaid tail?" I asked my friend briget who was about to jump in to the pool herself. "It's great courtney," she said. "How did you get the fabric?" "my mom knows I like mermaids so she got it for me. I cut it and stiched...
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posted by bluejeans28
Courtney's POV:

"More importantly, your honor, my client only knew Miss. Pierce for four hours before they got..." Geoff looked at me and said, "got married. Three and a half of which was spent in complete confusion.
"Hmmmm," said the judge. He looked at me and replied, "You, other one, do you have any evidence that you both knowingly entered this marriage and prove this is not just a scam."
I stood and said, "Umm lets see would a note do?" I held up a napkin that Duncan had left the morning after we got married that said 'Duncan + Courtney 4ever' on it.
"It's a start." the judge said as I...
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