Duncan and Courtney Club
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Rated M

Chapter 7: Melting

Courtney woke up feeling numb to the bone. Her muscles felt like jelly while her legs and vulva felt sore. Duncan had her back firmly pressed against his chest with one hand resting on her breast. She felt so warm and heavenly being held in his arms, she couldn't even believe she was here. She was sure this had to be some kind of crazy dream, how could it get any better?

"Morning sunshine."

Courtney automatically smiled as she moved against him lovingly. She could only hum in response too tired to use her voice. Duncan buried his face in her hair and softly rubbed the side of her waist. After last night he suddenly saw her being so fragile and thought at any moment he might break her. When his finger brushed across her hipbone he noticed she twitched uncomfortably. He immediately lifted the covers and quickly noticed the bruises that covered her soft delicate skin.

Had he done that? Guilt washed over him as he realized he had been far too rough with her. This was after all her first time and he should've had the good graces of being a little gentle.

Courtney, who had been resting nicely, suddenly felt Duncan's body tense up and draw away from her. She turned on her back to look at him, he looked ashamed.

"What's wrong?"

He looked down at her apologetically. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

She knitted her eyebrows together not knowing what he meant. Sure she was sore, but she didn't expect anything less after last night. "Duncan I'm fine, it's natural for the first time to be a little painful."

Duncan continued to look down at the bruises on her hips which got Courtney's attention as well. She only rolled her eyes at them. "I've had worse."

Duncan shot her an astonished look. "Yeah but I don't ever want to hurt you."

Courtney snorted at him amused. "Like you could ever hurt me," she cooed placing a hand on his cheek. "Duncan I'm fine, if I thought you had been trying to hurt me I would've stopped you."

Duncan wanted to come up with a good argument but couldn't find one. She had a good point; if she had wanted him to stop she would've kicked him right where it hurts like she usually did. None the less, he placed a soft and tender kiss over her bruised hips while she ran her finger through his messy Mohawk. He stopped short of her navel when she started giggling.

"What?" he asked poking his head up.

Courtney shook her head and continued to giggle. "Have you seen your back?"

Duncan wasn't sure what she meant until his fingers grazed over a few cuts on his upper back. "Damn princess, maybe you should've been Catwoman for the super hero challenge."

"Catwoman was more of a criminal than a hero."

Duncan rolled his eyes and groaned at her. "Please tell me you're not turning into a dork."

Courtney only bit her bottom lip playfully and inspected her nails. "Don't worry I'll cut them so I won't hurt you next time."

Duncan took her hand in his and caressed her fingers. "Next time huh?" he asked looking at her happily while she blushed. "Don't cut them; I finally have battle scars I can be damn proud of."

Courtney scoffed as she pulled the covers tighter around her naked body. "Is that what sex is between us, a battle?"

Duncan shrugged as he continued to entwine his fingers with hers. "Well we sure have been playing an odd game of cat and mouse for a long time. Looks like the cat won," Duncan said victoriously. He started kissing the digits of her fingers until Courtney pinched his lips to make him stop.

"And by won, I think you're referring to me correct?" asked Courtney testing him.

Duncan figured she would want to claim the win. It didn't really matter either way. Last night they had both won the grand prize. Instead of answering her he freed his lips of her hold and trapped her index finger inside his mouth.

Courtney huffed out a breath of air as Duncan shamelessly started sucking on her finger. She had to admit the oddness of her finger being in his mouth was sensually arousing. Just having his mouth wrapped around her little finger reminded her of where his mouth felt good in other places.

Before she even knew what she was doing, Courtney had propped herself up on her elbows letting the sheets fall from her naked breasts, and started begging Duncan's mouth to kiss her own. Duncan was startled by her aggression. Usually he started things and took over from there, but he could tell from the urgency in her kisses that she was going to be the one in charge today.

She held him right up against the bareness of her chest as she continued to kiss him feverishly. She inhaled deeply feeling her breasts graze against the hardness of his chest. Enjoying the sensation she continued to rub her chest against his, already feeling the pool of heat making its way down her center. Each little touch Duncan applied had her moaning, after last night her entire body was super sensitive. Duncan took note of her delicate situation and tried to be as gentle as possible.

He was already growing hard and had to grab a fistful of her hair just to stop himself from ramming into her. Courtney however wasn't taking anything lightly as she moved her kisses along his ear, jaw line, and down to his neck. Duncan couldn't take it anymore and pushed her down into the covers roughly. Courtney gazed at him lustfully as Duncan prepared to move into her, before he could however, Courtney took his engorged erection in her hands and began to move them teasingly.

"Courtney…" Duncan gasped out desperately. She squeezed him once to silence him. He was at her mercy.

"I know you're not thinking about doing that right now," she chided. "I'm still sore, so it's only fair to make you feel the same," she replied evilly running a finger nail along the tip of his erection.

Duncan's muscle quivered as she continued to run her hands up and down his shaft. Courtney soon had him sitting on his knees as she rose to greet him, her lips just centimeters from his. "I want to have fun," she whispered pushing him down on his back and straddling his leg. She was so close to his manhood that Duncan just wanted to grab her and plunge right into heaven. Courtney however, asserted her dominance as she firmly pinned him down and moved her hand to his erection and began tugging and rubbing hastily.

Duncan closed his eyes and let himself get lost in her touch, he groaned loudly when she moved to his balls, still moving swiftly enough to keep him hard but not fast enough to satisfy him completely. He made the mistake of grabbing her wrist to pull her forward. Courtney snatched his wrist and pinned it above his head tightly. Duncan, who wasn't used to being manhandled, was quickly becoming more and more aroused.

Courtney worked her hands at a slower pace which caused Duncan to buck his hips impatiently. She quickly squeezed harder to get him to behave. Duncan had to grind his teeth together as the preload of his excitement was forced back down by Courtney's grip. She wasn't fooling around, she was on top.

The torment of her fluid touch continued for what felt like hours to Duncan. He started sweating as his muscles continued to go taunt and stiff. Every so often he would try to make a grab for her but each time she would slap his bare chest with enough force to leave her print. When she wasn't touching his manhood with both hands, one hand would be caressing other parts of his body softly and lovingly. What truly had Duncan at her will were her eyes. She never took her eyes away from him and it made him feel smaller in strength. Courtney was building him up so much that his body wasn't able to relax, it needed more.

"Court…" Duncan gasped out weakly. Both of them were surprised by the sound of his voice, desperate. "Please Court, I need you to… oh god." Courtney smiled slyly as she moved her tongue over the top of his erection.

"Wow Duncan, I don't think I've ever heard you say please while sounding so desperate at the same time," she teased bringing the head of his shaft against her tongue again. It felt good to have him begging for a change, no wonder he enjoyed doing it to her so much. Courtney could get use to this.

Duncan growled. "Courtney please!" he practically shouted. He was aroused to the point of pain and needed her to finish it before he lost consciousness. He really did like the torture, but his body was giving out. Duncan couldn't believe how good she was at this.

Courtney slapped his chest again which emitted a moan from Duncan. She moved her face closer, dragging her lips across his. "Please what?" She asked in a tone demanding respect.

Duncan shivered as his manhood throbbed in anticipation. With his pride forgotten he begged Courtney, "Please make me cum- oh fuck!"

Courtney quickly took him in her mouth, glad that he had finally been taken down to her level of need. She didn't torture him this time and worked to bring him release as soon as possible. It didn't take long for his erection to start pulsating against her tongue and his release to go pouring in her mouth.

Duncan let a strangled moan escape his throat as he came hard and fast. It shocked him how much he had released and he became concerned for his health when his vision went blurry and his body continued to spasm. But as soon as his head went into the pure blissful haziness that it had experienced last night, he managed to relax.

Courtney tenderly kissed his forehead as she waited for his body to stop shaking. Duncan wrapped his limp arms around her and held her close as he recovered.

"Damn princess… I thought you killed me there for a second," he said seriously.

Courtney looked at him; both overcome with a sense of victory and as sense of shock. "You aren't just saying that to make me feel good are you?"

Duncan chuckled, feeling the blood pump in his head. "Trust me princess. A guy doesn't have to lie about sex. I don't think any other girl could make me feel like…ah." Duncan went faint with another layer of pleasure rolling off him.

It was as if Courtney could sense his satisfaction, and that feeling brought a comforting calm over her. As if she could do no wrong with Duncan and could finally be free with him.

She was about to say something until Lindsey's horrible singing voice came ringing from outside.

Duncan covered his ears and cringed. "Seriously?" he asked feeling the sweet moment die.

Courtney shuttered as Lindsey's high pitched voice broke off key. She nuzzled Duncan's neck already feeling annoyed. "Today's going to be a long day."

Owen was back! Courtney couldn't believe it.

She honestly didn't have anything against the big oaf. She only voted him off because he had technically coasted them the challenge when she returned. His appetite was going to do nothing but hold everyone back. She had heard on the Aftermath that Owen had been doing fine. Now it seemed he was back to pay off some cheese cellar his family impulsively bought.

Courtney pushed her annoyance aside; she didn't believe he would win twice in a row anyway. She wanted to win far too much to just let Owens come-back throw her off her game.

Speaking of game, Courtney's brain was far from it. All she could think about was last night and how badly she wanted to relive it again and again. Her agitation stemmed from a whole other source and she had Duncan to blame for that. Why did he have to be so damn hot this morning? Why had he made himself even more appealing to her! Why the hell couldn't they just take a five minute break so she could push him up against a wall and-

"Courtney!" snapped Chris.

Courtney blinked a few times. "Huh?"

"Pay attention."

Courtney blushed as Duncan snickered beside her and bumped her shoulder playfully. Her thoughts were written all over her face. She sneered at him, fully blaming him for her lack of attention.

She recovered pouring out everything in the guitar challenge. It started simple enough until her thoughts started getting lost again. His kisses, his strokes, his…. "Damn."

She played harder as her memory came back in one violent fury. She pushed that emotion into her playing and found herself doing things she never thought she could do. She was playing behind her back, with her teeth and down on her knees.

Duncan meanwhile had this morning on his mind and decided to strum to the same pace Courtney had been strumming him along with. He played painfully slow throwing in a high note every so often. He was actually surprised how good the both of them sounded together.

As the song came to an end he remembered just how hard he came and smashed his guitar in one swift swing.

Courtney immediately blew up as soon as Chris announced Duncan winner. "Watch and learn, baby doll. Maybe one day you'll be able to rock as hard as me."

Now Courtney was really flustered. How dare this guy act so egotistical when just a few minutes ago he had been putty in her hands? She knew exactly why, he had been satisfied this morning and she was now having to wait it out to have her turn. He was rubbing it in her face.

Courtney, with guitar in hand, swung right in the very area she had pleased earlier. Duncan screamed out in pain nearly falling to his knees. "That hard enough, Baby doll?" she asked sending her message through loud and clear.

She tried not to let it bother her, it was after all just a stupid cardboard cut-out. Yet Courtney felt bugged by Duncan's showing off during the challenge. Flipping off photographers was one thing, but to write his number down on the cardboard groupie meant he was deliberately trying to get under her skin again. She was surprised he could still even stand after taking a solid guitar straight to his loins. The guy just never gave up.

She didn't either.

She didn't care if Lindsey had extra time to wreck this place. She was going to guarantee there was nothing left for the girl left to destroy, she was also going to show Duncan who was really "bad."

Duncan hadn't even noticed the evil glimmer in Courtney's eyes. He was having fun doing what came best to him, destroying stuff. There was no doubt in his mind that he was going to score major points in this part of the challenge. Just as he turned around, he had to duck before the large piece of furniture flying at him took off his head!

"What the…"

He glanced over to see a raving lunatic destroying everything in sight with an iron fist. He was a little scared; he was even more terrified when he realized the raging lunatic was Courtney.

Yet somehow through all the destructive violence she was emitting he couldn't help but notice an incredibly hot chick. She was fired up and it absolutely set his blood on fire. There was nothing left of the room in matter of seconds, shards of glass and splintered furniture laid all around her, and he was so turned on.

"You're cute when you're mad."

Courtney huffed as she let herself in their trailer and attempted to slam the door in Duncan's face only to have him catch it mid way.

"And Lindsey voting herself off! I mean you have to admit that just creates a whole other category of stupidity." Duncan didn't feel bad for Lindsey at all, he knew she was plotting to vote him off and felt she deserved letting her stupidity getting her kicked off

Courtney ignored Duncan as she started quickly dressing into her night wear, too quickly for Duncan to even get a glimpse. She continued to keep her head high as she moved over to the mirror and started brushing her hair.

Duncan arched an eyebrow at her attitude. He never always knew what she was mad about, but he did know that it was always his fault.

"Ok princess, I'm sorry."

Courtney slammed her brush down and stared at him through the mirror. "Do you even know what you're apologizing for?"

Duncan wore a blank face while searching for an answer in his brain.

"Ugh!" yelled Courtney now turning around to him. "First you distract me during the game, then you make fun of me, then you try making me jealous by writing you number on that stupid cardboard cut-out! And now you have the audacity to act like everything's alright?"

Duncan just stared at her confused. "Remind me again what I did wrong, because from what I'm hearing you're the one who has the problems and needs to get laid."

Courtney's cheeks went bright red before she picked up a bottle of her lotion and aimed for Duncan's head. Duncan ducked just in time to hear the glass bottle shatter behind him. "Jesus Christ woman! What is wrong with you?"

Courtney answered by throwing her make-up mirror at him, again Duncan avoided danger and watched as the little mirror smashed into shards. "Courtney!" he yelled trying to get her to stop. It didn't work.

She continued throwing various items at him, nailing him a couple times. "I do not serve to your needs!" She yelled still throwing things at him, most of them shattering against the walls in a violent burst.

"I never asked you to!" yelled Duncan finally grabbing her wrists and struggling to hold her.

"Then why are you constantly bringing it up!" She grunted freeing an arm and bringing him in a head lock.

"Because-I-I-lo-love you…" chocked out Duncan picking her up and throwing her on the bed, "Is that so wrong, that I want to have sex with the girl I love?"

Courtney started tackling him again but Duncan managed to pin her down into the sheets and pillows. "You just want to be pleased again like this morning."

Duncan rolled his eyes. She thought he was going to try to take advantage of their sex life and completely forget about her needs. 'Damn woman and her assumptions!'

Duncan finally let go of her and stood back holding up his hands in surrender. Courtney just looked at him confused. "Ok first of all, I didn't ask you to do what you did this morning," said Duncan. "Second of all, I'm not looking to only please myself. I'm here at your every call, your majesty," added Duncan bowing dramatically.

Courtney huffed out a pint of air and shook her head at him. She didn't feel like being wooed or courted. She had too much pent up emotion for that and finally decided what it was she wanted. She forcefully threw a pillow at his head and looked at him daringly. "I don't want you to be nice, I want you to fight with me!"

Duncan didn't understand her until he noticed the crazed lustful look in her eyes. She wanted a challenge, she wanted to get physical on a whole other level. His blood immediately pumped up ready to take his prey. Seems their games of cat and mouse still weren't over yet. "You really think you can win sweetheart?" he asked low and gravely.

Courtney's entire body awoke as she readily invited Duncan's approach. "Bring it on you little punk."

Duncan quickly grabbed her ankles and dragged her body right under his. Courtney pushed his chest away from hers while her legs wrapped around his abdomen and flipped him over. She quickly straddled him and tugged at his shirt only to have Duncan lift the both of them up. Courtney kept her hold tight as Duncan tried shaking her off. He swiftly moved to the floor trying to pin her, accidently grabbing the strap of her top and tearing it. Courtney's mouth fell open as her top started to fall off exposing her bare chest.

Courtney placed her knees under Duncan's chest and grabbed the hem of his shirt. She pushed him off of her with her knees and took his shirt as he rolled away. Now that Duncan was on his back she made a move for his pants, she managed to unbutton and unzip him before he flipped her over again. He tore away the rest of her top and firmly pinned her arms above her head.

Courtney still had an ace up her sleeve, and used her feet to push off his pants along with his boxers. Duncan tried to wriggle away from her but she only brought her body closer to his and locked her ankles around his lower back. Now he was completely naked.

She smiled victoriously at him. "I win."

Duncan smirked at her as he reached for her shorts and defiantly ripped them to shreds.

"Duncan! You ripped my night clothes. Now I have nothing to sleep in," she pouted.

He looked at her smugly before replying. "I win."

Before she could say another word he reached over to his pants, took out a new condom and placed her right leg over his shoulder plunging into her deeply after securing the protection. Courtney felt no pain what so ever, and arched her back into the sweet rhythm Duncan had already set. Unlike before were there was tension, she now melted into the act smoothly.

Duncan thrust in deeper making her gasp and bring her hands up against his chest to support herself. She whimpered when he fully removed himself and lightly brushed his lips against hers. She looked up at him with glazy eyes unable to speak. Duncan continued to shower her in kisses as his hands roamed over her body, the tip of his erection resting against the soft folds of her womanhood.

Courtney panted trying to bring him in again only to have Duncan pull away teasingly. She glared at him pleadingly. He only smiled and let one hand caress her between her legs. Courtney shuddered unable to keep her eyes open. "Oh god, you're driving me crazy."

That was all Duncan needed to hear to thrust back into her and ride them both through their climax. When it ended Courtney glanced around the room realizing how badly they trashed it. She smiled proudly of their handy work hoping the damages would be taken out of Chris's budget.

The rest of the night was spent on the floor. Perhaps next time they would make it to the bed.
THIS IS A MOVIE FICTION OF BILLY MADISON, It will be based off of Billy Madison, but it will not be exactly like it. Okay people? TRUST ME this will be funny!
Duncan Madison is a spoiled, rich boy. And seriously is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
No one knows how he could have possibly finished High school.
Duncan's P.O.V
I woke up next to the pool. I had way to much stuff to drink earlier..."Hey..Geoff....Owen...I was supposed to do somthin important today..." I said slowly and drunkenly. Geoff woke up and said just as drunk "You never could do anything...
continue reading...
posted by tdilovestories

user: BeachBabe987

sex: female

relationship: dating

blog #: 6

title: girls.....help!

Hey, im writing this on here bc i know you all weill c this right away and im affraid to call our txt for fear of G seeing it......

im late


D'sPrincess4ever: On my way

BlackKitten123: Me 2

BeachBabe987: hurry!

SexyGirl666: thats what you get for F ing ur boyfriend all the time

ParisHotty: Ur one to talk......ud sleep with anything that pays high enough!

SexyGirl666: HEY!

NaughtyLibrarian: shes right....we all know you would
posted by Courtneyfan101
Duncan`s POV:What was she getting all excited about for?It was just a dumb pasture.What does she want to show me?Courtney hopped the fence like it was nothing."C'mon!"she called.I hopped the fence as well and looked at what Courtney was looking at."It`s horses!"she said."And?"I asked."It`s home to me."Courtney said."Pick one."she said."That one."I said pointing to a dark brown staillion."Cool.I got that one."Courtney said walking to a big black mare.I ran toward the horse I chose when Courtney yelled at me."Duncan!No!Stop!" "What?"I asked stopping.Courtney came over on the mare like she didn`t...
continue reading...
A/N: Part one is a one-shot, but I made this a series. Enjoy! :3 Critim is welcomed!

Courtney's POV: "I'm going to call him!...No I'm not..Yes I am..No...Yes" Courtney paced the floor of her small creme bedroom. "Why did I agree to call him?...Why do I still have his number?...Why didn't I get a restraining order?...I'm going to call him! Right now yes!!" Courtney walked over to her cell phone, she stopped in mid way, her small hand hovering above her blackberry. "...No I'm not" Courtney was about to argue with herself when her door was opened. "Courtney," Her mother groaned rubbing the sleep...
continue reading...
I thought about how i could get princess the whole day.When i thought of the perfect plan..but i needed everyone's help.

"Ok guys one more time then we can quit"

"Duncan dude..we've been at this for three hours now..if you want courtney back you can get her back you're self"

"Goeff you can't walk out because you help jake get into her life..gwen..you are me best friend you need to help me...princess..you are my..PRINCESS"

"Hey Duncan" she said with a small smile.

"What are you doing here?"

"Gwen called me and Bridgette kind of dragged me over here so..yea..I'm here"

They all left and left me and princess...
continue reading...
posted by DXCLOVER97
This chapter is the most IMPORTANT chapter of all.
Why? Just read.
Duncan's POV

It was time for the 'Big Showcase' and the crowd was huge! I saw Logan all ready to go at the
judges' table. But where is Mocha? Somebody tapped on my shoulder.
If that is Gwen, I am gonna- I turned to see Mocha. "Oh hi Mocha." I said smiling.
"Hey dude, you're up next." she said smiling back. She, then, left to go somewhere else.
She is great


I'm not! She's just...interesting.

Yeah right....

I ignored my inner voice and went to the stage to sing.

(AN: Again, I'm...
continue reading...
posted by fly210
Courtney's POV: I was on top of the water fall just looking down when my friend bokora came and tolled me I had to get back to the little town we call home. I jumped off the water fall and landed in the cool clear water of the river. I looked at my friend now wet as a fish and giggled.


Me and bokora walked to the town of wood and skin huts and hot there just in time to see my father come in with the rest of the men. My father's name is kakaumtee. He is our chif. ME? I will be the next chif. Ghantoo came out of the boat and stood next to my father.

Ghantoo:You wanted me sir?
Kakaumtee:yes,I want you and courtney to be wed.

What? I had to be with him the rest of my life? I can't do that! I don't want to be with.....HIM!!
Then we heard a sound far away of things being cut down. All of the people ran but me I got my bow and arrow and went out looking for what had made the sound.
Courtneys POV
I do!!!!!!!!
Narrators POV:
All most every thing was set Courtney was with Bridget picking out a dress and Duncan was picking out a tux with Geoff.
Courtneys POV:
Bridget Im so nervis.
Bridgets POV:
Courtney just relax you look fine.
Courtneys POV:
Do you really think so.
I do really so how about we get something to eat Im sarving.
Courtneys POV:
Me to lets go eat at buger king.
Narrators POV:
Wale Courtney and Bridget were eating they heard a huge crash.Then they heard this is an armmed robbery give me all your money that mean you to also. Then a second man came in and poined a gun at them.

Will Courtney and Bridget be all right why am I asking you these questions? Find out next time until then good bye.
Courney POV:
Where am I who are you people why am I here? Where is Duncan?
Docters POV:
Your boy friend is well.......hurt severly I dont think he is going make it Im sorry mis Flower...
Courtney POV:
Dont give me that crap I want to see him NOW!!!!
Narrator POV:
Courtney is rushed in to see Duncan laying there with a gash on his side and looked so helpless Courtney thought to her self this man who stood up for me cant even stand up. Courtney wanted to go and love him to death but she couldnt move

To be continude
Courtney's POV: I smiled at myself in the mirror. I was having a perfect day. It was my wedding day, I looked gorgeous, and I was still sad. I dried my face some more. My face was all red because I had been crying. I missed Duncan. I wanted him to be the man I was marrying, not Justin. I do love Justin, but I'm in love with Duncan. All of a sudden I heard the music come on that signaled me to walk down the isle. I wish Duncan would come through the door and say "Don't go I love you and I want to marry you." I was so stupid to tell him that I hated him. He just made me so mad. I wish I would've...
continue reading...
posted by Courtneyfan101
Courtney`s POV:I was slowly waking up when I heard the hotel phone ring."Hello?"I said into the phone waiting for a response."This is your wake up call."a man said."Thanks.Have a nice day."I said hanging up the phone.I sat up and rubbed my eyes to see clearer.I got up,took a shower,got dressed,brushed my teeth,and ate breakfast.i went downstairs to the lounge.No people screaming.Cool.A peaceful morning.I miss those mornings.I arrived at the lounge and saw Joe enjoying a mug of coffee."Good morning Joe."I said."Morning Ms.Stone.That coffee there is yours."Joe said."Thank you.Oh man.I forgot...
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I`m so sorry for not updating earylier!!!!!! School is just out to get me! Homework is unbelieveable!!!!!!!But anyway,this one goes out to 30degrees cause she got the question right!!But I am soooo sorry!!!!!!!

Courtney`s POV:"Hey."a voice said.I spun around frightened.The voice was a boy.Not like a 9 years old,a teenage boy,around my age,17.He has a green mowhawkand the rest of his hair is black.A black shirt with a skull on it,red converse,navy blue pants,piercings,and blue eyes.Wow.I`ve never seen eyes that clear and blue.Teal,blue eyes,they look good on him."Hi.I`m Courtney."I said."Duncan.So...
continue reading...

Did you

Let me down


Did I

Ever do wrong

When I look at your eyes

It makes me cry

When I look at your smile

It makes me die

You and your

Teal blue eyes

We were fine

We had fun

Together forever

Then left me

All alone

To be with her

When I look at your eyes

It makes me cry

When I look at your smile

It makes me die

You and your

Teal blue eyes

What I did wrong

Why am I singing this song

Why did you leave me all alone.....

When I look at your eyes

It makes me cry

When I look at your smile

It makes me die

You and your

Teal blue

You and your

Teal blue

You and your

Teal blue eyes
posted by HelloStephie
a duncan and courtney only story. (dxC)                                    Chapt. One

    So I watch helplessly as my BFF and my crush held hands down the sidewalk like the end of a mushy chick flick.


    It's pathetic really because hey she's my best friend, Morgan, and she has everything I could ever possibly dream of having. I should be happy...
continue reading...
Closest image I could find to how I imagined the waterfall in Selkie Cove
Closest image I could find to how I imagined the waterfall in Selkie Cove
***Dedicated to cindy1310!!!! Thanx for all the awesome comments!!!!! Squee, other news!!! I've just reached 100 fans!!! Yay!!!***
Courtney's P.O.V.

"Do we really have to go all the way out here?" Duncan complained.
"Why?" He groaned. For someone who's life just got saved, he was in a pretty crappy mood.
I ignored him. Probably because I wasn't actually very sure myself.

I could see the glowing waterfall now, with the bright candles placed on the rocks on the water's edge. I slowly picked up a dark pink one and gazed at its flame when it blew out. When I glanced up, the other candles...
continue reading...
I woke up to the sound of Duncan watching tv,I didn't move an inch

"I know you're awake"

"What if i'm just sleep talking"

"Then that would be amazing"

I smiled.

"Good morning Princess"

"Good morning Duncan..you know you could have left last night"

"No not going to happen"


"Courtney you're going to be my wife and we're going to have a baby together in 8 month and...."

"One week"

"And i want to help you through this"

I kissed him.I cuddled into his chest until my mom came up.

"Courtney grab your stuff and get out"

"What..mom i need somewhere to stay"

"You can live with Duncan"


i got up and started...
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posted by sugarsweet076
I ran to my room to see Duncan sitting on my bed looking at the skull he gave me.

"......You still have it"

"Yea....i wanted to throw it away but i didn't"

I put it back on my nightstand and came over to me and kissed me.

"How in the hell are we going to raise peanut" he said chuckling a little.

"I have no idea...."

I kissed him again.He pushed back.

"What is it"

"..........I want you to move in with me"

"Duncan..i want to stay here"

"As my girlfriend soon to my wife you still want to live with yout mom and dad"

"Duncan i'm not.." before ii could say another word he got down on one knee and held out a...
continue reading...
Hippiejaya for hurting elbows!! Okay seriously, i started to hate trees today. . . AND sports class!
So, if i one day stop writting at all, kill the tree i fell down from, and kill my sports teacher!! They're seriously taking the crap outta me!!

Argh, well, me and my problems can wait til later. . . Now it's writing time!!



"Well, witch movie are you gonna watch then?" my brother asked me for the third time.

"I've allready said it! IT. IS. NOT. ANYTHING. YOU. SHOUKD. WORRY. ABOUT!!!" i yelled, as i jumped up from my chair. Never in life...
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Hiya guys! Sorry that it AGAIN took so long for me to update! Those math classes is KILLING me! Seriously, i ad a BLACKOUT once in my math classes! Relly!

Argh, well, you do'nt wanna hear about my problems you wanna hear the story! So, here we goes. . .



"Knock knock" o shouted trough my little sis' door, hoping she would'nt kill me fo what i did. She could be very stuborn, and when she gets relly angry, she can KILL people! I'm not overeacting, once when a boy called her a bitch, well, let's say the doctors got relly surprised how much...
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posted by TditdaCourtney
'Just Gonna Stand There And Watch Me Burn,But Thats Alright Because I Like The Way It Hurts'

My alarm Clock rang.Ugh! I hit the snooze button.I got from bed and headed to the shower.Hmmm,maybe the shower will wake me up.I turned on the shower and I let the water hit my bare body.I got out of the shower and put some clothes on.I put on black skinnes and a purple off shoulder shirt with black flats! I looked in the mirror,'I look goood!' I thought to myself.Maybe this school year wont be so bad,maybe I wont see 'it' or have any classes with 'it'.By 'it' I mean Duncan.UGH!! I hate him! If he wasnt...
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