Duncan and Courtney Club
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posted by JacobDXCfan4eva
What Courtney wants to do
What Courtney wants to do
When a Boy Meets a Girl Book:1
    “Gwen you look amazing!” exclaimed Destiny my best friend she turned to me “Courtney what do you think?” As much as I didn’t want to answer I did anyway “Great!” I tried to sound as enthusiastic, I continued to sewing Gwen’s dress.” Two more weeks till the wedding of Gwen and Duncan!!!” exclaimed LaShawna friend of Gwen and another person I could do without seeing it wasn’t what she said that really bothered me it was the way she said it that ticked me off. I sighed trying to concentrate on sewing for the millionth time today I kept on getting flash backs of my former relationship with soon to be husband Duncan what I thought was true love ended into a complete failure. I remember everything like it was yesterday….
    It was a Thursday afternoon May 12, to be exact I had just came home from school, me and my mom had got into a big fight on what I would wear for my first school dance on Friday I was planning on wearing a black dress with blue skulls but my mom just had to disagree with me she prefer I wore a pink sparkled dress that made me want to hurl every time I looked at it. If there were one thing on this earth I HATED it was pink and anything girly I had my own standards and pink was not on my list. Finally I had enough and walked out of my house and walked across the street I sat down on the wooden bench that was very old and dirty but It didn’t seem to bother me. I mumbled to myself “ I wish she’d stop treating me like I was a baby I was 13 a teenager in 3 years I’d be driving and she can’t let me wear my awesome dress instead of that hideous pink dress.” I didn’t noticed how loud I was talking till I stopped “ I know how you feel” I heard a voice say I turned to see a boy my age jet black hair I wanted to break the awkward silence so I stuck out my hand “The name’s Courtney but I like Court better.” he shook it “You can call me whatever you wnat I know how you feel because my mom tries to make me wear a sweater vest like that’s going to happen.” he scoffed I smiled “Duncan this is a beginning of a beautiful friendship.” he smiled “You know it.” with that being said we wear closer than a magnet on a refrigerator.
    I suddenly came back to realty “Courtney you okay you were mumbling to yourself we couldn’t make out what you were saying though it was a bit muffled I smiled nervously everyone in the bridal shop was staring at me oddly. Destiny took my hand and led me to the little girls room “Courtney what’s up you’ve been acting so weird since the proposal.” I loved Destiny like a sister but this was something I wasn’t ready to tell her I was hesitating and she was demanding an answer I sighed giving up all hope “Destiny I mean this in the nicest way possible you know this as well as anyone that that should be me getting married to Duncan not Gwen.” I said in disgust she put her hand on my shoulder “ I know Courtney it just wasn’t meant to be that’s all.” as much as the truth hurts I knew I had to suck it up and deal with it fait is cruel but that is the way of life you either except it or suffer through it and in this case suck it up and deal with seemed to be my only option but the sad part is I was doing complete opposite of that I was suffering pretty bad. The walk home was terrible not only was I depressed and acting like total wimp I was letting the heartbreak eat away at me like fish to bread. Walking reminded me Duncan I think everything reminded me of him….
    “ Thanks Duncan for taking me to the dance I would have hated to be alone.” he smiled it was dark that night and cold the street lights were dim I stared at the pavement it had only been one day since we had met but It seemed longer “What are friends for?” I smiled and then turned into a frown “I wouldn’t know I don’t have many friends people seem a bit intimidated by me for some reason but I’m not really mean and goody-goody I’m just me.” he pondered over that and grinned “And I’m glad your just you.” I blushed at the compliment he gave me truth is I had a crush on Duncan ever since I met him but I always preferred to be just friends It seemed better that way no matter how hot he was and besides at that time I already had a boyfriend his name was Paul me and Paul were going through um lets just say a rough spot back then Paul was amazingly hot and very smart but had a bad jealousy problem I never did tell him about Duncan for Duncan’s own safety Paul would put him in some trouble physically, mentally, and governmentally.
    We arrived at our little New York apartment I sat down on the couch with my chewy chips ahoy a neck pillow my feet laying across the table and a remote on my hand ready to watch Grey’s Anatomy I watched at least 12 minutes of it and Destiny came over to me took my cookies neck pillow knocked my feet off the table and shut off the television set. “Hey what’s your deal you saw me watching that!” she narrowed her eyebrows “Courtney get over him already face the facts he’s not going to take you back your time of romance is over move on he doesn’t love you anymore!!!!” what Destiny had said tore me to pieces I tried to hold back my tears instead I stood up “You only saying that cause Richard left you for some other girl 3 years ago and your still upset about it admit it and stop hiding the fact that you want him back don’t deny it!!!” She let one single tear drip from her eye she tried to hide it so I wouldn’t see it but I saw “Destiny let’s face it were miserable without our boyfriends or now ex-boyfriends but who needs men when we’ve got one another right!” I said more cheerful she smiled “Yeah your right we don’t need men let’s make a pact that we will stay happily single for the rest of our lives!” I was not expecting that I didn’t want to fully give up on men I just wanted my friend to be happy again I knew that this was a big decision but Destiny meant the world to me I hesitated and clapped her hand it was now me and Destiny. We sat on the couch “You know something Destiny?” she turned to face me I was attempting to get her to change her mind about no more guys “What?” she asked “Didn’t you ever want kids?” she thought about it “Your right Courtney.” she said disappointed I nodded “So we can cut off this whol- she cut me off “ We can adopt a child and raise it together!” she said excitedly I sighed “Well yeah what about marriage didn’t you ever want to get married?” I think she caught up to what I was doing because she looked at me furiously “Courtney you need to stop thinking guys besides most marriages end in divorce so what is the whole point of buying an expensive dress and expensive everything going through all the trouble of planning and decorating when it will last a whole day and end in few years time or I some cases months!” I couldn’t exactly think of a response for that I gritted my teeth in embarrasment.
The Mortician's Daughter. •DXC• One-Shot. 

  How long has it been? 
2 years. 
   2 long years without him. The Juvy who tore my heart apart and stomped on it a million times. Whenever I looked into the crystal mirror I tried to smile, but I could never ever make the corners of my mouth rise. 

   "Courtney?" Bridgette's worried voice asked. 
I was in the bathroom, fixing myself up for this concert Bridgette said I would just love. But, how can I love if I'm a insensitive robot? As Duncan said, when we broke up. 
  News filled TV's about Duncan. He was the leadsinger of his band,"The...
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posted by crazy-yanu

Era un viernes a la noche y estabamos en una discoteca muy conocida de Toronto con Geoof, Malibu(mi apodo para Bridgette) y mi princesa tomando unos tragos en la barra.

Con mi amigo estábamos muy entretenidos mirando a las chicas como bailaban (no se crean que no me gusta ver a mi chica bailar, pero también se puede ver a otras, después de todo todavía no nos casamos).

Luego de unos momentos, creo que mi nena se dio cuenta de lo que estaba haciendo, porque llamo a Bridgette y le dijo que la acompañara a la pista de baile. Me ofrecí a ir a bailar con ella y me contesto que me...
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posted by DxC_lover98
Duncan's P.O.V.

"You won't break my,
No, you won't break my,
You won't break my,
You won't break my heart tonight

The song ended and the radio switched back to commercials. I sighed.

"Wow, you know all the lyrics, huh?" Dayna commented, brushing her dark sidebangs out of her eyes. They were onyx, like Courtney's. Sometimes, when Me, Dayna and a few of my other friends were out, at night, she almost looked like her.

I shook my head, clearing Courtney out of my mind.

I guess I should explain. See, about a year ago I was on this show called Total Drama Island. It was a dumb reality show...
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posted by james55
Ok I am doing a oneshot now this is eight after the total drama world tour finale. So hope you enjoy..........

Courtney's pov

It was just after the world tour final I was happy that it was over because I would never have to see that idiot named Duncan. He broke my heart and actually made me cry by the thing that killed me he didn't say sorry. But the reason I am a little sad that it ended us because the way that alejandro lost and I'm really sad that gwen didn't die don't tell anyone I just said that. anyway as I was waiting for my taxi to arive someone walked up from behind me and said "hi"...
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Duncan and Courtney still are "dating" while his parents go out. They think Duncan will get in trouble alone, so they pay Courtney extra for "babysitting" Duncan. They just don't know whats really going on. The reason his parents always go out while he's being tutored is because, like every parent, they just want to get out of the house, and they see this as the perfect opportunity.

Duncan's P.O.V
I really want to take Courtney on an actual date. Not just us watching a movie in my room. Not that I mind us being alone in my room. But I'm running out of romantic/horrors. The only thing we can...
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posted by lemon1110
*courtney and duncan, after tdwt, have met eachother on the beach. courtney thinks duncan never cared about her, but she had fallen in love with him.they are akwardly standing across from eachother, not speaking, not knowing what to say.they hear thunder. courtney gets scared and gets close to him like she did in sucky outdoors (i think?) duncan hugs her*
"Its alright courtney, its just thunder." Duncan and courtney stare into eachothers eyes. Duncan strokes courtneys cheek. duncan startes to sing a spanish lullaby he learned from alejandro.

'Your fingertips...
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greetings earthlings sorry i havent posted anything in a while i was on holiday to le touquet in france but hey im ready to type

courtney pov
"soo why didnt you join me in the parlor last night?" justin asked me over moring tea the day after the party with duncan
"i wanted to get a goodnights sleep soo i could explore the ship today" i quickly lied his face turned sower
"why areyou lying to me!?!" he asked pushing trhe table over "the butler saw you at that 3rd class hloganism in that porpurs arms!!" he said towering over me making me shrink into me seat i couldnt talk i couldnt move i couldnt...
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ONCE AGAIN, THIS IS DEDICATED TO Lollipop97. ALSO DEDICATED TO lolibarbie, CHERRY111898, TDItwin, dxcfan, 232dxc, DxC_lover98 AND DxCSweetie92 <333


"Courtney" she replied.

"Hmm... so, you wanna hang around? My sets done" I asked, smirking at her.

"Erm... I dont kno-"

"Ofcourse she does Duncan!" Sarah interupted.

"WHAT?!" Courtney screamed, drawing the attention of everyone else in the club towards us, and she blushed.

"Your really cute" I admitted.

"Thanks" she smiled. It was a smile that revealed a million-dollar set of teeth.

I couldn't hold back the weird feeling inside me so I did what...
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Geoff:*watches T.V.*ahhh i think im going to go to the beach ma!(his mom at the kitchen yelling "ok dear be here before 7:00pm ok?!)Geoff:"sure mom !(puts shoes on *heads out the door and gets in his truck ,and calls brigdet*Bridget:(hears phone ringing at the beach after surfing)picks up "whaz up?"Geoff:"hey bridge ,babe im heading at the beach you there?"Brigdet:"always"*smiles while talking and wipeing the sun beach candian water of her face with the towel*Geoff:"great! well ill be there in 5 alright?"*smiles while drives*Brigdet:"cool ill wait for you bye"Geoff:"cool,bye baybe.*hangs up...
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Courtney's POV

I knew that Owen still was behind the pyramid, trying to get his pants on AGAIN, cuz they (again) fell off, and all the girls thught that he had got them on (again) and when they saw him, they all screamed (again!) and covered their eys (again!).

"Hey Bridgette!" i yelled at my best friend.

She said goodbye to Geoff, and walked up to me.

"What's up?" she asked

"Uhm Bridgette. . ."


"Uhm, i gotta pee. . . ."

"Argh please, not you too!"

"yes, me too!"

"okay, we need to find a place where you can pee!"

"I reeelly did'nt know that!" i said in a sarcasticly voice.

We found a quiet place where i could pee, but then. . .
Courtney's POV

I standed for a few moments, thinking of, how it would be to be Lindsay, who finaly fond out that ther was'nt any toilets in the desrt we where in. "It must be kinda embarrasing to be THAT dumb!" i thought to myself. It was lucky that mind readers just where a myth. I mean, how could somone actualy read anyones mind? It was so untrue! And why did i even think about mind readers? Who knows?

I snapped back to reality, and saw (of course) Bridette and Geoff make out.

Owen and Izzy made out too, but sudenly Owen stopped and walked around to the other side of the enormus pyramide. DJ...
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one of Courtney's vest
one of Courtney's vest
It was just another afternoon in Jacksonville, Fl in Lilly's singalong-A place were people dine, and sing songs.

One day a 16 year old girl name Courtney Marine Daniels came in. Everyone in the little town knew Courtney, and knew what talented girl she was. Every afternoon Courtney would came in after school and sing for the Jacksonville citizens. Usually Courtney loved wearing her vests, and showing it off at the dine-in.

Today, when Courtney was singing a group of boys, with black leather jackets, and punk-like features come. Everyone suddenly became quiet. They walked through the open crown,...
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No POV: DxC are married ♥♥♥

"Duncan, you really need to get to work." Courtney grumbled as they got up in the morning, he was already late. So he thought, 'What's the point?'

"No point. I'd rather stay with you." He turned to face her.

"Duncan, I'm leaving too, the law firm opens in thirty minutes, I have to be there in ten." She said as she was getting dressed in her suit. Today was the opening day for her own law firm.

"Damn, I'd rather be with my wife today, but oh well. I'll call Geoff."

"Can't, he and Bridge are settin' up for their new club-slash-surf store."


"Her and Trent are...
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"Right class, get yourselves into pairs please" Mrs Bradley, the french teacher, ordered.

"Erm, Mrs Bradley?" Courtney stuck her hand up.

"Oui?" she answered in french.

"I haven't got a partner" Courtney mumbled.

"I'll go with her" Duncan said as he got up out of his seat and moved to the front of the class.

"Uh, no, your just le criminel!" Courtney stated.

"Well, im your partner now" the punk smirked and sat down next to the prep.

"Ugh, fine" she huffed, "lets just revise some french vocab"

"Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?" he wriggled his eyebrow suggestively.

Courtney, feeling embarassed and...
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How could he forget who i am? Gosh, we've known eachother since year 7-the first year of highschool-i cant believe it! Brandon is so definately dumped for doing this to Duncan. How could he just punch him and walk away like nothing even happened? He's so lucky Duncan isn't dead. How would i be able to cope then? "Im going back to sleep now, Courtney" Duncan said. Its so weird now that he doesn't even remember to call me princess. "Ok Duncan" i bent down and kissed him "Huh?" Brandon walked in and asked me.
posted by TDIloverForever
[Courtney's POV] I woke up in hospital bed, to see Duncan sleeping in a chair. Duncan must have heard me because he woke right up. "Princess your awake!" Duncan said running up to me. "Duncan, what happened?" I asked. "Someone hit a golf ball at your stomach and arm." He said frowning. "How did they hit two?" "Well we don't know about that yet, but we do know your going to have surgery on your arm." He said, again frowning. "What about the baby?" "The baby is fine, Your going to have surgery there too." "Won't that hurt the baby!?!" I yelled. "No! There not doing it even close to the baby!"...
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posted by SAMANTHA1102
Duncan's Point of View:

I knew it was wrong but Gwen pushed me into it. I went back to that bar. I drank alot but I know I didn't do anything stupid but if Courtney knew she would kill me. In the morning I had a hangover it was hard to hide it. In the morning she said "why were you out so late last night?" and I said with the hangover "what?!? oh no where I was just cleaning up the store" I knew she didn't believe me but she still said "fine what ever" she sat down I could tell that she was in pain from the baby. I went into our room and went abck to sleep all day when I woke up it was morning...
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Warning, the following fanfic contains scenes of extreme mushyness and slight swearing. Do not IM the fangirl who's writing this to bitch and complain about how she likes DxC and that she wrote swear words in a fanfic, seriously she can REALLY mess you up *chuckles*

“Welcome to TDA: Behind the scenes with Geoff ,”
“And Bridgette, reporting from the set of TDA: Aftermath” Geoff and Bridgette exclaimed with glee
“For our next few episodes, we'll be focusing on two special contestants that are currently competing in Total Drama Action, a fan favourite couple, Duncan and Courtney!”...
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added by 1701dxc
added by DxCfanlover
Source: by me